The Passion of The Christ

I saw it Thursday. I thought it was an incredible movie, even from the perspective of somebody who thinks that we’re just big chimps. It’s worth seeing just for the history lesson and the stark realism with which the movie was made. The subtitles are excellent—large, crisp, and bright white in an easy to read serif script. None of that crappy yellow block-letter stuff. Go see it—it’s really a masterpiece. Don’t worry about taking the kids, either. The violence is being blown way out of proportion. Starship Troopers is a far more violent movie than this one.
Levonian said:
I saw it Thursday. I thought it was an incredible movie, even from the perspective of somebody who thinks that we’re just big chimps. It’s worth seeing just for the history lesson and the stark realism with which the movie was made. The subtitles are excellent—large, crisp, and bright white in an easy to read serif script. None of that crappy yellow block-letter stuff. Go see it—it’s really a masterpiece. Don’t worry about taking the kids, either. The violence is being blown way out of proportion. Starship Troopers is a far more violent movie than this one.

What if they won't let me bring My son with me?
Cheri said:
What if they won't let me bring My son with me?

The movie is rated ‘R’, which means that they can see it if you’re with them. I looked it up because I was a little unsure about how the rating system worked too. When I was kid, the ratings were G, PG, R, and X. Here’s the current system:

G General Audiences - All ages admitted. Signifies that the film rated contains nothing most parents will consider offensive for even their youngest children to see or hear. Nudity, sex scenes, and scenes of drug use are absent; violence is minimal; snippets of dialogue may go beyond polite conversation but do not go beyond common everyday expressions.

PG Parental Guidance Suggested - Some material may not be suitable for children. Signifies that the film rated may contain some material parents might not like to expose to their young children - material that will clearly need to be examined or inquired about before children are allowed to attend the film. Explicit sex scenes and scenes of drug use are absent; nudity, if present, is seen only briefly, horror and violence do not exceed moderate levels.

PG-13 Parents Strongly Cautioned - Some material may be inappropriate for children under 13. Signifies that the film rated may be inappropriate for pre-teens. Parents should be especially careful about letting their younger children attend. Rough or persistent violence is absent; sexually-oriented-nudity is generally absent; some scenes of drug use may be seen; some use of one of the harsher sexually-derived words may be heard.

R Restricted - Under 17 required accompanying parent or adult guardian (age varies in some jurisdictions). Signifies that the rating board has concluded that the film rated may contain some adult material. Parents are urged to learn more about the film before taking their children to see it. An R may be assigned due to, among other things, a film's use of language, theme, violence, sex or its portrayal of drug use.

NC-17 No One 17 and Under Admitted. Signifies that the rating board believes that most American parents would feel that the film is patently adult and that children age 17 and under should not be admitted to it. The film may contain explicit sex scenes, an accumulation of sexually-oriented language, and/or scenes of excessive violence. The NC-17 designation does not, however, signify that the rated film is obscene or pornographic in terms of sex, language or violence.
Cheri said:
What if they won't let me bring My son with me?
Since it's rated R, I'm sure they will let you bring your son with you. I saw my first R movie with my dad and I was only 13 years old!
Levonian, When U saw the Movie were there any Sex or Nude In the Movie...?
Cheri said:
Levonian, When U saw the Movie were there any Sex or Nude In the Movie...?

No, there is no nudity or sexual content of any sort in the movie. The ‘R’ rating was given on the basis of graphic violence.
Cheri said:
Levonian, When U saw the Movie were there any Sex or Nude In the Movie...?

I saw it too and no, there are no nudity nor sexual themes.

At the end, Jesus is in the nude, but you don't see his butt crack nor penis.
Levonian said:
No, there is no nudity or sexual content of any sort in the movie. The ‘R’ rating was given on the basis of graphic violence.

Thanks Hon! ;)
Banjo said:
At the end, Jesus is in the nude, but you don't see his butt crack nor penis.

Right—no butt crack. Jesus was a carpenter, not a plumber.
Deaf258 said:
Ohh, I am going to see that movie tonight with some local ADers and friends.

Am I one of them?...
alex and i just got home from theatre. i didnt realize how very brutal was it. i didnt realize how most horrible things jesus had to go through his last 12 hours moment of ruthless brutal to death. i felt very touched by this. ive attended church school and never learned these kind of details because i understand that the story could frighten us.

angel, you can bring your kid to the movie if you feel confident that your kid can handle seeing very bloody and painful movie. there were some spooky (likely startled) scenes involved with the devil. Very graphic, flesh torned, etc. i saw a kid about 7 or 10 years old went in with his parents. so i guess it's ok for them to see and learn about it.
I've seen that movie tonight with my brother and his g/f...

I gotta say, that movie is very very VERY touching and depressing... but still, it really showed what was life like when Jesus was around, and it was so realistic, sadistic and bloody...but I thought it was really good...great acting and very well animated..It was kind of hard to watch Jesus being totured, beaten and all cutted up, being covered in blood everywhere...I just couldn't control my tears when I see those things...I guess I'm too touched lol

Mel Gibson never disapointed me with most of his movies he directed, or produced (such as Brave Heart) I even loved the Letal Weapon series...heck, I loved all the movies he appeared in EXPECT "Signs" which was a horrible, horrible, HORRIBLE movie ever seen...and it made no absloute sense at all! I was really upset that they picked one of the greatest actors into a very disapointing movie EVER made!

It was also thoughtful that they put in subtitles throughout the entire movie, which was easier for the deaf and hard of hearing people to see in theatres for the first time! (since "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" where people were speaking in Chinese)
The movie didn't express every single detail from the bible and if it did, then we would've been watching an 8-hour flick for the entire day! So pretty much of this movie only shows what REALLY happened to Jesus and stuff like that...mostly the important stuff that is but it was still understandable and thrilling.

It was proably one of the best movies of 2004 I've ever seen, not only because I'm christian but was directed by a very talented and skillful director, Mel Gibson, with all the great actors and actress, acting very realistic and animated in this 2 hour flick of spending the final 12 hours with Jesus before he would leave the Earth.

I would deeply recommend this flick for all christians, and catholits, and other Jesus-related religious groups see this movie and learn more about's a must see.

and I dont think it would be a good idea to bring children seeing this one's just...too painful, trust me. Just wait until they are REALLY old enough to handle those things in the movies in the near future.

I give this movie 3 and half stars. :)
Steel. Thanks for Caring But My Son Markus has seen 13 Ghosts with No Problem.. with me Well I almosted Peed my Pants... I think he can handle that Movie with No Problem ... He is very interesting knowing about Jesus Life. He kept asking me often of times that he wanted to see that movie about Jesus. I even told him it would be very bloody Movie But he said Mom We watched 13 ghosts and I wasn't even scared like you were Im like. Yes, that is very true...
e said:
angel, you can bring your kid to the movie if you feel confident that your kid can handle seeing very bloody and painful movie. there were some spooky (likely startled) scenes involved with the devil. Very graphic, flesh torned, etc. i saw a kid about 7 or 10 years old went in with his parents. so i guess it's ok for them to see and learn about it.

Oh no, My twin sister, Cheri asked that question about bring her son to see this movie....not me.... :lol: Wrong twin!...

I wouldn't want to bring my children to see this movie until I see it myself first...and then see if they would be able to handle it....I am planning on seeing this movie next Saturday...and I surely can't wait.....

I am glad to hear that you and Alex saw this movie....How did you like it?....was it the BEST Movie ever?..
Looks like some of you already seeing this movie tonight... :tears:
Cheri said:
Steel. Thanks for Caring But My Son Markus has seen 13 Ghosts with No Problem.. with me Well I almosted Peed my Pants... I think he can handle that Movie with No Problem ... He is very interesting knowing about Jesus Life. He kept asking me often of times that he wanted to see that movie about Jesus. I even told him it would be very bloody Movie But he said Mom We watched 13 ghosts and I wasn't even scared like you were Im like. Yes, that is very true...
that movie was was a HORROR flick but yet, it didn't even scare me abit...which was disapointing because it was HORRIBLE anyway...but that movie that your son been nagging you about is quite differnet because it's...well, REAL life, if you catch my drift...I wouldn't compare an horror movie which is R-rated to the Jesus movie about his life and stuff, which is R-rated also...I find both of them completely different.

But it's up to you...if your son thinks he can handle it, wait until you see his face when Jesus is being put into so much toture and lots of pain throughout the two hours of this movie...I had a hard time trying to held back my tears on this one...
I’ve been poking around on the Internet trying to fill the gaps in my knowledge of 1st century Middle Eastern history, and gain a better perspective on the movie. I’ve come across a couple of interesting facts about the movie itself:

The Pope has seen it, and he seemed to like it. I wonder if anybody yelled at him to take his hat off because he was blocking the screen…

Mel Gibson originally wanted to release the movie with no subtitles! Talk about box office suicide…
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