The Passion of The Christ

Liebling:-))) said:
Yeah, I know because it´s the same with my sons, too. BOYS!!!!
I know it must be painful for Jesus because of nail on his hand & feet... I would like to see it one day...
Is it no subtitles at cinema (movies) to make you understand what they talk about...?
DVD with subtiles or TV with subtitles but cinema? That´s why I´m wondering either they have cinema with subtitles in your country? Because we don´t have cinema with subtitles here but TV & DVD which it´s good for Deafie to understand what they talk & why etc.
True, I can image the movies are much better than read the bibles.

They are speaking Different Language It already has English Caption on the whole Movie.. U would have no problem or worry about getting closed caption on that movie....Go see it at the Cinema... :ily: *hugs*
I saw the movie..I was in shock the whole time. It was hard for me to deal with it. But I just want to let you guys remember that He rose again. Just like the end of the movie of THe Passion...He rose again! :wiggle:
Mar 18, 2:43 PM EST

Associated Press

A Georgia couple who got into a dispute over a the logical point after watching "The Passion of the Christ" were arrested after the argument turned violent.

The two left the movie theater debating whether God the Father in the Holy Trinity was human or symbolic, and the argument heated up when they got home, Melissa Davidson said.

"It was the dumbest thing we've ever done," she said.

Davidson, 34, and her husband, Sean Davidson, 33, were charged with simple battery on March 11 after the two called police on each other.

They were released on $1,000 bail.

According to a police report, Melissa Davidson suffered injuries on her arm and face, while her husband had a scissors stab wound on his hand and his shirt was ripped off. He also allegedly punched a hole in a wall.

"Really, it was kind of a pitiful thing, to go to a movie like that and fight about it. I think they missed the point," said Gene McDaniel, chief sheriff's deputy.

*Whoa UnBelieveable* :eek2:
Cheri said:
Mar 18, 2:43 PM EST

Associated Press

A Georgia couple who got into a dispute over a the logical point after watching "The Passion of the Christ" were arrested after the argument turned violent.

The two left the movie theater debating whether God the Father in the Holy Trinity was human or symbolic, and the argument heated up when they got home, Melissa Davidson said.

"It was the dumbest thing we've ever done," she said.

Davidson, 34, and her husband, Sean Davidson, 33, were charged with simple battery on March 11 after the two called police on each other.

They were released on $1,000 bail.

According to a police report, Melissa Davidson suffered injuries on her arm and face, while her husband had a scissors stab wound on his hand and his shirt was ripped off. He also allegedly punched a hole in a wall.

"Really, it was kind of a pitiful thing, to go to a movie like that and fight about it. I think they missed the point," said Gene McDaniel, chief sheriff's deputy.

*Whoa UnBelieveable* :eek2:
Jeez! This is ridiculous! Damn! These people are crazy! :crazy:
NOT April Fool. It for REAL

`Passion' prompts man to admit murder
HOUSTON, Texas (AP) -- A man saw "The Passion of the Christ," talked to a spiritual adviser, then told police he had killed his girlfriend, authorities said Thursday.

Dan R. Leach's viewing of Mel Gibson's cinematic depiction of the last hours of Jesus, along with the discussion with a family friend, led him to walk into the Fort Bend County sheriff's department earlier this month and confess to killing Ashley Nicole Wilson, Detective Mike Kubricht said.

A coroner had ruled her death by hanging a suicide.

Wilson's body was discovered January 19 in her apartment near Richmond, southwest of Houston. All physical evidence pointed to suicide, Kubricht said, and the 19-year-old had gone off anti-depressant medications because she was pregnant.

Thank to Mel Gibson. *clapping*

It's no April Fool. It's REAL.
I saw this film two nights ago, and was hard to watch some parts of the movie. Although I agree with Vamp's quote about the Bible, it was still very entertaining to watch in the sense of watching a movie about an epic of a famous legend figure. I had not expected to see so much blood and violence in the movie, and some parts of the movie made you feel as if you could go along feeling the sufferings of Jesus. I do recommend watching this movie, however I would only watch it for once (two nights ago) and probably never watch it again. It's an unforgetable movie.

As for this uproar about the movie being anti-jew, I can see why because the jews judged against jesus and wanted him crucified. Some people would use that as a reason to be against the jews, but thats a load of bullocks.
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for your info, aliens vs. predator comes out this august! :D
kuifje75 said:
As for this uproar about the movie being anti-jew, I can see why because the jews judged against jesus and wanted him crucified. Some people would use that as a reason to be against the jews, but thats a load of bullocks.

But, There are Jews today that do not Believe in Jesus only God. that is why they don't Celebrate Easter when Jesus rose from the dead...or Christmas the Day Jesus was Born.
Yes Cheri but can be wrong accurate of year that jesus was born. Christ Science still under investington and to try find accurate of year that jesus was born when?? (To find right follow the stars and match of year that jesus was born of year...)
Jesus was passed away during Good Friday after the Easter Day.

Why symbolic of Easter Day, what make sense "Making Easter Rabbit of chocolate and easter eggs too "???
Steel said:

for your info, aliens vs. predator comes out this august! :D
Hmm... that would be interesting if that happened. Who knows, maybe there were aliens in the Bible! :crazy:
lol maybe

you know, one of my friends' father is a preacher and he believes in aliens...always shouting at his son for no reason..."YOU MUST BELIEVE IN ALIENS!! YOU MUST BELIEVE IN UFOs!!! THEY ARE ALL SIGNS OF LIFE!!!" so it seems that many priests believe in aliens...I wonder how that happen? lol eve I went to church with my aunt and cousins one time and the preacher there was babbling about aliens too lol
Cheri said:
But, There are Jews today that do not Believe in Jesus only God. that is why they don't Celebrate Easter when Jesus rose from the dead...or Christmas the Day Jesus was Born.

That is right, Jews do not believe that their Messiah has come yet. They do not consider Jesus as their Messiah. The Jews however do celebrate Passach and Hannukah which is different from your Christian holidays.
It is interesting to read this threat about the religion. My two sons, their girlfriends and I will be watching the movie tomorrow night.
the passion was, for lack of a better word, CHAMP. yes, they went too far with the whipping (back then, they would only whip a person 39 times, believing that the 40th wld kill them.) but it opened my eyes to what really happened. and i'm sure it made others know that it wasn't an easy feast for him.
I bought DVD for a first time yesterday and watch The Passion of the Christ alone today while my sons are in the bed.

OMG, I can´t beleive when I watch TV. It´s good movie. I feel pain for Jesus´s suffered.

I check DVD to see either the children are allow to watch or not. It written that from 16 years old should watch .
My husband and I just bought "The Passion" DVD last weekend and yes, it is a very powerful and very moving movie...and we both love it. :thumb:

If you don't mind, I'd like to shed some light on "Who Killed Jesus" controversary. So, who really killed him, Jews or Roman soldiers? I say, NOBODY! Didn't Jesus himself said in the movie (and also in the Bible, too) that ONLY he have the power to lay down his life, and also to take it back up? (St. John 10:17-18) That means nobody could take his life away unless he willed it. So, it was Jesus' decision to give his own life up only after many long, horrible hours of hanging on the cross in agony. After all, he *IS* the Son of God.

Just thought I'd share this little information with you. ;)

I also want to ask a question or maybe two. Since Mel Gibson is Catholic, he used some symbolisms from the Catholic Bible in the movie. There's one scene that puzzled me and my husband....


During the scene where Jesus was being severely flogged, Satan came in among the people, carrying a baby in his arms. When the baby turned his head he has the most evil expression on his face as he grinned with unholy glee at sight of the bloody figure of Jesus. What my husband and I would like to know is, who is that baby, and what does the baby represent? We thought maybe it is Cain, the rebellous and evil son of Adam and Eve, but we're not sure. We've talked about it but we just don't know. What do you think what this means?

I can't think of any other thing to say, so I'll just say that "The Passion" is highly recommended for all who wants to understand Jesus' suffering a little better.

Thanks for letting me speak out about this wonderful movie! :D
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my friends and I've seen it in theatres before it was released on DVD and I do believe Mel Gibson is a very intellent and creative director/actor...and I even loved his movie "Brave Heart" which was proably one of the best movies I think he ever acted/directed so far.

However, with the newest movie that he directed, I didn't like it that much but that doesn't mean I dont believe in God or anything...though I dont know if I even do anyway but that's not your problem.

I dont think the actings and the way the story is told are that good...just in my opinon...I only think that the movie was good only because millions and millions of christians and catholics, and other hardcore reglious groups seen it and reviewed it and aruged and fight about the confusions and misunderstandings of the movie and the bible and the death of Jesus, etc... I dont like to get involved in those kind of conflicts when it's all about reglion and then about death when someone got pissed off only because he was offended about how Jesus died..etc some people just take this movie WAY too seriously, though it's just abunch of actors and actresses taking their roles based on the bible...who cares about who literally killed Jesus? even God knew Jesus was going to die and Jesus even knew that himself so who has all the time to blame someone on Jesus' death though he did it for a very good reason? to save the human race! if no one ever killed Jesus in the first place, then the human race would've end already instantly. who cares about what skin color Jesus really was? black or white? the bible never even mentioned about it and some reglious groups were racists and wanted to show images of Jesus as a white person anyway so dont even get fooled about that. and who cares if he actually got his wrists nailed instead of his hands? the most important thing is that HE DIED FOR ALL OF US AND SAVED THE EXISTENCE OF THE HUMAN RACE AND THE CONTINUATION OF THE WORLD AND THE LIFE AROUND IT AGAINST THE UPCOMING WAR OF SATAN. so argue and yell all you want, but trying to make someone understand the plot won't change them or make them believe something different because everyone has different opinons and views about the bible and the way Jesus lived and the way Jews and Romans least just be glad that you got LIFE!
Toonces said:
...who is that baby, and what does the baby represent?
"Again," said Gibson, "it's evil distorting what's good. What is more tender and beautiful than a mother and a child? So the Devil takes that and distorts it just a little bit. Instead of a normal mother and child you have an androgynous figure holding a 40-year-old 'baby' with hair on his back. It is weird, it is shocking, it's almost too much—just like turning Jesus over to continue scourging him on his chest is shocking and almost too much, which is the exact moment when this appearance of the Devil and the baby takes place."
On a lighter note (and not to derail) but the other day I was in circuit city buying some geeky stuff, and I am waiting in line.

So like always I am just waiting for the people in front of me to just move out of the way... I got to go (mind you I had just spent like 30 mins just browsing) it must be the proximity to the door. Then I start to overhear the conversation between a kid and his Dad, the people in front of me in line. They finally get to the register and the gentleman asks the lady.

Dad: Is this movie in English?
Cashier: No sir, the is subtlitled.
Son: See Dad I told you.
Dad: So you mean to tell me I have to read.
Cashier: Yes sir.
Dad: I don't want it.

I had to laugh my ass off, but I contained myself until they were kind of getting far away. How lazy, he did not want to read the movie. I grew up in another country so I am used to subtitles, they have never bothered me in any way. I love foreing films also, it amuses me that people can be that lazy.
Alex said:
"Again," said Gibson, "it's evil distorting what's good. What is more tender and beautiful than a mother and a child? So the Devil takes that and distorts it just a little bit. Instead of a normal mother and child you have an androgynous figure holding a 40-year-old 'baby' with hair on his back. It is weird, it is shocking, it's almost too much—just like turning Jesus over to continue scourging him on his chest is shocking and almost too much, which is the exact moment when this appearance of the Devil and the baby takes place."

Ah, I see....thanks for the link! Hmm, what Mel said is not a very satisfying answer...I thought it'll be a lot more deeper than that. Oh well. *shrugs* (In my opinion, the ugly baby is a totally unnecessary part that the movie can do without it.)