The Passion of The Christ

VamPyroX said:
Speaking of 666, there was a movie theater that accidentally printed tickets to The Passion for The Christ... with '666' printed on them.

Accidentally printed ? How, if ya know? If, it wasn't accidentally printed tickets to other theaters like this, then, I wonder how come just to that movie, "The Passion of the Christ" ?
The tickets had a series of 11 numbers and 666 happened to be in there...but still panic-time for some people--Lol
^Angel^, Roadrunner and I will see the Movie..."Passion of Christ" This Saturday.. I can't wait...:)
Banjo said:
There will NEVER be a captioned version of The Passion of the Christ at the theatres.


Because it has subtitles.

Wish, I could know it early. :mad: I just found it out two days ago. Therefore, I am plan to watch this weekend with friends.
Gibson's Co. Sues Over Alleged Piracy

LOS ANGELES (AP) - Mel Gibson's film distribution company is suing a Hollywood post-production facility where three former employees allegedly made pre-release copies of ``The Passion of the Christ.''

Icon Distribution, Inc. alleges in the lawsuit filed in U.S. District Court here on Thursday that Lightning Media was responsible for the actions of its employees. Icon seeks more than $150,000 dollars in damages and an order barring Lightning and its workers from copying or distributing the film.

Three former employees of the Los Angeles-based post-production facility were charged Feb. 11 with misdemeanor counts of conspiring to violate federal copyright laws. Authorities said they copied the film for personal use and for friends, and not for profit. They each face a maximum of a year in jail if convicted.

U.S. attorney's spokesman Thom Mrozek said Friday that there is no evidence suggesting Lightning Media was aware of any illegal copying at its facilities.

Lightning Media said it had not yet been notified about the Icon lawsuit, but Chief Executive Officer Stephen Buchbaum said the company had cooperated fully with the federal investigators.

``When the FBI determined it may have been one or more employees from Lightning, we opened up the doors to them,'' he said.

The California residents charged in the case are Frank Pelayo Jr., 23, of Burbank; Richard Young, 42, of Northridge; and Victor Ochoa, 31, of Reseda.

Authorities said they were arrested after the FBI traced a three-minute segment of ``Passion'' that they had found on the Internet, as well as a complete tape of the film that had been obtained by the New York Post, to the men's former employer, Lightning Dubbs. The company is now known as Lightning Media.
saw the Movie tonight with ^Angel^ and Roadrunner. I cannot describe how I was feeling while watching the Movie. To tell u it was the saddest Movie I ever saw in my whole life. I cried so much. My heart breaks in pieces the way Jesus was treated....It like the worst Horror I ever saw the way Jesus die. It Made me Do A lots of Thinking about God and Jesus.. If you saw the Movie It brought in a lot to ur heart.. like it did to me...
Yeah, just like a wolf killin' sheep.....
that's different...wolves need to eat something to survive! :roll:
Steel said:
that's different...wolves need to eat something to survive! :roll:

:werd: ....that how wild animals eat to surivive!

I dont know what to say... But this movie is the most real thing that Ive ever seen in my life! I think the movie made my faith for god grow even 100 times more! It was so awe inspiring on how brave Jesus was and how determinded he was in his faith... Hes my hero! But the only thing that creeped me out when I was watching that movie was death walking around with the infant.. Jeez... It was weird... I think the other worse thing was when he was getting beaten and nailed to the cross... I was crying so hard because when i was watching it, I felt his pain... I strongly reccomend everyone to see it, itll teach you a lesson about life.. It sure did for me.. Thats all I want to say about it..
undecisivegurl said:
I dont know what to say... But this movie is the most real thing that Ive ever seen in my life! I think the movie made my faith for god grow even 100 times more! It was so awe inspiring on how brave Jesus was and how determinded he was in his faith... Hes my hero! But the only thing that creeped me out when I was watching that movie was death walking around with the infant.. Jeez... It was weird... I think the other worse thing was when he was getting beaten and nailed to the cross... I was crying so hard because when i was watching it, I felt his pain... I strongly reccomend everyone to see it, itll teach you a lesson about life.. It sure did for me.. Thats all I want to say about it..

:werd: I agree with u.. That is how I felt too while watching the Movie Somehow I made me think so much... how he suffered for us.. he died for our sins and took the Pain. and it broke my heart so Much.. its like I can feel what he is going through it just something U Can't explain.. but feel.. Im with u on that one!..:)
undecisivegurl said:
I dont know what to say... But this movie is the most real thing that Ive ever seen in my life! I think the movie made my faith for god grow even 100 times more! It was so awe inspiring on how brave Jesus was and how determinded he was in his faith... Hes my hero! But the only thing that creeped me out when I was watching that movie was death walking around with the infant.. Jeez... It was weird... I think the other worse thing was when he was getting beaten and nailed to the cross... I was crying so hard because when i was watching it, I felt his pain... I strongly reccomend everyone to see it, itll teach you a lesson about life.. It sure did for me.. Thats all I want to say about it..

I absolutely feel the same way as you do....when I saw this movie last nite....It was soo REAL ...I've never image Jesus would go thru this...It was a horrible thing I ever seen....and couldn't image what it must have been like....This movie really made me cried and moved me deeply....and my faith for God grew even more ( 100 % )....When I read my bible it was hard to understand it....but then seeing the movie really made me see things clearly....I am starting to change and getting in the right path with God!....
Steel said:
that's different...wolves need to eat something to survive! :roll:

Yeah, I know that's different, but I am speakin' of spiritually that related to that movie. :roll:
passion of christ....

^Angel^ said:
I absolutely feel the same way as you do....when I saw this movie last nite....It was soo REAL ...I've never image Jesus would go thru this...It was a horrible thing I ever seen....and couldn't image what it must have been like....This movie really made me cried and moved me deeply....and my faith for God grew even more ( 100 % )....When I read my bible it was hard to understand it....but then seeing the movie really made me see things clearly....I am starting to change and getting in the right path with God!....
I totally understand what you mean.. I couldnt really understand the bible much and didnt understand how he went through, so i just said yea, I believe in god but dont really get what they are teaching me.. The movie also made me appreciate things more... Im so proud to be a child of god!! Its a huge priviledge!!!
i saw that movie with 2 of my friends last friday.. its wonderful movie.. but i hate to see them beating jesus up with whip, nails.. oh gosh GROSS to see those nails go through his hands.. u see that? :barf:
Well, I finally saw the movie recently. I watched it at 12:45 am with my friends. It seemed like a long movie. They had a lot of questions about what was really going on, and I had to keep clarifying that the movie is showing the Bible from their point of view. Remember, the Bible is just one big story. No one knows about what's happened in the Bible. There is no reference or evidence to point out the truth in the Bible. In other words, the Bible is a "work of fiction"... until proven otherwise. It was a good movie though. However, it's not something I would be interested in buying on DVD in the future.
Cheri said:
saw the Movie tonight with ^Angel^ and Roadrunner. I cannot describe how I was feeling while watching the Movie. To tell u it was the saddest Movie I ever saw in my whole life. I cried so much. My heart breaks in pieces the way Jesus was treated....It like the worst Horror I ever saw the way Jesus die. It Made me Do A lots of Thinking about God and Jesus.. If you saw the Movie It brought in a lot to ur heart.. like it did to me...

:werd: I can image how you feel.

Hi Angel & Cheri
I image myself how you both feeling because I´m too softie like you... I wept easy when I watch sad movies BUT I would like to know either they have subtitles there or not? Because I know that cinema don´t have subtitles around here.
Is it suitable for the children to watch?
I heard about this & want to see it one day. Unfortunalately I have to wait next few years because the Europe are last to get any movies from America...
Liebling:-))) said:
:werd: I can image how you feel.

Hi Angel & Cheri
I image myself how you both feeling because I´m too softie like you... I wept easy when I watch sad movies BUT I would like to know either they have subtitles there or not? Because I know that cinema don´t have subtitles around here.
Is it suitable for the children to watch?
I heard about this & want to see it one day. Unfortunalately I have to wait next few years because the Europe are last to get any movies from America...

I dunno hon....Cuz there alot of Bloody from Jesus being whipped soo many times and him having to suffered too.. So I told My son about the Movie and he still wants to watch it I told him once it comes out on dvd ill buy the Tape.. cuz I really love that Movie a lot...It is a very Understanding and shows more than what u can read in the bible.. to tell u the truth I do not understand the bible very well. cuz words I do not even know what it meant...It just too confusing for me I like the Movie better than reading the Bible...:)
Cheri said:
I dunno hon....Cuz there alot of Bloody from Jesus being whipped soo many times and him having to suffered too.. So I told My son about the Movie and he still wants to watch it I told him once it comes out on dvd ill buy the Tape.. cuz I really love that Movie a lot...It is a very Understanding and shows more than what u can read in the bible.. to tell u the truth I do not understand the bible very well. cuz words I do not even know what it meant...It just too confusing for me I like the Movie better than reading the Bible...:)

Yeah, I know because it´s the same with my sons, too. BOYS!!!!
I know it must be painful for Jesus because of nail on his hand & feet... I would like to see it one day...
Is it no subtitles at cinema (movies) to make you understand what they talk about...?
DVD with subtiles or TV with subtitles but cinema? That´s why I´m wondering either they have cinema with subtitles in your country? Because we don´t have cinema with subtitles here but TV & DVD which it´s good for Deafie to understand what they talk & why etc.
True, I can image the movies are much better than read the bibles.