The Passion of The Christ

gnarlydorkette said:
Somebody asked about why the Jews were feeling offended by the movie and there were several answers but all of them were in a way vague or needed an explanation to it-

Jesus WAS a Jewish. When he was crucified, the general of the opponent army- P----something, asked the audience- who were mostly Jews (it was in Israel, i think) and asked them if they want to take over the position/situation Jesus was in to save him. No jew did volunteered so P---- went ahead and killed Jesus. There were no Catholics and Christians (Christianity came into the scene YEARS after Jesus' death.. around the resurrection, I think...!) volunteering either so therefore, all of them (the religious folks) killed him because they didn't accept their punishments for their "sins" which Jesus had died for.

blah blah blah blah blah

there you go. I got evidences to back up my information. Hope it helps the folks to understand better about why some people feel tensed about the movie.

I am try to remember what I read bible when I was child... I remember, they never mention about jew kill Jesus. It's just someone who is jeaous of him and put end on him. That's all. Now, you mention me. I don't know about it. I hope it was not a hacker to mess up that website. :ugh:
naw I guess that why I never knew it was the jews who killed Jesus...perhas it was just a million year old rumor that never goes away lol
Steel said:
naw I guess that why I never knew it was the jews who killed Jesus...perhas it was just a million year old rumor that never goes away lol

no :slap: narrow 1,960 years ago.
I was only expressing it :roll: heck, the year is 2004 and I think it actually been 2,004 years since the birth of Christ...but It would've been more than that but still, the records were VERY old it's kinda hard to tell exactly when he was born anyway (I know he was born on christmas but I meant the year and time and stuff like that)
Deaf258 said:
Same thing with other religions!! If a movie was made based word-by-word on their scriptures, all of those movies will end up as "R". And all of the religions will be upset with the movies made, no matter what.. I feel that is very hypocritical of the religions to be upset about such movies!! What's wrong with watching and finding out the truth than to hide it?

And also the holy bible is considered R rated cuz the scriptures explain about kill, whorin and hatred. It is sad to think that the first few people on earth needed no books, movies, games or music to inspire cold-blooded murder. The day that Cain bashed his brother Abel's brains in, the only motivation he needed was his own human disposition to violence. Whether you interpret the Bible as literature or as the final word of whatever God may be, Christianity has given us an image of death and sexuality that we have based our culture around. A half-naked dead man hangs in most homes and around our necks.

Isn't religion the first real entertainment? Dont u think?
Scholars estimate that Jesus was born between 3 and 6 BC. Some of the first Church leaders believed it was December 25th. But some scholars would argue that Jesus was born Late September, Early October. Evidence to this is that Sheep are not kept in the fields at night, execpt during Sept-Oct. I can't remember the reasoning, possibly fertalization purposes.

Some of the leaders of the Jewish temple thought Jesus was speaking blasphomy.

Some of the Roman leaders thought Jesus was leading a mob.

Some of the Jewish leaders wanted Jesus dead, Judas was paid to take the roman guards to him, the Romans arrested him in secret. Pilate offered to set him free (at the same time a murderer was also offered freedom, a man named Barabas), a crowd of people chose Barabas. Pilate washed his hands of the incident. The Romans whipped Jesus, mocked Jesus, spat on Jesus, made him carry his own cross till he couldn't, then nailed Jesus to a Cross.

Jesus was Jewish. Believed the scriptures, and that he came to fulfill prophecy. Jewish individuals don't believe he was the Christ, Those who followed him do. A Christian is someone who follows/believes Jesus was the Christ. The disciples would be considered Christ followers: Christian.

The language would have been Greek, and Aramaic.

Being Male, I don't like crying, but I have a bad feeling I may during this movie. but I will take comfort in the SHORTEST verse in the BIBLE:

Jesus wept.
We have based our culture around the Bible's view of Violence and Sexuality?

I don't know many individuals who think Jesus on a cross is sexual. The Bible has many historically accurate recordings of events in history. Many cultures resort to both Violence and Sexuallity without the Bible, including ancient cultures. Most historians would agree Jesus lived, and was crucified as historical fact, not entertainment or fiction. **DreamSlayer looks around** oh wait... this is the wrong board... I thought I was in On topic discussions again.

Hey Lunz! you gonna go see this movie?

I am truely looking forward to hearing your opinion of the Movie.
DreamSlayer said:
Scholars estimate that Jesus was born between 3 and 6 BC. Some of the first Church leaders believed it was December 25th. But some scholars would argue that Jesus was born Late September, Early October. Evidence to this is that Sheep are not kept in the fields at night, execpt during Sept-Oct. I can't remember the reasoning, possibly fertalization purposes.

Some of the leaders of the Jewish temple thought Jesus was speaking blasphomy.

Some of the Roman leaders thought Jesus was leading a mob.

Some of the Jewish leaders wanted Jesus dead, Judas was paid to take the roman guards to him, the Romans arrested him in secret. Pilate offered to set him free (at the same time a murderer was also offered freedom, a man named Barabas), a crowd of people chose Barabas. Pilate washed his hands of the incident. The Romans whipped Jesus, mocked Jesus, spat on Jesus, made him carry his own cross till he couldn't, then nailed Jesus to a Cross.

Jesus was Jewish. Believed the scriptures, and that he came to fulfill prophecy. Jewish individuals don't believe he was the Christ, Those who followed him do. A Christian is someone who follows/believes Jesus was the Christ. The disciples would be considered Christ followers: Christian.

The language would have been Greek, and Aramaic.

Being Male, I don't like crying, but I have a bad feeling I may during this movie. but I will take comfort in the SHORTEST verse in the BIBLE:

Jesus wept.
In the Scriptures, no one, not even Christ himself celebrated his birthday. There is no record of a feast or any party or remembrance on his birth date

Christmas was not celebrated in the first centuries of the Christian church. It was the practice in the early church to celebrate the death of notable individuals rather than celebrating their birthdays.

It was Clement of Alexandria that suggested that the true month and day of Christ's birth was the 20th of May however no one celebrated on that day.

It wasn't until the third and fourth centuries that there were dates proposed to celebrate the birth of Christ. December 25th was finally accepted by the western church as the date of his birth. There are many who say that the Christian embracing of the December 25th date was in direct opposition to the pagan celebration of the Natalis Solis Invicti or the nativity of the unconquerable sun.

Although the December 25th date was forced on the public at large, the debate continued as to when Christ was born into the world. Other dates that have been argued are March 28, April 2 and November 18. January 6 was the chosen date in the Eastern part of the world. It was a date that the Greeks coincidentally had celebrated as the birth of the god Dionysus and the Egyptians as the birth of the god Osiris.

Let me be clear that the Bible does not give the date of the birth of Christ. The date chosen had nothing to do with anything biblical. The date was nothing but a decree that was purely ecclesiastical in nature.

The ible does however show us when he wasn't born and obviously he wasn't born in December or on a winter night.
DreamSlayer said:
We have based our culture around the Bible's view of Violence and Sexuality?

I don't know many individuals who think Jesus on a cross is sexual. The Bible has many historically accurate recordings of events in history. Many cultures resort to both Violence and Sexuallity without the Bible, including ancient cultures. Most historians would agree Jesus lived, and was crucified as historical fact, not entertainment or fiction. **DreamSlayer looks around** oh wait... this is the wrong board... I thought I was in On topic discussions again.

Hey Lunz! you gonna go see this movie?

I am truely looking forward to hearing your opinion of the Movie.

i cant wait till Feb 25th! :ily:
DreamSlayer said:
We have based our culture around the Bible's view of Violence and Sexuality?

Biblical Pornography

"Yet she multiplied her whoredoms, in calling to remembrance the days of her youth, wherein she had played the harlot in the land of Egypt. For she doted upon their paramours, whose flesh is as the flesh of asses, and whose issue is like the issue of horses." (Ezekiel 23: 19-21)

"and lusted after her paramours there, whose members were like those of donkeys, and whose emission was like that of stallions." (Ezekiel 23: 21, NRSV)
LUNZ said:
And also the holy bible is considered R rated cuz the scriptures explain about kill, whorin and hatred. It is sad to think that the first few people on earth needed no books, movies, games or music to inspire cold-blooded murder. The day that Cain bashed his brother Abel's brains in, the only motivation he needed was his own human disposition to violence. Whether you interpret the Bible as literature or as the final word of whatever God may be, Christianity has given us an image of death and sexuality that we have based our culture around. A half-naked dead man hangs in most homes and around our necks.

Isn't religion the first real entertainment? Dont u think?
:werd: I read the whole Bible myself. There are stories of beatings, rapes, and murders. There are even stories of how the world will end. The visual image of these things are pretty graphic. If they were to convert every word from the Bible into a movie in exact details, the movie would probably be rated NC-17!
NC-17 eh? now that's just one time I heard they were goin to put a NC-17 rating on "eyes wide shut" but instead put in R-rated it seems that whatever is very violent, including sex and nudity, etc are mostly rated R so there is rarely any NC-17 movies these days...but seen one at a video store but oh well
Steel said:
NC-17 eh? now that's just one time I heard they were goin to put a NC-17 rating on "eyes wide shut" but instead put in R-rated it seems that whatever is very violent, including sex and nudity, etc are mostly rated R so there is rarely any NC-17 movies these days...but seen one at a video store but oh well

must be excite for you, huh?
I wasn't arguing that the Bible isn't full of graphic stories. I thought you were saying the Bible is responsible for how society is full of pornography and violence.

"Christianity has given us an image of death and sexuality that we have based our culture around"

I am confused on what you mean. However this should probably be discussed under the "Do you believe in God" thread, in On Topic.
DreamSlayer said:
I wasn't arguing that the Bible isn't full of graphic stories. I thought you were saying the Bible is responsible for how society is full of pornography and violence.

"Christianity has given us an image of death and sexuality that we have based our culture around"

I am confused on what you mean. However this should probably be discussed under the "Do you believe in God" thread, in On Topic.

Yeah, i should be discussed into the debate thread, not here, but
Deaf258 brought up the issues about "R" rated and i ask him some questions.
Steel said:
NC-17 eh? now that's just one time I heard they were goin to put a NC-17 rating on "eyes wide shut" but instead put in R-rated it seems that whatever is very violent, including sex and nudity, etc are mostly rated R so there is rarely any NC-17 movies these days...but seen one at a video store but oh well
Yeah, they had to keep fixing the movie so that it would be rated R. Showgirls was also originally NC-17. When they released it at Blockbuster, they had to fix it up so that it would be R.