The Passion of The Christ

Hmm? I never knew it was the Jews who killed him...ehh NOW i'm confused again lol
yeah confusing; it's easier for me
to remember that
"Our sins (NOT Jews) killed Jesus"....

We must remember to look
at "sins" itself, NOT to look at a Jew....
Y said:
yeah confusing; it's easier for me
to remember that
"Our sins (NOT Jews) killed Jesus"....

We must remember to look
at "sins" itself, NOT to look at a Jew....
Actually, who reported him to the king? Judas... wasn't he jewish?
VamPyroX said:
Actually, who reported him to the king? Judas... wasn't he jewish?

Judas was a taxcollector who grew up with Jesus. Also, he was one of Jesus's disciple.
Most historians point Jesus's killers to the Romans afterall they crucified him didn't they. looks like we dont REALLY know who killed Jesus...must be a mystery
Steel said:
Yep he was great in "Brave Heart" (directed for that movie also) and the "Letal Weapons" series

Of course, he was. That's why I like him... :mrgreen:
The Passion of The Christ, Mel Gibson was inspired by the bible to direct the film.

The thing is, more than a decade ago, he used to abuse drugs and used to get drunk all the time.

He had serious addictions till he turned over to the bible and he changed.
Banjo said:
The Passion of The Christ, Mel Gibson was inspired by the bible to direct the film.

The thing is, more than a decade ago, he used to abuse drugs and used to get drunk all the time.

He had serious addictions till he turned over to the bible and he changed.

Whoa, I don't know that. I am glad to have Mr. Movie Guy here. :)
Banjo said:
The Passion of The Christ, Mel Gibson was inspired by the bible to direct the film.

The thing is, more than a decade ago, he used to abuse drugs and used to get drunk all the time.

He had serious addictions till he turned over to the bible and he changed.

Yep. I already know about it. *Chuckles*
Steel said:
sounds like you are Mel Gibson's stalker :eek:

no. :slap: I believe Mel Gibson has been saying in the interview. Every famous fellow give everything about their life. (well, not everything)
Steel said:
sounds like you are Mel Gibson's stalker :eek:

Me a stalker? Ha ha Yeah right :roll: I ain't askin' for Mel Gibson's home address :nana:
illustrator said:
no. :slap: I believe Mel Gibson has been saying in the interview. Every famous fellow give everything about their life. (well, not everything)

Thanks for :slap: on Steel for me ... Mwah! :mrgreen: LOL
Somebody asked about why the Jews were feeling offended by the movie and there were several answers but all of them were in a way vague or needed an explanation to it-

Jesus WAS a Jewish. When he was crucified, the general of the opponent army- P----something, asked the audience- who were mostly Jews (it was in Israel, i think) and asked them if they want to take over the position/situation Jesus was in to save him. No jew did volunteered so P---- went ahead and killed Jesus. There were no Catholics and Christians (Christianity came into the scene YEARS after Jesus' death.. around the resurrection, I think...!) volunteering either so therefore, all of them (the religious folks) killed him because they didn't accept their punishments for their "sins" which Jesus had died for.

[EDIT: after googling it up, I found the name of that general- it was Pontius Pilate.

[URL=]Daily Bible Study[/URL] said:
"Now it was the day of Preparation, and the next day was to be a special Sabbath [i.e. the annual Holy Day of the Passover, not the regular weekly Sabbath]. Because the Jews did not want the bodies left on the crosses during the Sabbath, they asked Pilate to have the legs broken and the bodies taken down. The soldiers therefore came and broke the legs of the first man who had been crucified with Jesus, and then those of the other. But when they came to Jesus and found that He was already dead, they did not break His legs. Instead, one of the soldiers pierced Jesus' side with a spear, bringing a sudden flow of blood and water." (John 19:31-34).

[URL=]Catholic Encyclopedia: Pilate[/URL] said:
The Jews hated him (Pilate) and his administration, for he was not only very severe, but showed little consideration for their susceptibilities.

there you go. I got evidences to back up my information. Hope it helps the folks to understand better about why some people feel tensed about the movie.
Steel said:
sounds like you are Mel Gibson's stalker :eek:

Hallelujah!! Hallelujah!! Steel has seen the Light and spoken the Truth!! What a sweet, good boy!! AMEN! :lol:
illustrator said:
How do you feel about it when they release that movie about Jesus in rate "R"?

I have read lately on newspaper that Jewish and Catholic feel offense about this movie. :eek:

Same thing with other religions!! If a movie was made based word-by-word on their scriptures, all of those movies will end up as "R". And all of the religions will be upset with the movies made, no matter what.. I feel that is very hypocritical of the religions to be upset about such movies!! What's wrong with watching and finding out the truth than to hide it?