Pls see my thread "We are just a bunch of atoms!"
Atoms can have spiritality.![]()
Seriously? What about spelling the word correctly, but using the wrong variation of it? Ewe no your write?![]()
Michael Crichton died or he could novelize the spirituality of atoms. Since they can be split, I posit that they could have souls.
Yes Yes Yes.....they can be split, and they could have souls..all matter has atom based core...I believe everything has a soul or essence as some prefer.we occupy only one plane (did I spell that correctly?) of what has been proven to be a multi-layered existance.. **off topic
Hello everyone, Botts thanks for mentioning someone I consider to have been a gift to all ♥♥♥
Why does it have to be either/or? There are many that incorprate both into their world view.
I understood you perfectly. You are making a judgment about hearing people discussing science or spirituality. I repeat; hearing people generally hear sounds better than deaf. Nothing else can be used without looking like you are prejudiced.
that's why they said as the atom bomb exploded back in the 1940's people said it was like the sun touched the earth, or spliting the god's creation in half etc etc
I have always wonder if science and religion had a secret relationship like 'magic' like religion was 'law' to keep people knowing the truth about 'secrets of magic' the 'magic' was explained like fantastic powers but only to those selected few would understnad, much same way as necromancers arent made but born (not im not talking about bloody harry potter lol (gawd i HATE those films)....
the soul bit (of my post) is actually 'real' like the electrical apparentus that might (and is well on way to be proven) why the our brain works in such a when a person dies, the last thing they experience is hearing...not much fun for us occures when the brains goes 'out' as a 'flash' like a blown lightbulb...goes *poof* but the spiritual experiences is 'real' because at the sub-atomic levels these electrical 'trances' following our personality/memories/thoughts/ are 'still intact' thus while we have a dead body the 'soul' is still 'there'.... (and not sure how long though. (might seem a long time (for us 'newly dead') then goes on a journey on 'belief' or what we really believed, going to heaven or hell or re-meeting the dead loved ones...its all a real mystery
this is what the 'balance' of science and 'magic' of life's existence (spirits/souls/heaven) which scientists are now trying to muster around on...
i cant explain it better I dont even know any links for it (too lazy to google right now i need to do arrands)..
there is no design in nature, yes. but there are patterns. that's different. i am 100% on the side of Randomness also.
irreducible complexity? Answer: Pseudoscience is a claim, belief, or practice which is presented as scientific, but which does not adhere to a valid scientific methodology, lacks supporting evidence or plausibility, cannot be reliably tested, or otherwise lacks scientific status. PERIOD. Next question....
Von Braun, a life-long Lutheran, was a believer in intelligent design in the Universe long before it became a catch phrase and a lightning rod of debate.
“For me, the idea of a creation is not conceivable without invoking the necessity of design,” he wrote in a letter to the California State Board of Education in September 1972. He added, “It is in scientific honesty that I endorse the presentation of alternative theories for the origin of the universe, life and man in the science classroom. It would be an error to overlook the possibility that the universe was planned rather than happening by chance.”
While von Braun was careful to use the word theory with regard to the creation of the universe, in his mind there was no conflict or debate. The ability of Earth to sustain intelligent life, which in turn was capable of creating machines designed to explore the Moon and the planets was clear evidence to von Braun that man and his universe were the creation of God.
It was for that reason von Braun chose, with his advancing terminal illness, a modest gravestone to cite one of his favorite passages of scripture. His gravestone reads: WERNHER VON BRAUN 1912-1977 Psalms 19:1. That scripture is: “The heavens are telling the glory of God and the firmament proclaims his handiwork.”
Just curious, are all scientists as good at spelling as you are?
That is the typical knee jerk reaction from those who wish anything spiritual to stay out of science.
Do you realize Newton was a creationist? Do you realize it was "scientists" who claimed the earth was flat, not Christians? It even explains that the earth is round in the bible.
Men were able to walk on the moon, not from evolutionary scientific ideals, but from the creationist scientific research done by Wehrner Von Braun, so give credit where it is due.
Wernher von Braun - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Space Review: Remembering Wernher von Braun
did you know that Albert Einstein was an atheist. He didn't believe in god. How are your knees now? Go read a Joseph Campbell book and learn about myth. then compare notes when reading your bible.
blah, blah, blah....