Wow, CI's are expensive

So we taxpayers have to subsidize your decision not to find work that would take you off the public dole and yet you criticize private insurance for which we working people pay exorbitant premiums in addition to the taxes that support you and you criticize parents who choose to provide their children with a technological tool that can hopefully provide them with the opportunities to obtain gainful employment so their children can pay the taxes that will continue to support you!

What a joke!

Yes, you are quite the joke. Oh, wait...I meant jerk.
Yes, I am sadly aware that it will never happen because hearing people thought CI could cure Deafness, but they never been in Deaf people's shoes. :roll: If I want to hear, I'd rather choose hearing aids over CI. If I get headaches, then I can remove HAs. With CI, it is permanently emit into my brain unless I want to get it removed.

My friend is going to see a CI specialist at ASU in Temple, AZ to discuss about removing it because it gave him massive migraines next week. He is going to sue the hospital for misdiagnosis (a stupid specialist ordered a spinal tap, but his partner strongly disagreed to it, but that doctor went ahead anyway). That spinal tap caused hermosa in his brain. He has a surgery to clean up bleeding. After surgery, he still has headaches..obviously it is pointing at CI area. His partner yelled at doctors for not listening to what she trying to warn them about CI. Now, post surgery result causes his left leg problem, so he has to see doctor about that.

So true.
Hmmm, lobbying for this coverage for HAs was a major initiative taken on by AGBell. I think there are a few hearing people involved in the org.

Just because AGBAD advertises their involvement does not mean that they were the ones who initiated the movement, nor that they were the impetus. They simply jumped on the bandwagon because it was good PR.
Gee: reread Jennifer's AD quote duly replicated by PFH. Correct- especially applicable by the deaf/DEAF WHO DON'T SUBSCRIBE TO the self-described " deaf dogma of alleged superiority"!
Another sidebar: how can one gain deafness before birth- A choice made in the womb?Reality?
Not of course to be inquiring on alleged "B S" by a bilaterally deaf person.

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07

I can't believe that you are really asking such absurd and asinine questions. My son is congenitally deaf...that means before birth. Many, many are congenitally deaf...before birth. Deaf in utero.
Jillio: PFH statement in part : I gained DEAFNESS and am damn proud of it! According to him born that way which I understand that NO ONE can possibly have ANY choice. He is claiming to be different. Real? One of his prior thoughts- he was "implanted with deafness". Unstated? How such could happen. Not sure why he altered that one?
I am not in any way denying that babies are/have been born congenitally deaf. That was NOT their choice. How could it be? This is all I am saying! Presumably the "mystery" of genetics. or some rare problem in gestation. One must deal with it-right from the start of their life.

As for "Jenniifers" "name" obvious correction of "spelling mistake". Valid theory enunciated about the deaf?

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
Jillio: PFH statement in CAPITAL LETTERS : i GAIN DEAFNESS AND AM DAMNED PROUD OF IT! According to him born that way which I understand that NO ONE can possibly have ANY choice. He is claiming to be different. Real? One of his prior thoughts- he was "implanted with deafness". Unstated? How such could happen. Not sure why he altered that one?
I am not in any denying that babies are/have been born congenitally deaf. That was NOT their choice. How could it be? This is all I am saying!

As for "Jenniifers" "name" obvious correction of "spelling mistake". Valid theory enunciated about the deaf?

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07

The idea behind it is that I dont have hearing loss. I gained deafness. Which is a positive statement above the term use of "loss".
Jillio: PFH statement in part : I gained DEAFNESS and am damn proud of it! According to him born that way which I understand that NO ONE can possibly have ANY choice. He is claiming to be different. Real? One of his prior thoughts- he was "implanted with deafness". Unstated? How such could happen. Not sure why he altered that one?
I am not in any way denying that babies are/have been born congenitally deaf. That was NOT their choice. How could it be? This is all I am saying! Presumably the "mystery" of genetics. or some rare problem in gestation. One must deal with it-right from the start of their life.

As for "Jenniifers" "name" obvious correction of "spelling mistake". Valid theory enunciated about the deaf?

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07

Dude...that is why we keep telling you that you need to go to the late deafened thread.:roll: You really have no business commenting on cultural issues as you have no intention of ever becoming a member of the culture. And when you attempt to comment on cultural issues, you come across as offensive.
Just a matter of perspective-silence viewed as a gain : of which he didn't haven't anything to do whit while in womb.
What happened to your previous comment about being "implanted deaf"?

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
Jillio: I didn't realize you ran I acknowledge being bilaterally deaf since December 20, 2006 and do use an implant. Seems to fit the criteria here.
Interesting concept of deaf/Deaf "friendly respect" you appear to communicate.

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
Just a matter of perspective-silence viewed as a gain : of which he didn't haven't anything to do whit while in womb.
What happened to your previous comment about being "implanted deaf"?

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07

Here is your first mistake: deafness = silence.
Jillio: I didn't realize you ran I acknowledge being bilaterally deaf since December 20, 2006 and do use an implant. Seems to fit the criteria here.
Interesting concept of deaf/Deaf "friendly respect" you appear to communicate.

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07

I don't run AD. However, I am one of the more outspoken members, and say what others are thinking but don't post.

I think we have all committed your date of deafness to memory from your constant reminding us of exactly when you became deaf. Did you ever consider that no one really gives a rat's azz?

You refuse to respect the Deaf. Why should you be shown any respect? AD is the Deaf's house. Act as a proper guest should and mind your critical self.
Really! I've been deaf since age 5 and wished for the next 53 years that I could hear normal...

That's very sad. You have allowed your deafness to take so much away from you when it isn't necessary.
Really: now deafness ISN'T SILENCE! What is it- Hearing? Anything else? I am now apparently mistaken in hearing NOTHING which to me is silence. That is how I knew I was deaf! For some of us we still have "auditory memory" as we are post linguistic deaf/Deaf . To me that is NOT hearing anyone speak to us-NOW!

Silly question to PFH how do you describe NOT hearing any sound? To the best of my knowledge ASL DOESN"T CREATE Sound. Does it? Wasn't mentioned in any ASL textbook.

Why are you continuing to comment if you "believe" what I key doesn't fit your perceptions of a deaf/Deaf person? Is that grandiose thinking that should conform to a narrow view of "some members" here? Who "certifies" who is deaf/Deaf? Papers issued to persons meeting the standard?

Still waiting for exposition of what NON" pathological/audiological" deafness entails. Can my deafness be non pathological as well?

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
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Really: now deafness ISN'T SILENCE! What is it- Hearing? What else? I am now mistaken in hearing NOTHING which to me is silence. That is how I knew I was deaf! For some of us we still have "auditory memory" as we are post linguistic deaf/Deaf . To me that is NOT hearing anyone speak to us-NOW!

Silly question to PFH how do you describe NOT hearing any sound? To the best of my knowledge ASL DOESN"T CREATE Sound. Does it? Wasn't mentioned in any ASL textbook?

Why are you continuing to comment if you "believe" what I key doesn't fit your perceptions of a deaf/Deaf person? Is that grandiose thinking that should conform to a narrow view of "some members" here? Who "certifies" who is deaf/Deaf? Papers issued to persons meeting the standard?

Still waiting for exposition of what NON" pathological/audiological" deafness entails. Can my deafness be non pathological as well?

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07

If you are here for approval, you are not going to get it with your approach.
you criticize parents who choose to provide their children with a technological tool that can hopefully provide them with the opportunities to obtain gainful employment so their children can pay the taxes that will continue to support you!

What a joke!
Yes, you are quite the joke. Oh, wait...I meant jerk.
rick, Were you aware that the 70% unemployment rate ALSO applies to orally educated and mainstreamed kids? It is NOT just ASLers who went to Deaf Schools or Deaf programs.
Most kids HAVE been mainstreamed. Their parents thought that it would give them a better education. *looks around* Gee, where are all those well educated kids now? There are some kids who do well..........but over all...Plus I mean a kid with a CI would ALSO have a ton of trouble trying to get health insurance since they still have a preexisting condition.
And jillo, please tell me I'm not the only one who's struggling with trying to find a job
Really! I've been deaf since age 5 and wished for the next 53 years that I could hear normal...
That with some of the current developments or research going on in the science and technology field. Hopefully those that want to hear better could be optimistic about its future...
PFH: why should I seek/need your approval for anything? I hate to inform you I have been living a bit longer than you! My 2 sons are both older than you!

I noticed you DIDN"T answer the question posed:what do YOU describe - being "BORN Deaf"- UNABLE TO HEAR anything if NOT SILENCE- than what? Too simple to answer? Do you label "that" as a non "pathological/audiological" condition?

Off to real work: deaf swimming. I can't hear the music playing and before you tell me again- why I don't "hate" myself for being bilaterally deaf-- read my user name about being your own best friend. Right-even if deaf/Deaf!

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07