Why did God pick people to be deaf?

God loves variety. That's why there are people with different races, shapes and sizes with different abilities. We also live in an imperfect world. Only when we get to heaven will there be no more pain, sadness death and suffering. We are placed on this earth to help others. We are given different strengths and weaknesses so we can help others where they are weak. Anyone can look at their weakness and ignore their strengths. This is called a pessimistic view. I do not believe God enjoys our sufferings. He wants to reach out to us and help us when we fall down. No one knows God's plan. No one knows why some people are born deaf, blind, handicapped, ugly, beautiful etc. Everyone has struggles. I can hear, but I have other struggles. My son is deaf and I believe God gave him to me to change me. I felt for a long time that God would heal him, but God wants to change us, not our circumstances. If God changed our circumstances, we would never grow in Him.
Momoftwo said:

Yes, I agree with you completely!! And you are right! Yes, God made people to be deaf on purpose. I hope you read my dream experience with Jesus about deaf. Sadly, some people don't believe my dream experience. That's okay because they have not experienced it yet. I had very good reasons and also, I asked God to give me His answers so He did. I never knew about the dream I had with Jesus. I was in a full of shock like very surprised with very pleasant experience!! So, this is why I came to AllDeaf and tell people about God related to deaf. God knows that I share with people about God related to deaf. When people don't believe me, I must stand up for God. I'm very closely to God. God is so very wonderful. If you'd like to read my dream experience with Jesus, go to the christianity section and I posted it here last October.


Thanks! I'll read about it now.
Well people have a choice to believe as they wish. However, notwithstanding, Jehovah God expresses his will for humans in his word the Bible. Isaiah 35:5 says the blind and the deaf will see and hear again. Revelation 21:3,4 says all pain, outcry and death will be no more. Psalms 37:29 says the righteous themselves will inherit the earth forever. Why do people want to settle for what they have in this world when a better world to come is just around the corner here on earth? One cannot discount the Bible. It has withstood persecution and been through alot to get to our day and it is the most widely distributed book in the bible. Dreams do not replace the bible. God's word surpasses human thinking because they are God's thoughts not humans. It takes a humble heart to understand it, to live by it and accept it for what it truly is: God's Word 1 Thess 2:13. Jesus quoted the scriptures all the time when talking to the false religious leaders in his day. When he was tempted by the devil, Jesus didn't give his own opinion. He always prefaced it with: "It is written". He said that he taught nothing of his own initiative but what he taught was from his Father, Jehovah God Joh 14:28. So if one truly believes all of Jesus teachings and lives by them, then you know that he taught that God's kingdom will make this earth a much better place where righteousness and peace would dwell. He prayed for God's will to be done in heaven also upon earth. God's will is for all creatures, spirits as well as humans, to dwell in peace and harmony and grow to perfection and excellent perfect health. And for people who say everyone interprets the bible his or her own way,they must not do this. 1 Peter 2:21 says that interpretation belongs only to God. What He says goes. We just read it, obey it and preach it because the Bible has all the answers for man's most perplexing problems and only Jehovah and his precious son Jesus (who is all grown up now not just a baby in a manger residing beside Jehovah at his right hand as King), will solve all the problems we now face. It's good news. It's the truth. Robbielyn :)
Buckdodgers said:
Vamp,,,I dont like his plans because of my deafness.I wish i can be like normal people like my Brother have a wife & Kids.Cause i find being in a marrage with a family and running your family is very challenging
So, I guess you're gonna either believe that God is cruel or God doesn't exist?
VamPyroX said:
So, I guess you're gonna either believe that God is cruel or God doesn't exist?
Well he hasnt answer my prayers so hes gotta be cruel or he doesn't exist.If Isrealians belive in GOD why isnt GOD helping Israel as he promised?
Liebling:-))) said:
Oh yeah I have seen some people often say this... :roll:

I born deaf due rubuella (sp)... not God.
God gave you rubella.
Buckdodgers said:
Well he hasnt answer my prayers so hes gotta be cruel or he doesn't exist.If Isrealians belive in GOD why isnt GOD helping Israel as he promised?
Exactly. Isn't Isreal the home of Christianity?
Isaacsmom said:
God loves variety. That's why there are people with different races, shapes and sizes with different abilities. We also live in an imperfect world. Only when we get to heaven will there be no more pain, sadness death and suffering. We are placed on this earth to help others. We are given different strengths and weaknesses so we can help others where they are weak. Anyone can look at their weakness and ignore their strengths. This is called a pessimistic view. I do not believe God enjoys our sufferings. He wants to reach out to us and help us when we fall down. No one knows God's plan. No one knows why some people are born deaf, blind, handicapped, ugly, beautiful etc. Everyone has struggles. I can hear, but I have other struggles. My son is deaf and I believe God gave him to me to change me. I felt for a long time that God would heal him, but God wants to change us, not our circumstances. If God changed our circumstances, we would never grow in Him.
You are right on so many fronts. Yes God loves a variety of people. Acts 10:34. Yes we live in an imperfect world. Romans 5:12. We are placed on this earth to help others and help those who are weak. Acts 20:35. I don't believe God enjoys our sufferings. He wants to reach out and help us when we fall down Psalms 72:13,14. Everyone has struggles. Job 14:1. The good news is, we don't have to wait to get to heaven to have peace and harmony and to have all death and suffering gone. It will happen here on earth. Ps37:10,11,29; Revelation 21:3,4. The bible tells us why we grow old and die and get sick.Romans 5:12, 6:23. Jesus will heal your son soon within your lifetime. Matthew 24:3-12 talks about the signs of the last days of this wicked system of things. 2Timothy 3:1-5 adds to that. When God destroys Satans wicked system of things, including wicked people, God will use Jesus to heal the sick, the blind, the lame, the mentally challenged, the deaf and he will even resurrect those we have lost in death and bring them here on earth where people belong.Psalms 115:16. Jesus did these things here on earth when he was here to show us God's power and give us a glimpse of what he will do in the very near future on a worldwide scale. Satan and his wicked demons who cause all the miserable sorrows of this world will be done away with and then God will use his son Jesus to right all the wrongs of this world. One has to die to get to heaven. But one doesn't have to die to see paradise if you are currently living. Rev 14:1 and Revelation 7:3 says 144,000 are going to heaven to rule with Jesus over the earth of righteous people.Revelation 5:10, 2 Timothy 2:12. This is our home. And yeah it's a mess right now but soon it will be paradise. Robbielyn
VamPyroX said:
Exactly. Isn't Isreal the home of Christianity?
No. Israel is no longer God's chosen nation. They repeatedly took alliances with other kings and rejected God as king, and when they killed his son Jesus on the stake, that was their last straw. Matthew 23:37-39. God now deals with a spiritual Israel chosen from all the nations. Jesus made a new covenant with them before they died. Luke 22:29. But they are a small group of people chosen to rule in the heavens with Jesus. 144,000. The apostle paul talked extensively on this in Hebrews Chapter 8. Jesus said though that he would deal lovingly with just more than spiritual Israel. There would be a "great crowd" Revelation 7:9 of people from all the nations who would recognize Jesus as their King and would submit to his rulership, and support the little flock.John 10:16 Jesus said he had other sheep not of this fold. Jesus fortold of a great tribulation that has not occured until now nor would occur again. Matthew 24:21 and Revelation 7:13-17 the great crowd of other sheep would survive this great tribulation and God will wipe out every tear from their eyes. These are the ones that will live in paradise here on earth.
robbielyn said:
No. Israel is no longer God's chosen nation.
Then it must be USA GODS CHOSEN NATION Cause it says this.

Not exactly. God's chosen people would come from all the nations of the world as he loves all different races and cultures Acts10:35. Jesus when on earth said his kingdom was no part of this world. John 18:36, Luke 4:5-8. Also, Daniel 2:44 says that Jesus kingdom will put an end to all the kingdoms of the earth and his kingdom will last forever and not passed on to any other people. Matthew 4:8 says that when Satan tempted Jesus, he showed him all the kingdoms of the world and said:" All these thingsI will give you if you fall down and do an act of worship to me." Jesus said:Go away Satan for it is written,"It is Jehovah God you must worship and it is to Him alone you must render sacred service." Now Satan would not have been able to offer Jesus these kingdoms if they weren't his to give. The whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one 1 John 5:19b. Also, the Jews tried to seize him to make him king, but he flatly refused and ran away. Why? Because he knew in the future, he would rule over the whole earth from heaven and bring about true peace and security and harmony and perfection. That time is very very soon now. :)
Audiofuzzy said:
I am closest with Sylvia Browne theories on this one.

Sylvia says when we are entities in the other dimension, (the other side),
we choose who are we gonna be, what are we gonna experience etc. to enrich our spirit.
Because on the other side there is no negativity we have to incarnate into human bodies to experience what we wish to experience. We make detailed map of our life on Earth. Very detailed.

The more we learn from our experiences the closer to God we are. When we are wise enough we become part of God.

Something like that.. :)

This is what I was going to say, but I am not saying that I believe 100 percent. She also says that sometimes we do something 'bad' in a past life that we decide to make up for it by choosing a disability or whatever it is.

Sometimes I just don't care to know the answer, but I am sure God will let me know someday because sometimes I care to know.
I've got another question. Does it really matter why anyone is deaf? Don't we only need to know what is in order to deal with it? I mean, I don't really need to know why my son is deaf, I just need to know that he is deaf. Why won't make any difference in the decisions I need to make.
jillio said:
I've got another question. Does it really matter why anyone is deaf? Don't we only need to know what is in order to deal with it? I mean, I don't really need to know why my son is deaf, I just need to know that he is deaf. Why won't make any difference in the decisions I need to make.
There are some people that want to know deafness and other illnesses are around and they want to know not only how to deal with it now but also if there is any hope for the future. People want to know why we grow old and die, is this life all there is. Why do babies and children get abused? When will all this stop? People have questions and they want answers. God made us curious so we wouldn't be satisfied with the present but look toward the future. It's not a matter of is deafness a good thing or bad thing. It's a matter of there is hope for the deaf, the blind and all illnesses and all crime and violence being done away with. It's about hope. Think about it this way. Would you not agree that we were born with 10 fingers and 10 toes? What if a person lost a finger or was born without one? Would that be considered the norm for everyone? No. 10 fingers and 10 toes that is how humans were made. Now can a person do almost everything with 9 fingers? Of course. Does he consider himself disabled? No. He learns to deal with what he has. And goes on living a normal life. Just because humans are made with the remarkable capability to compensate for their circumstances, doesn't mean that the circumstance was meant to be that way. Things do happen. But there is hope and people need hope. I was watching a video that was silent except at the beginning and the end. At the end all of the sudden I heard beautiful music. I went from silence to beautiful music and was at that moment very thankful I could hear. God made people with hearing so they could hear and make beautiful music. There's an area of the brain designated for music on the right side. To be able to hear the rustle of the trees, the birds sing, the ocean waves children's laughter. Jehovah made these things for our enjoyment. Life isn't the same without these things. Imagine being blind. Not being able to see the rainbow, your children's face, the sunset, nature, we were made to enjoy life to the fullest. On page 5 on this topic I discuss why millions of people suffer from these things and that soon of the problems that plague mankind will be done away with. All people will enjoy life to the fullest real soon, in our lifetime. In the meantime, while we patiently wait, we will deal with things as they come knowing the future is much brighter than the present. Robbielyn
robbielyn said:
There are some people that want to know deafness and other illnesses are around and they want to know not only how to deal with it now but also if there is any hope for the future. People want to know why we grow old and die, is this life all there is. Why do babies and children get abused? When will all this stop? People have questions and they want answers. God made us curious so we wouldn't be satisfied with the present but look toward the future. It's not a matter of is deafness a good thing or bad thing. It's a matter of there is hope for the deaf, the blind and all illnesses and all crime and violence being done away with. It's about hope. Think about it this way. Would you not agree that we were born with 10 fingers and 10 toes? What if a person lost a finger or was born without one? Would that be considered the norm for everyone? No. 10 fingers and 10 toes that is how humans were made. Now can a person do almost everything with 9 fingers? Of course. Does he consider himself disabled? No. He learns to deal with what he has. And goes on living a normal life. Just because humans are made with the remarkable capability to compensate for their circumstances, doesn't mean that the circumstance was meant to be that way. Things do happen. But there is hope and people need hope. I was watching a video that was silent except at the beginning and the end. At the end all of the sudden I heard beautiful music. I went from silence to beautiful music and was at that moment very thankful I could hear. God made people with hearing so they could hear and make beautiful music. There's an area of the brain designated for music on the right side. To be able to hear the rustle of the trees, the birds sing, the ocean waves children's laughter. Jehovah made these things for our enjoyment. Life isn't the same without these things. Imagine being blind. Not being able to see the rainbow, your children's face, the sunset, nature, we were made to enjoy life to the fullest. On page 5 on this topic I discuss why millions of people suffer from these things and that soon of the problems that plague mankind will be done away with. All people will enjoy life to the fullest real soon, in our lifetime. In the meantime, while we patiently wait, we will deal with things as they come knowing the future is much brighter than the present. Robbielyn

See, that's what I'm talking about. Equating deafness with hopelessness is offensive.
Re: music--there are deaf musicians. Check out a beautiful essay on another forum at AD.
Blind people see--they see with their sense of touch. Amd deaf people hear--they hear with their eyes.
My son's future is as bright as any hearing person's future. It is that attitude of people who think that deafness is an affliction that would threaten to hold him back more than his lack of hearing. You come across-to my way of thinking-as very arrogant in your attitudes toward deafness. You have a very medicalized view, and that is something the Deaf community has been fighting against for years.
jillio said:
See, that's what I'm talking about. Equating deafness with hopelessness is offensive.
Re: music--there are deaf musicians. Check out a beautiful essay on another forum at AD.
Blind people see--they see with their sense of touch. Amd deaf people hear--they hear with their eyes.
My son's future is as bright as any hearing person's future. It is that attitude of people who think that deafness is an affliction that would threaten to hold him back more than his lack of hearing. You come across-to my way of thinking-as very arrogant in your attitudes toward deafness. You have a very medicalized view, and that is something the Deaf community has been fighting against for years.
I am saddened that you choose to twist my meaning and turn it into something biased and critical. I am not arrogant. I am giving people a hope for the future and nothing more. If deafness for eternity suits you, then I accept your decision. But I will gladly inform those who desire to know God's hope for the future which includes hearing again as well as other wonderful things. However, I do respect your point of view. sincerely, robbielyn
jillio- glad that you enjoyed my story!:) I agree with you for what you said to robbielyn.

robbielyn- I'm sorry that I don't agree with you.:)
God chose me to live on this planet because I am Deaf, gay, woman, very intelligent, friendly and many more! I am very proud of myself who I am! Thank!
