Why did God pick people to be deaf?

I believe the reason why God makes/choose us to be Deaf or HH, He wants to test us to make hard efforts to communicate with hearing world everyday. If all of us are hearing, then it will not be challenging enough. The communication is a huge challenging for everyone since bibicial times where the language itself completely changed and those people were confused by strange languages.

I hope you get my drift.
Eyeth said:
How did you come up with the '26 million' DHH figure in the United States? I checked this Population Clock as maintained by the Census Bureau, multiplied that figure by an historical incidence figure of 1:1000 to come up with approximately 298,000 DHH people in the United States. Even then, it feels too much. Halve that figure to around 149,000 DHH people in the U.S., and things seem to be reasonable.


Give me a break. don't you take a statistics course?

297,910,737 population in United States of America at 0.92% population growth rate

About 6.5 Billion population in our World.

I don't see any error of Deafscuba's assurance. It is approx. 30-40 million population of D/HH in United States. Have you forgotten about famous Baby Boomers with their declincing hearing status? Hard Rock groupies? Heavy-duty construction crews? Airport crew? U.S. Armed Forces?
For instance, various statistics concerning the deaf I wonder if dumb oralists have not told their truth about their hearing impaired status.....

Eyeth, do not trust population clock. It does not give you a perfect population rate....

Who knows if 600 -700 million world population of DHH exists on our planet... :-o
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My one friend asks me that question all the time and I sign to him and say
you did'nt ask to be born deaf but God chose for you to be deaf for a reason
and until you find that reason you'll just have to keep on searching until you
find that answer.
And I also told him he's my angel and I like him the way he is.
And he signs back to me I guess your right because if I could hear right now
the sounds would probably scare me to death.

" Mollie "
Mookie said:
Give me a break. don't you take a statistics course?
Yes, I did, during my Gally days.
I don't see any error of Deafscuba's assurance. It is approx. 30-40 million population of D/HH in United States.
I agree with DeafScuba's figures. They obviously factor in the vast majority of people who have hearing loss later in life.

However, that wasn't the point of the whole exercise. :) The idea is, 'Why did God Pick People to be Deaf?' The basic premise, which is--God has a plan for all of us, when we're born into this world, and have our whole lives ahead of us all. Obviously, some people who acquire hearing loss, very early in the process, at birth or at young ages, will 'question' God's plan as it applies to their own individual situations.

This is the crux of the question posed in this thread; We have our lives ahead of us, and we are already living with our hearing losses in varying degrees. Our Deafness defines us from the early get-go.

This doesn't necessarily hold true for people who have acquired hearing losses later in life. That's just a part of growing old. :) Maybe some people will assert it's God's plan, irregardless of age. Regardless, people who grow old, and have hearing losses, don't allow such losses define them; They have already had full lives, having careers, families, community ties, etc.

So, I'm sticking with the historical incidence figure of 1:1000 in coming up with a reasonably accurate number of DHH people in the U.S. Generally speaking, I'm thinking of all sorts of people from birth to age 50, who have acquired Deafness, in terms of the question posed by this thread. There are not a lot of us, and the fact that we're Deaf, makes us all pretty unique, don'tcha think? :)
Eyeth said:
Or, better yet, how about Hedy Lamarr? :) Not only she can blind us all with her beauty, she can certainly blind us all with her science! :fly:
Hedy Lamarr sued Mel Brooks for the "similar" use of her name in Blazing Saddles. ;)
CyberRed said:
I am glad that God allows me to be deaf, so He could gain my insights. I became deaf when I was 3 months old and started drawin' when I was 3 years old. I was dismissed high school one month earlier when I was 18 due to high credits while other senior students have to stay in high school. I found Jesus Christ when I was 18 through one deaf elderly man who witnessed me about Him in Metro Bus.

Supposedly, IF God don't allow me to be deaf, what would my life be like ? What kind of person I was if, it wasn't me to be deaf ?

If, I was hearin' -- then, I would probably never draw at the age of 3 years or found Jesus Christ at the age of 18. I would probably be like my siblin' who haven't found Him in their lives and they are in their 40's.

And, also I would not be here in this AD to get to know you and others. My life is soo good ! :)

:gpost: :gpost: I would concur with you, CyberRed! Good post as always!
Why do we simply accept that "God made us ________" (fill in the blank)

Deaf or
Black or
Female or
Mentally Ill or
White or
Rich or
Jewish or
Epileptic or
Vietnamese or


Why are we not willing to look beyond that and think possibly God did not pre-ordain our lives and all details of our lives...

Possibly reality unfolds before us unplanned, and God is there with us anyway.

Doesn't seem like anyone wants to think beyond one narrow view that suggests God would do terrible harm to some and give great advantage to others just for the heck of it. I don't like that kind of God, and it certainly doesn't inspire me to want to worship or revere that God.
Momoftwo said:
If God created people to be deaf, then why did God pick people to be deaf? There are billions and billions people who are hearing in the world. There is only about 2 millions people who are deaf in the US or world. Just want to hear your feedbacks.....thanks!

He has a plan for each person. He knew you before you were sent down to Earth and before you were born. He must have said something, but we cannot remember it til we meet him again.

I have been Deaf all my life and I never knew what it is like to be hearing. I am not going to waste a second wishing I can hear or be like hearing. I do not need it. I am happy being Deaf. If it is God's gift, so be it.

We will know more answers when our time is up.

Eyeth said:
Or, better yet, how about Hedy Lamarr? :) Not only she can blind us all with her beauty, she can certainly blind us all with her science! :fly:
Yes, I've known about her inventor status for many years. I always thought that was neat. :)
That's the first time I'm learning it...always nice to see when a beautiful woman has some brains and isn't afraid to use them! :)
The Bible explains why people are deaf.

According to the Bible, in the beginning, adam and eve were perfect with no disabilities. If they hadn't sinned we all would be perfect living in a perfect world. Soon that will happen again. But back the what I was saying, God told them that the wages sin pays is death. That is why we all eventually grow old and die. Also imperfection causes imperfection(different disabilities) And deafness is a disability. Why? Because deafness is not what God intended. If it were, Jesus would have never restored that deaf mans hearing. Now some people may be able to do everything as a hearing person can do with or without hearing, so they do not allow their deafness to impede them and by no means are they any less of a human as a hearing person. I am constantly amazed how strong people are when they overcome their disabilities and enter the triatholon with a spring leg. Or they are blind but sometimes you can't tell. They navigate around their house just fine. But whether a person is lame, blind, deaf, or has heart problems or cancer or anything like that it is not God's intention for us to be like this and soon all the problems we face will be eradicated by God's Kingdom. Even death will be conquered and old age and suffering and the wicked one will be no more.Isaiah 35:5, Rev 21:3,4 and Psalms 37:10,11,29. Sin is the reason we suffer but Jesus died for our sins and very soon he will set all things straight. And that will be in our lifetime. If anyone wants to learn more, I have a free ASL dvd called: "What does the Bible Really Teach." It is a bible aid that helps you find answers to life's most preplexing problems. All the answers are found in God's word the Bible. :)
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robbielyn said:
According to the Bible, in the beginning, adam and eve were perfect with no disabilities. If they hadn't sinned we all would be perfect living in a perfect world. Soon that will happen again. But back the what I was saying, God told them that the wages sin pays is death. That is why we all eventually grow old and die. Also imperfection causes imperfection(different disabilities) And deafness is a disability. Why? Because deafness is not what God intended. If it were, Jesus would have never restored that deaf mans hearing. Now some people may be able to do everything as a hearing person can do with or without hearing, so they do not allow their deafness to impede them and by no means are they any less of a human as a hearing person. I am constantly amazed how strong people are when they overcome their disabilities and enter the triatholon with a spring leg. Or they are blind but sometimes you can't tell. They navigate around their house just fine. But whether a person is lame, blind, deaf, or has heart problems or cancer or anything like that it is not God's intention for us to be like this and soon all the problems we face will be eradicated by God's Kingdom. Even death will be conquered and old age and suffering and the wicked one will be no more.Isaiah 35:5, Rev 21:3,4 and Psalms 37:10,11,29. Sin is the reason we suffer but Jesus died for our sins and very soon he will set all things straight. And that will be in our lifetime. If anyone wants to learn more, I have a free ASL dvd called: "What does the Bible Really Teach." It is a bible aid that helps you find answers to life's most preplexing problems. All the answers are found in God's word the Bible. :)

Gonna have to disagree with you on this one! My son is Deaf, and I believe that God, or a Supreme Being, or whatever it is you choose to call it, chose my son to experience Deafness because he knew that he possessed the strength of character and tolerance for differences that the majority of hearing people don't possess. In other words, he is of stronger emotional composition, and could handle it successfully. That makes him a superior being, not an inferior one who is paying for past sins. I also believe that I was given a gift by whatever you choose to call your God, when I was given the gift of a Deaf son. Because of it, I have been given valuable life experiences that have enriched my life and made me a better person as a result.
jillio said:
Gonna have to disagree with you on this one! My son is Deaf, and I believe that God, or a Supreme Being, or whatever it is you choose to call it, chose my son to experience Deafness because he knew that he possessed the strength of character and tolerance for differences that the majority of hearing people don't possess. In other words, he is of stronger emotional composition, and could handle it successfully. That makes him a superior being, not an inferior one who is paying for past sins. I also believe that I was given a gift by whatever you choose to call your God, when I was given the gift of a Deaf son. Because of it, I have been given valuable life experiences that have enriched my life and made me a better person as a result.

That's a beautiful written piece here !!
Thats what my "Hearing" Mom said same thing, too...

Y said:
That's a beautiful written piece here !!
Thats what my "Hearing" Mom said same thing, too...

Thanks, Y! Your mom loves you just the way I love my son! :)
robbielyn said:
And deafness is a disability. Why? Because deafness is not what God intended. If it were, Jesus would have never restored that deaf mans hearing.

There could be another explanation for why Jesus gave the deaf man hearing. Mark Chapter 7:32 says, "And they bring unto him one that was deaf, and had an impediment in his speech; and they beseech him to put his hand upon him." The deaf man did not come to Jesus himself and ask to be "healed". The people brought him to Jesus. The deaf man probably did not understand what the people were up to.

Verse 34 says, "And looking up to heaven, he sighed, and saith unto him, Ephphatha, that is, Be opened." Why did he sigh? Possibly because He knew it was not a disability for the deaf man, but Jesus felt He needed to perform the miracle to show the people his power and to appease them.
we're not deaf cuz of god

we're deaf cuz of our unlucky GENES..

im not so much of a believer in God..

if god really exists, then why does he punish us with medical diseases like deafness, blindness, cancer, etc??
I will gladly inform you.

Jehovah God (God's personal name as found in Psalms 83:18, Exodus 6:3), does not cause these things. Proof what? James 1:13 Says God does not try anyone with evil nor can he be tried. He didn't cause these problems the devil did. He tempted adam and eve and induced them to sin. Prior to that the garden was perfect they were. But they deliberately chose not obey God's one little rule. Leave that one little tree in the middle of all the other fruit trees alone. They had one rule to obey. Moses and the israelites had over 600. Anyways they sinned and passed it on to their offspring. John 3:16 says God loved the world so much that he gave his only begotten son, so that anyone exercising faith might have everlasting life" So see, everlasting life for all righteous humble God fearing people is still God's goal. And he will goal pah!. Very soon He will again use his Son Jesus, who is ruling in the heavens as King over the earth to step in and fix this terrible chaotic world and set all things straight. Revelation 21:3,4 says God's tent will be with man and he will wipe out all tears, and death will be no more, neither will mourning, nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things will pass away. 2 Timothy 3:1-5 helps us see that we are indeed living in the last days of this wicked system of things and soon righteousness is to dwell forever Ps:37:10, 11. Read Isaiah 35:5. Robbielyn
jshumko said:
There could be another explanation for why Jesus gave the deaf man hearing. Mark Chapter 7:32 says, "And they bring unto him one that was deaf, and had an impediment in his speech; and they beseech him to put his hand upon him." The deaf man did not come to Jesus himself and ask to be "healed". The people brought him to Jesus. The deaf man probably did not understand what the people were up to.

Verse 34 says, "And looking up to heaven, he sighed, and saith unto him, Ephphatha, that is, Be opened." Why did he sigh? Possibly because He knew it was not a disability for the deaf man, but Jesus felt He needed to perform the miracle to show the people his power and to appease them.

Actually that account is very interesting. Jesus actually used sign language to communicate with him and he took him along side privately to a quiet place so as to not startle the deaf man once he suddenly got his hearing back the crowds noises would have been to much for him it shows Jesus compassion and understanding of people. Also his sighing was done for the deaf mans benefit to visually show what he was about to do. You can imagine how apprehensive the deaf man was. Sighing was a nonmanuel marker to indicate "ok here we go".
I don't think God choose us to be deaf...
I blame parents or ancestors, they must have did drugs, drank some bad water, ate bad foods, or something that make them sick.