Why did God pick people to be deaf?

but I just can't fathom a God who would deliberately give a person a disability of any sort.
Morrigan, so why is disabilty something bad? It's not bad....it's just DIFFERENT!!!!!!!!!!! You have to undy that many of us don't see ourselves as "impaired" or lacking in something...it is just a normal variance of being human! Yeah, there are disabilites which are extremely handicapping and unabling in the worst way..... Like, there's a kid who was in my year at college..... He had high functioning autism/ profound Asperger's Syndrome, and he was IMPAIRED. Had absolutly NO friends whatsoever (and he thought that if someone acted halfway decent to him,(just basic interaction) they were his friend) had bizarre language (like he'd say stuff like "I'm so snoopy, and "I would like a hotburger") talked in a robotic voice, had bizzare preoccupations with the skin on his arms, did strange things like follow people around, and once even walked in on his RA when she was changing! Now Mark is definitly severely impaired no matter how you look at it.
Other things like mental retardation, quadupliegia etc ARE no doubt about it, impairing......but physcial disabilites can be seen as just a normal part of human functioning!
Just a correction here: There are at least 500 million deaf and hard of hearing people on earth. At least 50% of them are dhh for reasons other than just getting old.

There are at least 30 million dhh people in the US, with about half being older and the other half being comparatively younger.

DHH people are not that rare on the global stage... For those of us who aren't dhh as a result of being older, we're about we're roughly 5% of the world's population, so it's not like we're really all that rare.
deafdyke said:
Morrigan, so why is disabilty something bad? It's not bad....it's just DIFFERENT!!!!!!!!!!!
DD - first of all, I didn't and don't say a disability is "bad" - it is simply something that adds to the challenge of living. Not one of us is born perfect in body. Some disabilities pose more of a challenge than others. If I think of hearing as one of many possibile abilities humans are normally born with, I cannot fathom a loving God arbitrarily "taking it away" just for - what? - what would God gain by deliberately disabling people?

I understand that deaf/hoh people have and still do expereince terrible discrimination, mockery, outright violence...and much of that is perpetuated with the word "DISABLED" attached to it. That makes the word much uglier than it is - because people use it to malign and abuse.

There was a time in my life when I was smacked across the mouth for using the word "dyke" in my house, but someone like you can reclaim the word and take the ugliness out of it...because you understand there is nothing "bad" about being attracted to people of the same gender, and you refuse to allow simple words to insult. And I am sure you can easily admit being homosexual sometimes makes life a bit more challenging.

Disabilities are hard to live with - but disabled people still live, and meet the challenges of each day, and are worthy, decent human beings, just like anyone else...

But I prefer to think of disabilities as part of the normal variation of human biology - not the deliberate act of a god. I wouldn't want to worship a god I thought of that way.
If I think of hearing as one of many possibile abilities humans are normally born with, I cannot fathom a loving God arbitrarily "taking it away" just for - what? - what would God gain by deliberately disabling people?
Well you could say that about GLB people......Most humans are hetro, but there is a percentage that is GLB. Why would God choose to take away the abilty to have sex with a person of the opposite sex, or the abilty to make kids that way?
Besides, perhaps God gave us different strenghs in order to compensate for our lack of something.....I can't hear, yes but my eyesight is that of an eagle.
Fabian said:
Because he has a plan for you. He is the only one that knows the answer, instead of asking yourself that question, look at the million of people that are hearing yet not succesful. Because a person is Deaf does not means that we are a minor difference than the rest of the population, and if you have what it takes, being deaf is actually good because you can put that in good use to help others. I think is something we must accept not matter what.

Fabian said:
Because he has a plan for you. He is the only one that knows the answer, instead of asking yourself that question, look at the million of people that are hearing yet not succesful. Because a person is Deaf does not means that we are a minor difference than the rest of the population, and if you have what it takes, being deaf is actually good because you can put that in good use to help others. I think is something we must accept not matter what.
Isnt god aware that person might get very mean,Bitter,Feel sorry for himself and jelous? Some people think deafness is a gift from GOD but what if they dont want that gift? To me a gift from GOD is a girl to be with you and love you and make babies for you to have.Now thats what i call a gift.A child or a pet are wonderful gifts,,Not Disability.I think Disability is punishment from GOD whatever your parents have done.Thats what Billy Graham said.Billy Graham said GOD doesnt punish you with pain you feel in your stomach or in your chest,your leg or even with an headache.He doesnt punish you with dieases or illeness.He simply punish you by giving your child with a disability.Now i question my parents what have they done a great sin why im deaf

Mom Told me she hasnt done anything against the bible thats a great sin dad doesnt know what he did. Well thats how GOD punishes you.

This is what he might be talking about.
God loves us and He have plans for us just like other people..

So.. stop complaining and wasting your time.. Go and Move on your life.. Enjoy your life and Thank God that he give you LIFE..

I count alot of blessings that he gave me.. I thanked him everyday..

I wouldnt ask for anything more ... being deaf.. I accepted.. :)
Buckdodgers said:
I think Disability is punishment from GOD whatever your parents have done.Thats what Billy Graham said.Billy Graham said GOD doesnt punish you with pain you feel in your stomach or in your chest,your leg or even with an headache.He doesnt punish you with dieases or illeness.He simply punish you by giving your child with a disability.Now i question my parents what have they done a great sin why im deaf

What?! That is NOT what the Bible says about disabilities, not at all!

If you can show me a direct quote, with a source, where Billy Graham said that, I will be very sorely disappointed. But you will need to prove it to me with a reference first.

Remember the case where Jesus healed a man who has been born blind.

This comes from John 9:

As he [Jesus] went along, he saw a man blind from birth. His disciples asked him, "Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?"

"Neither this man nor his parents sinned," said Jesus, "but this happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life. As long as it is day, we must do the work of him who sent me. Night is coming, when no one can work. While I am in the world, I am the light of the world."

Later on, this man is questioned very rudely by his peers about his miraculous healing. They treat him very coldly and this incident happens:

Then they hurled insults at him and said, "You are this fellow's disciple! We are disciples of Moses! We know that God spoke to Moses, but as for this fellow, we don't even know where he comes from."

The man answered, "Now that is remarkable! You don't know where he comes from, yet he opened my eyes. We know that God does not listen to sinners. He listens to the godly man who does his will. Nobody has ever heard of opening the eyes of a man born blind. If this man were not from God, he could do nothing."

To this they replied, "You were steeped in sin at birth; how dare you lecture us!" And they threw him out.

This man that they condemn as having been born with worse sin than any of them, just because he's blind, is obviously the smartest man in the room when it comes to God.

Jesus then goes on to deplore spiritual blindness such as that shown by the people who condemned this man, saying that is the truly dangerous "disability", not any physical one.

Here is the entire chapter to read: http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search= John 9;&version=31;
Well thats what Billy Graham said in Dallas 1971 theres no link dated to that time.But thats what billy graham said about sin.
Er...I side with RI on this. The Bible is consistent in respect to sin (by extension to disabilities). You are dealing with two different subjects here. Every person is only responsible for their own sin...not their father's, mother's, children's nor anybody else's.

I cite one such example from Deuteronomy 24:16 (NIV)...
16 Fathers shall not be put to death for their children, nor children put to death for their fathers; each is to die for his own sin.

Now getting to the other aspect which is disabilities, as RI mentioned from John 9 that Jesus said that the blind man's parents "sin" had nothing to do with his blindness. It is even more absurd to think that a person who is blind from birth had done anything to contribute to his predictament.

It really goes all the way back to the problem of original sin by Adam. The world was perfect before that. After Adam's sin, the world was a different place and sin had an effect on all creation. Amongst such consequences, would be people who have disabilities of all kinds...no fault of their own.

This is different from a person participating in an activity that might have consequences whereas to impose a disability. An example would be listening to very loud noises (a walkman) having knowledge that it could damage your hearing. In this case, it would be the person's fault as it is well known about such dangers.
deafdyke said:
Why would God choose to take away the abilty to have sex with a person of the opposite sex, or the abilty to make kids that way?
That's kind of the point I am trying to make. I don't think God acts in our lives in this sort of way. I really don't think God wanted me the be HOH for any reason - I started losing the hearing in my right ear because of being punched in the side of the head by my father. I would really have a hard time if I blamed God for this, or even gave God the credit for it. I believe in an ever-present God, but I do not believe that God "makes us the way we are" in the way that some people talk about it. I can't tell you why I am attracted to women and men - biology, life experience - I can't say, but I don't attribute it to God either. I just don't think God works that way, and I wouldn't want to worship a God who did.
Momoftwo said:
If God created people to be deaf, then why did God pick people to be deaf? There are billions and billions people who are hearing in the world. There is only about 2 millions people who are deaf in the US or world. Just want to hear your feedbacks.....thanks!
to correct ur post.. there are more than 26 million deaf, hard of hearing in US alone. in the world there's even more.
DeafSCUBA98 said:
to correct ur post.. there are more than 26 million deaf, hard of hearing in US alone. in the world there's even more.
How did you come up with the '26 million' DHH figure in the United States? I checked this Population Clock as maintained by the Census Bureau, multiplied that figure by an historical incidence figure of 1:1000 to come up with approximately 298,000 DHH people in the United States. Even then, it feels too much. Halve that figure to around 149,000 DHH people in the U.S., and things seem to be reasonable.
MorriganTait said:
That's kind of the point I am trying to make. I don't think God acts in our lives in this sort of way. I really don't think God wanted me the be HOH for any reason - I started losing the hearing in my right ear because of being punched in the side of the head by my father. I would really have a hard time if I blamed God for this, or even gave God the credit for it. I believe in an ever-present God, but I do not believe that God "makes us the way we are" in the way that some people talk about it. I can't tell you why I am attracted to women and men - biology, life experience - I can't say, but I don't attribute it to God either. I just don't think God works that way, and I wouldn't want to worship a God who did.

That's horrible something like that would happen to you! Being HOH is neutral by itself, but because someone who's supposed to love you lashed out like that? There's something really wrong with that.

I commend you for keeping your faith in spite of that, though. That really is inspiring to me and I hope you take that as the compliment it's intended to be. :)
Buckdodgers said:
Well thats what Billy Graham said in Dallas 1971 theres no link dated to that time.But thats what billy graham said about sin.

Wow. If I find anything more to back that up, I will be REALLY irritated with Graham because that's totally un-Biblical. And from someone with his kind of celebrity, too! :(
Buckdodgers said:
...Billy Graham said GOD doesnt punish you with pain you feel in your stomach or in your chest,your leg or even with an headache.He doesnt punish you with dieases or illeness.He simply punish you by giving your child with a disability.Now i question my parents what have they done a great sin why im deaf

Mom Told me she hasnt done anything against the bible thats a great sin dad doesnt know what he did. Well thats how GOD punishes you...
I don't know what Billy Graham said, but this is what Jesus said:

John 9
1 And as Jesus passed by, he saw a man which was blind from his birth. 2 And his disciples asked him, saying, Master, who did sin, this man, or his parents, that he was born blind? 3 Jesus answered, Neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents: but that the works of God should be made manifest in him.
Reba...exactly what I was pointing out. :)

BTW, another neat thing about that particular chapter: notice how incredibly smart the formerly blind man was. I have to think he learned most of it before gaining his sight, too. Don't you think that especially for ancient times, that portrays the disabled in a wonderful light?
Audiofuzzy said:
I am closest with Sylvia Browne theories on this one.

Sylvia says when we are entities in the other dimension, (the other side),
we choose who are we gonna be, what are we gonna experience etc. to enrich our spirit.
Because on the other side there is no negativity we have to incarnate into human bodies to experience what we wish to experience. We make detailed map of our life on Earth. Very detailed.

The more we learn from our experiences the closer to God we are. When we are wise enough we become part of God.

Something like that.. :)

This is the other theory I was going to post about. There are people that believe that we decide our life before we are born. Also, that we may have sinned in a past life, so we choose our disability for the next lifetime as a punishment.

I really don't know the answer to that because I also believe that Jesus heals anyone, so I don't know.

I am going to point out that I think it's really rude to tell someone to get over their deafness or disability. Why? Because not everyone is at the same level of acceptance as you are, so if someone wants to ask questions about why they became deaf or they hate being deaf, let them vent and argue over it. All you have to do is plainly state your opinion as nicely as you can. Why does deafness have to be some glorious thing that deserves special priority? Deafness is just like any other problems or disability in life. People argue about who they are. Sometimes it is OKAY to yell out your pain and frustrations EVEN deafness. Don't let people hold up their pain about deafness inside. Listen and gladly help them as nice as you can. Don't tell them to get over it when that clearly doesn't help. Sometimes acceptance can come from first beginning to discuss your feelings about it. It's okay to ask. Who knows? That may just be their other step in their lifetime to achieving their purpose.
Happy Easter!!

Thank you so much for your feedbacks. Wow, some of you have the same comments with others and some of you have different beliefs. I wish we know the truth as 100%.

I am so shocked to read about Billy Graham that God punishes deaf, blind people. If this is true, it's so sad.

I still don't get it about John 9 because why did God let it happen to people who become deaf or blind or handicapped. I understand what John 9 means but why did God want to do that?? Because of Adam's sin...why can't God change that?

Few of you said that God would not want to see disability people to be so sad or angry or can't accept for who they are like deaf or blind or etc. Ok, but this John 9 means that God wants people to go thru the experiences. It's hard to explain.

Before I thought that God made people to be deaf and that made deaf people to feel better, but now some people (from some of you and other people in persons like my hearing friends, my neighbors, etc) said that God doesn't want people to be so sad about being deaf or blind etc so that's why God did not make them to be deaf, etc on purpose. I am confused.

Some of you know my dream experience with Jesus. Yes, Jesus is very real and yes God is there! My parents gave me their message about God and deaf. Maybe I don't understand what my mom was saying when she communicated with me while sleeping.

Thank you so much for your feedbacks! I appreciated this very much!:)
Momoftwo said:
If God created people to be deaf, then why did God pick people to be deaf? There are billions and billions people who are hearing in the world. There is only about 2 millions people who are deaf in the US or world. Just want to hear your feedbacks.....thanks!

I don't get it why would u think God pick people to be deaf? All of us have disorder of some kind. I do not know any one person with a perfect body and mind? Do u?