Why did God pick people to be deaf?

The*Empress said:
I don't think God choose us to be deaf...
I blame parents or ancestors, they must have did drugs, drank some bad water, ate bad foods, or something that make them sick.

I blamed on those strangers who carry germs to made me deaf.
true, somebody with german measle may have pass it on to
your mom while she was pregnant with you...
Or maybe somebody with rubella...
I don't care everyone saying..

I'm happy who am I that God created me...
Reason I have to learn hard ways in my life...
I still love Jesus all my heart eternity!
I can´t see the sense why anyone find an excuse to blame anyone for their deafness... :roll:
jillio said:
Gonna have to disagree with you on this one! My son is Deaf, and I believe that God, or a Supreme Being, or whatever it is you choose to call it, chose my son to experience Deafness because he knew that he possessed the strength of character and tolerance for differences that the majority of hearing people don't possess. In other words, he is of stronger emotional composition, and could handle it successfully. That makes him a superior being, not an inferior one who is paying for past sins. I also believe that I was given a gift by whatever you choose to call your God, when I was given the gift of a Deaf son. Because of it, I have been given valuable life experiences that have enriched my life and made me a better person as a result.

No God is not so cruel as to choose your son or anyone for that matter to have deafness or any other affliction. The devil is the root cause for all the suffering of mankind,we all suffer. Whether it is infirmities, or crime, or sorrow over losing a loved one growing old or dying. If you read Romans 5:12, you will see that through one man sin entered into the world and death through sin And Romans 6:23 For the wages sin pays is death but the gift God gives is everlasting life by Christ Jesus our Lord. I am telling you a wonderful message how God is going to make the world 100% better soon and all the afflictions, sorrow and crime will be done away with. Anyone would be foolish to not want to live the way God intended mankind to live. That is 100% healthy, 100% happy, 100% peacefully. Only God's kingdom will make this happen, the kingdom we pray for in the lords prayer. In other words we have a wonderful future to look forward to. The whole earth will be filled with peace and harmony. No racism, nationalism. We will all live in harmony with the animals and each other. No crime or violence or greed or injustice. Who wouldn't want to live in a world like that? And we can believe God's promises he cannot lie Titus 1:2 and I don't choose to call God Jehovah that is his name in the Bible. And I never ever hinted at deafness meaning inferior and I know God is very happy that you consider your deaf son a gift rather a tragedy as unfortunately some parents have considered their children in that fashion. But while we may bravely live with the sufferings of this system and embrace what we are dealt with in a positive and successful manner, how wonderful to know that this present system is not all there is to life and that we have the hope of everlasting life here on earth forever. ps 37:29. :)
I am agnostic. I believe sh*t happens and we have to deal with it the best we can. If there is a God, I don't think he made us deaf but will be waiting for us to come home in heaven and heal all of us of our disabilities. :)
sillycat said:
I am agnostic. I believe sh*t happens and we have to deal with it the best we can. If there is a God, I don't think he made us deaf but will be waiting for us to come home in heaven and heal all of us of our disabilities. :)

I am sorry you don't believe in God though many feel as you do especially since they don't understand if he exists then why does he permit all these things to happen. Rest assured, there is a difference between causing something to happen and allowing it to happen. Man chose independance from God, God has allowed men to do their thing, but soon as any loving father would when he sees his children in danger, will intervene in mankinds affairs and set things straight. Here on earth. This is our home. Who says people must die and go to heaven? Why can't people live forever on earth in peace and harmony and healthy and strong? That is what the bible really teaches. Not to suffer here on earth to have to die to go to a peaceful place in heaven. God wants us to live here where he put us. The problems of the world isn't God's fault he will correct them very very soon in our lifetime. Ps 115:16 says "To Jehovah the heavens belong, but the earth he has given to the sons of men." Paradise is very close here on earth. And all our loved ones that are in the memorial tombs will here Jesus voice and come out and be resurrected here on earth. God is not so cruel as to take our babies our mothers and fathers and friends to heaven leaving us to mourn their loss. God is a God of love. He created heavenly angels before he ever created humans here on earth. He's got billions of spirit creatures. The dead are in his memory to bring back to life here on earth is paradisaic conditions. We will recognize them and they will recognize us. God created them he knows everything about them. The only thing that will be missing sickness, old age, and disabilities. Isaiah says the blind will see and the deaf will hear, the lame one will walk. This is exciting thrilling news. Again we may be able to accept things now with success and positive attitude but we are by no means forced to live this way forever or until we grow old and die. No millions now living will never see death and billions will come back to life once the wicked have been destroyed and the devil has been done away with and the earth will be a paradise. :)
I blame God for making me deaf. People at church say that God made me deaf because he had plans for me. What the hell does that mean? :roll:
Vamp,,,I dont like his plans because of my deafness.I wish i can be like normal people like my Brother have a wife & Kids.Cause i find being in a marrage with a family and running your family is very challenging
In concept of reality abt God wanna see how many ppl who do care abt each others to make the world look so good and to show how much we love thru all the struggle emotional power of their enemies no matters what who we are but it's still we have to learn getting along with friendship of the environment we live on this earth. That's how communication is a key of successful to make a commandment along with all kind of ppl, it's a mutual substance.
Jesus healed blind to see. Many centuries ago they thought deaf and blind were devil. They hated us. But today we are good people who are blind and deaf. without communication technologies we could not live. We are fighter and can live in better communications like we have now internet and many.
VamPyroX said:
I blame God for making me deaf. People at church say that God made me deaf because he had plans for me. What the hell does that mean? :roll:

Dear Vamp,

God loves to use weak people.

Everyone has weakness. In fact, you have a bundle of flaws and
imperfections: physical, emotional, intellecual and spiritual.
You may also have uncontrollable circumstances that
weaken you such as finanical or relational limitations etc.
The more important issue is what you do with these.
Usually we deny our weaknessess, defend them, excuse them,
hide them and resent them. This prevents God from
using them the way he desires.

God has a different perspective on your weakness (deafness, etc)
He says "My thoughts and my ways are higher than yours"
so he often acts in ways that are the exact opposite of
what we expect. We think that God only wants to use
our strengths, but he also wants to use our weakness
for his glory.

The Bible says " God purposely chose.. what the world
considers weak in order to shame the powerful"
Your weakness (or deafness) are not an accident.
God deliberately allowed them in your life for the
purpose of demonstrating his power through you.

God has never been impressed with strengths or
self-sufficieny. In fact, he is drawn to people
who are weak and admit it. Jesus regared this
recognition of our need as being
"poor in spirit". It's the number one attitude
he blesses.

A weakness is not a sin or a character defect that
you can change, such as overeating or impatience.
A weakness is any limitation that you inherited or
have no power to change. It may be a physical
limitation, like a handicap (deaf), a chronic illness,
natually low energy, or a disablity. It may be an
emotional limitation such as a trauma scar,
a hurtful memory, a personality quirk or
a heredity disposition. Or it may be a
talent or intellectual limitation. We are NOT
all super bright or talened.

When you think of the limitation in your life,
you may be tempted to conclude
"God could NEVER use me".
But, God is never limited by our limitations.
In fact, he enjoyes putting his great power
into ordinary containers.

NOTE: I copied these partial paragraphs above
from one of my favorite books "The Purpose Drive Life"
by Dr. Rick Warren http://www.purposedrivenlife.com
It's one of my favorites because it's very Simple
and very easy to read and very relaxing.

Photo of the author Dr. Rick Warren

Hmm, Who does he look alike ?

Anyway... You never choose God, but it's really God
choose you anyway. God have plans for you.

I personally assume that God want to use you
for a Deaf ministry someday in the future.

Hey, Vamp again... Why are you here on this earth ?
Why are you still with this Alldeaf forum here ?

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VamPyroX said:
I blame God for making me deaf. People at church say that God made me deaf because he had plans for me. What the hell does that mean? :roll:

Any thoughts what you have done for people that they love you about ?
VamPyroX said:
I blame God for making me deaf. People at church say that God made me deaf because he had plans for me. What the hell does that mean? :roll:

Oh yeah I have seen some people often say this... :roll:

I born deaf due rubuella (sp)... not God.
God did not make us deaf or hard of hearing.

Why do I think that? The last two weeks have been bloody Hell for me. I made some life choices that I am not sure I should of made. Regardless, I think if you read the Genesis story, you will see that death entered into the world because of sin. Not everybody holds this view, but yesterday I knelt before God discouraged from the many hardships that being hard of hearing has given to me. I asked him for his comfort and for a brief moment I felt the consolation that only God can give to me. I felt a sense that God will make me whole and perfect in mind, body, and spirit. He never intended for me to be hard of hearing, rather, he became one of us, taking on a form of a slave, to die for us so that one day we will be glorified.
robbielyn said:
No God is not so cruel as to choose your son or anyone for that matter to have deafness or any other affliction. The devil is the root cause for all the suffering of mankind,we all suffer. Whether it is infirmities, or crime, or sorrow over losing a loved one growing old or dying. If you read Romans 5:12, you will see that through one man sin entered into the world and death through sin And Romans 6:23 For the wages sin pays is death but the gift God gives is everlasting life by Christ Jesus our Lord. I am telling you a wonderful message how God is going to make the world 100% better soon and all the afflictions, sorrow and crime will be done away with. Anyone would be foolish to not want to live the way God intended mankind to live. That is 100% healthy, 100% happy, 100% peacefully. Only God's kingdom will make this happen, the kingdom we pray for in the lords prayer. In other words we have a wonderful future to look forward to. The whole earth will be filled with peace and harmony. No racism, nationalism. We will all live in harmony with the animals and each other. No crime or violence or greed or injustice. Who wouldn't want to live in a world like that? And we can believe God's promises he cannot lie Titus 1:2 and I don't choose to call God Jehovah that is his name in the Bible. And I never ever hinted at deafness meaning inferior and I know God is very happy that you consider your deaf son a gift rather a tragedy as unfortunately some parents have considered their children in that fashion. But while we may bravely live with the sufferings of this system and embrace what we are dealt with in a positive and successful manner, how wonderful to know that this present system is not all there is to life and that we have the hope of everlasting life here on earth forever. ps 37:29. :)

Sorry, robbielynn, but I don't see my son's deafness as an affliction or an infirmity. I see his Deafness as a cultural and linguistic difference. My son is deaf because I was exposed to CMV during my preganancy, and his 8th cranial nerve was damaged. You see deafness as an affliction, I see it as a blessing and an opportunity to be exposed to a world I would never have come in contact with otherwise. A world that has enriched my life, as well as my son's.

Let me relate this to you: When my son was 4 years old, we were in a store, and a woman noticed us signing. She came over and asked if he was deaf. (I started to tell her no, he was blind, but decided not to be as rude as she was being.) Anyway, she asked me to tell him if he prayed hard enough, God would heal him. I signed her message, to which my son replied, "I'm not sick!" As a 4 year old, he had already developed enough understanding to know that there was nothing wrong with him that needed to be fixed or cured. My son is 100% happy, 100% healthy, and 100% at peace. And he is living just as he was intended to live: Deaf. I find your attitude regarding Deafness as an affliction, and a way of life that is deviant to be extremely offensive.
jillio said:
Gonna have to disagree with you on this one! My son is Deaf, and I believe that God, or a Supreme Being, or whatever it is you choose to call it, chose my son to experience Deafness because he knew that he possessed the strength of character and tolerance for differences that the majority of hearing people don't possess. In other words, he is of stronger emotional composition, and could handle it successfully. That makes him a superior being, not an inferior one who is paying for past sins. I also believe that I was given a gift by whatever you choose to call your God, when I was given the gift of a Deaf son. Because of it, I have been given valuable life experiences that have enriched my life and made me a better person as a result.


Yes, I agree with you completely!! And you are right! Yes, God made people to be deaf on purpose. I hope you read my dream experience with Jesus about deaf. Sadly, some people don't believe my dream experience. That's okay because they have not experienced it yet. I had very good reasons and also, I asked God to give me His answers so He did. I never knew about the dream I had with Jesus. I was in a full of shock like very surprised with very pleasant experience!! So, this is why I came to AllDeaf and tell people about God related to deaf. God knows that I share with people about God related to deaf. When people don't believe me, I must stand up for God. I'm very closely to God. God is so very wonderful. If you'd like to read my dream experience with Jesus, go to the christianity section and I posted it here last October.

Momoftwo said:

Yes, I agree with you completely!! And you are right! Yes, God made people to be deaf on purpose. I hope you read my dream experience with Jesus about deaf. Sadly, some people don't believe my dream experience. That's okay because they have not experienced it yet. I had very good reasons and also, I asked God to give me His answers so He did. I never knew about the dream I had with Jesus. I was in a full of shock like very surprised with very pleasant experience!! So, this is why I came to AllDeaf and tell people about God related to deaf. God knows that I share with people about God related to deaf. When people don't believe me, I must stand up for God. I'm very closely to God. God is so very wonderful. If you'd like to read my dream experience with Jesus, go to the christianity section and I posted it here last October.


Momoftwo, u don't get it? Those dreams are private, only to you not us. It is between u and God. We do get them also but it is personal and private.
The*Empress said:
I don't think God choose us to be deaf...
I blame parents or ancestors, they must have did drugs, drank some bad water, ate bad foods, or something that make them sick.

Noone are perfect!!!!! Dont ever blame each other!