VamPyroX said:
I blame God for making me deaf. People at church say that God made me deaf because he had plans for me. What the hell does that mean? :roll:
Dear Vamp,
God loves to use weak people.
Everyone has weakness. In fact, you have a bundle of flaws and
imperfections: physical, emotional, intellecual and spiritual.
You may also have uncontrollable circumstances that
weaken you such as finanical or relational limitations etc.
The more important issue is what you do with these.
Usually we deny our weaknessess, defend them, excuse them,
hide them and resent them. This prevents God from
using them the way he desires.
God has a different perspective on your weakness (deafness, etc)
He says "My thoughts and my ways are higher than yours"
so he often acts in ways that are the exact opposite of
what we expect. We think that God only wants to use
our strengths, but he also wants to use our weakness
for his glory.
The Bible says " God purposely chose.. what the world
considers weak in order to shame the powerful"
Your weakness (or deafness) are not an accident.
God deliberately allowed them in your life for the
purpose of demonstrating his power through you.
God has never been impressed with strengths or
self-sufficieny. In fact, he is drawn to people
who are weak and admit it. Jesus regared this
recognition of our need as being
"poor in spirit". It's the number one attitude
he blesses.
A weakness is not a sin or a character defect that
you can change, such as overeating or impatience.
A weakness is any limitation that you inherited or
have no power to change. It may be a physical
limitation, like a handicap (deaf), a chronic illness,
natually low energy, or a disablity. It may be an
emotional limitation such as a trauma scar,
a hurtful memory, a personality quirk or
a heredity disposition. Or it may be a
talent or intellectual limitation. We are NOT
all super bright or talened.
When you think of the limitation in your life,
you may be tempted to conclude
"God could NEVER use me".
But, God is never limited by our limitations.
In fact, he enjoyes putting his great power
into ordinary containers.
NOTE: I copied these partial paragraphs above
from one of my favorite books "The Purpose Drive Life"
by Dr. Rick Warren
It's one of my favorites because it's very Simple
and very easy to read and very relaxing.
Photo of the author Dr. Rick Warren
Hmm, Who does he look alike ?
Anyway... You never choose God, but it's really God
choose you anyway. God have plans for you.
I personally assume that God want to use you
for a Deaf ministry someday in the future.
Hey, Vamp again... Why are you here on this earth ?
Why are you still with this Alldeaf forum here ?