Guess what. There is no such a thing about God. You are profound deaf, and you have to learn how to deal with a hearing world. I think that your mother is right that you are special, and even for all deaf people, too. However, the hearing world do not give a damn about special people. In fact, a religious is make up a society.
I recalled a story 60 years ago a small group of poor people came and knock a door. A priest opened the door, and they begged for food. A group of priests saw them, and they didn't want them in the house, and closed the door. He wanted them to have more babies so that he makes money by letting them in his church. He also receives their death donation gift to a church. That makes a priest happy to get the money. That's how it works. That's why it is so blind for them not to know what is really happening in our world. I don't give a damn about Bible telling that it is bad. Just wake up and see the real world. A Bible is just a piece of book, and it brainwashed people. That's why priests were so clever to make their words so powerful. I am sorry that I let you down. But, don't forget that you are still special no matter what.