Why did God pick people to be deaf?

I am at loss what ur trying to tell me here, giggle mean ur joking right? I am no jewish.
hahahah you funny you are not jew? just tease you. iam not an jew:giggle: but i have many friend jewish from chattanooga,tn and rossville,ga my friend jew is crazy drive nut lol:giggle:
hahahah you funny you are not jew? just tease you. iam not an jew:giggle: but i have many friend jewish from chattanooga,tn and rossville,ga my friend jew is crazy drive nut lol:giggle:

Really, cool to have some friends who are jewish. :)
He may be one of those agnostic or atheist. I am and will always be catholic. I studied buddhism and many other religions except for islamic to expand my knowledge that is all. Not interest to convert to other religions cuz I had enough of run in trouble with many religion extremists and agnostics here on Ad and other places.

I think that is the way to go, follow your religion truly and you will reap the fruits. Well, my religion, Hinduism is a mythical one, its so beautiful and I tresure every respect of my being a hindu!!

Glad to know you are a staunch catholic, I went to a Catholic school in Middle High School, the school was called Maris Stella, I learnt a lot about the catholic faith including the various masses, like Ash Wednesday, Easter Sunday, etc... I learnt about communion, etc. Also I liked the hymns...I still remember Hail Mary, full of grace!

Just be comfortable with yourself, and you would be fine...thats my point.

I'm Catholic, myself. I grew up with the feeling that God works in very mysterious ways--ways that we probably can't even comprehend since we're only human. For some reason God made me deaf, and the best I can do is to try to be a good person.
I think that is the way to go, follow your religion truly and you will reap the fruits. Well, my religion, Hinduism is a mythical one, its so beautiful and I tresure every respect of my being a hindu!!

Glad to know you are a staunch catholic, I went to a Catholic school in Middle High School, the school was called Maris Stella, I learnt a lot about the catholic faith including the various masses, like Ash Wednesday, Easter Sunday, etc... I learnt about communion, etc. Also I liked the hymns...I still remember Hail Mary, full of grace!

Just be comfortable with yourself, and you would be fine...thats my point.


Met many people who practice hindu and buddhism, they are wonderful people. Interest about u attended Catholic school, I never went to Catholic school, only attended mass. My parents does not believe children should go to private school.

I agree with u, be yourself and be comfortable with your own faith. :)
I'm Catholic, myself. I grew up with the feeling that God works in very mysterious ways--ways that we probably can't even comprehend since we're only human. For some reason God made me deaf, and the best I can do is to try to be a good person.

I think I liked what you said about trying to be a good person!!

Met many people who practice hindu and buddhism, they are wonderful people. Interest about u attended Catholic school, I never went to Catholic school, only attended mass. My parents does not believe children should go to private school.

I agree with u, be yourself and be comfortable with your own faith. :)

Well, I really couldn't fit in a catholic school, because I am so committed to my faith, but yes, I did get asked a lot of questions, and people did accept my faith!

Well, I spent all my life in private schools, because my parents were worried that I wouldn't be able to cope in a class of 40/45 in the public schools, now when I am studying in a university of 800/900 students in one class, I really would like to know what they have to say about that!!

If God created people to be deaf, then why did God pick people to be deaf? There are billions and billions people who are hearing in the world. There is only about 2 millions people who are deaf in the US or world. Just want to hear your feedbacks.....thanks!

as i am a PK(preachers Kid but im a black sheep) i always ask my dad whos deaf too about it he said God might have a reason for that... also asked my 2 grandpas whos a decaons too they said same thing..
as i am a PK(preachers Kid but im a black sheep) i always ask my dad whos deaf too about it he said God might have a reason for that... also asked my 2 grandpas whos a decaons too they said same thing..

Amen! God is good reason too!!
Isnt god aware that person might get very mean,Bitter,Feel sorry for himself and jelous? Some people think deafness is a gift from GOD but what if they dont want that gift? To me a gift from GOD is a girl to be with you and love you and make babies for you to have.Now thats what i call a gift.A child or a pet are wonderful gifts,,Not Disability.I think Disability is punishment from GOD whatever your parents have done.Thats what Billy Graham said.Billy Graham said GOD doesnt punish you with pain you feel in your stomach or in your chest,your leg or even with an headache.He doesnt punish you with dieases or illeness.He simply punish you by giving your child with a disability.Now i question my parents what have they done a great sin why im deaf

Mom Told me she hasnt done anything against the bible thats a great sin dad doesnt know what he did. Well thats how GOD punishes you.

This is what he might be talking about.

Don't blame your parents. It doesn't matter what Billy Graham or any human being says. This is one of the areas where we get a pretty direct answer right from Jesus himself (if you're a Christian). Read John 9:3.

BibleGateway.com - Passage*Lookup: JOHN 9

It's like others here have already said. We don't live today in paradise. We live in "the inbetween times". So, things don't always work like they will when we're in paradise. Is there anyone to blame? Not really. It's the state of the world, and blaming others accomplishes little. As Jesus said, the better way to view deafness, or blindness, or any other challenge, is that you were put here for a purpose--your condition, whatever it is, reflects God's will for you. Every one of us has life challenges, and some are harder than others. What you do with your life is more important than what your troubles are. It's the journey and the destination, not where you start, that're important.
hiii there :) well u have asked a nice but hard questoin .... but it is nice to live our life asking our self why this happen and how .. maybe by living this way we can learn better in our life and try to be more perfect so we can be more staisfy with our self ... for your question why god pick people to be deaf???? i don't know why :( but i think maybe because those people are stronger than the others, maybe God want to test their abilty and sterngth in life, maybe this is better for them than hearing No one knows what life hide for us so maybe if they were able to hear the may suffer from something else so being deaf is better for them than anything else :) (i hope that u got my piont) so i believe that what ever God give us this is the best for us and we have to know how to deal with it and to proof for the others that we can do and reach our limits to be a good and the best person in life no matter about what we loose :) we must know how to deal with the thigns that remain and do our best and always we r thankful for what we have,, and the best way to be thankful is by looking to the others who r suffering from more serious things, yes i know loosing the sense of hearing is bad but still there is more worse things inlife that oether may suffer from it such as paralysis and Can't move :) so u have to look and explore more around u and u'll see how lucky u r in this life even wothout hearing :)
Good luck in your life :)
I was made HoH because He said half the stuff in this world ain't worth listening to!:ty:
I was made HoH because He said half the stuff in this world ain't worth listening to!:ty:

:rofl: Very true, very true ! And, I am glad that it doesn't even bother me a bit. But.... sometimes, bein' deaf is lonely when you can't hear somethin' that is more pleasant to please/relax you. There's always another way you could find somethin' to enjoy your life without hearin' what the half stuff is in this world that ain't worth listenin' to. ;)
Well, me & my wife got to talking about that one day. & Honestly theres never any real answer for it. I tell her, its because God made her more special. That just tickles her heart when I say that. But God gave all you deaf people a challenge in life. Just like us hearing people. We have our own challenges in life. No matter what the deal is. I believe also that God gave us all these challenges in life just to see how we come through. To make you a stronger & much better person in life:)

God gives us so many good questions in life. But never enough answers. Most we have to find within & through out our lives. Rather it be easy or hard. But what we do in our lives & how we do it is what makes the world a better place, & that is what matters the most..Rather its being deaf or not:)

If God created people to be deaf, then why did God pick people to be deaf? There are billions and billions people who are hearing in the world. There is only about 2 millions people who are deaf in the US or world. Just want to hear your feedbacks.....thanks!
I believe also that God gave us all these challenges in life just to see how we come through. To make you a stronger & much better person in life:)

You know this is what my parents often tell me, its a source of motivation and absolute inspiration!!

God gives us so many good questions in life. But never enough answers. Most we have to find within & through out our lives. Rather it be easy or hard. But what we do in our lives & how we do it is what makes the world a better place, & that is what matters the most..

Very true!
A better late than never reply

I believe He is there and He is not silent

There were episodes of silence in my life. When I say episodes of silence it means times when I don’t talk to God, when our line of communication is broken, when I do not pray, I am silent.
Sometimes this silence will come to the point where I will be filled with hatred and rage. In my mind I will rage against my parents who did not move heaven and earth to have my deafness treated. In my mind I will tell them this deafness is the cause of all my life’s misfortunes. That this deafness made me believe I will amount to nothing. I want even arrogantly to tell the world I am capable of doing most anything except hear well. This deafness warped and dented my personality.
My deeply caring family will try to counsel me out of my pain and anger. My heart’s response was always – you will never know my pain unless you’re deaf yourself.
Strangely I never vented my anger on God. I just kept silent. I’m so hurt I refuse to talk to Him or confront Him. Perhaps because from childhood I have known Him to be a good, loving and merciful God and it is impossible for such kind of God to make me deaf, or give me pain. I have a great respect for this God that I dare not question Him but I behaved in such a way that He will see how hurt I was.
This silence stretched to many years until I woke up to the realization that God is not silent. In fact He’s trying to reach me, He’s talking to me. It is I who would not listen. Thru a loving family who would not give up on me, thru times of self searching and reading the Bible and books about God I rediscovered the good God of my childhood. I learned divine truths that I need not question God about my disability. He is the potter, I am the clay. There is pain and sickness because we live in a fallen world.

God does not always give us answers to our questions but He gave us promises we can stand on. And most importantly, life is not about us but about God and His love for us while we still have a disability.
Ted Turner, the US media mogul said that God is only for losers. Exactly! And also for us who have lost our hearing. Even if we can cope, even if we have access to the best medical practitioners and the latest in technology, even if we have a supportive family, we still need God. Because again life is about Him and His love for us while we still have a disability. This only means even if God will not miraculously unstop our ears in our lifetime there is still a life out yonder when our healing will be complete. God is good and His mercies never end.
God must have reasons for that. I'm cool being deaf and accepted it as a fact as a kid. It really kept my mind in peace and simple to accept being deaf than blaming or not accepting it, you know it won't solve anything but regrets. Simply accept it and yet you should be more glad not being blind or crippled or something worse, huh.

And sleep better without any noise and don't have to hear craps from hearies whenever they talk aloud or bitchin'. I was told a few times by my co-workers that I'm so lucky not hear their craps at lunchtime or whenever at work - true. So it surely has its advantages being deaf, too.
See, that's what I'm talking about. Equating deafness with hopelessness is offensive.
Re: music--there are deaf musicians. Check out a beautiful essay on another forum at AD.
Blind people see--they see with their sense of touch. Amd deaf people hear--they hear with their eyes.
My son's future is as bright as any hearing person's future. It is that attitude of people who think that deafness is an affliction that would threaten to hold him back more than his lack of hearing. You come across-to my way of thinking-as very arrogant in your attitudes toward deafness. You have a very medicalized view, and that is something the Deaf community has been fighting against for years.

THANKKKKKK UUUUU!!!!! What an AWESOME posting!!! Poeple like Robbyn turn deafness into an ugly thing and make us suffer with their oppressive views which is TOTALLY unecessary. Accept deafness, blindness or whatever and help change the attitudes of people like u, then nobody would have to suffer. How about that? Then God would have the peaceful world he so desires. Ha!

I am deaf and I am HAPPY!!!!!

God asked me before I was born which one do I want to be..deaf or hearing? I told him deaf so I was born deaf. :giggle: