AJ said:whoa buddy ur startin something with the wrong person.
Who started on CSA flag thread?
AJ said:whoa buddy ur startin something with the wrong person.
Originally Posted by AJ.
It's a Southern thing, yall wouldn't understand.
AJ said:yes i named the Thread, Rebel Flag to get attention to the thread.
it is not a rebel flag, it is a Southern Cross Flag.
u seem to want to keep this flag as a racist flag. u dont want to change the meaning of it...why?
mld4ds said:If I accept your rebel flag, would you accept nazi flag?
AJ said:i dont fly the rebel flag, i fly the Southern Cross.
u forgot to read the history on it.
mld4ds said:Let me assist your proper English langauge, boyish reballious surfer
"It's a Southern thing, y'all wouldn't understand"
mld4ds said:Ok. Let me rephrase the question.
If I accept "Southern Cross" flag, would you accept the Nazi flag?
AJ said:im not a nazi...are u?
mld4ds said:that's not a right answer. Just give me Yes or No..
Steel said:I wonder what does Rebel girl has to say about this too since she lives in the south, as well?
I'm not turning this into a hissy fit. Stating my opinion of you. You claim your not a liberal. Yet your statments through out your time on AD have sure come across as that. BTW Slaves came over to this country under these flags -cental34 said:CC, cut the crap. I simply suggested a book that AJ might find interesting. He can take that how he wants it, but I was only suggesting reading. I am not liberal. I am not conservative. I can very well think for myself, so don't suggest otherwise. You're turning this into a hissy fit, and I refuse to continue if thats what you and AJ and going to let it degrade into. If you're proud to fly a flag that is closely associated with racism by society, power to you. But to me, it is no different than someone who is proud of their German heritage wearing a swastika.
Brian said:My father's great grandfathers and some male relatives fought in the wars. He (my father) was proud being a Southerner. But he never wore anything with the Conferate Flag nor would he allow such on his property.
One of my mother's uncle was a long-time klansman. But from what I understand from stories told about him, that he and his group weren't racists, they only took actions against men that abused women.
I, for one wouldn't be caught dead owning anything with Conferate Flag, nor would I hang out with people wearing anything representing the flag! I only have some issues with some people like the Rev. Jesse Jackson.
AJ said:no i have no association with that.i dont live in germany. and im only like 1 percent german.