The Passion of The Christ

Passion Earns $64.6 Million in Three Days

Saturday, Feb. 28, 2004 9:44 p.m. EST
'Passion' Earns $64.6 Million in Three Days

Mel Gibson's "The Passion of the Christ," the film Hollywood predicted would crash and burn, has made an astonishing $64.6 million in a mere three days, surpassing the most optimistic estimates of expected total box office receipts.

According to Box Office Mojo, it is now believed that by Sunday the film should have taken in more than $110 million – making it the No. 1 movie of 2004 and the fifth-largest five-day opener ever.

A breakdown of the film's stupendous box office gross showed it took in $26.6 million on Wednesday (including $3 million for Monday and Tuesday church previews), playing on 4,643 screens at 3,006 theaters, and dropped to $14.8 million Thursday. a drop of 37 percent when excluding the preview grosses from Wednesday, what Box Office Mojo said was "a modest drop when the norm for an uber-Wednesday opener is to fall in the 50 percent range as movies like The Return of the King and The Phantom Menace did."

The Friday gross, Mojo said, suggests that the film's opening weekend (Friday-Sunday) will hit close to $75 million, landing in the top 10 of all premieres.
Wow ! That's not too surprising :) Geez, Mel Gibson
spent $25 Million dollars for this movie. He's already making
over $40 million dollars profit within only three days.
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Y said:
Wow ! That's not too surprising :) Geez, Mel Gibson
spent $25 Million dollars for this movie. He's already making
over $40 million dollars within only three days. Cool.
I figured this would happen. You make a controversial movie and everyone wants to see it.
Yeah when I went into the movies to see that...dang, the movies on the front were definetly CROWNED...and you can't count that MANY people at the movies...and when we got inside, there were very few seats left so we had to seat at the VERY front row to watch the movie, even though it was too close to us lol I had no idea there would be this many people since "Matrix Revloutions" and "LoTR: The Return Of The King" was opened during release bleh
are you saying you haven't seen it in subtitles because they weren't speaking latin and other types of forgein language in the movie you seen, and were just in plain english?
The Movie was amazing. I loved it. I'm going to purchase it on DVD.
Although, when I walked in the theatre, there was only 20 people including my group. Oh well.
Those of you that saw 'The Passion' did you find it anti-Jewish? I sure didn't.
Ginette said:
Those of you that saw 'The Passion' did you find it anti-Jewish? I sure didn't.

If the Jews want to get their yarmulkes in an uproar over this movie, so mote it be. I couldn’t care less. Somebody should just take their lollipops away and spank them with it. If Gibson’s portrayal reflects what is believed to be historical fact, then I see nothing wrong with the movie. If that’s the way it went down, then that’s the way it went down. I wouldn’t expect Gibson to present a modified version of history in order to avoid stepping on anybody’s toes. That’s the public school system’s job. If I make a movie about the Armenian Genocide which depicts Muslim Turks slaughtering millions of Christian Armenians, am I guilty of antiturkishism? (I love making up words). Millions of Christian Armenians were slaughtered by the Turks in the name of Allah. It doesn’t mean that I’m going to go down to the airport Hilton with an M-16 and start taking out Turkish diplomats. Wake up and smell the coffee. Groups of people with a particular cultural affiliation do nasty things to other groups of people with a particular cultural affiliation. It’s been like that for thousands of years and it’s not going to stop anytime in the near future. If somebody made a movie which depicted a classroom full of Deaf children with their hands tied to their chairs, how many hearing people are going to get their balls in an uproar over it? Is anybody in their right mind going to say that it depicts all hearing people in a bad light and that hearing people should boycott the movie? Get real. :roll:
Hey LUNZ—my 500th post involved the number 666! That’s gotta have some sort of ominous significance! What’s your take on that? I eagerly await your analysis. :D *looks out the window for lightening clouds and eyes the TV antenna nervously* :ugh:
This movie was REALLY good. It really makes you realize what Jesus did. He loved us so much that he was willing to go through all of that.
You all were talking earlier about who killed Jesus. It was actually God. It was fortold in the Old Testament that Jesus would be betrayed. He is the one that planted in Judas' mind to betray Jesus so that the scriptures would be fulfilled. He loved us so much that he wanted to be with us for eternity, and the only way to do that was to send his son to take away our sins. If he didn't, we would not have eternal life, because we can't go to heaven because we have sinned. So he had to remove that sin through Jesus. But we have to ask for forgiveness of our sins. We also have to believe in him and ask him to come into our lives before we can live eternally with him.

I heard someone in church say that Mel Gisbon plans to give his profits to help missionaries, but I have been so busy that I have not had time to research that to confirm it. I also heard he spent 9 years of his life researching and questioning over 1,000 scholars (including Billy Graham and James Dobson) before he started this movie. He wanted it to be as accurate to the bible as possible.
bamagal said:
This movie was REALLY good. It really makes you realize what Jesus did. He loved us so much that he was willing to go through all of that.
You all were talking earlier about who killed Jesus. It was actually God. It was fortold in the Old Testament that Jesus would be betrayed. He is the one that planted in Judas' mind to betray Jesus so that the scriptures would be fulfilled. He loved us so much that he wanted to be with us for eternity, and the only way to do that was to send his son to take away our sins. If he didn't, we would not have eternal life, because we can't go to heaven because we have sinned. So he had to remove that sin through Jesus. But we have to ask for forgiveness of our sins. We also have to believe in him and ask him to come into our lives before we can live eternally with him.

I heard someone in church say that Mel Gisbon plans to give his profits to help missionaries, but I have been so busy that I have not had time to research that to confirm it. I also heard he spent 9 years of his life researching and questioning over 1,000 scholars (including Billy Graham and James Dobson) before he started this movie. He wanted it to be as accurate to the bible as possible.

Wow, Very impressive with Mel Gibson and had his reasearch the accurate to the bible as possible.. Sounds like more seriouis and to find informaiton accurate story.
One day, I would love to come and watch the movie come with Open Caption.
Bullym0m said:
Wow, Very impressive with Mel Gibson and had his reasearch the accurate to the bible as possible.. Sounds like more seriouis and to find informaiton accurate story.
One day, I would love to come and watch the movie come with Open Caption.

There will NEVER be a captioned version of The Passion of the Christ at the theatres.


Because it has subtitles.
I heard that Mel Gibson.. if he wasn't an actor or director... he will be a priest in real life..
DeafSCUBA98 said:
I heard that Mel Gibson.. if he wasn't an actor or director... he will be a priest in real life..

Actually, that was Tom Cruise.
Levonian said:
Hey LUNZ—my 500th post involved the number 666! That’s gotta have some sort of ominous significance! What’s your take on that? I eagerly await your analysis. :D *looks out the window for lightening clouds and eyes the TV antenna nervously* :ugh:

666? :dizzy:
i will see the movie this sat with illustrator.

then i will post what my opinion about it. cant wait!
LUNZ said:
Speaking of 666, there was a movie theater that accidentally printed tickets to The Passion for The Christ... with '666' printed on them. It was related to movie number and it was done by the computer. People who went to see the movie got pissed off about it! Hehehe!
Steel said:
really? I didnt think he was very religious

Tom Cruise is a religious, but his religion is called "Scientology".