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I'm sorry if you took that as an insult. I didn't mean it to be. I was just letting Boult know that originally you were from Great Britain, not Germany. I'm very impressed that you are multi-lingual in verbal and sign languages. Not everyone can do that.Liebling:-))) said:Thank you for let me to find out true color about you. *shake my head*
Reba said:Have you read the New Testament Gospels? They clearly explain that Jesus was both 100 percent human flesh, AND 100 percent God at the same time. He was 100 percent without sin. He resurrected three days after His death.
Who says this? I know you would say that it´s God´s word... No, it´s author of the bible.
Why do you think Christians celebrate Resurrection Sunday (Easter)?
It´s not just Christians but everyone celebrate Easter Sunday... Is it correct date? I noticed that we have different dates on Easter Sunday every year...
Nobody knows when Jesus born and when he died. Who use Easter celebration? Of course people, not God and Jesus.
All popes were/are human, and no one should worship them.
Yes, millions people worship him. What special about him.
The Bible is NOT about the Pope;
Yes I know.
the Bible is about the Triune God (Heavenly Father, Son Jesus Christ, and Holy Spirit). Jesus had to die so that His blood sacrifice could save all us sinners from the punishment of eternal hell. The blood of an ordinary human can NOT do that. Only the blood of God Himself can do that.
Yes I know, that´s how I learn from my bibles and school but I also learn from different beleifs accord their bibles... I noticed that the reglious authors who wrote the bibles have different opinions.
There is NO comparison between the Pope and Jesus.
It´s my feeling... Yes after learn alot about evolution from my sons. People worship Pope... People worship Jesus.... Many (I would say a lot) Germans beleive in Evolution. They beleives that Jesus is a human like everyone but for people, Jesus is special like what people think Pope as special man.
After three days, Pope John Paul's body was lying in state, swelling, changing color, decomposing, and stinking. After three days in the grave, Jesus' body was out of the grave, walking, talking, and eating with His friends. BIG difference!
Reba said:If you believe God and Jesus, then you must believe that Jesus is eternal living God. No one "believes" in a man.
Yes I beleive God & Jesus in my heart but it doesn´t mean that I have to follow what the bible says...
I was raised to beleive that Jesus is Son of God. Many beliefs say the same thing except Christians... I learn quite alot from Christian´s beliefs thru AllDeaf forum here. I was total surprised to learn that Christians beleive that Jesus is a God. Remember that everyone have different beleifs.
It doesn´t mean that we go to hell because we beleive different than you.
If you don't believe in God and Jesus, that is your choice.
I beleive in God and Jesus but it doesn´t mean that I have to obey/follow what the bible says because I know it´s author who writes the bibles.
But you can't say that you "believe God and Jesus in my heart" and at the same time say that Jesus is a dead man. That doesn't make any sense. You can't have it both ways.
Yes I said that I beleive God & Jesus in my heart and don´t do what the bible says. I said that Jesus died at 2,006 years ago. Yes Jesus live in heaven with his father and will never come back to earth.
I'm curious. How will psychology keep you out of hell?
God.Liebling:-))) said:Who says this?
It´s not just Christians but everyone celebrate Easter Sunday... Is it correct date? I noticed that we have different dates on Easter Sunday every year...[/blue]
We don't know the day that Jesus was born but we do know when He was crucified and resurrected.Nobody knows when Jesus born and when he died.
The witnesses who saw it happen.Again, who say this? ?
Maybe psychology helps some people "cope" but will psychology get you into Heaven after you die?Liebling:-))) said:I beleive to focus person´s mind and soul to help them to cope. I study psychology and beleive in this because every person have different mind and soul... Focus people´s feeling is main important than follow what the bibles says. It´s us who help people with our strength, not God and Jesus.
Maybe psychology helps some people "cope" but will psychology get you into Heaven after you die?
netrox said:What makes you so sure you'll go to Heaven? The Book of Revelation actually said only 144,000 JEWS (you're not a Jew, right?) will enter heaven. The odds of you entering heaven is just 1 out of 8 billion! You'd have a better chance of winning a lotto!
Is that a reason why you decided not to believe in the bible since they are so many flaws within your own reason.... just, because you are not one of 144,000 Jews who will go to Heaven ?
Because I know Whom I have believed--Jesus Christ. Jesus didn't lie when He said that He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. I trust Him at His word.netrox said:What makes you so sure you'll go to Heaven?
No, it doesn't. That is an incorrect interpretation.The Book of Revelation actually said only 144,000 JEWS (you're not a Jew, right?) will enter heaven.
Not this Christian. I was not raised as a Christian, not at all. I did a lot of "research" about many religions, philosophies, and spiritual beliefs on my journey thru life. The Lord finally saved me when I was 28 years old.Christians - as well as Jews and Muslims - have been brainwashed since birth to condition that only God is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. To deprogram them is difficult.
Just the opposite for me.Fortunately, as they become more educated, the less they're likely to take the Bible literally.
144000 jews in heaven does not mean that's how many are going, those jews are the tribes during tirublations but those are the higher calling from the tribes and and from that same book said multitudes many as the sand on the beach in heaven singing praises to God. Also, saying historian has no proof or recorded about quakes and darkness, I wouldn't be surprise, and also in the news few days ago as scientist claims proof that jesus doesn't walk on water, He walked on ice.
netrox said:The Bible has many flaws and I am not a Jew. That verse is NOT the reason but I am pointing out the errors.
I stopped believing in the Bible as I learned more about evolution, religion, and history. I also learned about psychology and how powerful our mind can be. I studied cults and was surprised how hard it is to "deprogram" cult recruits. Christian fundies are victims of the Christian fundamentalist cult.
As I read the Bible, I was questioning its morality as well. Putting a man who sleeps with a man to death (same for women) is extremely offensive. God butchering innocent babies just because He doesn't like the town is extremely offensive. God allowing a child to be put to death for disobeying his parents is offensive. Making women go to a special place while she's menstruating is an insult to natural process of human nature. There is no purpose to forbid pork or shrimp or to wear two different fabrics. God to test human frailities is an insult to humankind. In my view, the Bible God is not the God I look for - He failed to meet my ideals.
A true loving God would not kill people but rather explain why a situation may be wrong or right. A true God would not hide Himself but reveal Himself to everyone. A true God would never allow a Bible to be written because He knows humans are always misinterpreting the Bible. A true God would never kill someone just because of different ideas.
Did I easily give up Christian belief? No. It took me a while. I still feel the demonic spirit of the Bible in me because of the way I was raised. I don't think it'll ever go away. Intellectually, I know beyond a reasonable doubt that the Bible is not true but honestly, it's so hard to let it go because I was conditioned to believe it deeply.
And, the devil/Satan is workin' very hard to ward off on Christians by makin' them to forget God and focus on worldly things such as evolution, false religions, and all that stuff .. things that are not pleasin' God. Satan did once spoke to Eve about the " fruit " and told her that she will be like " god " if, she took a bite out of it before givin' it to Adam. Satan fooled Eve by makin' her to believe what the world offered instead of dependin' on God for His Guidance --havin' a fellowship with God for spiritual growth. But, Eve and Adam chose this world instead, because they fell for Satan's subtle words when the subtle words sounded soo true to Eve.
Since you mentioned the word " offensive " above, the truth is that God is tooo Holy and He will not accept what sins really are in the eyes of God. All sins are offensive to God and that's very insultin' to His Holy, because of sins don't have any respect in it and sins are very vile as filthy just like a dead rotten egg's spewin' off its fart up to God's Nose. That's very offensive.
I don't believe in Evolution or false religions or some kinds of strange magic stuff like tarot cards, or Ouija board and so forth. I don't want the devil/or Satan to come into my life. I prefer him to stay at bay by not playin' with those stuff. Once someone plays with it, then it will be very hard to get out.
If, you believe that there's flaws in the bible - God's Word... then, why do you think we are here ?
netrox said:Once again, God failed when he promised He'll kill them. He never did. Jews interpret to make it mean that they were going to live forever but since they sinned, death is a punishment. Nice of God to punish their future generations.
Why is it that you kept thinkin' that it was NICE of God punishin' them ? There's no NICE thing to punish them, but God is Just and Fair God. Isn't it NICE of people disobeyin' God and their disobedience deserve punishment ? That's like they let it go around and get back to them - " what goes around comes around " - that famous quote. It wasn't God askin' for them to disobey God. It was really them who chose to disobey. So, where did you get that idea from when you said God failed when he promised He'll kill them ? Show me where you learn that from, if you don't mind ?
Um... ok, you seem to have a vivid imagination.
No, there's no vivid imagination. Just because I know when God says that all sins smell stench.
Evolution is a well established fact. Science has proven beyond reasonable doubt that evolution is occuring. Some poeple call Judiasm and Christianity as "false religions." Maybe you're just being deluded to believe yours the true religion? Remember, Muslims in Middle East geniunely believe their religion is true and other religions are false. If you were born in Iran, you would be a Muslim trying to prove that Allah is real and alive and that only Allah can save your soul.
Well, to be honest here -- there's NO such a " religion " thing. Jesus Himself is God and He is NOT a religion -- oh, yeah I know what people are talkin' about the " religion " part, but that's not the case when it comes to Jesus Christ Himself. That's different issue. He is very far from religion itself. Religion is somethin' that teach different from what Jesus taught. About Muslims - I know pretty much about their religion. They believe in killings, so they could enter Heaven. That's not what Jesus taught. One of the 10 Commandments, it says " Thou shall NOT kill ". And, even thou they wrap the bombs around themselves to blow themselves up. To me, I think that's called " hate ". Hate start war.
Satan, like God, is just imaginary. People see chaos and blame on Satan. People see order and credit to God. Death is "evil" when in fact, death is inherently part of life. Where there's life, there's death. Where there's a beginning, there's an end. I don't want to die but I know death is a normal process of nature.
So, are you sayin' that where there's war, there's peace or ... let's just say where there's peace, there's war ? Hmm ?
Simple. Your parents created you. Your parents were created by their parents. And it goes on and on. All the way back to single-celled organisms.
God created you without the parents? How? How do you know God create you, not your parents?CyberRed said:God created me, not the parents. God created people to have their bodies/organs to breathe and live. Without cells, there's no organs or anythin' in the body to form an unborn child. It must have an oxygen to form everythin'. I received a breathin' of life from God through the cells and all before I was born.
It's interestin' to see that you and I are different people that see things entirely different. I will not change my belief to agree with you.
CyberRed said:God created me, not the parents.
If the parents want to have baby then they create baby in their flesh and blood.
Where Eve and Adam come from... Of course God created them... Where you come from... Of course your parents create you. It´s an exact what the God did with Eve and Adam, not you, me and everyone...
So, where did you get that idea from when you said God failed when he promised He'll kill them ? Show me where you learn that from, if you don't mind ?
So, are you sayin' that where there's war, there's peace or ... let's just say where there's peace, there's war ? Hmm ?
God created me, not the parents. God created people to have their bodies/organs to breathe and live. Without cells, there's no organs or anythin' in the body to form an unborn child. It must have an oxygen to form everythin'. I received a breathin' of life from God through the cells and all before I was born.