The Book of Revelation

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hottiedeafboi said:
It does relate in the thread, bec that's summed up all the answers. Problem is as I see so much twisting and making christians look stupid and intimidiating and etc. And also mocking etc. But nothing will change my faith. But I rather discipline and treat other with love. What some of us here be different denominations as we suppost one another. I answered all the question which is relating to it, there's no conflict in them. Even like reba, cyber, cheri and few others respond same answer. No contradict.
I aint come here to angry with them.. I nothing do with them's belief of what they believe in....Do you know why theres no conflict in them like reba, cyber, cheri on and on might be include you , because you and another christlikes have no clue about revelation's book. you should notice tht many famous christans of authors who gave their predict about events before rapture time line, But they are not agree each others and they are turned themselve in big conflict discuss... Because they have no clue about bible's talking about.. Most time I notice many chirstians alway talk more about new testments a lots than old testments. if they know about revelation. they are so focus on rapture more than anythings. my personal, I dont care about rapture plan nor christians plan neither jewish plan. they are nothing special for me and my people since they have no miracle/ magic for thousands thousand years and years.. I am sick of them's bull craps! christians who actually care about slaves during bondage's suffer times! did they try save slaves out of bondage? if so, why not long time ago they try to save slaves out of bondage system before ahraham lincoln but they never did... I do care about slave plan.. ;)

I remind you, you need to remember that enoch took by God, noah was left who still survived on earth during great trouble times, [ why God did not took noah with enoch? mmm ].. anyway noah and his childern saw evil man and his wickness childerns before flood. till flood took wickness of people away and clean mess up ground for new world. Later Noah saw Nimrod king of babel with MIGHTLY ARMIES under his own tower and name above all include noah and his childrens. later mixed languages of people took nimrod and kingdom away and no more nimord's empire over jewish's people, again pharaoh's great famous empire 's glory rule land from north, west, east and south before the world.. again and again on and on.... you christians are in Last day will not go heaven after jesus went to heaven. many christain's eye will see the beast like image of Nimrod, nebchanzzer, ceaser, hilter, macolm had great mouth. they rise him up, he must be great speaking things , because he has miracle mouth of unclean spirits who can speaking!

second beast rise from earth which must be specific nation like nimrod came from linage of Ham which specific nation, he rule over them under his own name against the lords of followers.. because they worship him, he had miracle mouth of intelligance speaking, no one like him. since he had poiwerful mouth of speaking and attract arimes gathered with him against lords of followers..
Well, I getting ur point. There are some christians so focus on rapture time more than anything is improper. That's not the whole message is about and revelation is broad start church age to end time and and final judgements and etc. All the old testaments has different judgments of God and many love stories, and tons of stories. As the beast, yes, many view who will be anti christ, as for me, I'm not gonna focus on the who will be. Now, about two witnesses for Jesus Christ who will be slain by anti christ what most believe be Moses and Elijah, bec what some disciples saw on the Mount Transfiguration. Its interesting to study about Tevelation, but other likes Matthew, Ezekiel, Daniel, Isaiah and etc also talked about the future, and all are similar. God didn't call each of us the same and also not same circumstances, its based on individual. Key message is salvation. God's Love. Focus on when rapture comes and argue is not my interest. Like me, I believe before tribulation bec what jesus describe in matthew. But is it important to argue about it. No. Important is what God has giving us. And yes, many have different views of how each look at revelation. Some times when we type, we think that we get angry or something, but meeting in a person, be different. I will not hold grudge anyone who say differently, and yeah, I can point out what I believe. But by seeing like christian is so delusions, christians thinks they are perfect, christians this, christian that ongoing. Forgive me, if u think I jump on you, or something. I don't want you think that. I thoroughly enjoying who I have in my life, and I learned everyday and still learning whenever or wherever or whatever or whoever I face. Smile. Its a very sweet tasting when I worship the Living Lord.
From to discuss the Revelation here ... it's about " I am Alpha and Omega " issue. I didn't want to go off topic when the other thread mentioned about " deaf ".

I would like to type somethin' from my KJV Bible here.

The Book of Revelation is called " apokalupsis " in Greek. These writings claim to originate from God; most frequently tell of a divine intervention soon to take place; use sign language or pictorial language which is also parabolic; have an angelic intermediary to explain to the prophet the meanin' of the message; and have the prophet make known to others his visions.
Apocalyptic literature encouraged people to be ready for and participate in God's final victory in history. Apocalyptic writin' found its correction and true fulfillment in the message of Jesus, and in His livin', dyin', and risin' and the hope of His appearance.
I would like to type somethin' from my KJV Bible here.

Do you agree that KJV added the "Alpha and Omega" to that particular verse, Rev 1:11 even though no ancient text said it?
netrox said:
Do you agree that KJV added the "Alpha and Omega" to that particular verse, Rev 1:11 even though no ancient text said it?

I believe in God/Jesus in every word He says. His Word never changed. :)
I believe in God/Jesus in every word He says. His Word never changed.

You don't get it, do you? Do you fear that if I tell you the FACTS about the alterations in the Bible, you lose faith?

The fact is that phrase "Alpha and Omega" did NOT exist in that particular verse since it was NEVER found in ancient text. KJV added that.
netrox said:
You don't get it, do you? Do you fear that if I tell you the FACTS about the alterations in the Bible, you lose faith?

The fact is that phrase "Alpha and Omega" did NOT exist in that particular verse since it was NEVER found in ancient text. KJV added that.

Of course, I do get it. And, no I don't feel fear that if you tell me the facts about the alterations in the Bible to lose my faith -- to be quite frank. I am still standin' up for Christ, period. My faith still stands. :)
My faith still stands.

Then answer my simple question: do you AGREE that "Alpha and Omega" was added to that Rev 11:1 in JKV even though the ancient text did NOT say that?

Yes or no? It's that simple! Answer it!
The fact is alpha and omega means first and the last, that means He's always there even beofre creating and never end bec it will be forver and ever without end, that He is Lord and there is no arguments in that. C S Lewis was atheist and scientist, and he's very argumentive person, somehow along the way, he starting acknowlwdge Who Christ really is, and that's what changing him and not only that, every step of the way, he's a changing person. Human try so hard to find so call "proof" of certain things which lead more christians in the apostasy category. But as a christian, our job is allow God to conticue to work in us and others.
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