The Book of Revelation

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How do you think human people exit? How did we first appear on earth? If God created all things, Do you believe he created us too? First person(s) that ever been on earth was Adam and Eve, God created them from the dust of the ground, he "breathe" life into it the breath of life. Adam and Eve repented us, as human race, when Adam and Eve sinned went against God, the sins carried out to all the human race, that means us, so Yes, we were created by God, but came from our own parents. But, God formed us just like he formed Adam and Eve. We live by choice to either follow God, or do evil. That's why God put us on earth to test us. When he saw that people were doing evil, Jesus came to earth as a messiah, and died for our sins as planned. If all that had happened, that means, Adam and Eve did exit, that means the sins that carried out to us from Adam and Eve exit. We are sinners aren't we? What does that mean? That means we were created by God the same way Adam and Eve were. ;)
netrox said:
Do you have a child?

See what we tried to explain you, CyerRed... I know you have 4 children... Who created 4 babies?

Example: My hubby & I want to have baby then we created them... If we don´t want to have baby then not created them... This is a simple.
Liebling:-))) said:
Example: My hubby & I want to have baby then we created them... If we don´t want to have baby then not created them... This is a simple.

Yes, You and your husband made love, the sperm met the egg, and there goes a baby in your womb, but who created the sperm, who created the eggs? Who created a man, Who created a woman? It's God!
netrox said:
Do you have a child? he directly questions to cryred
this qoute make me so laugh... She wanna be MARY THE VIRGINAL! she has highly hope that God put child in her womb without any man in events.. If she is pure JEWISH as by God chosen... LOL
Cheri said:

How do you think human people exit? How did we first appear on earth? If God created all things, Do you believe he created us too? First person(s) that ever been on earth was Adam and Eve, God created them from the dust of the ground, he "breathe" life into it the breath of life. Adam and Eve repented us, as human race, when Adam and Eve sinned went against God, the sins carried out to all the human race, that means us, so Yes, we were created by God, but came from our own parents. But, God formed us just like he formed Adam and Eve. We live by choice to either follow God, or do evil. That's why God put us on earth to test us. When he saw that people were doing evil, Jesus came to earth as a messiah, and died for our sins as planned. If all that had happened, that means, Adam and Eve did exit, that means the sins that carried out to us from Adam and Eve exit. We are sinners aren't we? What does that mean? That means we were created by God the same way Adam and Eve were. ;)
I do understanding where you came from.. you are newbie that I can tell.. my simply answer is yes human people are exist on earth for thousand's thousand's and thousand years like all animals, all whales, all creeps and all birds are still exist on earth for existance million years till now... I can't denying you that I am still sinner since I born from flesh and blood for my parent's million years age to now. I will always be born of flesh & blood again in future after death.

I ask you God is jewish? if so, I aint jewish.... carefully read my saying, God must be the God of people from specificed Nation, not just GOD.. God is the God of Jeiwsh people.. no way for God is God. why do i care about jewish people? if they did care about my people who were slave on shore of america for 500 years or more, then My people and I would do care about them.. they did not... I no need to worry stupid jewish peoples, they are nothing special to me and to my genernations for forever... Because my people and I nothing do with jews in gremany who did to them... why they are still cry to the world who care about their F***KING STUPID HISTORY? SINCE THE WORLD REFUSE TO RECOGIZE WHITE FOLK PUT BLACK SLAVES as suffers AND killed INDIANS IN NORTH AMERCIA for 500 years more than jews in gremany for 5 years less..
netrox said:
Genisis 2:16 But the LORD told him, "You may eat fruit from any tree in the garden, 17except the one that has the power to let you know the difference between right and wrong. If you eat any fruit from that tree, you will die before the day is over!"

The man did not die that day after he ate the fruit therefore God failed to uphold his promise.

Ok, you see BEFORE Adam and Eve took that fruit, they both were soo innocent and free from sins. They walked in naked without a single thought of bein' ashamed, because they don't know what a " sin " was, just like a newborn baby. Until they both took that fruit and bit, their eyes were opened and saw their bodies in naked. They were ashamed and hided. That was their FIRST " sin " they recognized, they both were fall from God's Grace. Sin itself changed Adam and Eve from what/who they really were in the first place, not after. That was their FIRST disobedience against God after He warned them NOT to eat. Adam and Eve's pure spiritual was dead because, of sin entered in their lives. It was their first " death ". Sin is Death.

Yes. Nothing is static. We will have wars and peace. If you want to believe that you'll live forever in peace, that's fine but it won't happen. Nature simply does not allow that to happen to us.

Jesus is my PeaceMaker and that's my eternal peace. :)

No, it wasn't God who created you, it was your parents who created you. You CHOSE to create God in your mind and CHOSE to believe in God despite the fact that there's no proof or evidence supporting your belief. Do you have a child?

Genesis 17:15-21
" And God said unto Abraham, As for Sarai thy wife, thou shalt not call her name Sarai, but Sarah shall her name be. And I will bless her, and moreover I will give thee a son of her: yea, I will bless her, and she shall be [a mother of] nations; kings of peoples shall be of her. Then Abraham fell upon his face, and laughed, and said in his heart, Shall a child be born unto him that is a hundred years old? and shall Sarah, that is ninety years old, bear? And Abraham said unto God, Oh that Ishmael might live before thee! And God said, Nay, but Sarah thy wife shall bear thee a son; and thou shalt call his name Isaac: and I will establish my covenant with him for an everlasting covenant for his seed after him. And as for Ishmael, I have heard thee: behold, I have blessed him, and will make him fruitful, and will multiply him exceedingly; twelve princes shall he beget, and I will make him a great nation.
But my covenant will I establish with Isaac, whom Sarah shall bear unto thee at this set time in the next year. "

Sarah was barren for years until God gave Sarah a child at the age of 90 years old. Sarah and Abraham have NO power to have a child, only GOD have that power. That's breathe of Life to give. Remember Jesus is the Life ? He is our Seed to give Life.

And, yes I do have 4 children. They were givin' to me from God. I wasn't barren. :)
XBGMER said:
this qoute make me so laugh... She wanna be MARY THE VIRGINAL! she has highly hope that God put child in her womb without any man in events.. If she is pure JEWISH as by God chosen... LOL

I ain't no Jewish - sorry to disappoint you. :)
Cheri said:
Yes, You and your husband made love, the sperm met the egg, and there goes a baby in your womb, but who created the sperm, who created the eggs? Who created a man, Who created a woman? It's God!

CyberRed should say that we come from God´s creation, not "God created me, not my parents". That´s what I tried to explain that God do not created me, you and everyone but we were being created by our parents then we create our children, then our children will create their children......................

Originally Posted by CyberRed
God created me, not the parents.

It´s people decision for want to have babies or not, if we want baby then create them.

I have an other example about childless couple... Look, the couple can´t have babies... Scientists found how to help childless couple to have babies... It´s Scientist who created for childless couple, not God...

Would you blame the God for not create the babies for childless couple...? Do childless couples are being punish for can´t have babies? It comes from nature, many reasons why they can´t have babies... They thanks scientists to find out how to help them to create babies... God?

CyberRed said:

And, yes I do have 4 children. They were givin' to me from God. I wasn't barren. :)

No, your husband gave you 4 children, not God.
Liebling said:
CyberRed should say that we come from God´s creation, not "God created me, not my parents". That´s what I tried to explain that God do not created me, you and everyone but we were being created by our parents then we create our children, then our children will create their children

I understand what you meant. But, we were born from our parents, but, the Bible says that both males and females are created in the image of God,
And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. (Genesis 2:7) So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. (Genesis 1:27)

Adam had a body like all the men out in the world, Eve had a body like all the women out in the world. You know what I meant body parts and organs, bones, blood steam, etc.
Liebling:-))) said:
No, your husband gave you 4 children, not God.

That's YOUR belief. You and I are different people to belief different things. I am not goin' to change my belief to agree with you WHAT YOU believe in. :)
PSALMS 139......You have looked deep into my heart, Lord,and You know all about me. .........13) You are the One who put me toegether inside my mother's body, 14) I praise You because of the wonderful way You created me. Everything You do is marvelous! Of the I have no doubt. 15)nothing about me is hiden from You! I was secretly woven together deep in the earth below, but with Your own eyes You saw my body being formed. Even before I was born, You had written in Your book everything I would do. " That how we were made. God created us, God controls all. 1 Corinthians 1:18 " The message about the cross doesn't make any sense to lost people (meaning those who doesn't believe or also means non-believer or non -christians). But for those of us (christians or say those who are in Christ) who are being saved, it is God's power at work.....28) what the world thinks is worthless,useless and nothing at all is what God jas used to destroy the world consider important."" Also in Book of Acts, when Peter laid rest on his roof, the vision came to him what God gave Peter with all kinds of meat, which the old testaments The jews forbid to eat, so as Peter said I refuse to eat those which not honor you. But God said, Peter, I honor everything I created and eat. And God is saying that salvation is not just for the jews, but slavation is also for the gentiles (who are not jews). Many jews refuse Christ which why God shown Peter, and judaism jews argued with Peter and refuse gentiles to participate and thousands of gentiles believes and gave their lives to Christ. That's when later, saul which now changed to Paul ave seen likewise. Preached both the jews and the gentiles. Salvation is for ALL mankind, not some. This isn't just religion, this is the message God have sent us. The cross is the message for all mankind to have sins forgiven to be with Him for ever is Gods desires. But people made the choice either received or reject.
hottiedeafboi said:
PSALMS 139......You have looked deep into my heart, Lord,and You know all about me. .........13) You are the One who put me toegether inside my mother's body, 14) I praise You because of the wonderful way You created me. Everything You do is marvelous! Of the I have no doubt. 15)nothing about me is hiden from You! I was secretly woven together deep in the earth below, but with Your own eyes You saw my body being formed. Even before I was born, You had written in Your book everything I would do. " That how we were made. God created us, God controls all. 1 Corinthians 1:18 " The message about the cross doesn't make any sense to lost people (meaning those who doesn't believe or also means non-believer or non -christians). But for those of us (christians or say those who are in Christ) who are being saved, it is God's power at work.....28) what the world thinks is worthless,useless and nothing at all is what God jas used to destroy the world consider important."" Also in Book of Acts, when Peter laid rest on his roof, the vision came to him what God gave Peter with all kinds of meat, which the old testaments The jews forbid to eat, so as Peter said I refuse to eat those which not honor you. But God said, Peter, I honor everything I created and eat. And God is saying that salvation is not just for the jews, but slavation is also for the gentiles (who are not jews). Many jews refuse Christ which why God shown Peter, and judaism jews argued with Peter and refuse gentiles to participate and thousands of gentiles believes and gave their lives to Christ. That's when later, saul which now changed to Paul ave seen likewise. Preached both the jews and the gentiles. Salvation is for ALL mankind, not some. This isn't just religion, this is the message God have sent us. The cross is the message for all mankind to have sins forgiven to be with Him for ever is Gods desires. But people made the choice either received or reject.

:ty: How wonderful God really is !
Lieblin' --

I would suggest you to read YOUR own bible, Psalm 139. It will tell you everythin'. Hope that scripture/verse helps you to understand. :)
Yes, I agree, Cyber, God is good and gracious. Oh btw, forgot one thing about God to adam, correct, Adam didn't die right then after he ate forbidden fruit, that is he died spiritually, not bodily. Sin has enter cause the separation. Smile
hottiedeafboi said:
Yes, I agree, Cyber, God is good and gracious. Oh btw, forgot one thing about God to adam, correct, Adam didn't die right then after he ate forbidden fruit, that is he died spiritually, not bodily. Sin has enter cause the separation. Smile

Yes, that's correct. :)
started with #97 through #116 that are not relate with this topic!

wait the moment, I think started with # 97 on and on and on up to #116 that are not relate this topic discuss... #97 through #116 should be merge into thread: Jesus Wasn't Gods Only Son that is relate your discuss issues.. if you discuss about baby or something which is relate "Jesus wasn't Gods only son" you need go there , not here! ;)

you people need to discuss back this topic book of revelation about prophecy, end of world, etc on and on specific discuss.... ;)
XBGMER said:
wait the moment, I think started with # 97 on and on and on up to #116 that are not relate this topic discuss... #97 through #116 should be merge into thread: Jesus Wasn't Gods Only Son that is relate your discuss issues.. if you discuss about baby or something which is relate "Jesus wasn't Gods only son" you need go there , not here! ;)

you people need to discuss back this topic book of revelation about prophecy, end of world, etc on and on specific discuss.... ;)

Who is a creator of this thread ? Of course, it is Netrox, not you. Our discussions here doesn't mean to go off topic. We respond to Netrox with an answers or explanations to his questions. It depends on what question he may have or if, we have any question concernin' to his issue, he may answer within his reasons.

It's not necessary to merge this into YOUR thread. Just leave it alone here. It's now Netrox's turn -- you have enough long ones in yours. Please respect his thread.
CyberRed said:
It's not necessary to merge this into YOUR thread. Just leave it alone here. It's now Netrox's turn -- you have enough long ones in yours. Please respect his thread.
You need to check who created thread: Jesus Wasn't Gods Only Son before you put your fingerpoint at me.. thanks !
It does relate in the thread, bec that's summed up all the answers. Problem is as I see so much twisting and making christians look stupid and intimidiating and etc. And also mocking etc. But nothing will change my faith. But I rather discipline and treat other with love. What some of us here be different denominations as we suppost one another. I answered all the question which is relating to it, there's no conflict in them. Even like reba, cyber, cheri and few others respond same answer. No contradict.
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