The Book of Revelation

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Do I decided a myth would serve a better explanation ? The answer is no, because I believe there's God and I do believe in Him.

But you have not proven the existence of God. The Bible and many myths share similiar interests. It's just a belief with no substance at all.

I guess, you have a problem with " believin' "/ " faith " because, you doubt since you want Him to prove to you in your own eyes to SEE somethin' before you could believe Him.

Intellectually, I find the Bible to be works of ignorant authors, not divinely inspired. My father was a Christian minister. I was a Christian when I was a teenager. I was a religious freak like you. Now I am happy to be free from religious supersitition.

Why it is necessary to SEE somethin' as a proof before you'd believe Him ?

I don't have to see. For example, I cannot see bacteria but I know it exists based on evidence. The Bible offers no evidence of its divinity whatsoever. I don't want to put my faith in something that's unscientific and absurd.

I have already SEEN Him, because of things around me ... I can SEE the trees, the sky, the mountains, and everythin'. That means He is there !

You know, when I look at the marvels of nature (trees, skies, mountains, etc), I often think, "How could Christians be so foolish not to see evolution at work?" There are mysteries but I don't put God in it.
Liebling:-))) said:
...I remember in other threads saying that we will go hell or heaven when we are dead... Correct? That's what Christians beleives that who disobey God then go to hell and who obey God then go up to heaven. That's an exactly how Jesus died and then go up to heaven. He is like everyone who died and go up to heaven. Right?
Wrong. Jesus is the "first fruits of resurrection." He was resurrected, and went to Heaven as a living resurrected body, not as the spirit of a dead person. Jesus opened the gates to Heaven. Without the sacrifice AND resurrection of Jesus, no one could enter Heaven.

John 11:25 Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: 26 And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this?

I Corinthians 15
20 But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the firstfruits of them that slept. 21 For since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead. 22 For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. 23 But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ's at his coming. 24 Then cometh the end, when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father; when he shall have put down all rule and all authority and power.
Liebling:-))) said:
It means that we all have same blood group, don't we? It look like that my hubby is my insect brother & you are my long lost sister... It make no sense...
What do you mean "same blood group"? What is an "insect brother"? Are you talking about evolution, and how some people believe that humans evolved from lower forms of life? :confused:

I'm afraid your post makes no sense.
After three days in the grave, Jesus' body was out of the grave, walking, talking, and eating with His friends. BIG difference!

It doesn't matter to me since I consider it a myth, not a true story. Many myths also told tales of resurrection. Why should I believe Jesus is an exception?
netrox said:
My father was a Christian minister. I was a Christian when I was a teenager. I was a religious freak like you. Now I am happy to be free from religious supersitition.

Was there some specific incident that occurred? It kinda sounds like something happened to you. Hope you're OK and that nobody hurt you. :(

You know, when I look at the marvels of nature (trees, skies, mountains, etc), I often think, "How could Christians be so foolish not to see evolution at work?" There are mysteries but I don't put God in it.

Not all Christians declare science invalid. Another view is theistic evolution. This is distinctly different from "Creation Science" in that it requires no rejection of scientific principles. If you would like to read more about what this viewpoint is, this article has some information:

(When you read the Spectrum of Viewpoints section, please do note that I do not adhere to a deist view, even though that's listed first. The views held by some Christians are then detailed in the next section. My own take most closely fits that held by the Anglican church, and you can find more detailed links in that section if you wish.)

I show you this to demonstrate that there is a diversity of viewpoints in Christianity. I do respect Reba's right to her belief even though I do not agree with it.
Reba said:
What do you mean "same blood group"? What is an "insect brother"? Are you talking about evolution, and how some people believe that humans evolved from lower forms of life? :confused:


Don´t cut my post... Please re-read my post FULL...

The people claims that we come from Eve & Adam time. Where/How we have different blood groups from? That´s an exactly what many people says this... It look like that you are my relatives or what... because you are also come from Eve & Adam time as well... It make no sense because we have different blood group.

I'm afraid your post makes no sense

I would say the same about your post as well.
netrox said:
It doesn't matter to me since I consider it a myth, not a true story. Many myths also told tales of resurrection. Why should I believe Jesus is an exception?
There were many eye witnesses to the resurrected Jesus and His activities.

But all that is moot. If you don't want to believe in Jesus as the resurrected Savior, there is no amount of evidence that could ever convince you.

Luke 16:19-31
19 There was a certain rich man, which was clothed in purple and fine linen, and fared sumptuously every day: 20 And there was a certain beggar named Lazarus, which was laid at his gate, full of sores, 21 And desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man's table: moreover the dogs came and licked his sores. 22 And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom: the rich man also died, and was buried; 23 And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom. 24 And he cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame. 25 But Abraham said, Son, remember that thou in thy lifetime receivedst thy good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things: but now he is comforted, and thou art tormented. 26 And beside all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed: so that they which would pass from hence to you cannot; neither can they pass to us, that would come from thence. 27 Then he said, I pray thee therefore, father, that thou wouldest send him to my father's house: 28 For I have five brethren; that he may testify unto them, lest they also come into this place of torment. 29 Abraham saith unto him, They have Moses and the prophets; let them hear them. 30 And he said, Nay, father Abraham: but if one went unto them from the dead, they will repent. 31 And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead.

If Jesus, in His resurrected body, came down from Heaven, stood in front of you, showed you His nail-pierced hands, and said, "I am Jesus Christ", would you believe Him? "If they hear not Moses and the prophets [Scriptures], neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."

Sadly, the more some people are exposed to the Gospel, the harder their hearts become.
Cheri said:
Don't compare Jesus and us people, We are sinners and will never satisfy God's perfect standards while Jesus is the only one without sins and follows the perfect standards. Plus Jesus is the one who died to pay the penalty of our sins, Would you die for our sins? when You're a sinner? It wouldn't make no sense would it now? That's why Jesus is different from us all.

We are not talking about who are sinners or not and compare Jesus with everyone but equal...

Jesus knows everyone are sinners but he loves everyone, no matter what.

Now for us to be able to go to Heaven, It's up to Jesus/God. If we accept Jesus into our lives, we will have eternal life, which meaning, we have to turn away from our sins and accept the lord, we will go to heaven. ;)

Who says this? I don´t beleive it´s God & Jesus´s word but people´s word.

I remember someone in other threads says if we disobey what God´s word in the bible then go hell... I choose to ingore their judgement but beleive in my strength.

Now you said that we will go heaven if we accept the lord... Who says this? Of course people...

Liebling:-))) said:
Don´t cut my post... Please re-read my post FULL...

I did read the whole post. I don't know what an insect brother is. I do remember the movie "The Fly".

The people claims that we come from Eve & Adam time. Where/How we have different blood groups from?
Are you referring to blood types, such as A+, O-, etc.?

That´s an exactly what many people says this... It look like that you are my relatives or what... because you are also come from Eve & Adam time as well... It make no sense because we have different blood group.
People can be related and have different blood types. For example, if you go to a family reunion, and 50 cousins show up, do you think they all have the same blood type? No. Are they all still related? Yes.

I would say the same about your post as well.
Maybe I should have said, "I don't understand your sentence about insect brother and long-lost sister." I meant, it didn't make sense to me, and I needed you to clarify it for me with more information.
Reba said:
What do you mean "same blood group"? What is an "insect brother"? Are you talking about evolution, and how some people believe that humans evolved from lower forms of life? :confused:

I'm afraid your post makes no sense.

come on she's from german. she can't spell everything right... it is her typo! it is supposed to be "incest"

geez! use common sense in what she's trying to tell.
Reba : She means the word " incest ". She was referrin' to my post # 25 on page 2.

FYI, this is not exactly what I mean when I mentioned somethin' to other poster.
Liebling:-))) said:
We are not talking about who are sinners or not and compare Jesus with everyone but equal...

Why do you think Jesus is equal with us? Can we do things like Jesus can? Can we change water to wine? Can we walk on water? Can we bring deads back to life? Can we give sight to a blind person? Can we give hearing to a deaf person? No, we can't, therefore we are not equal to Jesus. We are equal to Eve and Adam their sins brought all the human race sins. Remember, God's spirit was in Jesus plus he was born from a human mother, God wasn't in us, He created us the same way he created Adam and Eve. ;)

Jesus knows everyone are sinners but he loves everyone, no matter what.
Who says this? I don´t beleive it´s God & Jesus´s word but people´s word.

The bible says Jesus loves us, but hate the sins. But, that doesn't mean we are safe from hell.

I remember someone in other threads says if we disobey what God´s word in the bible then go hell... I choose to ingore their judgement but beleive in my strength.Now you said that we will go heaven if we accept the lord... Who says this? Of course people.

Clearly, Jesus taught that hell is a place of eternal torment and punishment waiting for those who reject his message. That's why Jesus does not want anyone to be send to hell, so he is waiting on us to repent our sins and accept Jesus, follow him, believe in him, follow his message, accept him in your heart. :)
There were many eye witnesses to the resurrected Jesus and His activities.

Who were the eyewitnesses? Only the New Testament claimed Jesus rose from the dead.

Remember that during the three days, there was an earthquake and a darkness as well. Did that happen? No. No historians reported that incident at that time.

As for Jesus's historical existence, only Flavius Jospehus, a historian, reported his brother, John the Baptist and Jesus but unfortunately, the reference to Jesus was agreed to be a fake since Josephus was a Jew and defends Judiasm. The passage in reference to Jesus was also awkard in style and pace. It doesn't sound like his writing. Jesus clearly existed although Josephus never personally met him but none of the historians recorded the events as the New Testament claimed to happen.

I believe the Gospels were based on the Q source aka the Documentary hypothesis. The Gospel of Thomas has a collection of Jesus's sayings and is likely from Q. The Gospels from NT clearly indicate they come from the Q source with some embellishments to their stories that the authors borrowed from older myths. Resurrection was one of them.
Boult said:
come on she's from german. she can't spell everything right... it is her typo! it is supposed to be "incest"

geez! use common sense in what she's trying to tell.
She lives in Germany now but she was born and raised in Great Britain.

Still, you are probably right about the typo. But I like the visual of an insect brother better. ;)
CyberRed said:
Reba : She means the word " incest ". She was referrin' to my post # 25 on page 2.

FYI, this is not exactly what I mean when I mentioned somethin' to other poster.
Got it. Thanks for the explaination. :)
Reba said:
I did read the whole post. I don't know what an insect brother is. I do remember the movie "The Fly".

Huh? Don´t be purpose because everyone knows who I referred to. I beleive you know what I am saying but you "twist" it because of my wrong spelling. I know what they are talking about when they add wrong spelling in their posts. :ugh2:

Are you referring to blood types, such as A+, O-, etc.?

Oh Blood types... Thank you for correction. We use German language "Blutgruppe" (translation: Blood group). That´s why we speak "Blutgruppe" alot.

See the example why I use Blutgruppe (blood groups)

I confused German with English mostly of time when I want to say something in English.

People can be related and have different blood types. For example, if you go to a family reunion, and 50 cousins show up, do you think they all have the same blood type? No. Are they all still related? Yes.

We should have same blood types because we come from Eve & Adam time, don´t we?

Maybe I should have said, "I don't understand your sentence about insect brother and long-lost sister." I meant, it didn't make sense to me, and I needed you to clarify it for me with more information.

I feel that you response my post in purposely way.
Reba said:
She lives in Germany now but she was born and raised in Great Britain.

For your information, I live in Germany for 21 years and use German language as my first line. I confused German with English when I communicate with English people.

Still, you are probably right about the typo. But I like the visual of an insect brother better. ;)

Thank you for let me to find out true color about you. *shake my head*
Reba said:
Got it. Thanks for the explaination. :)

I don´t buy your word because I beleive that you know what I´m talking about in first place because of that little wrong spelling.. iscent .... You see that Boult and CyerRed understood my wrong spelling... I would understand everyone when they write wrong spelling...
Cheri said:
Why do you think Jesus is equal with us? Can we do things like Jesus can? Can we change water to wine? Can we walk on water? Can we bring deads back to life? Can we give sight to a blind person? Can we give hearing to a deaf person? No, we can't, therefore we are not equal to Jesus. We are equal to Eve and Adam their sins brought all the human race sins.

Who says this?

I only know that Jesus treat people equal as him because he like to be normal like everyone.

Remember, God's spirit was in Jesus plus he was born from a human mother, God wasn't in us, He created us the same way he created Adam and Eve. ;)

I don´t beleive that God and Jesus is same person but Father & Son.

The bible says Jesus loves us, but hate the sins. But, that doesn't mean we are safe from hell.
Clearly, Jesus taught that hell is a place of eternal torment and punishment waiting for those who reject his message. That's why Jesus does not want anyone to be send to hell, so he is waiting on us to repent our sins and accept Jesus, follow him, believe in him, follow his message, accept him in your heart. :)

It´s people who wrote the bible says this, not God and Jesus.
Liebling:-))) said:
I feel that you response my post in purposely way.
You're right, my bad. :Oops: Please feel free to :whip: me.

As you see in the blood type/group link (, even a couple of people (such as Adam and Eve) can have descendants of various blood types thru the many generations. That doesn't mean we are all brothers and sisters; that would require having the same birth parents. We are all more like very distant cousins.
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