The Book of Revelation

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netrox said:
So, you decided a myth would serve a better explanation for the questions you asked?

Just because we don't know the answers does not make it true.

Do I decided a myth would serve a better explanation ? The answer is no, because I believe there's God and I do believe in Him.

I guess, you have a problem with " believin' "/ " faith " because, you doubt since you want Him to prove to you in your own eyes to SEE somethin' before you could believe Him.

Why it is necessary to SEE somethin' as a proof before you'd believe Him ?

I have already SEEN Him, because of things around me ... I can SEE the trees, the sky, the mountains, and everythin'. That means He is there ! :)
Y said:
Which is more reliable ?

a) The Wikipedia
b) The Bible

That's your choice

Just Wikipedia and Bible? No, it's not just bible or wikipedia but plenty of lists in websites, you can focus to.

I don't have choice to do what the bible, Wikipedia or any websites says but neutral and collect experiences myself and decide myself what I can do or not.
Reba said:
Confucius is dead, and Jesus lives. Only Jesus is the Life because only Jesus can offer eternal life. Confucius cannot offer eternal life. The "way" of Confucius is a dead end.

No Jesus is dead. He is a human with flesh and blood like us.

Look at Pope! Million people worship him as God... It's exactly same what the people worship Jesus as King of Iseral (sp) or Jew. He have to die because the people worship him, not priest of different beliefs.
Reba said:
Jesus died, resurrected here on earth, then ascended to Heaven where He lives now, until He comes again.

No, he died at 2,006 years ago. Again he's a human like everyone including Pope.
Liebling:-))) said:
No Jesus is dead. He is a human with flesh and blood like us.

Look at Pope! Million people worship him as God... It's exactly same what the people worship Jesus as King of Iseral (sp) or Jew. He have to die because the people worship him, not priest of different beliefs.

Again, I have to say this that Jesus was risen from the dead after 3 days. He is NOT dead.

Do you believe that there's a Heaven ? If, you do - then, why is it that you believe Jesus is dead ? If, He is dead, then there will be NO Heaven up there.
netrox said:
No, it's not dependable nor reliable. It has many atrocities, contradictions and errors. A simple glance at SAB ( should be convincing for people who don't have any preconceptions of Christianity. If they were to read without being taught the "Christian faith", they would laugh and reject the Bible as an ignorant myth.

Truth is what I seek for and the Bible fails miserably.

Remember, Wikipedia is open to edits, updates, and changes. If facts show that the information is inaccurate, it will change. That makes it highly reliable. Its accuracy nearly matches the accuracy of Britannica and that is astonishing considering that it's an open source.

Jews still think a Messiah will come. Jews does not accept Jesus as a Messiah. They're right if I were to follow the Old Testament literally. The Old Testament never predicted Jesus no matter how hard the New Testament claims it did. It used verses to prophesize Jesus as Messiah but it was taken totally out of context. The Old Testament simply said nothing about Jesus. Nada.

That's an exactly what I thought.
CyberRed said:
It runs all the same from Adam and Eve -- from generations to generations.

It means that we all have same blood group, don't we? It look like that my hubby is my insect brother & you are my long lost sister... :ugh2: It make no sense.

I already said in my previous post at other thread about my son's question.

Liebling's post
My son told us few days ago that he don´t beleive that God is exist. He beleive Evolution.

I asked him why?

He explained that our blood could be SAME if we came from Eve and Adam time... He don´t understand why we have different blood groups... It could not be from Eve and Adam... but cavemen.... stone aged...

He also said that Jesus could be exist at that time and got his 12 apolostles to write the "bible" for him... The people worship him as "King of Iseral" but he don´t beleive that Jesus is son of God...

He also said... Why we have different reglious for...?

He has a good point...

What do you think?

History itself runs repeatly, because some people are very stubborn who refused to obey God.

No, it has nothing do with stubborn or refused to obey God but focus the truth.

See the example about different beliefs who beleive different than others. I'm neutral to any beliefs...

To me, I beleive God and Jesus in my heart instead of follow what the bible says.

They prefer to SEE somethin' physically who is their " god " like an idol and such. They don't have a faith just, because we can't see GOD. God tests us people for our faith. Faith is somethin' that we should B E L I E V E -- no matter if, we can't see Him. He is the One who gave us this life by givin' us His Breathe of Life through our mother's womb. We should be grateful for all this. God is our Maker of all Universe and Earth. He is EVERYTHIN' than a man. I admired Him for His Wisdom of all things, because of His Perfection. :)

I only beleive what I see is proofs period. Evolution have many proofs but Bible?
XBGMER said:
I tell you truth, jesus is not coming back, and NEVER will.. like Elijah went to heaven, he told them he will come back, he never did come back and now jesus told them, he will come back, I believe he will not come back.. wanna bet? what the more , jesus already told you, he will not come back, but another son of man will come in end of their times which come. enemies [christians] will see him [i.e. visiual man of flesh and blood], they wail because of him in their end to come.. Because you are heavy :zzz:

Long time as I said Bible is offcially MYTH!! but i still like to read scripture everyday and every night...

I repeat my posts from other threads...

I beleive God and Jesus in my heart but I'm neutral to any religions...

I beleive to follow Psychology, not Bible. (I enjoy to read bible stories, not do what the bible says).

It doesn't mean that I'm being punished for not going to church or whatever. I have strength to faith in things myself.

Jesus pray everywhere, not church.
CyberRed said:
Again, I have to say this that Jesus was risen from the dead after 3 days. He is NOT dead.

Do you believe that there's a Heaven ? If, you do - then, why is it that you believe Jesus is dead ? If, He is dead, then there will be NO Heaven up there.


Wait a minute...

I remember in other threads saying that we will go hell or heaven when we are dead... Correct? That's what Christians beleives that who disobey God then go to hell and who obey God then go up to heaven. That's an exactly how Jesus died and then go up to heaven. He is like everyone who died and go up to heaven. Right?

Now you said that it's only Jesus who died and go up to Heaven?
CyberRed said:
He is IN Heaven and everywhere.

Yes, we will also go heaven and everywhere when we died... Right?
CyberRed said:
Jesus is The Way, The Truth and The Life. He is NOT the Author of Confusion.

Revelation is somethin' we don't see yet, because it hasn't arrived. As I see the world is changin', I've seen things are about to change what the Revelation reveals - its unfoldin' slowly. We are gettin' close to it, but it is NOT our time. It's GOD's Time to unfold Himself. We don't know WHEN. Only God Himself knows. :)

That i agree with CyberRed. I studied the Revelation for the pass two years now. That right, it hasn't arrive yet. But it almost there as we can see the world is changing rapidly. There is alot of wars, salvation around the world. It not getting any better, it getting worst. But when the time comes, God himself will do something about it, not us. All i can say it getting very close!!
As it is written by paul, those eho believe "about' christ and those who doesn't belive "in" christ, does not understand the things of the Spirit (Holy Spirit). They read, but couldn't percieved. Bible is the nourishment for the Spirit. In Book of Psalms talked about the Word of God (bible). Also right, u r not goingto get punish for not going to church. But what Book of Hebrews said we should not stop going to church ( gathering together) andPaul wrote the letters to the churches, but at his time isn't the same like we have, it start at their home before it built bigger, since the growing believers christians constantly on the ,ove inspite of numerous christians been executed bec of their faith. As also wriiten in different places as said, there will be growing population will refuse to believe and also universal religion (meant all kinds of religion join together, not mean different denominations) and yes, elijah hasn't come yet, but he will during tribulation where he will be killed by antichrist. Elijah is one of the two witnesses for Jesus. As people constant refusal by believing Christ is risen as He is the Messiah will end up the same way that happen the day of Noah when Noah constantly warned. Christians doesn't make enemy, the world make the enemy. When Christ return with all the believers during armegeddon, the world will war against Christ and the believer. But when He open His mouth, all the world destroyed. Understand this, God doesn't want that to happen, but its the stubborness of people. I have read and inspired by many who has shared their testimonies how wonderful God is and what Christ has done the same I have myself. Is that mean, I'm perfect? No, I failed in times, He s here with me to enable me by the help of the Holy Spirit. I will never be complete till He calls me Home. That's what the message is about. As jesus said, ANYONE want to come to Me, I will not turn my back on them. There is nothing harsh and there is nothing religious about that either. Its a beautiful welcoming.
It's pointless to argue back and forth to those who doesn't want to believe the bible. News-flash to those who have doubt why don't you read the book of "Unlocking the Mysteries of the End Times" It's a Revelation book that tells just what is really going to happen, the end of the world is something to look forward to, that's what this book is about.

Liebling:-))) said:
, That's an exactly how Jesus died and then go up to heaven. He is like everyone who died and go up to heaven. Right?

Don't compare Jesus and us people, We are sinners and will never satisfy God's perfect standards while Jesus is the only one without sins and follows the perfect standards. Plus Jesus is the one who died to pay the penalty of our sins, Would you die for our sins? when You're a sinner? It wouldn't make no sense would it now? That's why Jesus is different from us all. Now for us to be able to go to Heaven, It's up to Jesus/God. If we accept Jesus into our lives, we will have eternal life, which meaning, we have to turn away from our sins and accept the lord, we will go to heaven. ;)
Cheri, u r right and that's where they argued with simplicity of this message, when they disagree and not only that, u know the way u type is big different u meeting a person face to face and it isn't the same. Not only that as I saw the news about christians planning have "cultural wars" which those who truly godly people in Christ don't get involve bec Christ didn't call us to do that, its similar with the disciples got mad at the soldiers and draw the sword to cut off the ear of the soldiers when Jesus got angry at His disciples to stop. Same as it written we are not at war against flesh and blood but against principalities and spirit of darkness. Important part is prayer. Many think prayers can make things better, its true in some part, but during tough time, He can enable u and me to go thru the afflictions and struggles and temptations and etc, if fall, He still will lift u and me up as He continue to teach us till He calls us Home. Hallelujah Thine the glory, Hallelujah Amen, Hallelujah Thine the Glory, Revive us again!!!!!!!! SMILE
Liebling:-))) said:
No Jesus is dead. He is a human with flesh and blood like us.
Have you read the New Testament Gospels? They clearly explain that Jesus was both 100 percent human flesh, AND 100 percent God at the same time. He was 100 percent without sin. He resurrected three days after His death.

Why do you think Christians celebrate Resurrection Sunday (Easter)?

Christians worship a risen Savior, not a corpse. His tomb was empty.

Look at Pope! Million people worship him as God... It's exactly same what the people worship Jesus as King of Iseral (sp) or Jew. He have to die because the people worship him, not priest of different beliefs.
All popes were/are human, and no one should worship them. The Bible is NOT about the Pope; the Bible is about the Triune God (Heavenly Father, Son Jesus Christ, and Holy Spirit). Jesus had to die so that His blood sacrifice could save all us sinners from the punishment of eternal hell. The blood of an ordinary human can NOT do that. Only the blood of God Himself can do that.

There is NO comparison between the Pope and Jesus.

After three days, Pope John Paul's body was lying in state, swelling, changing color, decomposing, and stinking. After three days in the grave, Jesus' body was out of the grave, walking, talking, and eating with His friends. BIG difference!
Liebling:-))) said:
...I beleive God and Jesus in my heart but I'm neutral to any religions...
If you believe God and Jesus, then you must believe that Jesus is eternal living God. No one "believes" in a man.

If you don't believe in God and Jesus, that is your choice. But you can't say that you "believe God and Jesus in my heart" and at the same time say that Jesus is a dead man. That doesn't make any sense. You can't have it both ways.

I beleive to follow Psychology, not Bible.
I'm curious. How will psychology keep you out of hell?
Reba said:
All popes were/are human, and no one should worship them. The Bible is NOT about the Pope; the Bible is about the Triune God (Heavenly Father, Son Jesus Christ, and Holy Spirit). Jesus had to die so that His blood sacrifice could save all us sinners from the punishment of eternal hell. The blood of an ordinary human can NOT do that. Only the blood of God Himself can do that.

There is NO comparison between the Pope and Jesus!

Correct! I love how you describe this better than I could. Thanks! :)
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