I Dont Believe Jesus Come Out Of Heaven And Return..
See that I did not create people who is opposite about jesus's stuffs. but I knew there people come to tell you christians what the exact they dont believe your beliefs... I believe Jesus is author of confusion like in babel's times, because they want all different races and languages believe jesus who save them out of my sins. but i will torn them from tower and name as rise and fall into pieces war eachothers as confusion themselves.. like I said I PROMISE YOU I WILL TEAR USA'S NATION into pieces without clue nor heal.. better watch my truly words which message to you all christains and nonchristians..
my personal, I notice almost white folks worship jesus in heaven for thousand years till now, because they believed that Jesus is white man like them. I look back in past of bondage time, white masters forbid black slaves to learn and read words of book, and they refused to teach black slaves how to learn and read book of God for 500 years or more. till finally, white folks let black slaves can read words of books. unfortuantely white folks preached black slaves as told slaves that jesus is white man who choice white folks above slaves like they want to wash slaves's brains because they turned slaves away from read the words of books.. they did success and keep slaves out of books, now you see millions of blacks still can't read the words of books today from since during bondage times... so sad..
Most christians put their very controveraies themselves " he will come back " but Jesus told them "he was rebirth" which he took flesh and bllod of his mother and his father.. There must be another son of man will take flesh and blood of his mother-father again but you refuse believe me, i have no problem with that... you better figure it before toolate your time is come to end..
I tell you truth, jesus is not coming back, and NEVER will.. like Elijah went to heaven, he told them he will come back, he never did come back and now jesus told them, he will come back, I believe he will not come back.. wanna bet? what the more , jesus already told you, he will not come back, but another son of man will come in end of their times which come. enemies [christians] will see him [i.e. visiual man of flesh and blood], they wail because of him in their end to come.. Because you are heavy
Long time as I said Bible is offcially MYTH!! but i still like to read scripture everyday and every night...