The Book of Revelation

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Boult said:
don't forget this one:

you are right, there are plenty of contradictions and they can be found at this link to show you clearly!

I now knew that the bible is full of holes and not 100% truth.
No contradictions in that Bible passage. Plenty of misinterpretation and sarcasm in that link though. Not exactly a scholarly study of Revelation.
Reba said:
No contradictions in that Bible passage. Plenty of misinterpretation and sarcasm in that link though. Not exactly a scholarly study of Revelation.
info about this site can be found at wikipedia;'s_Annotated_Bible

I am skeptic and you can't change me. It's still not 100% true. period.

why don't you check out their discussion board at SAB website.
Boult said:
no need to tell me all this.. you already wasted your breath on that. sorry reba!

Tell that to Jesus. :)
Boult said:
info about this site can be found at wikipedia;'s_Annotated_Bible
I hope you don't depend on Wikipedia for your research.

I am skeptic and you can't change me.
I'm not trying to change you. Only the Holy Spirit can do that, if you are willing. I'm only presenting the Gospel and trying to clear up misconceptions about it. You can accept it or reject it; that's up to you.

why don't you check out their discussion board at SAB website.
I did look at your link.
hottiedeafboi said:
Exactly right, cyber. Even egyptians studied but seeing their intellectual still downfall and also the greeks. All the study is good in someway, but stealing from God what God has given them been perverted. But Jesus is The Way, The Truth and The Life. God offers all thru the lifetimes, but yet, many still trying to find the other way. As of happen in Noahs time, Moses times, Abrahams time, and today isn't happen yet, but will happen when those who refuse to receive Gods given grace thru Jesus Christ out of His love.

You are correct. It runs all the same from Adam and Eve -- from generations to generations. History itself runs repeatly, because some people are very stubborn who refused to obey God. They prefer to SEE somethin' physically who is their " god " like an idol and such. They don't have a faith just, because we can't see GOD. God tests us people for our faith. Faith is somethin' that we should B E L I E V E -- no matter if, we can't see Him. He is the One who gave us this life by givin' us His Breathe of Life through our mother's womb. We should be grateful for all this. God is our Maker of all Universe and Earth. He is EVERYTHIN' than a man. I admired Him for His Wisdom of all things, because of His Perfection. :)
Boult said:
no need to tell me all this.. you already wasted your breath on that. sorry reba!
How kind of you to be concerned about my air; I assure you I have plenty of breath left, so none of it is "wasted". :)

There may be no "need" for me to make my post but I believe I'm allowed to do it as long as I follow the rules of courteous posting.
CyberRed said:
Tell that to Jesus. :)

:confused: How could we tell this to Jesus because he already is dead at 2,006 years ago.
Liebling:-))) said:
:confused: How could we tell this to Jesus because he already is dead at 2,006 years ago.

He rised from the dead and He is still alive. He is NOT deaf.
Reba, rose, cyber red has the right point of view and its a living. Jesus isn't dead and we don't worship the dead as other religions are doing now and even worship handmade gods. We worship the Living LORD who has defeated power of death (spiritual death, not physical), power of sin (what we were born from adam),hell(which can't touch us or taken us those who received christ Jesus). Now ascended in Heaven with the Father and now the Holy Spirit indwells in the believers and still working for those who are spiritual blind. Many looking for excuse not to really allow God show each one in the Bible, but following mans ideas try to pervert the basic messages. All the insult against christians is been doing all those years and so called religious conflict been like that thousands of years. Pharoah thinks his gods is more power, but defeated, babylon thinks their gods are powerful, but defeated, all kinds of religions been defeated and the life we are in now, hasn't come yet. As TRUE WORD OF GOD says time will come, but God timing is perfect, as noah warns people, they mocked, jeered, drunken, and parties (nothing wrong with parties, but depend how far u are going) and noah warns so long, but people won't received the messages and warnings, so is today, christians responsible to let the Holy Spirit to lead us to share others of Gods love thru Christ Jesus. What the Bible is written got the enough messages to tell us. Before I received Christ, I see the bible is confusions and couldn't get it till after I received christ, I begin to see each step of the way. Correct, we can't change u, only God can, u make a choice God or man's confusion and claiming "proof"
Interesting food for thoughts & discussion, netrox.
The Bible doesn't have errors, so there is no need to change it. That is the beauty of the Bible; it doesn't change, it is dependable. God's word doesn't change to fit the political correctness of the day. Its truths are eternal.

No, it's not dependable nor reliable. It has many atrocities, contradictions and errors. A simple glance at SAB ( should be convincing for people who don't have any preconceptions of Christianity. If they were to read without being taught the "Christian faith", they would laugh and reject the Bible as an ignorant myth.

Truth is what I seek for and the Bible fails miserably.

Wikipedia is totally undependable because everyone and his brother edits it.

Remember, Wikipedia is open to edits, updates, and changes. If facts show that the information is inaccurate, it will change. That makes it highly reliable. Its accuracy nearly matches the accuracy of Britannica and that is astonishing considering that it's an open source.

Jesus died, resurrected here on earth, then ascended to Heaven where He lives now, until He comes again.

Jews still think a Messiah will come. Jews does not accept Jesus as a Messiah. They're right if I were to follow the Old Testament literally. The Old Testament never predicted Jesus no matter how hard the New Testament claims it did. It used verses to prophesize Jesus as Messiah but it was taken totally out of context. The Old Testament simply said nothing about Jesus. Nada.
How do you explain when there was a VOID in the universe BEFORE everythin' was made ??

How did this earth appear when the universe was void ?

What about life and how did life appear when everythin' was made ?

Of course, a man or scientist don't make them, because a man or scientist wasn't there when life wasn't made in VOID universe.
U r right, jews doesn't believe Jesus isn't the messiah and old testament didn't use the name Jesus, but what old testatments described Jesus. During the crucifixion, earthquakes and storm hit the moment Jesus had died, in the temple, the curtain by the holy of holies been ripped start top to bottom and pilate fell on his knees and said truly, Jesus is the Son of God, and one of the pharisee that secretly met jesus during the night, helped the disciples and include pilate take Jesus down and wrapped and put in tombstone. Jews demand to be sealed by thinking disciple might stole the body and fear if Jesus will actually will rise from the dead, till Sunday morning right before dawn, earthquake hit and bight light shone from the tombstone, and moved which dreadful frightened the soldiers and fled frantically and told the religious leaders, and religious leader paid the soldiers to keep quiet and not say a word and claimed the disciples took the body. That's when ladies came and thought differently, and hurting them so much by thinking soldiers or religious leader stole the body. Till one is mary, and then shared the disciples then later, over 500 people witnessed where Jesus ascended to heaven. And guess what? Some who saw it still not believe. There is noone and not even close compare who Jesus is. The old testaments in numerous kinds described the messiah which is Jesus. No other described it in old testatments as Jesus. Nicodemus, the religious noticed that Jesus is the Messiah as what he saw descibed what old testament been written.
U r right, jews doesn't believe Jesus isn't the messiah and old testament didn't use the name Jesus, but what old testatments described Jesus.

Where did it say Jesus?
How do you explain when there was a VOID in the universe BEFORE everythin' was made ??

How did this earth appear when the universe was void ?

What about life and how did life appear when everythin' was made ?

So, you decided a myth would serve a better explanation for the questions you asked?

Just because we don't know the answers does not make it true.
Netrox, I don't think u read it thoroughly what I'm saying. I said old testament didn't say the name Jesus in the old testament. Like Isaiah 53 described Jesus, Isaiah chapter 6 matched Revelation chapter 1. Lineage both Joseph and Mary. Joseph is not Jesus natural father. Book of Psalms many verses described Jesus, believe it or not Jesus birth is not his first living, He's from Heaven to come to born to be like us, but no sin. Why? Sacrificial Lamb. Even the day of Adam talked about the Messiah. Abraham and more and more others in old testaments forsee the Messiah. That's when Jesus gave up all His glory as Father sent His Son to die for us. That's the whole message is about. Salvation for ALL mankind, but tragically, many refuse His awesome free gift to them the same gift that I received and many others has. Why so hard on Him and even u refuse to give up ur human opinions. Beautiful way how much God has done for us by His Love. Its beautiful and refreshing and my daily prayer for me is continuous flow of new mercies and grace. Its reality and taste sweeter than anything u can imagine. What's external is short, but what's internal is everlasting. Great is His faithfulness I see. In a movie Passion, instead of the movie, u stand in the presence of a suffering Savior on the cross, who side are u, mary, james and others who believes in Him or soldiers and religious leaders and those who refuse to believe mocked at Him, spit an all other cruelty? Also, the whole picture of the cross, is we killed Him bec our sins. He bored our sins upon Himself. He saves us from the wrath from the Father. That's God's plan for us to be with Him forever and ever. Don't u think that's costly of that? Don't u think that's sweet of them and proved how much God loves us so much? Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, that's save a wretch like me I once was lost but now I'm found twas blind now I see. That's very true. Its not just religious, its reality and living proof. You can have that too, He's stil waiting for anyone come Him with His open arms. Its beautiful, and that's the fact.
netrox said:
So, you decided a myth would serve a better explanation for the questions you asked?

Just because we don't know the answers does not make it true.
Just because you call the Bible a myth does not make it so.

Whatever you call the Bible, the truth of God's Word doesn't change.
Reba said:
Just because you call the Bible a myth does not make it so.

Whatever you call the Bible, the truth of God's Word doesn't change.

Just because you call the Bible a myth does not make it so.

Whatever you call the Bible, the truth of God's Word doesn't change.

What does it have to do with not knowing? I know the Bible. Evidence indicating that the Bible is a myth is pretty convincing no matter how uncomfortable people may be with it.
I Dont Believe Jesus Come Out Of Heaven And Return..

See that I did not create people who is opposite about jesus's stuffs. but I knew there people come to tell you christians what the exact they dont believe your beliefs... I believe Jesus is author of confusion like in babel's times, because they want all different races and languages believe jesus who save them out of my sins. but i will torn them from tower and name as rise and fall into pieces war eachothers as confusion themselves.. like I said I PROMISE YOU I WILL TEAR USA'S NATION into pieces without clue nor heal.. better watch my truly words which message to you all christains and nonchristians..

my personal, I notice almost white folks worship jesus in heaven for thousand years till now, because they believed that Jesus is white man like them. I look back in past of bondage time, white masters forbid black slaves to learn and read words of book, and they refused to teach black slaves how to learn and read book of God for 500 years or more. till finally, white folks let black slaves can read words of books. unfortuantely white folks preached black slaves as told slaves that jesus is white man who choice white folks above slaves like they want to wash slaves's brains because they turned slaves away from read the words of books.. they did success and keep slaves out of books, now you see millions of blacks still can't read the words of books today from since during bondage times... so sad..

Most christians put their very controveraies themselves " he will come back " but Jesus told them "he was rebirth" which he took flesh and bllod of his mother and his father.. There must be another son of man will take flesh and blood of his mother-father again but you refuse believe me, i have no problem with that... you better figure it before toolate your time is come to end..

I tell you truth, jesus is not coming back, and NEVER will.. like Elijah went to heaven, he told them he will come back, he never did come back and now jesus told them, he will come back, I believe he will not come back.. wanna bet? what the more , jesus already told you, he will not come back, but another son of man will come in end of their times which come. enemies [christians] will see him [i.e. visiual man of flesh and blood], they wail because of him in their end to come.. Because you are heavy :zzz:

Long time as I said Bible is offcially MYTH!! but i still like to read scripture everyday and every night...
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