Roe v. Wade - For Men

Given the field I work in, I have all the hard evidence I need. And your title is quite misleading. Violence at the hands of women is less in incidence than violence at the hands of men. In the comparatively few cases of violence in women, some research has supported the hypothesis that women are capable of greater violence. That research also indicates that they rarely act on it, especially in comparison to their male counterparts.

You really need to come out of isolation.

Still trying to make males out to be the most evil of the genders eh?

Try listing some statistics please ..... (3rd time I asked).

I think you are old enough to know that life is a two way street. Women can be just as violent as men. There is no "evil" gender. Both can be just as equally violent .... time to come out of the dark.
Still trying to make males out to be the most evil of the genders eh?

Try listing some statistics please ..... (3rd time I asked).

I think you are old enough to know that life is a two way street. Women can be just as violent as men. There is no "evil" gender. Both can be just as equally violent .... time to come out of the dark.

Boy, can you twist things around. You want statistics, Google is your friend. I rely on the depth and breadth of my knowledge and training as my source.
Would it matter? Even if the stats were laid end to end, stretching from Boston to Seattle, you would find some way to ignore the obvious. If you think women commit even one third of all violent crime, you really need to get your news from a few different sources.

I don't think there is a male bias here. If anything, it is the opposite. After all, men make more money, and are the only gender to be voted President. Why do women make less money? Why are they unable to get the votes to become President? Considering there are MORE American women than men, don't you find it at least a little puzzling?

Violent Crime - Gender Differences In Violent Crime Offenders

Violent crime is very much the domain of men. Men are responsible for most criminal acts and they are the victims more often than women. This is true even in the acutely tragic cases of the murder of a child. Of murder victims aged 5 years or under, most are males and most are killed by a man.

Men murder on average 8 times for every murder perpetrated by a woman. The homicide rate "gender gap" hasn't closed over the years. In fact it has increased, and this despite a decline in number of homicides. In 1976 the ratio of male murderers to female was 5 to 1. By 1999 it was 9 to1 and at its peak, in 1995, it reached a surprisingly high 11 to 1 ratio.

Homicides can be broken into four categories by gender of offender and victim. Here is the breakdown for murders committed in 1999:

Male offender /Male victim 65.1%
Male offender /Female victim 22.4%
Female offender /Male victim 10.1%
Female offender /Female victim 2.4%

Murder is, of course, the most extreme of violent crimes. Is the gender gap for all violent crimes as large as it is for homicide? No. With more than 2.1 million violent offenses committed annually by women, one must not confuse a lower rate of violent activity with no violent criminal activity. However, women do commit violent acts at a substantially lower rate than their male counterparts, once for every 7.15 times that a man commits a violent act.

Female offenders differ from male offenders in a number of ways. Women are less likely than men to use a weapon such as a blunt object, knife, or firearm in the commission of a crime: 15% of women do while 28% of men do. Women are more likely than men to have had a prior relationship with their victims, 62% versus 36%.

In the case of murder, the offender gender difference is even greater. Of the 59,996 murders committed by women between 1976 and 1997 just over 60% of the victims were intimates or family members of the murderess. Among the 395,446 victims murdered by men during this period, only 20% were family members or intimates. Of course, that means that about 36,000 people lost their lives at the hands of a female family member and about 80,000 were killed by a male family member.

In conclusion, women are less violent than men. When they do act violently, they lash out against those they know and either love or once loved.

Source: U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics, "Homicide Trends in the U.S.," a series of statistical tables and graphs published online, January 2001, available at

Violent Crime - Gender Differences In Violent Crime Offenders

Violent crime is very much the domain of men. Men are responsible for most criminal acts and they are the victims more often than women. This is true even in the acutely tragic cases of the murder of a child. Of murder victims aged 5 years or under, most are males and most are killed by a man.

Men murder on average 8 times for every murder perpetrated by a woman. The homicide rate "gender gap" hasn't closed over the years. In fact it has increased, and this despite a decline in number of homicides. In 1976 the ratio of male murderers to female was 5 to 1. By 1999 it was 9 to1 and at its peak, in 1995, it reached a surprisingly high 11 to 1 ratio.

Homicides can be broken into four categories by gender of offender and victim. Here is the breakdown for murders committed in 1999:

Male offender /Male victim 65.1%
Male offender /Female victim 22.4%
Female offender /Male victim 10.1%
Female offender /Female victim 2.4%

Murder is, of course, the most extreme of violent crimes. Is the gender gap for all violent crimes as large as it is for homicide? No. With more than 2.1 million violent offenses committed annually by women, one must not confuse a lower rate of violent activity with no violent criminal activity. However, women do commit violent acts at a substantially lower rate than their male counterparts, once for every 7.15 times that a man commits a violent act.

Female offenders differ from male offenders in a number of ways. Women are less likely than men to use a weapon such as a blunt object, knife, or firearm in the commission of a crime: 15% of women do while 28% of men do. Women are more likely than men to have had a prior relationship with their victims, 62% versus 36%.

In the case of murder, the offender gender difference is even greater. Of the 59,996 murders committed by women between 1976 and 1997 just over 60% of the victims were intimates or family members of the murderess. Among the 395,446 victims murdered by men during this period, only 20% were family members or intimates. Of course, that means that about 36,000 people lost their lives at the hands of a female family member and about 80,000 were killed by a male family member.

In conclusion, women are less violent than men. When they do act violently, they lash out against those they know and either love or once loved.

Source: U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics, "Homicide Trends in the U.S.," a series of statistical tables and graphs published online, January 2001, available at

You are a lot more generous than I am.:giggle: He still won't believe it, though.
Ah, OK. :ty: But I won't pretend one gender is better than, worse than, more volience, or else than another gender.

Genders are no different. Cos I can't ignore male victims and I don't want highly value female victims more than males, just because of stereotypical strong and man who doesn't need a cry but need to be evil person. Equal is equal, not against any gender for whatever reason is.

Maybe that is just me...
I understand what you mean, you don't want to blame either genders because both can be rapists, yes but remember stereotype also means false facts, and this fact is accurate ... the truth, not a 'stereotype'.

The U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics (1999) estimated that 91% of U.S. rape victims are female and 9% are male, with 99% of the offenders being MALE...

ouch.. stein, the links you posted has NOTHING to do with thread title--violence on/by hands doesn't get anyone pregnant. it says nothing related to abortion.

now, what are you gonna say next? you lose anyway. 99% male rapists, even though there's 9% male victims ..

*again bends on her knees, thank god for those laws* -- I'm finished with this, good night everyone. :)
I understand what you mean, you don't want to blame either genders because BOTH can rape, yes but remember stereotype means false facts and this fact is accurate ... the truth, not a 'stereotype'.


ouch. stein, the links you posted has NOTHING to do with thread title--violence on hands doesn't get anyone pregnant.

now, what are you gonna say next? you lose anyway. 99% male rapists, even though there's 9% male victims ..

*again bends on her knees, thank god for those laws* I'm finished with this, good night everyone. :)

Just out of curiousity, do you feel that rape is the "only" violent crime?

If so, how many "rapes" do you think were actually consensual and reported as rapes after the fact?

Let me give you a very big clue ..... Roe v. Wade.
Yet, another case emerges where a man struck a woman:

Plea deal in beating at Georgia Cracker Barrel -

The Poulan, Georgia, resident faced 44 years if convicted of all charges. Felony charges of aggravated assault and false imprisonment were dropped and he pleaded guilty to four misdemeanors: battery, two counts of disorderly conduct and cruelty to children in the third degree, Lawson said. He has no prior criminal convictions.

"She said, 'I'm a U.S. military soldier. I'll kill you," West testified Friday. "As I start to turn away, she spits in my face," CNN affiliate WXIA reported Friday. The defendant said he used an open hand rather than a fist.

Hill has previous cases involving violent and verbal altercations and is currently charged with disorderly conduct from an incident this summer, Lawson said. Hill is accused of threatening to shoot two boys, claiming they burglarized her home, Lawson told CNN. Lawson said she heard a 911 call about the incident just before the trial began.

come on, you can't go through life threatening to kill people ... someone might just slap you.

I am not saying its right .... but West didn't get charged with a felony. Men usually do in such cases.
You are a lot more generous than I am.:giggle: He still won't believe it, though.

here you go: - Studies shatter myth about abuse

Studies shatter myth about abuseBy Karen S. Peterson, USA TODAY
WASHINGTON — It is not just men who hit women. Women hit men, too. And the latest research shows that ignoring the role women play in domestic violence does both women and men a disservice.
There is little doubt that women get hurt more than men. She may slap him. But then he may hit her harder or more often.

By not understanding the mutual role they often play, women are at great risk for injury, new studies show.

Still, the newest findings challenge the feminist belief that "it is men only who cause violence," says psychologist Deborah Capaldi of the Oregon Social Learning Center. "That is a myth."

The number of women who hit first or hit back is "much greater than has been generally assumed," Capaldi says. She says she is surprised by the frequency of aggressive acts by women and by the number of men who are afraid of partners who assault them.

Capaldi and two other female researchers call for a re-evaluation of treatment programs nationwide. Such programs focus on men and ignore women. Men are court-ordered into some type of rehabilitation, and their women are told in support groups or shelters that they had nothing to do with the violence, Capaldi says.

"Prevention and treatment should focus on managing conflict and aggression for both young men and women," Capaldi says. Each needs to understand the role both play while still putting a "special responsibility" on the man, who can inflict greater injury.

The three women did different studies but presented them as a team recently to a conference sponsored by the Society for Prevention Research. The National Institutes of Health sponsored much of the work.

The researchers emphasize they are not blaming women. "We are not saying anybody is at fault," says psychologist Miriam Ehrensaft of Columbia University. "But new data is emerging that says women are also involved in aggression. If we do not tell women that, we put them at risk."

Rita Smith of the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence is not convinced that men are afraid of abusive women. "That fear is a critical factor in any domestic violence situation. And the abuse is part of an ongoing pattern to control someone else's behavior."

Murray Straus, co-director of the Family Research Lab at the University of New Hampshire, has found both men and women are involved in physical aggression, but he emphasizes injury rates are not the same. "The likelihood of an injury to a woman requiring medical attention is much greater. Men cause more damage."

The little-talked-about involvement of women in mutual aggression with men is "the third rail of the domestic violence field," says Richard Gelles, dean of the University of Pennsylvania School of Social Work. "Touch it and you get electrocuted." Both he and Straus have done studies that caused fiery controversies.

Gelles says the lifetime risk of a woman being struck by a male intimate partner is about 28%. And "depending upon who is doing the survey and how you measure it, you could get numbers of up to 50%." But he says a man's lifetime risk of being struck by a woman is also about 28%.

Many researchers' findings in earlier, government-financed studies emphasize the man's role.

Patricia Tjaden's study for the non-profit Center for Policy Research, sponsored by two government agencies, questioned 8,000 men and 8,000 women. She found women three times as likely to be assaulted in some way over a lifetime by a male partner than the reverse, and seven to 14 times as likely to be attacked, including beaten, choked or threatened with a gun.

Different research tools and methods pick up on different kinds of intimate partner violence, Tjaden says. But still, she says, she has "always had trouble with the mutual-abuse argument. Where are all the male victims?" It is women, she says, who are subjected to "systematic terrorism."

The young are particularly prone to aggression. Erika Lawrence of the University of Iowa told the prevention conference that one-third of newlywed women and one-quarter of newlywed men engage in physical aggression.

The subject of partner violence is a minefield. Even defining it is controversial. Some call verbal abuse a form of battering. And all sorts of studies are done in all sorts of ways. Those based on crime statistics and reports from women's shelters tend to show dramatic aggression by men against women. (Gelles cautions that some men may not realize or admit they have been assaulted by a woman and may not report it as a crime or seek treatment.)

"Family conflict" studies may reflect a broader population, Straus says, and take into account lesser types of aggression that don't lead to arrests or broken limbs. These studies show about the same rates of aggression by men and women.

It is clear that women suffer physically more at the hands of men than the reverse, says Faye Wattleton of the Center for the Advancement of Women. But still she says it is good to bring new research to public attention. "I applaud the women who had the courage to present these findings. We don't make progress by suppressing the evidence."

do you seriously think he is going to report that?

I understand what you mean, you don't want to blame either genders because both can be rapists, yes but remember stereotype also means false facts, and this fact is accurate ... the truth, not a 'stereotype'.

Yep, I know what you do mean. Unfortunately, how people view genders like that... :( Maybe I'm not good with words. So I'll summarize it shorter one. I just said "stereotypes" sucks and am for equality, not for revenge.

@ Stein.

I just finish watching the video clip. Wow... that's so mean!
There's plenty of women lose custody of their child because of their abusive ways. Look how many kids are in foster homes or live with their fathers (don't get mix up with joint custody or full custody with father but visitation rights with the mother like my sister... She is allow to ask her daughter to stay with her, even for the whole summer as long as it is not a problem with the daughter's schooling or anything).. Men or women, abuse does happen.
I'm confused... Steinhauer, I get it.. Women do violence too. Women can be bad too. I'm sure most, if not all, men do not report this violence.

But... do you honestly believe that the sex on opposite sex violence occurs equally among men and women? Both in number of occurrences and magnitude of the violence?

Yep, I know what you do mean. Unfortunately, how people view genders like that... :( Maybe I'm not good with words. So I'll summarize it shorter one. I just said "stereotypes" sucks and am for equality, not for revenge.

@ Stein.

I just finish watching the video clip. Wow... that's so mean!

Me too ;)

Life is so much easier when there is mutual respect.
I'm confused... Steinhauer, I get it.. Women do violence too. Women can be bad too. I'm sure most, if not all, men do not report this violence.

But... do you honestly believe that the sex on opposite sex violence occurs equally among men and women? Both in number of occurrences and magnitude of the violence?


I believe that there are circumstances where "rape" is reported when it was not actually rape.

In the Roe v. Wade case, the plaintiff, Norma McCorvey, falsely claimed, that she had been raped.

Roe v. Wade - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In September 1969, Norma L. McCorvey discovered she was pregnant. She returned to Dallas, where friends advised her to assert falsely that she had been raped, as she could then obtain a legal abortion (with the understanding that Texas' anti-abortion laws allowed abortion in the cases of rape and incest).

In 1970, attorneys Linda Coffee and Sarah Weddington filed suit in a U.S. District Court in Texas on behalf of Norma L. McCorvey (under the alias Jane Roe). At the time, McCorvey was no longer claiming her pregnancy was the result of rape, and she later acknowledged she had lied earlier about having been raped.

There are many men who have been falsely accused of rape and spent a majority of their lives in jail:

Alan Newton cleared of rape and awarded $18.5m in compensation | Mail Online

A man who was cleared of a 1984 rape after spending more than 20 years in prison has been awarded $18.5million in compensation by a jury.
Alan Newton was cleared by DNA evidence in 2006. He had been sentenced in 1985 to up to 40 years in prison after being convicted of raping a woman in an abandoned building.

Even deaf men:

Stephen Brodie, Deaf Man Convicted of Child Rape, Cleared 20 Years After Crime - Crimesider - CBS News

DALLAS (CBS/AP) Stephen Brodie hung his head in relief Monday after a translator signed to the deaf inmate that a Texas judge is setting aside his 1993 rape conviction, on grounds that new evidence not only showed Brodie's "actual innocence," but also pointed to an alternate suspect.

Some women will even come forward and admit they lied:

After three years in jail, man freed when woman says rape claim was lie |

NEW YORK (WABC) -- A man who spent four years in prison for a rape he didn't commit is finally cleared.

A judge on Thursday vacated the rape conviction against William McCaffrey because his accuser recanted. The judge who presided over the case also apologized to McCaffrey, saying a wrongful conviction is catastrophic to the criminal justice system.

All I am saying is that there are a lot of GOOD and INNOCENT men who are victims of "revenge".

the list just gets longer:

and for a very revealing one

some even die in prison:

I could go on and on .... but a concerned MOTHER has already made efforts to make more awareness of this:

*Out of 142 incidents reported over 10 years, the AFA found sufficient evidence to investigate 56. Of these, six resulted in Courts-Martial with one cadet being acquitted. Other cadets were expelled or received Non-Judicial Punishment (Article 15). This should put to rest the claim the AFA never punished a male cadet for sexual offenses.

56 out of 142 incidents .... what is that percentage wise?

with 5 (FIVE) being guilty.

Half of all Rape Charges May Be False

Rape is a terrible crime. It should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. But false rape charges are a troublesome reality. At least 10 percent and perhaps as many as 40 percent of all rape charges are lies. Research results In the Midwest:
· 41% of the total rape cases were recanted by the alleged victim during a 9-year study in a metropolitan Midwestern town.
·45 of the 109 complainants admitted that no rape had occurred in period.
The incidence figure (from 1978 to 1987) of false rape varied from year to year and ranged from a low of ·27% to a high of 70%

The alleged rape victims admitted that they had made the false rape charges for three reasons:
· to create an alibi,
· to get revenge,
· to get attention or sympathy.
Educated women lie, too....
· University women were as likely to file a false rape charge as a valid charge. Other reports from university police agencies support these findings (Jay, 1991). Source: Eugene J. Kanin, Ph.D., Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Purdue University,

Statistics on rape and sexual assault are common in Western countries and are becoming more common throughout the world. Inconsistent definitions of rape, over reporting, under reporting and false reporting create controversial statistical disparities, and lead to accusations that many rape statistics are unreliable or misleading. According to USA Today reporter Kevin Johnson "no other major category of crime - not murder, assault or robbery - has generated a more serious challenge of the credibility of national crime statistics" than rape.[