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I got dirty white and blue like this from my hubby´s 90 years old Great Aunt at 8 years ago. I color and restored in antique way and then add few herbs paper-napkins...
That's a very interesting technique. I admire your patience and steady hand. :)

What kind of adhesive do you use to make the decorations stick? Do you coat them after with something to protect them? Is this like decoupage, or is there some other name for this decorative technique? Where did you learn how to do this craft?
Liebling, OMG. You have serious talent, girl! You should consider doing this for money. I bet people will pay lots of money for it! Great job!

:ty: *blush*

I would set the business if I am out of work. I do it as my hobby. Yes, I do for my friends sometimes, they paid me or sometimes their husbands do for our house/garden as the same as I do for one of their furniture as well.
Whew! It's a good thing that it wasn't that old. Gee, 23 years is a long time that would become an "antique." You have good skills for your creative.

I have not tried to convert from a print to canvas by water and clue on the canvas. It is a trick tool, but difficult to do it. Sometimes, it works.

:lol: I know how exact years because we bought the same "anitique" furniture style for living room (see pictures, I posted since last year in Reba's thread here) soon after return home from honeymoon. I noticed that style become "old fashion" to make us feel our taste... :giggle: We fall in love when we saw old french cream antique furniture and want to have it for a long time but it's very expensive... See the example: Google-Ergebnis für I decided to do it myself to "recyle" on dark "antique" furniture instead of sell them...
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That's a very interesting technique. I admire your patience and steady hand. :)

:ty: it's my hobby.

What kind of adhesive do you use to make the decorations stick?

It's complication to answer because there're many different adhesive to use on furniture. See the example of my response posts to Ozzie... It's very soft paper-napkins. Cut piece and remove 2 slices of 3 slides and then cover it with special paper-napkin (decoupage glue). Remember soft paper-napkins are very sensitive work... it can tear easily when you want to glue them on any plate, vase or whatever. do it very carefully... example: Google-Ergebnis für it's good for starter.... until you familiar with paper-napkins....

Do you coat them after with something to protect them?

Yes, there're many different things to protect the furniture after finish done...with patina color or colorless, oil paint color or colorless, wax or waterproof oil, colorless paint or spray etc.... depend on wood, plastic, steel or glass of furniture then cover them and make it look that I paint flowers... and then coloress vanish to protect scratch, worn out, etc.

Is this like decoupage, or is there some other name for this decorative technique? Where did you learn how to do this craft?

See my response post to Ozzie. It's just paper-napkins and also paint with those kind of like this... or also paint marmor as well. . I learn thru craft books and then next furniture restoration books .... art color... to how to make it antique look... or marmor look.... or old worn out look.... very old look... like this...

I did with many trick on form of example like this... (see pictures, I posted in your thread since last year).
Liebling's post
I will change the color on kitchen unit into old antique yellow this year, and also great aunt's old kitchen wall unit which is still in our garage since 2000.

I am starting to plan with dining antique unit with 4 doors & 2 drawers this month first. I will post before and after pictures soon when I am ready...


I look forward to seeing your project. :)

I finished done yesterday after long month work on dining "antique" unit with 4doors and 2 drawers... I will post the pictures of them tonight.

I will start work on dining table next week to match dining "antique" unit and then this summer or autumn then start work on great aunt's kitchen unit.
:ty: it's my hobby.

It's complication to answer because there're many different adhesive to use on furniture. See the example of my response posts to Ozzie... It's very soft paper-napkins. Cut piece and remove 2 slices of 3 slides and then cover it with special paper-napkin (decoupage glue). Remember soft paper-napkins are very sensitive work... it can tear easily when you want to glue them on any plate, vase or whatever. do it very carefully... example: Google-Ergebnis für it's good for starter.... until you familiar with paper-napkins....

Yes, there're many different things to protect the furniture after finish done...with patina color or colorless, oil paint color or colorless, wax or waterproof oil, colorless paint or spray etc.... depend on wood, plastic, steel or glass of furniture then cover them and make it look that I paint flowers... and then coloress vanish to protect scratch, worn out, etc.

See my response post to Ozzie. It's just paper-napkins and also paint with those kind of like this... or also paint marmor as well. . I learn thru craft books and then next furniture restoration books .... art color... to how to make it antique look... or marmor look.... or old worn out look.... very old look... like this...
Thanks for the information.

I'll leave the craft for you to do; I don't have the patience. :P
Thanks for the information.

I'll leave the craft for you to do; I don't have the patience. :P

Willkommen, you would never think how patience or time you have when it's really your hobby.
Liebling:)))'s post of yesterday
I finished done yesterday after long month work on dining "antique" unit with 4doors and 2 drawers... I will post the pictures of them tonight.



(I forget to take a picture after first painted)...

Common and boring, too dark..... We also bought it at 23 years ago as well.

After: into bright and old friendly french cream anitque... finish to done at 2 days ago after long month working...

Holy.... My jaw dropped... Your craft-work is awesome! Those before/after pictures are fabulous, because the after pictures look so much better. You sure have talent..:)
Oh yes...she does have AWESOME talent! She need to teach us!!! :giggle: I am not very good at it but I need to be creative somehow! My black Armiore (for my computer) looks so boring...and I wanted do something with it....probably this summer...wait and see! :) There are few others too that I wanted to paint on. My dresser in my office, I wanted to paint that and put new hardware on (few are missing, so best to get new ones) and my son's dresser. So that would cost me $ for paints. Oh well!

Liebling, OMG. You have serious talent, girl! You should consider doing this for money. I bet people will pay lots of money for it! Great job!
It is very UNBELIEVABLE and sooo beautiful!! You did an awesome job!!!!! Can you come here and teach me!? :hmm: :giggle: Or when I visit Europe and I'll make sure we stop by visit you, and you teach me! :lol:
@ :lol: LakeTahoe! - can you post the picture of your plan work on "black Armiore" here for me to look at?
@ Ozzie
@ omegaman

:ty: for like my artwork on dinning "antique" rack. Yes it took me over long month to finish to done...

That's what it looks like. Top of my Armiore is messy and I need to clean them off. I will only put lamp and other I am not sure yet.
LakeTahoe, ah I know that... My friend had similar as yours. I changed the color and decorate for her at around 5 years ago. It's very simple work. What's your wish to change the color or what?

Don't worry about messy... :D

So that would cost me $ for paints. Oh well

Buy new one cost more $ than buy paints. Don't you agree?

I don't want to paint it over the black. Just leave the black alone, and add 'something' on it. Not won't match in my office...:lol: Just simple. My office is in tan color, we'll add wood floor in future. :hmm: I am still
I agreed with you...buying another one is waste of money!

LakeTahoe, ah I know that... My friend had similar as yours. I changed the color and decorate for her at around 5 years ago. It's very simple work. What's your wish to change the color or what?

Don't worry about messy... :D

Buy new one cost more $ than buy paints. Don't you agree?

I don't want to paint it over the black. Just leave the black alone, and add 'something' on it. Not won't match in my office...:lol: Just simple. My office is in tan color, we'll add wood floor in future. :hmm: I am still
I agreed with you...buying another one is waste of money!

Oh I thought you want to change the color on black. What is 'something' you want to add? I know it´s not just flowers but anything like animals, pet, etc.
:ty:, avwdng29 for like it. :) I restored/trick on furniture a lot until few days ago on last dinning rack... I am going to do on dinning table to match dinning rack this weekends, I posted of yesterday.
Ok...question is....

from the napkin where you apply on the furniture or clock or do you do that? How can I stick on it? And varnish it? I haven't givne a thought yet...I am still thinking what I can do with my armiore.

Oh I thought you want to change the color on black. What is 'something' you want to add? I know it´s not just flowers but anything like animals, pet, etc.