Obama nominates Sotomayor to Supreme Court

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So much for accusations that she's a Latin racist... she defended white racists:

"Of the thousands of cases decided by Judge Sonia Sotomayor, the one that could have the most influence on her confirmation for the Supreme Court involves the defense of New York City Police Department employee who was fired for distributing bigoted and racist material."

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/06/0 … 10795.html

Irony of all - she is essentially defending racists who are accusing her of racism and sexism!
So much for accusations that she's a Latin racist... she defended white racists:

"Of the thousands of cases decided by Judge Sonia Sotomayor, the one that could have the most influence on her confirmation for the Supreme Court involves the defense of New York City Police Department employee who was fired for distributing bigoted and racist material."

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/06/0 … 10795.html

Irony of all - she is essentially defending racists who are accusing her of racism and sexism!

Convoluted, isn't it?:giggle:
So much for accusations that she's a Latin racist... she defended white racists:

"Of the thousands of cases decided by Judge Sonia Sotomayor, the one that could have the most influence on her confirmation for the Supreme Court involves the defense of New York City Police Department employee who was fired for distributing bigoted and racist material."

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/06/0 … 10795.html

Irony of all - she is essentially defending racists who are accusing her of racism and sexism!

You know, I'm not a judge, but I think I'll become one because of my unique life experiences I bring to the table. I would hope that a wise white man with the richness of his experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a Latina female who hasn't lived that life.

I could go on and list some bad decisions made by wise Latina female jurists.
I agree. As long as there are drug abusers, there will always be laws to prohibit drug use.

that is such a bullshit argument. There are always gonna be people who abuse something. Using that argument, text phones should be banned cuz some people have caused deadly accidents while texting. Lets ban automobiles cuz some people will drive them recklessly or drunk. Lets ban sharp objects cuz someone might use it to stab someone. Lets ban airtravel cuz there will always be some risk of crashes. If man was meant to fly god would have given him wings.

Nothing is 100% safe. And the drug laws have done little to stop drug use.

THere is no personal responsibility anymore. Government is becoming more and more of a nanny state.
Actually it was the liberal media that started creating quotes to attribute to Limbaugh and Hannity.

Although they each have their own opinions, and I haven't heard them from them, I'd say that what is quoted in the MSM is probably at least out of absolute context and at worst created.
Much like the fabricated quotes and misquotes attributed to Limbaugh during the campaign that he stated he "wanted Obama to fail because he is black".

I haven't heard what Gingrich supposedly said.

And here we go again with confusing what is racist and what is discrimination or what is bigotry. They are not interchangable.
For example, I wouldn't say Sotomayor's comments regarding the strong latina woman as necessarily any of the three.

Just to clear up some mis-information. Paul Shanklin, a comedian/satirist created the Barack the Magic Negro song, not Rush Limbaugh. Limbaugh played it but so did many other outlets.
that is such a bullshit argument.
perhaps to you.

THere is no personal responsibility anymore. Government is becoming more and more of a nanny state.
Couldn't agree more.

There would have to be some very stringent guidelines on medical use marijuana and other substances.

Again, there are many substances that would be beneficial if they were not so widely abused.
How would you regulate that industry, Doug? I don't know how it would work.
Easy, set the minimum age to 21 like alcohol and use the tax revenue to fund rehab for those that get addicted and want to quit. And have harsh penalties for those providing drugs to underage people.

Theres a myth that the drugs somehow corrupt the user. The majority of addicts Ive known had some kind of emotional problem b4 they ever touched drugs. Every female heroin addict Ive ever met was a self mutilator. They had scars from the cutting they did in the past. Criminalizing these troubled people behavior does more harm than good.
"I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn't lived that life."

I think she would if you look at the whole context. Are you saying that a white male, never having that kind of experience that she had, would come to a better conclusion than her?

She's a proud Latino woman and her rulings have showed that she has NO racial biases whatsoever, in fact, only weaken's GOP's claim that she's a racist. Heck even Gringrich backed off.
The majority of addicts Ive known had some kind of emotional problem b4 they ever touched drugs. Every female heroin addict Ive ever met was a self mutilator. They had scars from the cutting they did in the past.

Even if this is true, it does not mean there should be a law legalizing drug use. Can you imagine how much worse an addict's life would be if they had ready access to the drugs they abuse? That's not helping them -- it's enabling them (not to mention killing them).
Even if this is true, it does not mean there should be a law legalizing drug use. Can you imagine how much worse an addict's life would be if they had ready access to the drugs they abuse? That's not helping them -- it's enabling them (not to mention killing them).

but they DID have access to heroin regardless of law
there you go! you just proved my case. it's going up and up and up and up, not downward.

Wrong. It's going up because there are no laws to prevent drug use/addiction from occurring.
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