Im Depressed

I am pretty experience help my grandma support important to help me resolve improve my,
my grandma siad not involve on spend on sites trouble I agree my opinion

affect to depression not good!!
instead on television or outing! :) hope be fight to your strong mind powerful your skills manager!

obsessiveness and OCD

sometimes I respect to people variety kind of people many people depression and ruin life! I am very aware it I study research!

she faithfufl keep me I was proud of help involove increase team communication worth spend uncle and family safe love wise buddy

friends protect good wise buddy!

I love spend to family best worth top of 1 rate
then 2 friendship!

my personal!
Last edited:
Jillio, you are coming off as hostile. I wish the ssri's worked for me but they dont. I took them daily for several months and didnt notice any affect. My last shrink told me that that there really isnt much medication can do for avpd. Maybe thats why none of the ssri's help. She didnt seem to disagree with my self diagnosis of avpd.

I am on a waiting list for therapy. MY appointment is on the first week of June. I plan on trying cbt and anything else that may help.

I realize Ive done a lot of whining in this thread and am embarrassed by it. I am venting

I'm sorry that you feel I'm being hostile. That isn't my intent.

There are different SSRIs. Just because one didn't work, doesn't mean they all won't work. Additionally, there are other types of antidepressants that you can try. They work better for some people than the SSRIs do. It could also be that you a medication in addition to an antidepressant.

There isn't medication to treat Avoidant Personality Disorder, or any of the personality disorders. But personality disorders, if you have one, generally don't occur in isolation. In other words, they are usually present with a mood disorder or an anxiety disorder...both of which respond to medication. And personality disorders do respond to therapy.

It is good that you are going to get therapy. Perhaps your therapist can hook you up with a psychiatrist that you can work with better than your last one. All patients and psychs don't match up. All therapists and clients don't match up. Sometimes you have to find one that you can work with better.

I wish you luck.
Im done with medications, theyve never helped me.

I dont think I am depressed. I dont self harm or have suicidal thoughts. I am just upset with my current situation.

The peer rejection I experienced while growing up and continue to experience isnt real? And if it is real, it shouldnt bother me?

I have not given up on life. I am working with a career counselor trying to find work. If I do have avpd, there is not a lot that can be done about it. Personality disorders are supposedly the most difficult to treat. If I have avpd, its something that has to be accepted and choose an appropiate career that wont be hindered by it.

It doesn't sound as if you are ready for therapy, given this post. And that is not hostile; just an observation based on what you are saying. Again, I wish you luck.
Another thing is I dont relate to most people my age. Most of them a married and raising a family. Me, Im unemployed on disability living with my mother. Its humiliating, Im a loser in most people's eyes
Really don't worry we support to you offer my personal history! I help you personal I am help you best try best issues lots,

we difficult to not easy lots of trouble personal or issues stress overwhelming!
It is important to wise counsellor and doctor help, mental expertiment to encourage support! Hope be pretty i have already attending counsellor

suggest to you issues have label depression

you have depression and mood emotional prevent to your mind

people harm bother force or bother issues personal
protect to my family and support to help strong boundaries
Im done with medications, theyve never helped me.

I dont think I am depressed. I dont self harm or have suicidal thoughts. I am just upset with my current situation.

The peer rejection I experienced while growing up and continue to experience isnt real? And if it is real, it shouldnt bother me?

I have not given up on life. I am working with a career counselor trying to find work. If I do have avpd, there is not a lot that can be done about it. Personality disorders are supposedly the most difficult to treat. If I have avpd, its something that has to be accepted and choose an appropiate career that wont be hindered by it.


This is going to sound harsh, but you need a serious reality check on a lot of fronts. You ARE depressed; whether that's the result of something biochemical or situational, I cannot say, but it's blatantly obvious that you suffer from depression. You do NOT have to be self harming or have to have suicidal thoughts to be depressed. You NEED to get yourself back on meds. You will not benefit from therapy until you do, and you NEED therapy to help you cope with things. Your perspective is all wrong. In fact, it's way wrong.

I am here to tell you that personality disorders CAN be treated successfully. I don't know if you have a personality disorder, but I DO. I've been in treatment for it since 2008, and I'm solid as a rock. I take medication and I have a therapist that I see regularly. Btw, my diagnosis was NOT done by self methods via the internet, but by a qualified therapist.

You are correct when you say that they are hard to treat. They can be, but a lot of that is due to the person being UNWILLING or UNABLE to enter into a partnership with his or her treatment team to get that person well! You can't expect a therapist/psych to do ALL the work. You have to step up and do your part. You only get out of something what you put into it. Like Jillio said, you gotta be ready. If you're not, you're blowing in the wind.

Now, for your own sake, please make an appt with your care providers and get back on your meds. If you don't, things will only get worse.
Listen to Ocreanbreeze, that is right on the money, most of us actually understand more than you might think. Do it, make that move and commitment make life just abit more bearable, however little improved it might begin with, or stay the same for a *long* while stick at it, its the little things that makes a big difference to the overall picture.
Good things comes to those who wait, that expression is so true, its kind of a 'good karma' so to speak...make an effort it will reward you more than you expect and often when you are 'awake' to see good things, that is, you only see the good things when the mind is 'scanning for it better' kind of like a 'radar for 'feel-good moments been repaired'.....get my drift? Now get your ass moving !! lol

what you waiting for?
Listen to Ocreanbreeze, that is right on the money, most of us actually understand more than you might think. Do it, make that move and commitment make life just abit more bearable, however little improved it might begin with, or stay the same for a *long* while stick at it, its the little things that makes a big difference to the overall picture.
Good things comes to those who wait, that expression is so true, its kind of a 'good karma' so to speak...make an effort it will reward you more than you expect and often when you are 'awake' to see good things, that is, you only see the good things when the mind is 'scanning for it better' kind of like a 'radar for 'feel-good moments been repaired'.....get my drift? Now get your ass moving !! lol

what you waiting for?

Thank you.

You are right, too. It took me a LONG time to get a correct diagnosis. I actually deal with comorbid issues, so it's not just your "garden variety" depression or anxiety. It's a lot of things all rolled into the same thing. It can be really difficult. One thing that makes things easier is seeing my therapist. I see her weekly. I also have a really good med regimen that I have stayed on. One thing I WILL NOT do is quit treatment; especially my meds. If I do that, I can gaurantee you that I will deteriorate very quickly.

One thing that can happen if a depressed person stops their meds, is they can deteriorate quickly and that can lead to suicide. It happened to a childhood friend of mine. He was clinically depressed and stopped his meds. A month later, he ended his own life.

I don't wish that on anyone. But, it's up to the person to do the things they need to do to stay well. It's up to Doug5 to take our advice and do the right thing. If he doesn't, I wish him good luck. He's going to need it.
jillio, what bothered me was, you came off my problems is a simple chemical imbalance, just shut up and take your meds.

I tried numerous meds for years without much sucess. Including things besides ssri's.

Also, change isnt that easy. Tell a fat person to quit being a fat-ass. If it was that easy for them to lose weight they wouldnt be fat in the first place.

My difficulty is making friends. Ive never been good at it, and I dont know how to change it and rejection sux
why do assume i was happier while on meds? WHy dont you fucking listen, when I say they dont work for me?


This is going to sound harsh, but you need a serious reality check on a lot of fronts. You ARE depressed; whether that's the result of something biochemical or situational, I cannot say, but it's blatantly obvious that you suffer from depression. You do NOT have to be self harming or have to have suicidal thoughts to be depressed. You NEED to get yourself back on meds. You will not benefit from therapy until you do, and you NEED therapy to help you cope with things. Your perspective is all wrong. In fact, it's way wrong.

I am here to tell you that personality disorders CAN be treated successfully. I don't know if you have a personality disorder, but I DO. I've been in treatment for it since 2008, and I'm solid as a rock. I take medication and I have a therapist that I see regularly. Btw, my diagnosis was NOT done by self methods via the internet, but by a qualified therapist.

You are correct when you say that they are hard to treat. They can be, but a lot of that is due to the person being UNWILLING or UNABLE to enter into a partnership with his or her treatment team to get that person well! You can't expect a therapist/psych to do ALL the work. You have to step up and do your part. You only get out of something what you put into it. Like Jillio said, you gotta be ready. If you're not, you're blowing in the wind.

Now, for your own sake, please make an appt with your care providers and get back on your meds. If you don't, things will only get worse.
jillio, what bothered me was, you came off my problems is a simple chemical imbalance, just shut up and take your meds.

I tried numerous meds for years without much sucess. Including things besides ssri's.

Also, change isnt that easy. Tell a fat person to quit being a fat-ass. If it was that easy for them to lose weight they wouldnt be fat in the first place.

My difficulty is making friends. Ive never been good at it, and I dont know how to change it and rejection sux

That is not what I said at all. But that is a good example of how your depression is interfering with your perceptions of reality.

Nope, change isn't easy. But the simple fact of the matter is, if you don't do what you need to do to create positive change in your life, nothing will change. Medication certainly doesn't do it for you. A therapist can't do it for you. If you are dissatisfied with the way your life is, it is your responsibility to do what needs to be done to change it. Trying to blame it on any number of things is nothing more than looking for an excuse not to take responsiblity for your own life. Get back into therapy, engage in the process, and start doing what is suggested for you to do instead of finding excuses not to do it.

And, it isn't that meds or therapy don't work for you. It is that you don't work for yourself.
does medication help?

fail I am have bipolar disorder situation impossible I am frustrated
I am tried I have already ruin my life I very feeling sad no clue hard to how feeling my bio history refresh my memory
chemcial doesn't help mood change always seems I believe it!

I am very honest to tell you my personal not perfect 100
risk your life mood increase you will go to hospital or docotr investiage
I already old my bipolar disord sigh
No understand feeling I am very disappointment I was very bit hurting tough!

I was very serious cocnern about high serous grieve your heart impossible 100 perecent , have many influence variety of time I can tell you knife my hand not funny! protect to security safe my life!
I will say that medication alone is not 100% effective for depression. You should also make sure you have regular check-in with a counselor who can help. It could be someone from your church in some cases, or it would almost be better to have a psychologist or psychiatrist to help you get through this and to develop a plan that will make the long term effects more bearable. While in Missouri I had been diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder and more recently Situational Anxiety Disorder. Add these to my OCD and people should understand why I need some ways to relax and have stress relievers and lots of things to remind me of "my happy place". I am currently seeing someone over Skype to talk with weekly, but I am no longer on any medication. Seems I developed allergies or sensitivities to all the different ones I was on. That just tells me that I am one unique person out of many millions and billions. I try my hardest to focus on the positives. I have multiple things to help me think of other positives. My family is very supportive of me and help when they can.
why do assume i was happier while on meds? WHy dont you fucking listen, when I say they dont work for me?

That's an excuse. I tried several med combinations over a period of YEARS before I found one that finally worked. During the med trials, I was very emotionally unstable and not easy to get along with.

So, why don't YOU listen and realize that we're trying to HELP YOU, instead of refusing to take our suggestions?

Your depression really ISN'T my problem, dude, but I thought I would try to help. I'm NOT someone who is going to find you a unicorn that is going to poo rainbows and tell you what you want to hear. I'm NOT like that. I'm going to tell you what you NEED to hear. It's up to you whether you take the advice or not.

No sweat off my back.
I will say that medication alone is not 100% effective for depression. You should also make sure you have regular check-in with a counselor who can help. It could be someone from your church in some cases, or it would almost be better to have a psychologist or psychiatrist to help you get through this and to develop a plan that will make the long term effects more bearable. While in Missouri I had been diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder and more recently Situational Anxiety Disorder. Add these to my OCD and people should understand why I need some ways to relax and have stress relievers and lots of things to remind me of "my happy place". I am currently seeing someone over Skype to talk with weekly, but I am no longer on any medication. Seems I developed allergies or sensitivities to all the different ones I was on. That just tells me that I am one unique person out of many millions and billions. I try my hardest to focus on the positives. I have multiple things to help me think of other positives. My family is very supportive of me and help when they can.

That's very good advice, Kristina!
I am serious I am depression I already SSRI harm my feeling! screw up on my life
I believe people ignored me not respect, no clue I am not happy because judge to people negative atitute, I tried struggle on fail my weak my issue waste of my time I bored lonely i serious afraid I am bit stress overwhelming,

I am very not gossip or negative perosoanl hajacklmy my perosnal I am very worried
I am very upset because I said hello my friends community hearing ignored me I am sad no sense deaf youth think me I am very not happy few people, ask me date I delete facebook otherwise bother or harassment or personal!

I am very not happy! I am very sad I am very grieve I was very not happy because upset I am very disappointment I pissed off Facebook!
Worst Things to Say to Someone Who’s Depressed | Psych Central

OB, your comment is # 90 on the list of the worst things to say to a depressed person. I understand that you may not know much about depression. It's a disease and not "whining." Please think about showing some compassion. You wouldn't tell anyone with any other disease to quite whining.

Actually, I know quite a bit about depression. I've suffered with it for years. What I'm telling him is basically this. DO something about it. No one is going to do it FOR HIM. At some point, someone has to be willing to give a person a wake up call. I'm sorry if I sound harsh, but it's the truth. I know it's a disease. I know it's difficult. I know that he needs help, but HE has to be willing to get it and people have to be willing to get tough and tell the person they NEED IT. Coming here with excuses and other blather doesn't do anything but create an atmosphere of enabling for him.

I refuse to do that.
I am very help better improve support to confidental private message solve improve
mental expertiment and cousnellor or family support to you personal
solve your emotional and sad normal

value and care, supportive soft heart to respect member Ad's