Im Depressed

It's not enabling anyone by allowing them to post/vent on this forum. You don't have to agree with the poster. Just let him be. If you can't say anything helpful, better to say nothing at all. Showing contempt doesn't help anyone. You might consider why this thread makes you react that way. You seem really frustrated.
Worst Things to Say to Someone Who’s Depressed | Psych Central

OB, your comment is # 90 on the list of the worst things to say to a depressed person. I understand that you may not know much about depression. It's a disease and not "whining." Please think about showing some compassion. You wouldn't tell anyone with any other disease to quite whining.

Btw, I read #90 on the list. That is NOT what I was saying or suggesting. I should clarify to say this...

He needs to get himself into treatment. HE NEEDS to do this. No one can do it for him. I probably came off too harsh, and I do apologize for that. However, I lose patience with people who don't take responsibility for their illnesses and themselves. He's ILL, but that does NOT negate his responsiblity in finding the help he needs. He is coming up with all kinds of excuses for why this or that isn't working for him. I have all the empathy in the world for him. It sucks to be depressed. But, he's going to have to keep trying to find what works for him if he is going to feel better. That takes TIME. Sometimes, it takes a LOT of time. Like I said in a previous post, it took me YEARS to find the right treatment and med combination before I showed improvement. It probably is the case with him.

SSRIs are awesome meds, but they don't always work alone. He may need more than one med in combination for symptom relief. However, it's up to him to investigate what may or may not work.

I don't know how much we can really do for him; especially if he refuses to listen to sound advice.
I understand where your coming from. I've been through the process of finding the right combination of meds for depression. It's hard. I just don't want to scare the guy off. I hope that he reads this and takes your advice.
Try Citalapram, its nice and subtle it doesnt overwhelm me with the 'synapses rush' its quite calming over time and then over time I was in better mood before i know it, not just mood, but also able to handle 'little life crisises' which normally make me uneasy to do...i now can do alot of thing without 'worries'.... i didnt like Prozac, Aropax, these are too feirce in the 'uptake' rates, by that same chemicals but different make ups like the binding compounds used gives a different metabolism rates again diff rates to the blood/brain. Hard as this would seem or even a WASTE of TIME, you still need to Try, but start of with half or even a quarter (I did that) to avoid 'panics' from the rush in order to give myself chance to get used to it...
so, if you go back seek some help, couselling alone wont work, because you're too tense, some course of light meds will help you 'listen to the cousellors AND you'd be able to give feedback, ask clearer questions, its all back and forth, and largely dependent on some small amount of tablets to help make life 'more even', thats the goal you want. The biggest idea or issue right now is that you want to get every thing more even and then you'd be able to make plans to have more respect in your life, people will respect you more when you are cool, calm and collected, its just another way of getting charisma, that will give you the 'chick magnet effect' you wont even know its there, no wait, better yet, 'social magnet', thats the whole point is, isn't it? You see, people have 'radars' just need to repair your one...then you're back in the game...
Try Citalapram, its nice and subtle it doesnt overwhelm me with the 'synapses rush' its quite calming over time and then over time I was in better mood before i know it, not just mood, but also able to handle 'little life crisises' which normally make me uneasy to do...i now can do alot of thing without 'worries'.... i didnt like Prozac, Aropax, these are too feirce in the 'uptake' rates, by that same chemicals but different make ups like the binding compounds used gives a different metabolism rates again diff rates to the blood/brain. Hard as this would seem or even a WASTE of TIME, you still need to Try, but start of with half or even a quarter (I did that) to avoid 'panics' from the rush in order to give myself chance to get used to it...
so, if you go back seek some help, couselling alone wont work, because you're too tense, some course of light meds will help you 'listen to the cousellors AND you'd be able to give feedback, ask clearer questions, its all back and forth, and largely dependent on some small amount of tablets to help make life 'more even', thats the goal you want. The biggest idea or issue right now is that you want to get every thing more even and then you'd be able to make plans to have more respect in your life, people will respect you more when you are cool, calm and collected, its just another way of getting charisma, that will give you the 'chick magnet effect' you wont even know its there, no wait, better yet, 'social magnet', thats the whole point is, isn't it? You see, people have 'radars' just need to repair your one...then you're back in the game...


I would be very careful about giving out exact med advice. We're not Drs and these meds can react differently in each person. (for instance, celexa worked great for me for awhile; but lexapro (a cousin) gave me really bad nausea and I couldn't take it). What this guy needs to do is see his psychiatrist and therapist. It may also be that his therapist isn't really helping him or the psych is a bonehead. (I've been there, too). In that case, he'll need a new team of professionals to help him sort this out.
yep, I wasnt trying to give exact (well im in NZ, we have different names) only if you read again, (OK i shouldnt have mentioned the name of it but i actually know a number of ppl on the same) real purpose of this previous post was that , it has examples (yes they were real), of how they may be 'same but different names' but also they actually have different compound used in the make upo which DOES affect the way it works.... while it works on the same principle but different it suits different im saying *as we all have been saying* need to experiment, painful and a real nuisence and often can be a real miserable time...but yes try again , but NOT the same kind, of if same name...that's my whole point...

Citalapram is probably not available over there...actually true story I was the one who asked my doctor to prescrib these to me, and I was very afraid of SSRI, and we discussed over 3 or appts, then we agreed id try...start off on a quarter a tablet dose to avoid that claustrophobic sensation which i was a really scary, 'no-win' situation for me back then, depressed and seemingly felt all the tablets are wrong...till i was told that one had good reputation, i was reluctent to try but same time i wished i have '2 of me' one to stay the same and the other to 'try it' for fear of getting was that bad...

glad i made the move.

for all i COULD suggest...
is try a Different one, same type (if he was taking SSRI) but different name, AND take it on a VERY LOW dosage for 2 months so small they you dont notice its going thru the system....o
this seem a little radical yes (my own idea) and my doctor thought my idea wasnt bad at all, he was kind, and helpful to let me try it my way, and it worked...then evetually i went to a half, for 3/4 months then a whole , now im staying on a 1 whole a day, (many ppl i know take 2 whole, way too much imo) I want to remain to feel my own emotions than be numbly happy, the middle of the road was my aim and it was perfect.

Sorry if i can across to give the Names as taking place of the doctor, or pyhaictriac (sp?) that is not my intent but funny enough in real life, thats what i exactly
id better stop now...
Right now a bout of depression just hit me and I am having a hard time getting out of it. It was due to two incidents that happened this evening.

I think everyone goes through these bouts of depression but how one handles it is on an individual basis, I think.
oh, it was more of that im simply giving an account of my experience of having the guts, and having the hand on the ball when im discussing options with my doctor, like i wasnt going to be prepared be told what to do right off, i want to assert myself calmly and be fully informed and be fully engaged in the decision and anticipate fully to make the move , with this *while i was pretty nervous* i was also pretty happy to make the try as was my decision knowing i can back off if the quarter made me feel awful, then trying something else...i was working with my doctor as a team.. so to speak

that's the idea, i wanted to say, try approach this as a 'player' not as a witless begger, doctors will be willing to work with you if you show determination and respect and maturity to help yourself...
you'd be all i could say, if any one in Doug (or myself in my previous situation) get brave and seek help, seeking helping isnt a sign of being weak, but telling your doctor(s) exactly what its like and ask what else might work and say i want to try, if this work on small, if not try something else, say can we do this?

that is my message, nothing more and i sincerely hope my sharing does help
doctors arent god, they know it too, they will respect their paitents feelings/ideas if you willing to be bold and calm about it
Ok, instead of saying "you should do this or that"....let's try this...

to the OP..

Ok you are depressed. What do you think you should do about it?
something like that yeah...ok my self expression is probably long winded sorry about that i was only trying to say like, youre NOT the only one, it isnt the sign of weakness at all, its just like taking a tablet for the cold, but its just to help even out how we view life, in other words to look at in balance not just at the gloom, too much of that would drag anyone down
Shel, I like your approach. I believe that a person does better when she directs her own healing process. It empowers the person at a time when they often feel powerless.
hey, thats whay I was saying, thanks for ignoring me on the basis of feminisim
why do assume i was happier while on meds? WHy dont you fucking listen, when I say they dont work for me?

Meds does not work for everyone. And if a person is depress because he has no friends taking a pill will not help you made friends. I know some people go to a life coach to help them get their life on track . People go to church or find a hobby to take up and try to meet people that have the same interest. Do you like nature , or reading , there are book clubs to join at libraries. I hope you'll find some thing that will help you feel better.
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Meds does not work for everyone. And if a person is depress because he has no friends taking a pill will not help you made friends. I know some people go to a life coach to help them get their life on track . People go to church or find a hobby to take up and try to meet people that have the same interest. Do you like nature , or reading , there are book clubs to join at libraries. I hope you'll
find some thing that will help you feel better.

OK, Doug, do that then , what whatdidyousay! long as you fucking do something about it
I want this thread deleted. I dont care to be labeled as a nut thats off his meds
Right now a bout of depression just hit me and I am having a hard time getting out of it. It was due to two incidents that happened this evening.

I think everyone goes through these bouts of depression but how one handles it is on an individual basis, I think.

With situational depression, you are quite right. And even, to some extent, with clinical depression. But when it reaches a level that it is causing significant distress and interfering with daily function, it is time to get help.
Meds does not work for everyone. And if a person is depress because he has no friends taking a pill will not help you made friends. I know some people go to a life coach to help them get their life on track . People go to church or find a hobby to take up and try to meet people that have the same interest. Do you like nature , or reading , there are book clubs to join at libraries. I hope you'll find some thing that will help you feel better.

Exactly. One has to make the effort to become involved.
Grummer, if that's what you were trying to say, you failed. I didn't get that from any of your posts. Your "victim of feminism" ploy is very silly.
Doug, don't be embarrassed. I have had many many many many days in which I was feeling 100% anti-social and not at all interested in dealing with other people. Now that I am making an effort to learn ASL and meet other Deaf people, been feeling much better and less anxious like I am feeling much more comfortable in my skin. Not that this is a cure-all for everything but it certainly does help! And I can't tell you how wonderful it is to talk to another Deaf person and have them KNOW what I am talking about and share empathy and understanding. It really does wonders for my psyche and well-being. Anyway, sending you a friend request. Please accept!