Im Depressed

Sometimes hard to your life bio because past depression hurt because not good health because reason worst increase negative stress, your mind cool because positive adjust to your handle! not perfect day! that is happened serious! I have issues accept to depresssion I am very patient! well I honest I tell you I have patient and cool and focus on my personal go to attending lots of help supportive! adjust to improve strength! that is good point!
I think the one inmate123 referred to is actually Celexa.

different kind of my medication!

hard to complication! I hope be someone better improve not perfect! it is very complication!
ok grummer citapalm is prozac

no, its not, works on same princple as SSRI - serotonin re uptake, but the chemical composition is different and thus blood stream intake and metabolism breakdown, enezymes breakdown is completely different as does the attaching to the synaspes rates are different, much smoother, more subtle, milder, less energy level, , no spikes and its not capsules, its tablet form which also meant is binding compound are completely different too-as explained above
i was so afraid of going back on SSRI, the Aropax was too strong, and Prozac was even worse...i wasnt even that depressed, just in the blues in such a way i wasnt able to organise myself, wasnt suicidial or that far, so it was abit difficult finding the right one, i started off on a 1/4 yes a quarter of the tablet for the first was a bit scary as i didnt like the 'tidal wave' effect of synapse flashing when the serotoin was like taking escatasy in the first hour, horrific 'reaction'...then bam its all good...(no i havent ever taken E, but people have told me lots about it (begging me to try i just wouldnt) i know the sensation they talking about, and to me i think E was a doctored up supercharged SSRI, was played about by pharmaceutical students...who were bent on mimicking it but making (abusing) the effect to take place more intense, faster, essentially HIGH dosage...and thus it gave that effect, and then the reputation as a 'party drug' was spread out but silly people not knowing the real effects and its dangers...they just paid $$ just to have a good time, (works but it wasnt entirely without issues of reactions or allergys, etc even deaths) Bored people get to play really dangerous games...and money is half the problem that caused it (greed).
im happy with mine , i have experiemented and no i dont need to change it. I the one i am on is very very good, suits me perfectly. I have motivation, focus, calmness, good thinking ability, recall ability coming back, happier and more myself, doing my own thing. Couldnt ask for better.
but thanks.
no, its not, works on same princple as SSRI - serotonin re uptake, but the chemical composition is different and thus blood stream intake and metabolism breakdown, enezymes breakdown is completely different as does the attaching to the synaspes rates are different, much smoother, more subtle, milder, less energy level, , no spikes and its not capsules, its tablet form which also meant is binding compound are completely different too-as explained above

You are very informed.
i was so afraid of going back on SSRI, the Aropax was too strong, and Prozac was even worse...i wasnt even that depressed, just in the blues in such a way i wasnt able to organise myself, wasnt suicidial or that far, so it was abit difficult finding the right one, i started off on a 1/4 yes a quarter of the tablet for the first was a bit scary as i didnt like the 'tidal wave' effect of synapse flashing when the serotoin was like taking escatasy in the first hour, horrific 'reaction'...then bam its all good...(no i havent ever taken E, but people have told me lots about it (begging me to try i just wouldnt) i know the sensation they talking about, and to me i think E was a doctored up supercharged SSRI, was played about by pharmaceutical students...who were bent on mimicking it but making (abusing) the effect to take place more intense, faster, essentially HIGH dosage...and thus it gave that effect, and then the reputation as a 'party drug' was spread out but silly people not knowing the real effects and its dangers...they just paid $$ just to have a good time, (works but it wasnt entirely without issues of reactions or allergys, etc even deaths) Bored people get to play really dangerous games...and money is half the problem that caused it (greed).

Sounds as if you were being treated for a severe depression when you actually suffered from more of a dysthymia.
You are very informed.

Doctor(s) never told me any of this typical they never tell deaf people at the detail as they do to hearings grrr, i wasnt impressed but i shrugged off) So eventually I googled these details myself, and read and re-read then i understood whats that was all about, I taught myself these things so yeah, im "informed", more self-informed.
Doctor(s) never told me any of this typical they never tell deaf people at the detail as they do to hearings grrr, i wasnt impressed but i shrugged off) So eventually I googled these details myself, and read and re-read then i understood whats that was all about, I taught myself these things so yeah, im "informed", more self-informed.

I can tell that you have done research over and above what is normally provided to a patient. I wish more patients took that initiative. I try to give clients all the information they want regarding their meds, but very few even have a desire to understand how the meds work or what is being altered in their brain chemistry by taking the meds. I think that understanding information such as this also gives one a better understanding of how their disorder works.
Doctor(s) never told me any of this typical they never tell deaf people at the detail as they do to hearings grrr, i wasnt impressed but i shrugged off) So eventually I googled these details myself, and read and re-read then i understood whats that was all about, I taught myself these things so yeah, im "informed", more self-informed.

Good for you impressive advise to wisdom experience point good!

your research lots of experience lots study research good job