I admit, Part 12

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I admit that OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW my ankle so painful might broken my bone :( I fell off on the ground and felt the bone cracked .. my aunt is on the way to get me to hopstial right away sooo painful .. I am crying and shaking .. almost puke and also dizzy now ..owwww so painful

i admit i hope you are ok? let us know if u are ok and nothing is serious with you and your ankle.. :( do be careful!
i admit that i took KROSY to hopsital for surgery, she is doing fine and in pain.. so she is at home and rest...
HAHA @ TWEETYBIRD grrrrrrrr ofc

i admit being HANDSOME DOCTOR and i take care of KRosy very good :p pftty at LBG GROWLED grrrrrrrrrr

KRosy rest right now glad her surgery went smooth :)
I admit I had a long, busy day today and I'm wishing for a massage :lol:
HAHA @ TWEETYBIRD grrrrrrrr ofc

i admit being HANDSOME DOCTOR and i take care of KRosy very good :p pftty at LBG GROWLED grrrrrrrrrr

KRosy rest right now glad her surgery went smooth :)

i admit that i am grin.. i am free sexy nurse retired!
I admit that I think I will make an announcement sometimes this week or next week. Do not pressure me, Thank you.
i admit that i hope everything ok for u... i pray for not break bone

I admit Thanks :) Yah I am doing fine now whew just little piece of bone broken that is all :)

I admit if you feel dizzy, means bone had broken.

I admit Oh yeah I just did got feel dizzy and almost puke but didnt till got little bit broken it call "chip" that doctor said. now I hate use crutch (sp) under my armpits blah it hurt lol but have to :lol:

I admit that I am concerned for DeafMonkey and I hope that she is okay.

I admit that Yeah I am okay now :D but got little bit broken just like piece of bone "chip broken"

i admit i hope you are ok? let us know if u are ok and nothing is serious with you and your ankle.. :( do be careful!

I admit that Yeah I am doing okay :) just got little bit broken "chip" :)

Iadmit that I went hopstial for damn 6 hours to waiting waiting waiting till finally then back home .. I went hopstial at 7:30 pm till got home 1:30 am damn!

I admit that I wasnt see the hole on the ground and it snap my ankle like when you ran and accident bend the ankle something like that that got me and I SCREAM!!!!! cant walk so I had to hop hop hop all way to upstair to call my mom but she wasnt at home so I call my aunt to come down to get me and till my mom heard that I am in hopstial then she is on her way to here cause need sign lanauages from my mom not my aunt cuase my aunt cant sign lanauages that is why :) oh boy 6 hours
i admit i am sorry to hear but get well soon. U take it easy too? that mean no more packing and everything.. sorry.. keep your ankle above your heart and u will be ok.. :) :hug:
i admit i am sorry to hear but get well soon. U take it easy too? that mean no more packing and everything.. sorry.. keep your ankle above your heart and u will be ok.. :) :hug:

I admit that I will be fine :) and yeah still have to pack but it almost finish pack so I can take it easy :)
i admit that is good.. ok.. when u are done.. TAKE IT EASY! :nana: :P
i admit that is good.. ok.. when u are done.. TAKE IT EASY! :nana: :P

I admit that yeah and also
I admit I was concerned about DeafMonkey and glad she's alright. :hug:

I admit she's :crazy: for continue packing.

I admit she should :smash: her ex b/f's stuffs!!!
I admit I was concerned about DeafMonkey and glad she's alright. :hug:

I admit she's :crazy: for continue packing.

I admit she should :smash: her ex b/f's stuffs!!!

I admit that I am doing alright lol :lol:

I admit that I am not doing work hard to doing pack no .. just take it easy like pack on my bed that is all :)

I admit that yes my ex boyfriend did pack his stuff already but some not finish :) I already mailed to him 4 boxes will more but I am not carry more boxes this sat no thanks I am sure my mom will ask my sister's fiancee or my youngest sister's boyfriend will help me to carry to greyhound to mail to my ex boyfriend :)
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