Liza said:True - I have been very fortunate that my friends have never made me choose sides. Those are the true friends we have in life to hold dearly, and to support. It's also good to have a support system when you feel there were spiteful rumors or lies floating around that are about you. If I am asked feedback about a situation, I will say something with consideration for both sides' feelings. I truly wish both sides have their support system that works for them, and they will be able to find peace for themselves. Sometimes people just want someone to listen to them venting their frustrations or about a situation without needing advice. It is up to the listener how to process that information, but it depends on what agreements he/she makes with her/his friend who chooses to confide in her/him about problems or stuff.
i agree it IS good to have a support system when a person has it from true friends who would stick by u thru it all and ride it all out with u -- i do the same thing when it happens between friends and conflicts arises i keep on the neutral side and try to encourage them to find a middle ground where they can at least make peace and understand eachother
There are all types of manipulation unfortunately, that I think we are subjected to - emotional manipulation (guilt tripping, draining another's energies, etc) is really popular with a person who wants others to really believe or accept their words as truth, period. I think that's how rumors keep on going. I think you can get out of it by maintaining your boundaries even if you already created them - for instance, put somebody on your ignore list AIM, forums, etc, if that person doesn't respect your boundaries even if you told him or her about them already. It's a different story if you haven't really told the person what your boundaries are - expecting them to read your mind. I think that's when real problems start, too.
i haveta say i agree and u are right Liza on this observation as ive seen that too myself and do believe those are the popular avenues that a person would use to try and get ppl to believe their words as truth