hmmm AD Caucus picutres post in here? :-D Only

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Kalista said:
email each of those members to repay you back. It seems not fair for you to pay out of your pocket for them when they can't make it.

Next time events, the members need to pay full 100%. No more hold the reservation until they arrival. You can't trust them !

Make a strict contract form for them to sign and mail it to you. If they change their mind, they are responsiblity to pay for it when they can't make it. It is not your problem. It is their problems !!
Exaclty, have them send in the application and the money order so that why they can't refuse not to come since it's been paid etc.... and there isn't NO REFUND! Thats how I feel if someone did this to me.. They need to PAY UP and HELP with the bill!!!
Well, if it was me and I couldn't show at the last minute for a valid reason, I would still have paid my share because I was committed to it.
RoyalMajesty said:
At least for those people who "SAID" that they were going go to since they got one whole year of Advance... Maybe things got in the way, who knows??
Yes, but but but, DreamDeaf created another thread and said how many people are going again I think the month of May, 4O members had send a private message to DreamDeaf stating that they are coming, and DreamDeaf signed a contract expecting 40 people, You have to do that in order to have a banquet, They got all the information by email to them whoever send a private message to DreamDeaf, Then Dreamdeaf set a deadline when the payment for the banquet should be due, She gave them enough time to come up with the money, then she found out a few days before the 13th of July that only 12 of us can make it, That's why Roadrunner created a thread to remind those who send a private message to send in their money, and if anyone else would like to come, send in their money also. That's why I asked one member greema since she lives in St. Louis if she was planning on attend, but she wasn't on the list of 40 people, She was just one of a replacement to avoid a huge bill for DreamDeaf...

I mean next time if everyone wants to go in 2008 they need to pre paid it so it would be much easier on everyone and no one will get stuck with the bill (( which I know it's been taking care of))
That's not possible when you have a contract, You have to give them time length based on how many people are attending the bandquet. I do know a lot about contract cuz my family does sign a contract with rib tour events, if we don't show up to that event we would be charge. Alex and DreamDeaf came up with another bright idea for 2008. Only those of us who attended the 2006 AD Caucas knows about the plan. :)
Cheri said:
Yes, but but but, DreamDeaf created another thread and said how many people are going again I think the month of May, 4O members had send a private message to DreamDeaf stating that they are coming, and DreamDeaf signed a contract expecting 40 people, You have to do that in order to have a banquet, They got all the information by email to them whoever send a private message to DreamDeaf, Then Dreamdeaf set a deadline when the payment for the banquet should be due, She gave them enough time to come up with the money, then she found out a few days before the 13th of July that only 12 of us can make it, That's why Roadrunner created a thread to remind those who send a private message to send in their money, and if anyone else would like to come, send in their money also. That's why I asked one member greema since she lives in St. Louis if she was planning on attend, but she wasn't on the list of 40 people, She was just one of a replacement to avoid a huge bill for DreamDeaf...

That's not possible when you have a contract, You have to give them time length based on how many people are attending the bandquet. I do know a lot about contract cuz my family does sign a contract with rib tour events, if we don't show up to that event we would be charge. Alex and DreamDeaf came up with another bright idea for 2008. Only those of us who attended the 2006 AD Caucas knows about the plan. :)
Well I like the thought of it, have a new plan...... Thats good tho, maybe next time it will eventually work out better... (( crossing fingers))
But honestly still they need to pre paid it before she singed the contract... I know I don't know much about contracts... I would like to come but it's in 2008, When 2008 comes I will think about it, Im working on CI and everything so it's going to take time... Since it's going to be in Ohio in 2008 thats where my Aunt lives, she lives in Dayton Ohio! So maybe I can stay with her and come to visit... Who knows BUT I can't make any promises!!

Again people need to PAY IT UP!!!!!! :whistle:
A hotel contract works this way:

You negotiate on a contract with a hotel for catering - rooms are MUCH EASIER than catering - it's based on how many you estimate will attend - let's say you think 40 people will come, you need to have enough food to feed 40 people - some hotels have a minimum number of people for catering - some are 50 and some are 100 - I was lucky with Crowne Plaza, they let me get away with 40 at first, and then 15 at the end.

You choose the menu - each item on the menu have different costs - some are appetizers, some are buffet, some are plate dinners. I went with a pasta buffet and an American Bounty buffet, because they were low mid-range in prices and I had already sampled some of the dishes that were in the buffet offerings, and knew them to be good.

Then the hotel figures out the prices by menu and room costs according to the number of people that are expected to come - which is why I asked WAY BEFORE who were coming before I told them how many and went with the number of people that were coming and signed the contract at 40 attending.

Then I figured out how much it would all cost per person - figured it by minimun and maximum - offered three different prices, early bird, regular and at door combo.

Yes, it was a disappointment when some of the people did not even bother to let me know they weren't coming, AFTER they told me they would come. Some were nice and told me their reasons for not coming, and I do understand their situations.

In fact, one of the couples that could not come at the last minute, had already paid for two early bird combos and told me to keep the money to pay for the hotel charges...which I did.

I'm not going to worry about who didnt come in 2006 and will come to 2008 - I'm not a bitter person and will not hold it against those who didnt inform me...they're still welcome to come to the AD Caucus 2008.

Just hope that this time, they will keep their promise and PAY the combos ON TIME so that we can settle everythign with the hotel in a timely manner and have everything settled before the AD Caucus, so we all can have a rockin' good time!
DreamDeaf said:
A hotel contract works this way:

You negotiate on a contract with a hotel for catering - rooms are MUCH EASIER than catering - it's based on how many you estimate will attend - let's say you think 40 people will come, you need to have enough food to feed 40 people - some hotels have a minimum number of people for catering - some are 50 and some are 100 - I was lucky with Crowne Plaza, they let me get away with 40 at first, and then 15 at the end.

You choose the menu - each item on the menu have different costs - some are appetizers, some are buffet, some are plate dinners. I went with a pasta buffet and an American Bounty buffet, because they were low mid-range in prices and I had already sampled some of the dishes that were in the buffet offerings, and knew them to be good.

Then the hotel figures out the prices by menu and room costs according to the number of people that are expected to come - which is why I asked WAY BEFORE who were coming before I told them how many and went with the number of people that were coming and signed the contract at 40 attending.

Then I figured out how much it would all cost per person - figured it by minimun and maximum - offered three different prices, early bird, regular and at door combo.

Yes, it was a disappointment when some of the people did not even bother to let me know they weren't coming, AFTER they told me they would come. Some were nice and told me their reasons for not coming, and I do understand their situations.

In fact, one of the couples that could not come at the last minute, had already paid for two early bird combos and told me to keep the money to pay for the hotel charges...which I did.

I'm not going to worry about who didnt come in 2006 and will come to 2008 - I'm not a bitter person and will not hold it against those who didnt inform me...they're still welcome to come to the AD Caucus 2008.

Just hope that this time, they will keep their promise and PAY the combos ON TIME so that we can settle everythign with the hotel in a timely manner and have everything settled before the AD Caucus, so we all can have a rockin' good time!
You know what??? I agree with you.... Im not a bitter person either but it would tick me off big time, BUT you can always forgive.

But Im glad you took the time to explain, and again I agree :)
glad u all had fun :thumb: next time 2008 eh? I will be 30 by then EKKK :hyper: :lol: should be interesting year then ;)
RoyalMajesty said:
You cant just take them to court just because they didn't show up, I believe one of the Aders said she couldn't show up because her daughter just fininally got a job at the hospital being a RN ((nurse)) and didn't want to ruin that chance by asking her daughter to watch her son.. So of course she is going to look out for her daughter and what is best for her daughter.... NO ONE CAN'T ALWAYS COME!!!! Things get in the way all the time, no one can't make promises 100% because you NEVER know what gets in the way!!!! Why sue them if they can't come and things get in the way?? Thats shows you don't have any feelings towards others about their own personal life.. I wouldn't sue ANYBODY just because they didn't show up for some reason, LET THEM EXPLAIN FIRST AND SEE WHAT THEIR SIDE OF THE STORY IS FIRST!!!!!! Before you judge and sue! It's a piece of PAPER!! You prolly made the contract which prolly isn't worthed it..... Judge prolly will LAUGH and rule it against you... I mean, I think for those who didn't show up shouldn't show up in 2008... Save the names.. So you will know..... IF they want to attend the one in 2008 then they need to give you the money to help pay the bill out and etc.. I mean... Im sorry about this happening to you but NEXT time have them pre paid it...... better that way
Uhm... yes you can. If you are out money because of their actions and they gave you a committment to attend, you can take them to court and depending on the evidence you have, you can also win. How is it right that someone pays for your fees because you said you would attend and then gets stuck with the bill because you didn't show up. How is that right? It's not!!! For those that didn't show up and said you would, pay the lady!!!! And by the way, it doesn't matter what the excuse is, you still have to pay. But to avoid this from ever happening again the solution is to collect the money up front. No money, no participation. It's that simple.
RockDrummer -

Everyone paid upfront - big time. Only one couple that had paid upfront were not able to attend, due to circumstances beyond their control.

With an event like this, it's usually upfront - I did have registration forms on an earlier thread where they could print out and mail it in with their payment, along with the hotel RSVP form.
DreamDeaf said:
RockDrummer -

Everyone paid upfront - big time. Only one couple that had paid upfront were not able to attend, due to circumstances beyond their control.

With an event like this, it's usually upfront - I did have registration forms on an earlier thread where they could print out and mail it in with their payment, along with the hotel RSVP form.
OK so then I don't understand who is out money and why?
rockdrummer said:
OK so then I don't understand who is out money and why?

I asked way before the AD Caucus who was coming for sure - I had over 45 replies, so I had the contract for 40 people. However, only 15 did pay in advance... and 12 did come. I was able to re-negoitate the contract for 15 people, so instead of being out $3,000.00, I'm only out $1,100.00.

A few of those who said they were coming, did tell me that they wouldn't be able to come, and did have good reasons for doing so - the majority that said they were coming, never got back to me or RoadRunner about their intentions - which is why this has cost me money.

Yes, it was a big disappointment to me and to others, because if you say you're coming, you ARE expected to come - or give a reason why you have to change your plans. Just saying that you're coming, and then having no further word from you, makes you look bad - and totally unreliable.
DreamDeaf said:
I asked way before the AD Caucus who was coming for sure - I had over 45 replies, so I had the contract for 40 people. However, only 15 did pay in advance... and 12 did come. I was able to re-negoitate the contract for 15 people, so instead of being out $3,000.00, I'm only out $1,100.00.

A few of those who said they were coming, did tell me that they wouldn't be able to come, and did have good reasons for doing so - the majority that said they were coming, never got back to me or RoadRunner about their intentions - which is why this has cost me money.

Yes, it was a big disappointment to me and to others, because if you say you're coming, you ARE expected to come - or give a reason why you have to change your plans. Just saying that you're coming, and then having no further word from you, makes you look bad - and totally unreliable.

rockdrummer said:
Uhm... yes you can. If you are out money because of their actions and they gave you a committment to attend, you can take them to court and depending on the evidence you have, you can also win. How is it right that someone pays for your fees because you said you would attend and then gets stuck with the bill because you didn't show up. How is that right? It's not!!! For those that didn't show up and said you would, pay the lady!!!! And by the way, it doesn't matter what the excuse is, you still have to pay. But to avoid this from ever happening again the solution is to collect the money up front. No money, no participation. It's that simple.

BUT what happens if it was actually a PERSONAL Emergency??? No, I don't it would be fair to take the person to court over it if it's a Emergency!! What if someone was in the hospital, maybe a family memeber?? No I don't think it's right to take them to court over it unless your a bitter person....(thats all I can think of) I wouldn't be bitter if someone had a family or any other Emergency.. Thats totally wrong but again I understand it's wrong for someong to get stuck with a huge bill which thankfully that she got it taken care of.. BUT remember signing a contract isn't really nothing, all the judge is going to "rule it agaisnt you"... Thats all and TRUST ME I know a lot about judges!! Because I asked my mother's best friend who is a lawyer she said it's exactly right unless the judge will give you a SMALL amount of fee. But most likely he/she will Rule it agaisnt you... Once again you need to pre paid it upfront and I don't care if the person has the money or not... Set the date and then they can turn the money in BEFORE You sign a contract saying how many ppl are attending... so it simple and you will eventually know who is coming or not.. Thats it P E R I O D!!
DreamDeaf said:
I asked way before the AD Caucus who was coming for sure - I had over 45 replies, so I had the contract for 40 people. However, only 15 did pay in advance... and 12 did come. I was able to re-negoitate the contract for 15 people, so instead of being out $3,000.00, I'm only out $1,100.00.

A few of those who said they were coming, did tell me that they wouldn't be able to come, and did have good reasons for doing so - the majority that said they were coming, never got back to me or RoadRunner about their intentions - which is why this has cost me money.

Yes, it was a big disappointment to me and to others, because if you say you're coming, you ARE expected to come - or give a reason why you have to change your plans. Just saying that you're coming, and then having no further word from you, makes you look bad - and totally unreliable.

It doesn't always make a person bad unless there is a excuse for it. I know you said a few of them told you that couldn't make it and you knew what the excuse is, but with other people it doesn't aways make them look bad, "Things get in the way"! Never always plan ahead of you in case something gets in the way and it's not that simple as you think it is... It may for you but others have a life also....

It's my two cent~ :)
Well, no one can see tomorrow what their day will bring. No one can know for sure what will happen tomorrow or ahead of time. So, there's no reason to blame someone for not showin' up.
CyberRed said:
Well, no one can see tomorrow what their day will bring. No one can know for sure what will happen tomorrow or ahead of time. So, there's no reason to blame someone for not showin' up.
Thats what I've been trying to say at the beganning.... :)
RoyalMajesty said:
BUT what happens if it was actually a PERSONAL Emergency??? No, I don't it would be fair to take the person to court over it if it's a Emergency!! What if someone was in the hospital, maybe a family memeber?? No I don't think it's right to take them to court over it unless your a bitter person....(thats all I can think of) I wouldn't be bitter if someone had a family or any other Emergency.. Thats totally wrong but again I understand it's wrong for someong to get stuck with a huge bill which thankfully that she got it taken care of.. BUT remember signing a contract isn't really nothing, all the judge is going to "rule it agaisnt you"... Thats all and TRUST ME I know a lot about judges!! Because I asked my mother's best friend who is a lawyer she said it's exactly right unless the judge will give you a SMALL amount of fee. But most likely he/she will Rule it agaisnt you... Once again you need to pre paid it upfront and I don't care if the person has the money or not... Set the date and then they can turn the money in BEFORE You sign a contract saying how many ppl are attending... so it simple and you will eventually know who is coming or not.. Thats it P E R I O D!!
It's ok... if there is an emergency that's a different story. But it's still not right that your emergency cost someone else money. You should at least split the difference. I don't agree on what a judge would do because I have seen many cases like this personally and most of the time the person that didn't show up has to pay. I do agree that getting a head count based on pre-paid individuals, then setting up the contract is the way to avoid these kinds of problems in the future. Lets agree to disagree on the court thing. :cheers:
CyberRed said:
Well, no one can see tomorrow what their day will bring. No one can know for sure what will happen tomorrow or ahead of time. So, there's no reason to blame someone for not showin' up.
Yep, CyberRed.. you are correct. Nobody has a crystal ball but its not about predicting the future. It's about stepping up and meeting your obligations and not doing something that's going to cost someone else a bunch of money.
rockdrummer said:
It's ok... if there is an emergency that's a different story. But it's still not right that your emergency cost someone else money. You should at least split the difference. I don't agree on what a judge would do because I have seen many cases like this personally and most of the time the person that didn't show up has to pay. I do agree that getting a head count based on pre-paid individuals, then setting up the contract is the way to avoid these kinds of problems in the future. Lets agree to disagree on the court thing. :cheers:
Well about the court, I know for sure in my state, maybe in yours it's different.. Some judges are bitter some aren't! So it all depends on what goes on the case. yes we can disagree to agree... But Im standing on my ground on what the judge would do, "Rule agaisnt you"... But other than it's their loss, since they didn't do pre paid first before siging a contract... but no agrue here :cheers:
rockdrummer said:
Yep, CyberRed.. you are correct. Nobody has a crystal ball but its not about predicting the future. It's about stepping up and meeting your obligations and not doing something that's going to cost someone else a bunch of money.
But the person who set all this up to meet eachother needed to think first before just jumping in and signing the contract and expecting them to come, it doesn't always work that way unless you pre paid it first so that way they
wouldn't have much choice to come since it's been paid, IF they didn't show up then thats their loss and they lost their money... So it all go towards the fees and etc... But if it was a personal reason then THERE should be a refund... BUt no one can predicting the future!!
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