hmmm AD Caucus picutres post in here? :-D Only

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Aww :(
DreamDeaf.. I just want to give you :hug: for all those wonderful works and organized for this event to happen.. and I am sorry that some didnt show up, for those people who already informed that not going, but other didnt informed have no respects..

I hope you continue your works for next time.. I hoping I will go, but I still not yet promise..

well welcome back.. I wish I could sent you rose for all the works and cheer up.. (ahh i have idea- check your tagdeaf message ) ;-)

wow, that is pathetic, people saying they would go but don't show up, I feel sorry for DD, she worked her ass off for a successful caucus, and what happen? Where are the respect and committment. I hope next time will be better. I am for sure going to the next one.
darkangel8603 said:
wow, that is pathetic, people saying they would go but don't show up, I feel sorry for DD, she worked her ass off for a successful caucus, and what happen? Where are the respect and committment. I hope next time will be better. I am for sure going to the next one.

Yes... Actually.. I don't care how much she worked hard.. She treated AD'ers very much.. how big she have beautiful heart and gave you whole thing what she had planned for AD'ers who attend...
Gotta luv her!

I'm looking forward see you DarkAngel.. you're same my AREA of ontarioians!
One day.. will meet you.. *smile* as same whoever living in Ontarioans who have NOT met each together.. *wink*
Gosh, I didn't know the whole story! I'm so sorry that DD got screwed over but I'm very happy to know she got it worked out with the hotel peopele. They seemed to be very nice when we were waiting in the lobby last Saturday.
I hope you don't hold me and Fragmenter accountable as we had decided at almost the last minute to go to the banquet only on Saturday. There would have been 6 more people there for the banquet (but two of them are 5-yr and 3-yr old kids -- deaf and hoh -- hope you understand that we had waited about an hour and the kids were really giving us a hard time and we were kinda thinking the ADers were out having too much fun -- LOL) (and we didn't realize they were depending on public transportation to get around)
GalaxyAngel said:
Yes... Actually.. I don't care how much she worked hard.. She treated AD'ers very much.. how big she have beautiful heart and gave you whole thing what she had planned for AD'ers who attend...
Gotta luv her!

I'm looking forward see you DarkAngel.. you're same my AREA of ontarioians!
One day.. will meet you.. *smile* as same whoever living in Ontarioans who have NOT met each together.. *wink*

yeahhhhh Ontarioians :applause: me :lol:
Yepper i agree with that cuz it's not fair for them so i have still keep pix with me cuz i m more respect their's wish that way i can uderstand their's feel :thumb:
Oh no, greema, We don't hold you and Fragmenter accountable. You guys kept your word that you both would be coming, and you guys did. We were the ones that were running late. :giggle:
Cheri said:
Oh no, greema, We don't hold you and Fragmenter accountable. You guys kept your word that you both would be coming, and you guys did. We were the ones that were running late. :giggle:

Thanks for understanding... wait til you get kids ofyour own and I'll be the one doing this --> :giggle:
Fragmenter said:
Thanks for understanding... wait til you get kids ofyour own and I'll be the one doing this --> :giggle:
I do have two children of my own, 6 years old and 11 years old, I've been there, seen it all. :giggle:
Cheri said:
I do have two children of my own, 6 years old and 11 years old, I've been there, seen it all. :giggle:

:) are they easier to deal with at these agesthan at 3 and 5 year olds??? :hyper:
Fragmenter said:
:) are they easier to deal with at these agesthan at 3 and 5 year olds??? :hyper:
Not my 6 years old yet, He's half/half. :whistle:
greema said:
Gosh, I didn't know the whole story! I'm so sorry that DD got screwed over but I'm very happy to know she got it worked out with the hotel peopele. They seemed to be very nice when we were waiting in the lobby last Saturday.
I hope you don't hold me and Fragmenter accountable as we had decided at almost the last minute to go to the banquet only on Saturday. There would have been 6 more people there for the banquet (but two of them are 5-yr and 3-yr old kids -- deaf and hoh -- hope you understand that we had waited about an hour and the kids were really giving us a hard time and we were kinda thinking the ADers were out having too much fun -- LOL) (and we didn't realize they were depending on public transportation to get around)

Aww I'm truly sorry you guys had to wait on us, I know how kids gets and I can truly understand why you guys had to leave, next time we will be on time, if not then you guys can kick our butts for being late :scatter:
Cheri said:
No, I don't think we are going to share any pictures, because of one reason only, 40 people have stated that they were coming to the AD event, then Dreamdeaf signed a contract that 40 people are going to attend, only 12/13 of us went, leaving a huge bill to DreamDeaf. I don't think members here realized that she worked her buns off building this to a successful event for everyone of you, even through the ones that went aren't rich people, we kept our word that we were going and stick with our word, while others did not kept their word. I can understand money don't fall from trees but you guys knew a year of advance about this event. So, you guys missed out this opportunity and so you guys get nothing.

Think about this, If you were managing an event and signed an contract expecting certain amount of people, and they didn't turn in their money, and you're stuck with a huge bill, Would you be pissed? Yes or no? You decide. ;)

YES... I feel bad for DreamDeaf... she worked hard all for nothing... I did not sign up because I dont know lots of usernames.. I just registered in here little over two months,..
I am sure it was biggest disappointment for DreamDeaf...
I know and we were disappointed. BUT it was very nice for Fragmenter and his family being in town with us. At least we got something out of last weekend. I'm very happy that the first AD caucus turned out to be quite the success even if half didn't show up! (sometimes I actually think it's a lot better with less people!)
greema said:
I know and we were disappointed. BUT it was very nice for Fragmenter and his family being in town with us. At least we got something out of last weekend. I'm very happy that the first AD caucus turned out to be quite the success even if half didn't show up! (sometimes I actually think it's a lot better with less people!)

That I do AGREE competely, cause I was able to chat with everyone, and it was so much fun with only less people around....

I was able to spend alot more time with each of them, but if there were many of them there, I wouldn't have time to get to know each of them as well as I did over the weekend, and going to the city along with the group was soo much fun!!!

I'm glad you had a chance to spend time with your son and his family, that must have made your day alot better :)
Hey! I just remmy we get late on Saturday because we missed the shuttle! Heh anyway, we get to the hotel at 530 to 545. We asked lobby to delay the time so we can changes our clothes in 30 minutes. We get to the banquet @ 630pm so missed us ?? Tsk!
That is very true!!! I am wrong to ask only one pix as a group like u did in other topic but if it was to say if they do not want to show their faces in here which I do respect so for this I am sorry...... :( However, u did now but still should be respect by asking them if they want to have some pix in here and if they say no then let that be! I do respect in AD..... Once again I am sorry!
~AngelWolf~ said:
That is very true!!! I am wrong to ask only one pix as a group like u did in other topic but if it was to say if they do not want to show their faces in here which I do respect so for this I am sorry...... :( However, u did now but still should be respect by asking them if they want to have some pix in here and if they say no then let that be! I do respect in AD..... Once again I am sorry!

Hey! Not ur damn fault ok smile glad that u did respect us for that which they don't wanna pix so don't have it same thing I'm keep pix in my sk2 which ill alway cherish remma them smile
Yeah I agree with Lovelyblkgal here, none of it is anyone's fault, there's nothing wrong with being curious and seeing who went etc....but as DreamDeaf said, we will have more pictures but will be seen at the next events, so if anyone decide to come, then you will see more than just one picture....

<----I hope to lose the weight before my wedding..... :hyper:
^Angel^ said:
Yeah I agree with Lovelyblkgal here, none of it is anyone's fault, there's nothing wrong with being curious and seeing who went etc....but as DreamDeaf said, we will have more pictures but will be seen at the next events, so if anyone decide to come, then you will see more than just one picture....

<----I hope to lose the weight before my wedding..... :hyper:

Psst more jump make ur tummy lose weight heheh!!
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