hmmm AD Caucus picutres post in here? :-D Only

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LovelyBlkGal said:
Psst more jump make ur tummy lose weight heheh!!

:lol: or even use jumpy rope ?? :lol:
^Angel^ said:
That I do AGREE competely, cause I was able to chat with everyone, and it was so much fun with only less people around....

I was able to spend alot more time with each of them, but if there were many of them there, I wouldn't have time to get to know each of them as well as I did over the weekend, and going to the city along with the group was soo much fun!!!

I'm glad you had a chance to spend time with your son and his family, that must have made your day alot better :)

That's right -- sometimes I think we're better off with fewer people -- it depends on the situation.

Hope you were impressed with St. Louis!
From reading the posts about recent AD event, that only 12/13 people out of 40 showed up....from my experience with different deaf organizations, it happens and maybe many not know that it is common courtesy to inform the host that you are not available to come due to unexpected events. Some probably said yes and after a year, they forgot that they said that they will come. Its bes to have open-ended agreement with the hotel--tell the hotel that you expect 40 people to show up but its not guaranteed meaning that there maybe less than 40 will come. Hotels are used to these kinds of situations since they deal with tons of people everyday. :)
MizzDeaf said:
Hey! I just remmy we get late on Saturday because we missed the shuttle! Heh anyway, we get to the hotel at 530 to 545. We asked lobby to delay the time so we can changes our clothes in 30 minutes. We get to the banquet @ 630pm so missed us ?? Tsk!

Tsk? Am I taking this the wrong way? We were in the lobby for an hour and didn't see anyone (we were looking for people signing). :dunno:
Cheri said:
No, I don't think we are going to share any pictures, because of one reason only, 40 people have stated that they were coming to the AD event, then Dreamdeaf signed a contract that 40 people are going to attend, only 12/13 of us went, leaving a huge bill to DreamDeaf. I don't think members here realized that she worked her buns off building this to a successful event for everyone of you, even through the ones that went aren't rich people, we kept our word that we were going and stick with our word, while others did not kept their word. I can understand money don't fall from trees but you guys knew a year of advance about this event. So, you guys missed out this opportunity and so you guys get nothing.

Think about this, If you were managing an event and signed an contract expecting certain amount of people, and they didn't turn in their money, and you're stuck with a huge bill, Would you be pissed? Yes or no? You decide. ;)
That really SUCKS!! My opinion for what it's worth. Make people pay in advance next time. End of story! To bad you can't trust people for their word! Seriously, dreamdeaf may be able to take them to small claims court and get her money back. If dreamdeaf has an email or a form from them that said they would come, that is her evidence and she should win. It's only fair. Or better yet, those people that said they would attend should step up and do what's right. Even if you think you had a legitimate reason, why should she get stuck with the bill. Geeze!!!
Cheri said:
DreamDeaf isn't stuck with the huge bill anymore, She worked it out with the person at the hotel who handle the event, and the contract, the lady was very kind enough to branch the contract and review a new one before July 13th. If you only knew the hotel people are so friendly and understanding. But, still I don't think some of members here even deserve to see pictures. Sorry no offended, that's just how I feel. ;)

Missy is a dear friend of mine, so when people screw her over, I have no highly respect for them, again no offended.
Oh boy... Disregard my last post. I posted before I got to this one. I'm happy dreamdeaf didn't get stuck with the bill....
greema said:
Tsk? Am I taking this the wrong way? We were in the lobby for an hour and didn't see anyone (we were looking for people signing). :dunno:
no you didn't she just tsk herself :)
greema said:
Tsk? Am I taking this the wrong way? We were in the lobby for an hour and didn't see anyone (we were looking for people signing). :dunno:

i was expect to see people signing, too. we are fair *shake the hand*

i know dd is oral and speak with someone in the hall before going in the banquet room.
MizzDeaf said:
i was expect to see people signing, too. we are fair *shake the hand*

i know dd is oral and speak with someone in the hall before going in the banquet room.

Wonder if you saw four adults and two children in the lobby right where you come into the hotel? That was us and we were signing. But if not, I guess you all came in after we left.

Oh well...
darkangel8603 said:
wow, that is pathetic, people saying they would go but don't show up, I feel sorry for DD, she worked her ass off for a successful caucus, and what happen? Where are the respect and committment. I hope next time will be better. I am for sure going to the next one.

Yes I second that. *shake my head disguist*

I can´t beleive that it´s 12 out of 40.. .Oh Blimley... I feel bad for DD... She have my :hug:

Anyone should not inform DD in first place when they KNEW they have no money... I see no excuse for that but emergency is a different story.
^Angel^ said:
That I do AGREE competely, cause I was able to chat with everyone, and it was so much fun with only less people around....

I was able to spend alot more time with each of them, but if there were many of them there, I wouldn't have time to get to know each of them as well as I did over the weekend, and going to the city along with the group was soo much fun!!!

I'm glad you had a chance to spend time with your son and his family, that must have made your day alot better :)

Very true, I´m agree with you and Greema about less people and more fun and know each other better more than many people....
Actually, I did get stuck with a BIG bill, but not as big if the hotel hadn't graciously amended the contract to reflect a much smaller group than expected.
DreamDeaf said:
Actually, I did get stuck with a BIG bill, but not as big if the hotel hadn't graciously amended the contract to reflect a much smaller group than expected.
Take them to court and get your money back.
It won't be easy, usually judge will adhere the contract. So trying to go to court will DEFINETLY make worse for her.

Simple put, the contract IS contract! it is hard to win in the court if its about breaking contract. Don't you know I won the case against Wyndtell for breaking contract with me? I mean Wynd broke contract with me. I gave them chance to FOLLOW the contract, or I OWE nothing to them. They simply refused to comply.... So, they did send collection agency to me. I send them everything papertrail showing them that Wynd broke contract and debt collector found out and on my side! So its over between me and Wynd!

How about those who said they'd go but didn't go dunk in donation to help DD, and maybe that would let you donor view pix...
Its up to ya all.

rockdrummer said:
Take them to court and get your money back.
diehardbiker65 said:
It won't be easy, usually judge will adhere the contract. So trying to go to court will DEFINETLY make worse for her.

Simple put, the contract IS contract! it is hard to win in the court if its about breaking contract. Don't you know I won the case against Wyndtell for breaking contract with me? I mean Wynd broke contract with me. I gave them chance to FOLLOW the contract, or I OWE nothing to them. They simply refused to comply.... So, they did send collection agency to me. I send them everything papertrail showing them that Wynd broke contract and debt collector found out and on my side! So its over between me and Wynd!

How about those who said they'd go but didn't go dunk in donation to help DD, and maybe that would let you donor view pix...
Its up to ya all.
I don'ty agree and it all depends on the details of each situation. If people gave either written notice or completed a form that said they would attend and knew the price, she should win the small claims case.
they need to pre paid for everything before they go so that way they can't decided not to go.... They would HAVE to go because they already paided for it.. I wouldn't have done this in the first place..... People always rip people all the time so basically it's a rip off to me. Im glad you got it worked out and everyone enjoyed it.... (( thats what it counts)) :)
rockdrummer said:
Take them to court and get your money back.
You cant just take them to court just because they didn't show up, I believe one of the Aders said she couldn't show up because her daughter just fininally got a job at the hospital being a RN ((nurse)) and didn't want to ruin that chance by asking her daughter to watch her son.. So of course she is going to look out for her daughter and what is best for her daughter.... NO ONE CAN'T ALWAYS COME!!!! Things get in the way all the time, no one can't make promises 100% because you NEVER know what gets in the way!!!! Why sue them if they can't come and things get in the way?? Thats shows you don't have any feelings towards others about their own personal life.. I wouldn't sue ANYBODY just because they didn't show up for some reason, LET THEM EXPLAIN FIRST AND SEE WHAT THEIR SIDE OF THE STORY IS FIRST!!!!!! Before you judge and sue! It's a piece of PAPER!! You prolly made the contract which prolly isn't worthed it..... Judge prolly will LAUGH and rule it against you... I mean, I think for those who didn't show up shouldn't show up in 2008... Save the names.. So you will know..... IF they want to attend the one in 2008 then they need to give you the money to help pay the bill out and etc.. I mean... Im sorry about this happening to you but NEXT time have them pre paid it...... better that way

You have no idea what you are talking about, Can you read? Well I already told CODAChild that I was NOT speaking of her, or Peachlady, they got a good excuse why they couldn't come. I'm speaking of those who said "I don't have any money" Why did the hell did they say they will come?? They knew ONE YEAR of ADVANCE, about this event. For now on, I am not going to believe anyone who said they WANNA come, untill they pay up front. DreamDeaf knows that now.
DreamDeaf said:
Actually, I did get stuck with a BIG bill, but not as big if the hotel hadn't graciously amended the contract to reflect a much smaller group than expected.

email each of those members to repay you back. It seems not fair for you to pay out of your pocket for them when they can't make it.

Next time events, the members need to pay full 100%. No more hold the reservation until they arrival. You can't trust them !

Make a strict contract form for them to sign and mail it to you. If they change their mind, they are responsiblity to pay for it when they can't make it. It is not your problem. It is their problems !!
Cheri said:

You have no idea what you are talking about, Can you read? Well I already told CODAChild that I was NOT speaking of her, or Peachlady, they got a good excuse why they couldn't come. I'm speaking of those who said "I don't have any money" Why did the hell did they say they will come?? They knew ONE YEAR of ADVANCE, about this event. For now on, I am not going to believe anyone who said they WANNA come, untill they pay up front. DreamDeaf knows that now.
I was talking to Rockdrummer.....((he was saying sue them))
I've read your post many times and others, At least for those people who "SAID" that they were going go to since they got one whole year of Advance... Maybe things got in the way, who knows?? I mean next time if everyone wants to go in 2008 they need to pre paid it so it would be much easier on everyone and no one will get stuck with the bill (( which I know it's been taking care of)).... Maybe ya'll need to write down the names which I know that some of you know who "said" they were going but didn't show up, so that way next time they shouldn't go since they didn't show up this time. Im not trying to be rude but I did think it was RUDE of them to say that they were going to show up but didn't. But Although I hope you guys got this taken care of and enjoyed yourself.... Thats what it counts......

But anyways--- I can read for your information! :)
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