Funnily enough, you are a man defending the so-called women's rights. Yet several women here don't agree with you. They are in fact, defending the unborn babies' rights to live.
Like I said, life does begin at conception. The woman gives life to it. Once you take the baby out before its time, you are taking away its life that you gave to in the first place.
It's a known fact that you do not like children.
So I can understand why you would easily defend the concept of abortion.
If a man don't want to impregnate a woman, he should get himself fixed or just abstain from having sex. Otherwise, he's just being an irresponsible fella. Just as irresponsible the woman would be. Both parties are at fault. They should grow up and become more responsible if a pregnancy occurs. Either take care of it or give it up for adoption.
Most women I personally know are against abortions. Most of the people I know who are pro-choice are in fact, men for obvious reasons... so they don't have to pay child support.