So the fact that the unborn baby has a heart that beats don't matter?
So the fact that the unborn baby has a heart that beats don't matter?
Men who are against abortions aren't "telling women what to do." They are speaking up for those who can't speak for themselves--the innocent babies.
Pro-choice here.
This may be a bit dark reasoning, but our world can't support so many people. Well, unless people colonize other worlds.
We also eat chicken embryos - eggs laid by chickens.
Definition of life is defined by beliefs.
The world is not overpopulated. Greed and politics
have caused distribution problems and overcrowding
in areas.
Banjo, yes it's killing, but its more.......a nessary evil. Sure it's horrible that abortion has to exist, but illegalizing it, is just going to drive it underground and make it very unsafe.
Don't like abortion? Good. Support good birth control, the morning after pill etc.
Also, abortion isn't always about "killing" a baby. Sometimes the baby might have profound birth defects(ie have a medical condtion that would put them in a persistant vegetative state) or have died in utereo.
And that's why I see abortion just the same as mother killing children. As since I would never agree with mother's right to kill the children, so of course no, because if she can't handle with the children then she can send the children for the adoption or something else.. Killing is not the only thing to solve the proble, and it is the worst solution, JMO.
Ohh please... Those people thinking humans as worthless which means they are considering themselves as worthless too. I would never think that way about the humans :roll:.... And you don't have to proves the links to me about the "anti-humans" communities, I know there are people who hate the humans too..
No, the first ph that I was talking to you and after I mentioned "anyway", I did not talk to you only but to thread here. Sorry for confusion ^_^
Ohh that's allright, but at least I am glad to post something
The world is not overpopulated. Greed and politics
have caused distribution problems and overcrowding
in areas.
Our world can support so many people! read the following:
Malthus was wrong- he failed to anticipate the tremendous advances in agrculture.
The planet is nowhere near its carrying capacity for humans (which is upwards of 50 billion). We do feel like there's overpopulation because certain regions have exceeded their carrying capacity.
Not necessarily. The men want the "ball & chain" tied to the woman....
About overcrowding, I think animals have something different to say about this.
I do believe that there is too many people on Earth.
Pro-choice here.
This may be a bit dark reasoning, but our world can't support so many people. Well, unless people colonize other worlds.
We also eat chicken embryos - eggs laid by chickens.
Definition of life is defined by beliefs.
We don't eat chicken embryos. As least I don't! We eat unfertilized eggs. If you go to the chicken plants where they collect eggs for us to eat. You won't find roosters in those buildings. They aren't there for a reason!
About overcrowding, I think animals have something different to say about this.
I do believe that there is too many people on Earth.
Some religions consider the morning after pill is just an another way of getting an abortion... even though the person conceives a child it just helps to keep the embryo from implanting into the uterus instead it helps a woman to shed it all out (menstruate). Even though the conception process has already happened...
Just saying some people believe life starts at conception.
so the question is the morning after pill is another form of abortion??? something to ponder.
No, the morning after pill is not another form of abortion, IMO. Conception has not actually occurred until implantation. All the morning after pill does is prevent implantation. Just like birthcontrol prevents ovulation.
That's high functioning for someone with severe deformaties. What I mean by severe birth defects, are conditions where the baby is either born dead or is alive but is so profoundly effected, they are in a persistant vegetaive state. (and there ARE some cases like that)Other couples choose the have the child anyway despite severe deformites, such as my pastor who chose this route. Despite his oldest daughters many handicaps, she is still able to understand certain simple concepts. She is 8 (possibly 9 by now) and has the mentality of a 1 year old child.
I totally agree..................part of the problem is unhealthy attitudes about sex. We have girls thinking that if they don't have sex, boys won't like them. We have boys thinking that to have sex is to be a big man. We need healthy attitudes about sex! We need to train kids about what healthy relationships actually ARE! Get rid of the "oh sex is power" mentality, and instead introduce the fact that maybe JUST maybe sex should be something sacred, and not to be misused. Our society is obessed with sex, but the problem is that we've lost sight of the fact that it should be a special sacred thing.