Are there any vegetables that do something besides taking up resources? What about the embryos and fetuses with no heads? Why waste time and resources carrying one to term just to have it die due to having no head? It will die anyway so get it over with before it uses up too much resources. What about ectopic pregnancies? Those often do not survive and can be a danger to the mother's life. I know of only one case where a baby implanted into a layer of fat on the bowls and grew there, positioned so that they didn't realize it wasn't even in the womb until they did the CS. Most often, ectopic pregnancies are implants in one of the tubes and when the embryo gets too big, it can make the organ burst and bleed.
I wasn't talking about Downs people. They can do productive things and have good lives. I've known some from school. I was talking about vegetable people who are so disabled that they can never interact with anybody to do anything, communicate in any manner or even think. A baby born with no head could be considered the most extreme example of this.
I'd think that finding out that the unborn baby is a vegetable and aborting it is sad and traumatic, so it's not like there would be no more sad things in life if vegetable embryos and fetuses were aborted.
Using up resources by not aborting the vegetables instead of using them to have non-vegetables can be thought of as reverse eugenics because that is telling people that you are going to have less or no non-vegetables because of the resource being used up by the vegetables that could've been aborted. It's sad that those people won't have the chance to exist because their would-be parents are too busy with a vegetable to even make them.
Something that is related are parasitic twins, conjoined twins where one won't be able to function if they were separated. There were instances of parasitic twins that were just heads attached to the other twin's head. Those can have eye and mouth movement, but would kill the other twin by sucking up nutrients and oxygen that they don't have the organs to get by themselves. So they cut off the parasitic twin to let the other one live.
There are also parasitic twins that do not have heads or hearts, so they suck up resources from the other twin by making its heart beat harder. To avoid overworking the regular twin, they cut the part of the cord connected to the parasitic twin to disconnect and kill it off.
There were also things called fetus-in-fetu where a fetus apparently gets enveloped inside its twin and ended up with only some tissue types developed. I saw them cut such things out of people on TV.

There are other words like dermoid cyst and teratoma where tumors are found in people that look like out-of-place tissues like skin and hair inside the body. Those words seem to be used for varying degrees of differentiation with the fetus-in-fetu being the kind that looks the most like a person. A paper abstract of an interesting case of something in between a fetus-in-fetu and a teratoma is
here. It looked like a teratoma, but had a rudimentary beating heart.
If some people think that a beating heart is enough for personhood, then how about leaving those fetus-in-fetu inside people, letting them suck away resources from their hosts and make them appear to be pregnant and get laughed at?