cochlear implants

Geeze, I give up on this thread. There is clearly no concensus here. Lets all just agree to disagree and move on!! This is taking way to much energy by folks on both sides of the discussion and it's clear that we will never be in agreement. That's ok. I have no problem agreeing to disagree. It happens all of the time. I make a motion to end this thread.. all In favor....say I

Do this. [ then type quote then ] someone's respond then [ then / then type quote then ] get it? I tried. *hiding* :D

Thanks for the info. Nice to learn more about you.
Allow me to comment inside the quote:
Cheri said:
When my parents recovered that I became deaf at the age of five, My dad did some digging in educational, gather information that fit right for me as a deaf person, I know that for matter of fact that hearing parents with deaf children have no knowledge what to do until they start digging through. Absolutely. I was the same. Internet was great in providing information and I used it extensively. Parents also need to understand the importance of being flexible, in meaning when a deaf child is born into a family, they have to find ways to communicated with their child, by using sign language, finding the right education. Your are absolutely right. When the official news arrived, the first thing I did was by 3 sign-language books for the family and for friends. The first word the whole family learned was "spaghetti". The other two kids loved signing, and still do. CI is the least on a child's list just because hearing parents want their deaf child to hear because a deaf child is missing out the meaning to hear. Sure, and with CI she can understand that meaning. That's why we went that way.That's not even accepting the child who he/she is as a person, a person who is deaf. And how long is the waiting period where acceptance is there. Wouldn't that depend on the individual. But in a way you are right. Acceptance that she was deaf was easier when knowing that a HA or CI might help her.

Decisions do not need to be made immediately, when a child has not yet experience their role in trying the education that I mention above. Actually, they do. Like it or not, results with CI are better when the implant is done early. Sorry, just a fact.What happened to even trying those education out to see how much a child would developed, instead they jump onto CI implant to avoid the disappointing that might overcome. CI might be a disappointment as well. Do not assume that it's an easy choice. I always believe a child should be involved in a discussion regarding any changes that would effect them for life. (Which meaning CI) I agree, but the child cannot decide. And at later age, the choices are different. So it's up to the parents to make that decision. Not to postpone the decision and leave it to the child.

It's very common for hearing parents who have deaf children who have no experience with deafness, until they search some information. True. Most deaf children are born from hearing parents. With hearing family and hearing friends.But to be honest no deaf person is the same as another deaf person, Like I said before each person is different on their skills of learning. There are pros and cons.

Fortunately, I'm very lucky that I can be able to speak well spoken English language where most hearing people understands me, I know sign language, I know how to read lips, I can hear sounds not 100 percent. This confused me. Do you mean that you hear nothing? I've been to oral schools, I've been to mainstream, I've been to total communcation schools. CI was not required for me to know all what I've learn when I was growing up. Any deaf can learn that too. It's never too late. ;)
And the last scentence is the key word for me. It's never too late to switch off the CI and immerge in the d/Deaf world. But it doesn't work the other way. It might be too late to choose CI and immerge in the hearing world.

I respect your views, and I have met deaf people that can communicate like you. Options available to parents with deaf children change in time. 20 years ago our decision might have been different, like the decision of your parents.
Cloggy said:
I assume it's the idea that everything would be better if everyone learned the Deaf language - Sign.
I don't think you can live in both. She can sign and will continue learning it. And we will keep contact with Deaf world. But someone who hears, can he/she really imagine being deaf? Someone who's deaf, can he/she really imaging to hear sounds? Even people that lost their hearing still hang on to the hearing world for very long. Eventually they might move to a deaf world, but that takes time.
I'll try to find some examples.

What I mean by living in both worlds is being socially with Deaf and hearing people, make friends, learn about Deaf Cultures and their language etc, since your daugther knows signs and and still contact with Deaf world which is great... :D
Cloggy said:
This confused me. Do you mean that you hear nothing?

I apology I meant was that I cannot hear everything like a hearing person, I can hear certain sounds that I can pick up and know what that sounds are from. Example, Like people talking, music, noises at workplace and etc. ;)
Cheri said:
I apology I meant was that I cannot hear everything like a hearing person, I can hear certain sounds that I can pick up and know what that sounds are from. Example, Like people talking, music, noises at workplace and etc. ;)

I think you have profound hearing that case you can hear loud sounds.. you can hear loud speech but cannot understand what they say without lipreading.. Your case isn't a total deaf case.. Your more like a hard of hearing person than a total deaf !.

To my case, I have severe to profound loss.. I can hear so many sounds.. water running out of taps.. noises.. slamming doors.. telephone ringing.. most types of music ..people speaking loud..dogs barking.. but I cannot understand speech without hearing aid... I'm not considering myself (pure) deaf.. I prefer hoh term..

About cochlear implants, this is an endless argument.. Some people likes CIs and the others are against them...There is no need to get into a fierce battle !!! Everyone and every parent have the right to choose their own solution..

As technology progress more, the pure deaf people will be more and more rare.. what a pity.. the world will miss deaf culture much more than that of now... More deaf person will be able to function in hearing world ... hoh culture will be more common.. pure deafness and its culture may begin to disappear slowly :ugh:
Momoftwo said:
Being deaf is NOT awful, NOT sad, etc. Being deaf is part of celebration because it shows you that you are a very strong person that can handle it very well. Deaf people have stronger to handle than hearing people. So, deaf people should be very proud of being accomplished!

Just because some parents rather their children to be implanted with CI, doesn't mean they think being Deaf is awful or sad, and I can see some people here are confused on CI implants and how they really work, Implants does not restore or create normal hearing, instead it can give a deaf person a useful auditory understanding of the environment and help him/her to understand speech clearly, just like some Deaf/HOH people prefer to wear just hearing aids...

Cochlear Implants are very different from hearing aids, hearing aids amplify sound when Cochlear Implants compensate for damage parts of the inner ear, convert sound waves in the air into electrical impulses... these impulses are then sent to the brain, where Deaf person will recognized them as a sound, the cochlear implant works in a similar manner, It electronically finds useful sounds and then sends them to the brain and hearing through an implant may sound different from normal hearing, but it allows them to communicate fully with oral communication in person and over the phone too...Adult and children can be candidates for CI implants and even adults who have lost all of their hearing or most of their hearing later in life can benefit from the use of CI but it doesn't mean they don't like being Deaf, they just want to hear something rather than nothing at all, so what's wrong with that? Why do some of you hate the idea of an adult or child being implanted with CI, when some of you are still wearing hearing aids, yet I don't see a difference in this, care to explain this to me please? anyone?....
ecevit said:
About cochlear implants, this is an endless argument.. Some people likes CIs and the others are against them...There is no need to get into a fierce battle !!! Everyone and every parent have the right to choose their own solution..
But.. the arguments provide insight as well and the possibility to view the world from a different perspective. Often the arguments are a result of lack of knowledge and then it's great to find an equilibrium. When the argument is due to unwillingness to see each others perspective, then it's fruitless.

I can argue with Cheri and learn about her situation and point of view.

But sometimes I feel it's important to follow up, like when information on the messageboard it totally wrong. Should one ignore that. I don't think so since the information here will be read by people looking for information. Any decision should be made with accurate information - from both sides.
ecevit said:
I think you have profound hearing that case you can hear loud sounds.. you can hear loud speech but cannot understand what they say without lipreading.. Your case isn't a total deaf case.. Your more like a hard of hearing person than a total deaf !.

To my case, I have severe to profound loss.. I can hear so many sounds.. water running out of taps.. noises.. slamming doors.. telephone ringing.. most types of music ..people speaking loud..dogs barking.. but I cannot understand speech without hearing aid... I'm not considering myself (pure) deaf.. I prefer hoh term..

About cochlear implants, this is an endless argument.. Some people likes CIs and the others are against them...There is no need to get into a fierce battle !!! Everyone and every parent have the right to choose their own solution..

As technology progress more, the pure deaf people will be more and more rare.. what a pity.. the world will miss deaf culture much more than that of now... More deaf person will be able to function in hearing world ... hoh culture will be more common.. pure deafness and its culture may begin to disappear slowly :ugh:
You said you think hers is a profound hearing loss and yours is severe to profound hearin gloss and you equal profound to hoh actually it is other way around. :)

Profound means NOTHING while severe to profound means can hear some sounds from 70db to 100db range and profound fall below 100db

so that means cheri's is above severe to profound like severe or mild to severe hearing loss :)
ecevit said:
About cochlear implants, this is an endless argument.. Some people likes CIs and the others are against them...There is no need to get into a fierce battle !!! Everyone and every parent have the right to choose their own solution:

This is what the discussion board is for, to share their opinions with each others and learn from each others, I've learned a great deal from Cloggy even through we don't always see eye to eye, But I'm starting to know a great deal from him regarding about his daughter. Nobody really gave me the right answers I've been searching for a long time until Cloggy came on this message board. So I thankful to have Cloggy here to discuss some questions I may have or sharing my opinions with him, and having him sharing his with me. ;)
Bear said:
HI everyone,

I just happened to come across this topic and thought I would put my 2 cents in here. Hope youd ont mind?

My views on CI are if your an adult then more than welcome to get one. I have no problem with your choice to try to improve your hearing.

However, to implant a small child with a CI IN MY OPINION only is crazyness. And I feel it should be considered child abuse to do so. Now I know that remark there will tee some of you off right from the get-go.

The reason I have for feeling this way is because of the simple fact that CI's have only been around a relatively short time in the medical field. Now some of you may argue but such and such years is not a short time. It is when you ask yourself, is there long term data showing what can happen with a CI after such and such amount of time? Let me ask you something?

Would you take a certain medication for 20 years without knowing what the LONG TERM side effects are going to be? Heck no you wouldnt. So why would you want to implant a device pretty much into your head without knowing what could happen in 20 years?

As an adult you are capable of making the decision and doing so knowingly of what you are getting into. But to do it to a child, that is another thing altogether.

Yes I realize the earlier the better. But they say the same thing about abortion too. The earlier the better. Yes yes yes I know abortion and CI is not the same thing. But are they really so different? Everybody reacts differently to anything and everything. What if your child had a reaction to the CI and died? What if 10 years down the road the CI works its way into the brain? What if 20 years from now the CI starts corroding?

You can say yeah but that baby or young child wont be young anymore. Ok fine lets go there. Do you want your child dead, or a vegetable 10 or 20 years later?

Some of you MAY say yeah but that wont happen to my child. Or I have to believe the best I can. Sure we all WANT to believe it cant happen to us or that we have to believe the best. What if your the *odd man out* and it happens to be your child that has a bad reaction or as stated above.

Even though our children grow up do they ever stop being our babies? No they dont so why risk it?

Now please remember these are only MY thoughts and MY opinions. I may be a crazy lady or I may not make sense to some of you. Or I may not know what the heck I am talking about.

But, I do know that to make my child hearing, the decision to IMPLANT something in my child would be a NON decision for me. Because it would be a resounding NO.

One of you asked well what if your child was missing legs and the doctors said they could surgically attach new ones? I would say ok how long has this been around? 5 years? 10 years? 20 years? Gee nope sorry hasnt been around long enough to risk MY CHILD.

When my child became an adult and wanted a CI or whatever then it is up to them but until that child is 18 heck no!!

If by then it is too late I would rather have my child alive and blaming me for ruining his or her chances at hearing or whatever it is. Than trying to do what I think is best and dead.

I can accept a LIVE deaf child or a LIVE handicapped child but I cannot accept a DEAD one.

In response to a post earlier made by Sweetmind, it is child abuse for a parent not to learn a language that a deaf child needs. ANY visual based language should be learned by parents of a young child. And not to do so is neglect.

No one said that a hearing parent had to learn all the signs in a year. The point is for the child and the parents to learn and grow together.

I am a latened deaf individual, I grew up hearing and didnt lose my hearing til I was 14. So ask yourself, why would someone like me who knows what that child is missing by NOT hearing to NOT do all they can to help their child hear?

Simply, because I weighed the options in my mind it is not worth the risk to implant a young child.

However, I do disagree with some of you and especially you Sweetmind about not teaching a child a verbal language at an early age as well. Unfortunately, we all live in a very verbal world. Some people are lucky enough to own their own businesses and they can decide if they want to use their voice or not. However, the majority of us dont. We do have to get a long in a hearing society. Like it or not, I know and I do agree why should we learn THEIR language if they REFUSE to learn ours? Well the answer is simple really. Do you want a job? Ok ok dont yell at me but sadly that is the way the world works.

Sweetmind, I respect your opinions cause you grew up deaf in a hearing household, so you do know some of what you are talking about as a deaf child being *Forced* to be hearing. That is wrong, I agree.

But, I do know what it is like for a deaf individual to try to struggle in a *hearing world*. But most importantly I know what it is like to be a *deaf, but very well hearing and very well oral* person trying to grow up as a deaf individual in a hearing world. For a very long time I didnt *FIT* in neither world. But at least I had the oral speech to help me get along in the hearing workforce. All children should have that advantage.

In closing, I want you all to remember that I recognize these as JUST MY OPINIONS, and do not expect you all to agree with me.

I respect everyones opinion on the matter and do wish to hear both sides.

That's the way I feel! You managed to say it better than I could....

But still, if I had a deaf child, my fiancee is deaf and would be able to help the child understand how to live with deafness because she's experiencing it herself. And we can both sign to the child.
rockdrummer said:
Man... I see way to many generalizations here. Dont say hearing people can't accept the deaf world. I am hearing and I totally accept the deaf world as I understand it. Not only do I accept it, I am focused on learning about it and trying to assimilate myself to it. Instead say "why can't some hearing people accept the deaf world" When you generalize, you come across as someone that has a closed mind. I am sure that is not your intention Leibling and hopefully you understand my point. I see so much of this type of stereotyping in here by some folks in the deaf community. Perhaps it's a just matter of how we choose our words.

What I am learning is there are may facets to the deaf world. It's not as simple as just saying the deaf world. There appears (to me) to be different beliefs between those that are profoundly deaf all the way to those that can hear with some sort of device such as HA or CI and everything in between. And obviously there are differing experiences for the deaf depending on where they fall in this continum and what there beliefs are.

We chose to have our child implanted with a CI because we felt in our heart that this was the best thing for our childs development and that if successful, it would give him the best chances for achievement. The CI didn't work work for him. But you now what, I don't have any regrets.

In CI surgery as with any surgery, there are risks and in many cases there are complications. At the end of the day you have to weigh the risks against the rewards and base your decision accordingly. In my case, there was not enough information (10 years ago) to make a sensible decision so I followed my heart and my gut. I was wrong but again, I have no regrets. And you can't deny that for those that the CI works for, their ability to assimilate is much greater. Just ask anyone that has a CI that works for them.

I only hope that today there is enough information available to aid parents in there decision. I would be totally against a parent deciding to get their child implanted without first educating yourself on the pros and cons and how it may impact your child given their specific case. And don't just base it on what the doctor tells you. Do your homework. It's a complicated issue with many variables and you have to take the time to fully understand all aspects of the subject. It's not easy but you owe it to your child to do this. There is no silver bullet that works for everyone. Each case is different and requires careful consideration only after educating yourself of the the facts.. My heart goes out to those parents who are faced with this decision. I have been through it with unsuccessful results. Fortunatly there has not been any noticible negative impact on my child with his CI.. Don't take the decision lightly.


No, it´s not my intention to upset hearing people but voice my opinion and what I feel. Thank you for share your concern and feeling as hearing person toward deaf people.:hug:

Alot of hearing people didn´t know what deaf is until they have deaf babies.... and listen doctors, not learn to know about deaf culture/community better.

Let me tell you the example:
My co-worker said to me HERSELF that she do not against deaf people but she can´t image to raise deaf child few months as I start to join to work together with her. I asked her what she do if she found out her child is deaf... She said she would abort it because she think it´s unfair for deaf people to live without hear. I told her that it´s impossible to find out her unborn child is really deaf but few months after birth. It look like she didn´t know anything about deaf culture and thought negative about deafness until she met me and work together with me. I convince her in postive ways since we work together in the same office for 15 years. She realized that deaf person is normal like hearing person except hear. But she stand her opinion for rather want being blind than deaf because she NEED to hear. I am not being offend by her view but appreciate her honest opinion. I rather to have her to honest with me. I´m open mind to her opinion as the same as I´m open mind about hearing people´s opinion over deafness, HA and CI issues. Most hearing people are afraid to communicate with deaf people. It´s sad.

No I never say that CI is bad for deaf people but I only say in my opinion that I beleive it´s every human´s choice, not anyone do for them.
Yes I have CI friends. Some doesn´t work on them and some work on them. I learn alot from them. They told me THEMSELVES how they feel toward their parents. They feel that their parents do not accept what they are but want to change them to be like their parents. Most of CI users lost their respect on their parents for that. Their parents REGRETTED it and realized that it´s not really necassary to implant their babies with CI. That´s all what I know.

I respect your decision as parent but I ask you the same to respect me.

Remember that CI is not belongs to kind of emergency... that´s why I rather to leave my child´s choice.
Cheri said:
This is what the discussion board is for, to share their opinions with each others and learn from each others, I've learned a great deal from Cloggy even through we don't always see eye to eye, But I'm starting to know a great deal from him regarding about his daughter. Nobody really gave me the right answers I've been searching for a long time until Cloggy came on this message board. So I thankful to have Cloggy here to discuss some questions I may have or sharing my opinions with him, and having him sharing his with me. ;)

I didn't mean that this discussion was useless !!!! The only point I tried to show is that we shouldn't expect the threads to end up with only one discussion or idea so we shouldn't try to persuade others to agree with our own ideas..

Sure,I find this thread and others informative,helpful :)
Sometimes we learn from each other , sometimes make joke and etc..
I'm here in AD to share and learn ;)
Bear said:
The reason I have for feeling this way is because of the simple fact that CI's have only been around a relatively short time in the medical field. Now some of you may argue but such and such years is not a short time. It is when you ask yourself, is there long term data showing what can happen with a CI after such and such amount of time? Let me ask you something?
CI has been around in medical field for long time more than 30 yrs.. it was first started back in 1800's but not as pratical use but as research test and first trial started back in 1960's then few years later first CI reciepent get it but it was a crude type. I do know one person who had it for more than 20 yrs and it stop functioning interally inside the device and got reimplanted. no sign of corroding. all implant since the first FDA approved implants are coated with silicone cover.
see this cochlear implant timeline:

Bear said:
Yes I realize the earlier the better. But they say the same thing about abortion too. The earlier the better. Yes yes yes I know abortion and CI is not the same thing. But are they really so different? Everybody reacts differently to anything and everything. What if your child had a reaction to the CI and died? What if 10 years down the road the CI works its way into the brain? What if 20 years from now the CI starts corroding?
If you think it will start corroding after 10 yrs or so then FDA won't approve it! please use logic thinking before you type this :D FDA approved it for long term safety in regard to implantation surgically. Think Heart Pacemaker which has same coating technology that CI maker applies to their devices. Don't forgot all other medical devices that are implanted in other part of body that don't corrode.
Boult said:
You said you think hers is a profound hearing loss and yours is severe to profound hearin gloss and you equal profound to hoh actually it is other way around. :)

Profound means NOTHING while severe to profound means can hear some sounds from 70db to 100db range and profound fall below 100db

so that means cheri's is above severe to profound like severe or mild to severe hearing loss :)

I cannot agree with you.. I know many people with profound loss and they have gotten so much benefit from super power hearing aids.. If profound meant NOTHING then people with profound loss wouldn't be able to get benefit from powerful and well adjusted hearing aids.. even if they have very little residual hearing ,it's NOT nothing..
ecevit said:
I cannot agree with you.. I know many people with profound loss and they have gotten so much benefit from super power hearing aids.. If profound meant NOTHING then people with profound loss wouldn't be able to get benefit from powerful and well adjusted hearing aids.. even if they have very little residual hearing ,it's NOT nothing..
Let me rephrase this:

are you saying your hearing loss worse than cheri?

ok the scale of hearing loss is:

so you said you think cheri is profound while you say yours is severe-profound

my hearing loss is severe to profound which means I cannot hear the water like you claim to.. so that would means yours is mild to severe cuz you can hear water running! although in your earlier post, you only said you can't understand speech without hearing aid so I am assuming that you can hear those sounds you mentioned like running water?? so why don't you ask cheri for her specific hearing loss status than telling her "I think your is" this and that..

I do know mine cuz I have been tested many time.. which is Bilateral Severe to Profound Sensorineural Hearing Loss. my audiogram chart show from 70db to 100+db. unaided. now I have ci in my right ear and I am in 20 to 30db level across.

here's some links to understand some kind of hearing loss:

The reason I bring this up is because you told cheri "you are more like hard of hearing than total deaf" so do you equate profound = hard of hearing?
Cloggy said:
Guten dag Liebling, Wie gehtz?

Guten Tag, es geht mir gut! ;)

What other thing can (could) your son decide for himself? I believe 6 years is too young. My son, 9years, really wants play-station, a new bike, computer. Still, we decide upon this. So I would definetely decide yes/no for CI, not him.

For your information, I have 2 hearing sons (13 and 10 years old). They have feeling and mind. They know an exactly what they feeling. If there´re something what they didn´t like. We sit and have a talk together to solve why we agree to disagree... I explain them why I disagree with them and let them tell me how/why they disagree... instead of force them something what they don´t want... or tell them what do because I want my children´s trust on me. I beleive to resolve the issues with my children. Its about communicate KEY, not do what I want.

Yes we parents have decide for our children... Yes we limit our children with our rule... example pick which good school for our children, what they eat, get them to tidy things in their rooms, etc but with surgery is different story.

Example, my 13 years old son had a head surgery after bicycle accident last year. Did I force him to surgery? No, I haven´t but have a good talk to comfort his fear for surgery... I explained him why he have to ... would he want to end to have meningitis, left arm and right leg parazylse up to 2 years without operation.. With operation, he stay healthy forever... Doctors and we convince him to have an operation because he trust us. His trust mean me alot than pull and force him to do something to make him fear and what he don´t want. Its about trust and patience. Head surgery is an emergency to us but CI? I would not deny my children if they want to have CI. You can´t possible to deny that children have feeling and mind.

It´s easy for you say about your children because it doesn´t happened to them. I have a good friend who has 8 years old son, want to have CI after learn to know what CI is BECAUSE his parents let their son to mix with CI, HOH, hearing and deaf children... He want to have it but his parents did not implant him with CI yet until he is 100% sure... He want it for 2 years then finally got CI and happy... I would do the same as my friend if my children are deaf. 8 years old know exactly...

That´s why I said "From" 6 years old...

Liebling:-))) said:
I beleive CI is suitable for people who WILLING to learn to speak/how to hear... Some of CI users I know has no interesting to learn to speak and hear... It´s waste of money... That´s why I beleive it´s child´s own willing... It´s child´s feeling if he/she REALLY want to learn speak and hear then........QUOTE]
Liebling:-))) said:
I totally agree with you, and that's exactly why the parent should decide. Children can lose their interest in new thing very quickly when they have to work with it in order to make it work.This argument I find interesting because it is used often by deaf people.... It implies that when you would choose CI you would no longer accept your deafness. Is that the case?

I never say bad about CI but I beleive it´s child´s choice because it´s his/her body, he/she wear rest of his/her life, not us. I rather wear HA on my children with no risk than pull them to surgery with risk. I don´t want to risk on babies to toddler´s life because I want them to hear like me.

If I want to have CI then I have to train to speak and hear all the time which it´s stress, that´s why I decide CI is not for me. I´m happy what I am.

I'm glad to hear that your son is doing so well.

Thank you but my both children are not deaf. I learn alot from my friends who have deaf children. I can image what I do if my children are deaf. (I will answer on your other thread).

All what I want to say that I do not against CI but respect every parent´s decision for their deaf children. I am here to tell you what I have opinion and feeling for implant deaf babies to toddler with CI. I as mother has feeling... it´s scare to implant babies to toddler with CI...
ecevit said:
I think you have profound hearing that case you can hear loud sounds.. you can hear loud speech but cannot understand what they say without lipreading.. Your case isn't a total deaf case.. Your more like a hard of hearing person than a total deaf !.

To my case, I have severe to profound loss.. I can hear so many sounds.. water running out of taps.. noises.. slamming doors.. telephone ringing.. most types of music ..people speaking loud..dogs barking.. but I cannot understand speech without hearing aid... I'm not considering myself (pure) deaf.. I prefer hoh term..

For your information, I´m similar as Cheri but it doesn´t mean that I´m hard of hearing because I can hear few things like door slamming loud, scream loud, music loud, dogs barking. As what you describe about your hearing loss is definitely HOH because you CAN hear water running out of taps, phone ringing.... what we don´t. I have friends who wear HA since they were 6 months old and can hear everything and can phone like HOH but without HA, they are deaf like me. I wish my parents wear HA on me when I was 6 months old but I wear first HA when I was 5 years old...

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