Oh, Sweetmind, Congratulations on you wonderful spelling and choice of words. Your development is truly amazing. ...... Actually, she describes how hearing people treat her, not ALL deaf people. And why would that be? As a hearing person I could be offended by allmost everything she writes, and that has nothing to do with difference of opinion, it has to do with being able to view someone else's point of view.
Nice try!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have already stated to anybody that they are responsibile for their own inner feelings and that I have not pointed at anyone. It s
your issue not mine. I did not say ALL as well. STOP making this up about me. Thank you very much.
You are absolutely right seeing it from your point of view.From my point of view, I suspect that it is someone else writing her pieces, not Sweetmind. I have seen this before, and felt a strong urge to comment. It's bad practice to have someone else write under your username. I have no problem with someone using bad grammar of making typing mistakes. As a foreigner I will probably do the same. It is the message that counts.The Sweetmind I got to know would never have used the language that I commented on.
What a very bigotted attitude you have! How dare you accused me. That helps you to use your own vengance and weapons against me and destroy my evidence in my writing. Why??
Because I do not wearing HA for six years that shows my writing improvement has nothing to do with it. I was told by people with a great attitude that I did a wonderful job on my writings. It shows that I am not that stupid/lazy or helpless without HA as you think.
Whats more, there is ALLOW TO EDIT for anybody to fix our writings anytime if they want to. No one tells me not to do this or that. So heck with you as a audist attitude person.
After I quit HA and have been reading the books alot more than I used to that helps me to write my own improvements. Also I can
understand ASL better than English itself alone from the start that I was
struggled with for years and years because I do not even understand their rules by gimmick mouth. It s very hard to learn English structure because
every day everybody dont write ENGLISH to be ordered anymore.. Second
language and SLANG languages that I have seen so many times. Also I have
edited so many times and sometimes I just heck with it after the first original post reply for a reason.
I have already explained this earlier.
This is not the first time I have said it in here and other forums. You IGNORE my message or dont bother to read my writings. Why?? Does that cause you big trouble? You are still doing this to me for a year - WHAT is your fricky problem? Jealousy or what?? That s really childish and too immature for a CI Radical father.
Sorry pal! I am a natural legally deaf and using my hands to communicate with both communities not for just the Hearing world only.
I earned for my own benefits to work and practice on reading and writing all along for six years. Does that make a big difference? Why do you refused to accept that fact that I D I D IT. Scoffs! ASL is my first language. I was with many d/Deaf children and we got to interact each other. That makes my life enjoyable more than having an isolation with a god damn oral speaking (gimmice face) only at home.
Guess what, I had been using toooo many artitifical languages with orally speaking from the start in the classroom all those years. That's when I got screwed up with my written English.
Boy, dont you know it??? It takes a lot of practice to learn how to read and write. However I prefer using the computer cuz it's much easier to edit than writing or editing on the paper. It's much quick than write over and over again with a pen or pencil. Thats where I found my own comfort writing on the keyboard with a big monitor like 20 inches so I can see and read it , write it, and edit/type it better.
Can you imagine?? Many teachers doesn't know sign language very well at school. AND they work with d/Deaf children in mainstream schools? How can that be?? Why does that happen? They depend on interpreters all day long. That is not real independence for any d/Deaf children who have a right to freedoms.
SEE belongs to hearing people to learn but not for d/Deaf children. Thats the purpose to have SEE for hearing people who wants to teach Spoken English. It shouldnt be done on any interpreter to know SEE only. They need to learn and use ASL.
Come on, Use your common sense. It is important to use our Deaf's receptive eyes, and brains that work to helps us to focus, read, understand, and write written English that has nothing to do with our deaf ears.
You think you know it all about being deaf. You dont even know what it's like to be deaf. You are out of order to speak for your child about CI itself while she is too young to speak out for herself yet. I have seen two movies that are "First Sight" and original one "The Sound and The Fury" movies. You better have a double check again.
You dont know what to hear in CI itself as well as it s not normal sounds. It's artificial sounds. I find this is a real joke for a deaf child to be told to be a hearing child or is functionally hearing with an artificial sounds. You don't hear one sound alone everyday that interferes with their learning process.
Guess what? I feel insulted by your bringing up my written English because you refused to accept that d/Deaf people can do while they have ASL in their lives. And my rights is to use my eyes and hands that I can learn better than depends on my ears if it s okay with you..
I find this is dilly silly to force d/Deaf children to use their eyes while they have to lipread all day. They are actually miss out so many things that they could have learn more while it strains their eyes and to memorize those basic words to listen. Sighs!
It seems to me that you are pushing too far as always. What makes you think you are the expert of a Deaf child with your own audist attitude?
And dont you mind that I am a Deaf mother with/without HA or orally speaking, of two hearing children who could sign with me in ASL when they were four to six months old. I was a Deaf child myself if you dont mind. I have more experiences all along with many deafies. For gods sake! Give d/Deaf children a break to be themselves that they can do it on their own with their own adaption.
"And the possibility that a child might fall... how about the dangers in traffic when the child is deaf?"
what a real outrageous question that you have asked us?.. Look all of us deafies are much native with a very natural deafness in this forums that are much alive. Dont you see it?????
Stop using an excuse to find something that Deaf itself is too dangerous to live with. We deafies are fine and capable to drive, walk, run, play, work, read , write , focus, use the receptive eyes, feel the vibration, windy, dust, and many things. JEEZ I dont need to depend on CI or HA devices. YOu cannot accept the Deaf reality.
Also you said I cannot live with Deaf community and Hearing communities.. Why not? I go out with hearing friends who knows ASL in both communities. I dont have to stuck into hearing world like you want it to be this way. Thats Negative audist attitude people who intend to say that We are not interacting hearing people if we are in Deaf community. Guess what I live with hearing parents and bros and sisters and many people that I am surrounding in a diversity world not hearing world. They dont sign ASL or any kind of artitificial languages in hearing world if you dont mind. I find this is a real negative bias of yours.
There is no such thing about cure or miracle our deafness from CI devices.. SIGHS!! Dont act like a GOD or Faith Leap. Thats turn me off in big time.
What a pity that you looked me down as well. Your bigotry / discriminator will come backi around to you back to you sooner or later.
Thats why I bother to reply to only a few of your comments. It's worthless for me to share with you after all you gave me your negative audist attitude. Thank you for your true colors.
You gave somebody a false accusation about my writings. There is no one write under my account name. And I got banned for no reason. Scoffs! So I dont have any respect for you after all you are listened those followers who hate my courage to share my different philosophy from them. You are on one sided and trying to playing a game with those people here as I can see. You are not changing for better and are trying to looking for something that you can find and make it so negative reinforcement about our deafness. that reminds what CI professional did all along for a long time.. I never forget this about the bibicial quote to use negatve statement against our deafness. Thats where I stood up and you hate my guts and my truth. Tough luck!

for all that troubles for me from you. !!!!