When my parents recovered that I became deaf at the age of five, My dad did some digging in educational, gather information that fit right for me as a deaf person, I know that for matter of fact that hearing parents with deaf children have no knowledge what to do until they start digging through.
Absolutely. I was the same. Internet was great in providing information and I used it extensively. Parents also need to understand the importance of being flexible, in meaning when a deaf child is born into a family, they have to find ways to communicated with their child, by using sign language, finding the right education.
Your are absolutely right. When the official news arrived, the first thing I did was by 3 sign-language books for the family and for friends. The first word the whole family learned was "spaghetti". The other two kids loved signing, and still do. CI is the least on a child's list just because hearing parents want their deaf child to hear because a deaf child is missing out the meaning to hear.
Sure, and with CI she can understand that meaning. That's why we went that way.That's not even accepting the child who he/she is as a person, a person who is deaf.
And how long is the waiting period where acceptance is there. Wouldn't that depend on the individual. But in a way you are right. Acceptance that she was deaf was easier when knowing that a HA or CI might help her.
Decisions do not need to be made immediately, when a child has not yet experience their role in trying the education that I mention above.
Actually, they do. Like it or not, results with CI are better when the implant is done early. Sorry, just a fact.What happened to even trying those education out to see how much a child would developed, instead they jump onto CI implant to avoid the disappointing that might overcome.
CI might be a disappointment as well. Do not assume that it's an easy choice. I always believe a child should be involved in a discussion regarding any changes that would effect them for life. (Which meaning CI)
I agree, but the child cannot decide. And at later age, the choices are different. So it's up to the parents to make that decision. Not to postpone the decision and leave it to the child.
It's very common for hearing parents who have deaf children who have no experience with deafness, until they search some information.
True. Most deaf children are born from hearing parents. With hearing family and hearing friends.But to be honest no deaf person is the same as another deaf person, Like I said before each person is different on their skills of learning. There are pros and cons.
Fortunately, I'm very lucky that I can be able to speak well spoken English language where most hearing people understands me, I know sign language, I know how to read lips, I can hear sounds not 100 percent.
This confused me. Do you mean that you hear nothing? I've been to oral schools, I've been to mainstream, I've been to total communcation schools. CI was not required for me to know all what I've learn when I was growing up. Any deaf can learn that too. It's never too late.