Chief: Officer's behavior at hospital 'very embarrassing'

:nono: tsk tsk tsk..... you omitted one crucial sentence... "In the statement, Powell also said he has attempted to reach Moats but without success."

I already knew that, I wasn't trying to hide that line, My point was Officer Powell publicity the apologizing why can't Mr. Moats accepted his apologize publicity?

and you have to understand how Officer Powell felt when the vehicle was driving fast, not stopping for him and people suddenly running out of car and being belligerent at him, disobeying him. My best friend has had the officer's gun pointed at him just because he stepped out of car when being pulled over for speeding. The officer ordered him to get back in the car. He doesn't blame him. I don't blame that officer either. :)

I do understand where Officer Powell is coming from without doubt, but he was told numeric of times that the mother in law was dying. Then another officer came out and told Officer Powell that the Moats' mother in law was dying, and Officer Powell last words were "All right. I'm almost done." You see how he showed no compassion in what everyone was telling him from the get and go?
I don't care if he's a police officer, if a police officer pointed a gun to my face, I'll be pissed too.

I wouldn't be pissed--I would be terrified as I wouldn't know the mental capacity of the police officer.

then you are foolish..... unless the officer pulled out the gun on you without cause. Byrdie will help you sue the crap out of him :lol: RIGHT BYRDIE?

IF she lives in Washington State......
I agree with whoever stated if Moats was not a football player and just some average family we never would have heard about it or it would have been a blurb on page 10.

I agree!

I also feel, that if he would have told the officer he was a famous football player. The officer may have reacted differently. Moats never told the officer he was a football player. He just stated that his mother in law is dying.
I already knew that, I wasn't trying to hide that line, My point was Officer Powell publicity the apologizing why can't Mr. Moats accepted his apologize publicity?
because the Moats family cried fire to public and had pitchfork mob on him. That's why he had to do this publicly too. plus he called them several times and no answer.

I do understand where Officer Powell is coming from without doubt, but he was told numeric of times that the mother in law was dying. Then another officer came out and told Officer Powell that the Moats' mother in law was dying, and Officer Powell last words were "All right. I'm almost done." You see how he showed no compassion in what everyone was telling him from the get and go?
what if he's lying? many criminals lied and then surprise-attacked officers.... until the moment when the nurses came out and told him. that's when shit hits fan for officer.
Which means nothing in this case.

How do we know for sure? Afterall--one didn't reveal their skin color until they were in the parking lot. :cool2:

Let's be realistic ASLGAL--the police don't necessairly have a "warm, fuzzy feelings" with the African-American community. Or have you forgotten about the Rodney King trial already?

Now if the officer was black dealing with the Moats situation--I'm sure the outcome would've been different.
How do we know for sure? Afterall--one didn't reveal their skin color until they were in the parking lot. :cool2:

Let's be realistic ASLGAL--the police don't necessairly have a "warm, fuzzy feelings" with the African-American community. Or have you forgotten about the Rodney King trial already?

Now if the officer was black dealing with the Moats situation--I'm sure the outcome would've been different.

but remember Bell Shooting? it wasn't white cops :)
How do we know for sure? Afterall--one didn't reveal their skin color until they were in the parking lot. :cool2:

Let's be realistic ASLGAL--the police don't necessairly have a "warm, fuzzy feelings" with the African-American community. Or have you forgotten about the Rodney King trial already?

Now if the officer was black dealing with the Moats situation--I'm sure the outcome would've been different.

I agree..

I understand that ASLGAL wants to protect fellow officers. Not all of them are bad.

But they're some bad ones out there, that based their actions on stereotyping certain people.
but remember Bell Shooting? it wasn't white cops :)

That is far and few in-between.

Afterall we don't hear much of black cops with white individuals that are breaking the law whereas we do with white cops with black individuals. That is because of institutional discrimination of white police officers against black individuals.
That is far and few in-between.

Afterall we don't hear much of black cops with white individuals that are breaking the law whereas we do with white cops with black individuals. That is because of institutional discrimination of white police officers against black individuals.

how about post-Katrina? Black cops were involved too.....
How do we know for sure? Afterall--one didn't reveal their skin color until they were in the parking lot. :cool2:

Let's be realistic ASLGAL--the police don't necessairly have a "warm, fuzzy feelings" with the African-American community. Or have you forgotten about the Rodney King trial already?

Now if the officer was black dealing with the Moats situation--I'm sure the outcome would've been different.

My hubby has a slight fear of police officers in general ..he said too often he was pulled over by the cops for no reason whenever he visited me in Rockville, MD. Rockville, MD is an upscale town and my hubby has always felt targeted by the cops questioning him being in the neighborhood. Oh well..
If I were her--I would protect myself first, everyone else second.

Of course!

Everyone needs to protect themselves first.

but in this situation. A desperate family was wanting to see their mother before she died.

So it was a difficult situation. I just could not see the officer not backing down after the nurses showed up to confirm... That they had a family member dying.

That is where the officer messed up!
Of course!

Everyone needs to protect themselves first.

but in this situation. A desperate family was wanting to see their mother before she died.

So it was a difficult situation. I just could not see the officer not backing down after the nurses showed up to confirm... That they had a family member dying.

That is where the officer messed up!

Try thinking very clearly with fear and adrenaline is running through your veins.

Think you could all of sudden let down your guard just cause someone told you something well after everything happened? Espcially when you know alot of cops has been killed just after a routine traffic stop. I doubt you or anybody else can unless they are gullible.
Try thinking very clearly with fear and adrenaline is running through your veins.

Think you could all of sudden let down your guard just cause someone told you something well after everything happened? Espcially when you know alot of cops has been killed just after a routine traffic stop. I doubt you or anybody else can unless they are gullible.

Again!! I will tell anyone... I understand that!!

Just seeing professionals <<<(the nurses) Telling another professional<<(the cop) that this guy is telling the truth. The officer allowed his temper and anger, to over rule his actions of dealing with the situation.

That is where I see the fault.

It is not like, it was a major set up for this officer.
Again!! I will tell anyone... I understand that!!

Just seeing professionals <<<(the nurses) Telling another professional<<(the cop) that this guy is telling the truth. The officer allowed his temper and anger, to over rule his actions of dealing with the situation.

That is where I see the fault.

It is not like, it was a major set up for this officer.

You say you understand but you don't seem to understand that cause you are saying that officer should all of sudden shift gears. If you truly do understand then you wouldn't be saying that he shouldn't do this or that.

I see it as he is doing his best to protect himself and everybody else. Did he make mistakes? Of course! However it's easy to tell now that everything has calmed down but during that time, it's not that easy to automatically know everything.
I see it as he is doing his best to protect himself and everybody else.

And just how was he trying protect himself when Mr. Moats did not have any weapons on him or did he draw his weapon onto Officer Powell? No...

And I have never heard you could go to jail for running over a red light, didn't Officer Powell told Mr Moats that he take him to jail for running a red light? Sure he did.

However it's easy to tell now that everything has calmed down but during that time, it's not that easy to automatically know everything

He KNEW first-hand after everyone told him... Couple people at the hospital had told Officer Powell that the Moats mother in law was drying upstairs, even the Nurse had told Officer Powell and the family, so just how was Officer's life was in dangerous? Officer Powell just ignored everyone, and continuing with his attitude and you want us to be more understanding? :hmm:
You say you understand but you don't seem to understand that cause you are saying that officer should all of sudden shift gears. If you truly do understand then you wouldn't be saying that he shouldn't do this or that.

I see it as he is doing his best to protect himself and everybody else. Did he make mistakes? Of course! However it's easy to tell now that everything has calmed down but during that time, it's not that easy to automatically know everything.

That is the problem.. He did make a mistake... by letting his anger get in the way.

I understand the officers fear. But the nurses confirmed it. He should have stepped down then.

I am not saying he should have not given him a ticket, the person for running a red light, and bailing out like they did.

He could have escorted them to the Hospital and dealt with it after the fact. and then give them a fine for breaking the law.
That is the problem.. He did make a mistake... by letting his anger get in the way.

I understand the officers fear. But the nurses confirmed it. He should have stepped down then.

I am not saying he should have not given him a ticket, the person for running a red light, and bailing out like they did.

He could have escorted them to the Hospital and dealt with it after the fact. and then give them a fine for breaking the law.

Apparently everyone's emotions got in the way of good reasoning.
And just how was he trying protect himself when Mr. Moats did not have any weapons on him or did he draw his weapon onto Officer Powell? No...

And I have never heard you could go to jail for running over a red light, didn't Officer Powell told Mr Moats that he take him to jail for running a red light? Sure he did.

Couple people at the hospital had told Officer Powell that the Moats mother in law was drying upstairs, even the Nurse had told Officer Powell and the family, so just how was Officer's life was in dangerous? Officer Powell just ignored everyone, and continuing with his attitude and you want us to be more understanding? :hmm:

That the thing! How can he know if he does have a gun or not? Now we know but he didn't at the time. For all he knew, he had a gun and was running red lights to get away from cop or was drunk or whatever it was. It's so easy to say yea it was stupid or he had a great reason or etc but that's all in hindsight. We know most of details but at the time, he didn't know what was going on and had the right to protect himself. As far as I'm concerned, he did right thing and did not owe anybody an apology.

As I said, even after he was told what was really going on, it's not that easy to shift gears when got adrenaline running through his veins.