Chief: Officer's behavior at hospital 'very embarrassing'

Convenient of you to only view one side as well. :)

I see both sides. I have said that this man was wrong in doing what he did. I just felt the officer abused his authority after the fact. Re read some of my post before you view my single post as being one sided.


edit: just re-read your post. yes yes. both parties are at fault. that's all. no need to blow this out of proportion :)
Just curious... What complaint is supposedly known of in Tampa? and When.

Just want to know.

You may contact Sharon Caserta, Legal Aid lawyer for the deaf in Jacksonville (904) 353-1320 V/P ...TTY....She is from Boston, Mass., a very nice lady!...Hopefully, she will email you or fax you all the info. from the big meeting in Tampa regarding police officers in Jacksonville. The Dept. of Justice was involved also, along with the ADA.....This all happened last year.

She may also give you a list of all complaints made! I was one of the complainents!....I'm sure that all the deaf who made complaints were from all over the state of Florida....but Jacksonville had the highest number!!!

"Supposedly" the officers were asked to "learn sign language" to be able to communicate better....I've not seen one officer who has!...The phones in the jail were "supposedly" the deaf could not "call" their families or a bondsman, etc.!....And the guards REFUSED to do so!!...
Do you fidget or do weird things when you feel in an uncomfortable situation? (Ie, put your hands in your pocket, hands in purse on pepper spray)
Have you been told that you annoy a person you're speaking to when addressing them about something?
Are you stubborn to accept an apology or prefer rubbing it in someone's face?

If you had an straight answer to any of the above chances are your ideas will differ from someone else reading. ;)

From reading everyone's responses and viewpoints, I sure as heck know for example Jiro would play straight cop, Cheri and BB would be more on the compassionate side (letting people go), Shel seems to be a neutral one depending on her mood.

Shake hands, womanhug, manbearhug, or whatever else you wanna do and accept it!
The point is; there shouldn't be a time length on when they should be able to accept an apology; Jiro should have been a little bit more patient, and gave the Moats family some time.
True. I have never forgiven the Brink's driver that ran my teenage daughter down when he ran a stop sign. BUT, I think the point was that the Moats' are appearing on tv programs and such which takes away from the thought that they were in deep grief.

I also feel, that if he would have told the officer he was a famous football player. The officer may have reacted differently. Moats never told the officer he was a football player. He just stated that his mother in law is dying.
Probably not Babyblue, if someone is an ass they usually keep acting that way.
The media grabbed on to the situation because he is a football player. The media wouldn't have taken notice if it were you or me.

How do we know for sure? Afterall--one didn't reveal their skin color until they were in the parking lot.
Exactly. As I stated more than once, at 0130hrs. through window tinting one cannot tell what color skin a person has. You make my point.

I understand that ASLGAL wants to protect fellow officers. Not all of them are bad.

But they're some bad ones out there, that based their actions on stereotyping certain people.
I do not wish to protect anyone. I do want people here not to stereotype police officers. Those of us who do our job with professionalism and reverence for the law(and that is a majority) do not want to work with hot heads, or drunks and druggies, or criminal cops.

My hubby has a slight fear of police officers in general ..he said too often he was pulled over by the cops for no reason whenever he visited me in Rockville, MD. Rockville, MD is an upscale town and my hubby has always felt targeted by the cops questioning him being in the neighborhood. Oh well..
When I hear something like this I wonder if ther person really truly felt they were being profiled and targeted or if they felt that way because that has been pounded into them all their lives, the 'driving while black' syndrome.
Not being specific to your hubs situation, the description just brought it to mind.

Well poo, only catching up to page 8 and time for work..... Finish later.
You have to understand how Mr. Moats felt during the time he was pulled over, he had a gun to his face, would you like a gun to your face as soon as you get out of your car? walk a mile in his shoes before you judge him. :) I don't care if he's a police officer, if a police officer pointed a gun to my face, I'll be pissed too.

Yes, I second that.

I would feel threaten by a Police officer if he use a gun to point my face... No, I would not like it either.

A few months ago, the police came to my house in the middle of the night and arrested my hubby. Turned out it was a case of incorrect address and now my hubby is blaming the officers but I told him that they were doing their jobs by following a warrant for his arrest. If they didnt, they would have been fired. He said that they treated him like a criminal...I told him that it was his opinion but mine was different. I am a teacher and we get blamed for a lot of things that are beyond our control so that's probably why I have the view that I have. I kinda know what it is like in some ways.

I have to give your hubby right.

Because Police Officer should check on your hubby first instead of jump to wrong conslusion and treat him like a criminal.

After middle of the night? I can image it would scare your children when they heard police officer come in and arrest your hubby... I would NEVER like it. It pissed me off totally and would file complaint against police officer for his action.

ASLGAL, I didn't know that you are a police officer. It's good to have you here...

because the Moats family cried fire to public and had pitchfork mob on him. That's why he had to do this publicly too. plus he called them several times and no answer.

I see nothing wrong with that Officer Powell public apologizied Moats family as the same as Moats family public accept Officer Powell's apology... :dunno2:

what if he's lying? many criminals lied and then surprise-attacked officers.... until the moment when the nurses came out and told him. that's when shit hits fan for officer.

Police Officers are training to use their common sense when they deal with the people. Accord Officer Powell's unprofessional manner tells itself that he is not train positive enough.
And just how was he trying protect himself when Mr. Moats did not have any weapons on him or did he draw his weapon onto Officer Powell? No...

Yes I second that.

And I have never heard you could go to jail for running over a red light, didn't Officer Powell told Mr Moats that he take him to jail for running a red light? Sure he did.

Me either! Normally, the police officer would ticket with points the driver for his/her first offense and then suspend his/her driving liescene for second offense. Jail? :scratch:

He KNEW first-hand after everyone told him... Couple people at the hospital had told Officer Powell that the Moats mother in law was drying upstairs, even the Nurse had told Officer Powell and the family, so just how was Officer's life was in dangerous? Officer Powell just ignored everyone, and continuing with his attitude and you want us to be more understanding? :hmm:

I am afraid yes, Officer Powell has a lack of common sense. :aw:
see my post #41 and #60. Many officers get injured/killed because of hidden weapons.

I told you after your both posts that it's not JUST many officers but unarmed civillians as well... They get injured/killed by police officer thru taser and gun. Both the same, not just Police officers... That's why the Government should strict with gun control to fix high gun restriction...

Actually yes you can be arrested just for running thru light. It depends on your attitude and the circumstance. In this case - he drove fast, ran thru red light and a few stop signs. That's an automatic arrest.... most of time. BTW - he said he can arrest him because he said "your attitude sucks." He's simply trying to control the situation.

Actually, Police Officer stopped you for ignore the red light and ticket with point to you instead of handcuff you away to jail.
I'm sorry but you would rather endanger people's lives just to say goodbye? You better get off the road before you kill somebody because you are not in the right frame of mind to drive. What if the mother with a child were crossing the street? Simple - PULL OVER and get the police escort! Funny how convenient of you to ignore the first half.
He said that he made sure there were no incoming traffic before he rolled through and he also had his hazzard lights on. I have never seen anyone who had an emergency situation had killed anyone on the roads while breaking traffic laws on the way to a hospital not in my knowledge.

But on the other hand, I do understand where you're coming from.
...Now if the officer was black dealing with the Moats situation--I'm sure the outcome would've been different.
How so? Do you mean there would be no public outcry against the officer if he or she had been black?
... I would have done the same, to be able to be there with my mother by her death bed....
Do you mean that you would risk the lives of others to go to the bedside of a dying family member?
At least Mrs. Moats got to see her mom before she died. Some people don't get that opportunity, cops or no cops.
Ever hear of EMPATHY? Something this officer should have displayed towards this person? What this officer did was inexcuseable and unprofessional.

This person being an NFL player has nothing to do with anything. NFL players are no different than you and I. They have feelings too -- especially when a loved one is dying.

NFL player have money to put the power to use press abuse on police officer.

Neverless, I support police what the driver have done... drive thry red light and disobey from the police. If that happen to me, no matter, I can't do anything stupid thing and bear with their yada yada. Learn and live with it.
I told you after your both posts that it's not JUST many officers but unarmed civillians as well... They get injured/killed by police officer thru taser and gun. Both the same, not just Police officers... That's why the Government should strict with gun control to fix high gun restriction...
no :cool2:

Actually, Police Officer stopped you for ignore the red light and ticket with point to you instead of handcuff you away to jail.
Didn't you read what I just said????? We're not talking about some typical "oops i ran thru the red light! heee heee!!!!!" :roll:
Me either! Normally, the police officer would ticket with points the driver for his/her first offense and then suspend his/her driving liescene for second offense. Jail? :scratch:
Wrong. The way it works in here - the officer issued citation. your violation will be processed at court by judge/prosecutor. then he/she will issue the points & fines to you. Officers do not have authority to suspend or give you points. They are not the law.... they enforce the law :)

Either way - it all depends on your attitude and circumstance.... EVEN on your first violation. If you speed too fast - you can be arrested. If your driving is very erratic - you can be arrested. If your car is deemed unsafe because of missing taillight and other safety violations - your car can be towed away. Again - it all depends on your attitude and circumstance. it's pretty simple. :cool2:
It is possible that racism may have been played in this part of the sitaution.

It is very stupid and wrong. Even when two nurses were sent out to tell the cop that his mother in law is dying and he still give him a ticket. :roll: It's like he dont even know that he is a football player and it is that either he dont watch football or that he dont like black people.

In my opinon with no offense to the people living in Texas, I find Texas as a racist state somehow. I know not everyone in TX is but I find alot of them it's not very surprising when possible racism is involved anyway.

Bit city? no. Country town? Oh yes, big time for being racist.