Chief: Officer's behavior at hospital 'very embarrassing'

That is the problem.. He did make a mistake... by letting his anger get in the way.

I understand the officers fear. But the nurses confirmed it. He should have stepped down then.

I am not saying he should have not given him a ticket, the person for running a red light, and bailing out like they did.

He could have escorted them to the Hospital and dealt with it after the fact. and then give them a fine for breaking the law.

How could he have escorted him if they never stopped when he was chasing them? If they did stop and explain, I'm sure he would have been glad to help as much as he could.
We are all taking this one step too far. Both original parties seem to have already settled outside of the court of law somewhat peacefully.

Perhaps there may be a thing we don't know about prior to the Good Morning America bit; Moats potentially could have called Powell back and responded privately before appearing on TV. This nullifies any reason for him to play "hissy fit".
Afterwards him going on it for a public appearance may have been a different reason, we can continue to speculate but it appears there's a bigger picture.

It is over [for them] and we need to get the better of ourselves and move on. By two months this will be pushed into the archives of your inner cerebellum and long indexed by then. Until some spammer pops in here to necrobump the topic, or something.

I witness going on is we're arguing how we as a police officer would handle the case from our own views. I observe strong facts pointed out from both sides, and they are there. It is all up to you how you would play Officer Powell but it is hard for you to convince another to see eye to eye level. We may also simply realize that not all of our blue-clad friends and colleagues think alike. They come from different cultures, different backgrounds, different races as well.

The real picture that needs to be looked at from the whole thing?
• DPD Chief Kunkle.
• Media's portrayal of news.
We are all taking this one step too far. Both original parties seem to have already settled outside of the court of law somewhat peacefully.

Perhaps there may be a thing we don't know about prior to the Good Morning America bit; Moats potentially could have called Powell back and responded privately before appearing on TV. This nullifies any reason for him to play "hissy fit".
Afterwards him going on it for a public appearance may have been a different reason, we can continue to speculate but it appears there's a bigger picture.

It is over [for them] and we need to get the better of ourselves and move on. By two months this will be pushed into the archives of your inner cerebellum and long indexed by then. Until some spammer pops in here to necrobump the topic, or something.

I witness going on is we're arguing how we as a police officer would handle the case from our own views. I observe strong facts pointed out from both sides, and they are there. It is all up to you how you would play Officer Powell but it is hard for you to convince another to see eye to eye level. We may also simply realize that not all of our blue-clad friends and colleagues think alike. They come from different cultures, different backgrounds, different races as well.

The real picture that needs to be looked at from the whole thing?
• DPD Chief Kunkle.
• Media's portrayal of news.

First of all--they weren't in the "court of law" so to speak. More like in the "court of public opinion".

Secondly--one's post of verbosity does get a little.....tiring and unnecessary.
And just how was he trying protect himself when Mr. Moats did not have any weapons on him or did he draw his weapon onto Officer Powell? No...
see my post #41 and #60. Many officers get injured/killed because of hidden weapons.

And I have never heard you could go to jail for running over a red light, didn't Officer Powell told Mr Moats that he take him to jail for running a red light? Sure he did.
Actually yes you can be arrested just for running thru light. It depends on your attitude and the circumstance. In this case - he drove fast, ran thru red light and a few stop signs. That's an automatic arrest.... most of time. BTW - he said he can arrest him because he said "your attitude sucks." He's simply trying to control the situation.

He KNEW first-hand after everyone told him... Couple people at the hospital had told Officer Powell that the Moats mother in law was drying upstairs, even the Nurse had told Officer Powell and the family, so just how was Officer's life was in dangerous? Officer Powell just ignored everyone, and continuing with his attitude and you want us to be more understanding? :hmm:
oh well...... it happens to us anyway. cut him some slack. there's absolutely no need blow this out of proportion.
It's pointless aruging about it Jiro, in this situation there were no weapons found, or draw at the officers, and you're still defending the officer for his actions. why are you bringing up something that has nothing to do with this thread. I know there were many uncooperative people end up shooting officers, but in this case it didn't happened that way. So why don't you cut the Moats family some slack huh? ;)
It's pointless aruging about it Jiro, in this situation there were no weapons found, or draw at the officers, and you're still defending the officer for his actions. why are you bringing up something that has nothing to do with this thread. I know there were many uncooperative people end up shooting officers, but in this case it didn't happened that way. So why don't you cut the Moats family some slack huh? ;)

and didn't you read that officer quickly reholstered his gun?
oh well...... it happens to us anyway. cut him some slack. there's absolutely no need blow this out of proportion.

I'm sorry Jiro, When someone was denied a final moment with their loved ones after their story been verify and confirmed, that's something unforgettable and unforgiving.

Remember the officer's words "All right. I'm almost done". <that is morally wrong period. That's one of many reasons why many people don't like cops, so thanks to Officer Powell for giving cops a bad name. :)
I'm sorry Jiro, When someone was denied a final moment with their loved ones after their story been verify and confirmed, that's something unforgettable and unforgiving.

Remember the officer's words "All right. I'm almost done". <that is morally wrong period. That's one of many reasons why many people don't like cops, so thanks to Officer Powell for giving cops a bad name. :)

I see... funny thing is.. the cops are who they count on when they needed help... and they will come for you :dunno:
We pay their salary. :mrgreen:

not really. also from tickets and various of other funds. at least just be happy that they're doing the job that you don't want to.
Good cops....bad cops....Unfortunately, I've run into more bad than good!...Could sit and type several pages of it all!...

I did read today that the Cop did apolige to the people! Wheather they take it or not, well, it's up to them!

Duval County, Jacksonville,'re gonna find more bad cops than the good!...When we, the deaf community, made our complaints known in Tampa....all we got was..."well, we're trying to weed them out"'s time to get back to the Duval County Jail and see if the phones are working for the deaf! So I'm gonna call our advocate!!...If ur deaf in Jacksonville, and go to jail....then I feel sorry for you! It'll be a rememberance you'll never forget!
not really. also from tickets and various of other funds. at least just be happy that they're doing the job that you don't want to.

It is a very dangerous job, inheed. Most of them are risking their lives for us and the pay isnt that great.

I agree that the cop made a bad call but pls do not let this situation color all cops as pigs, evil, and etc.
Good cops....bad cops....Unfortunately, I've run into more bad than good!...Could sit and type several pages of it all!...

I did read today that the Cop did apolige to the people! Wheather they take it or not, well, it's up to them!

Duval County, Jacksonville,'re gonna find more bad cops than the good!...When we, the deaf community, made our complaints known in Tampa....all we got was..."well, we're trying to weed them out"'s time to get back to the Duval County Jail and see if the phones are working for the deaf! So I'm gonna call our advocate!!...If ur deaf in Jacksonville, and go to jail....then I feel sorry for you! It'll be a rememberance you'll never forget!

Just curious... What complaint is supposedly known of in Tampa? and When.

Just want to know.
Just curious... What complaint is supposedly known of in Tampa? and When.

Just want to know.

Tampa Bay cops? yea they're kinda rough. lot of drugs/rowdy drunk people... it takes tough cops to deal with it.
Apparently everyone's emotions got in the way of good reasoning.

I can see the officers emotions to a certain point. I do understand that! He was angry and protecting himself. As well as I can see the family not wanting to pull over, due to the "Mother" dying.

The cop did right! stopping them. But once the nurses intervened, and confirmed the drivers story. The cop should have back down.

But he did not... because he was so overcome with rage and anger that this person did not stop for him.

Instead of rationalizing and thinking " Hey! This dude was seriously speeding to the ER entrance, to see his mother in law with his family in the car"

Even after the TWO nurses told the officer!! and confirmed the drivers story!!

Adrenaline, is not always a good thing!!
I can see the officers emotions to a certain point. I do understand that! He was angry and protecting himself. As well as I can see the family not wanting to pull over, due to the "Mother" dying.

The cop did right! stopping them. But once the nurses intervened, and confirmed the drivers story. The cop should have back down.

But he did not... because he was so overcome with rage and anger that this person did not stop for him.

Instead of rationalizing and thinking " Hey! This dude was seriously speeding to the ER entrance, to see his mother in law with his family in the car"

Even after the TWO nurses told the officer!! and confirmed the drivers story!!

Adrenaline, is not always a good thing!!

Yes adrenaline is not always a good thing. NFL driver was having adrenaline rush as well. What could the driver have done is to pull over and quickly explain to cop that his mother-in-law was dying and he needs to get to hospital quickly and the cop will gladly give him a police escort.

I'm sorry but the driver's reason (mama dying or whatsoever) is of NO CONCERN to me especially to an officer. sorry to say but the fact STILL REMAINS that he ILLEGALLY and RECKLESSLY drove his car to hospital at high speed. By doing so - this driver was ENDANGERING the public by driving fast thru red light and stop signs. His action jeopardized the passengers in his car and the other drivers.

no wonder the officer was angry.... is it worth risking everybody's life just for a few seconds to say good bye to mother-in-law?
I can see the officers emotions to a certain point. I do understand that! He was angry and protecting himself. As well as I can see the family not wanting to pull over, due to the "Mother" dying.

The cop did right! stopping them. But once the nurses intervened, and confirmed the drivers story. The cop should have back down.

But he did not... because he was so overcome with rage and anger that this person did not stop for him.

Instead of rationalizing and thinking " Hey! This dude was seriously speeding to the ER entrance, to see his mother in law with his family in the car"

Even after the TWO nurses told the officer!! and confirmed the drivers story!!

Adrenaline, is not always a good thing!!

More than likely, the cop was "sooo embarrassed" his "authority" was challenged and they did not respond to "HIS demands"!!!...Some cops expect you to "jump" whenever they say when & where and how!...police officers
Yes adrenaline is not always a good thing. NFL driver was having adrenaline rush as well. What could the driver have done is to pull over and quickly explain to cop that his mother-in-law was dying and he needs to get to hospital quickly and the cop will gladly give him a police escort.

I'm sorry but the driver's reason (mama dying or whatsoever) is of NO CONCERN to me especially to an officer. sorry to say but the fact STILL REMAINS that he ILLEGALLY and RECKLESSLY drove his car to hospital at high speed. By doing so - this driver was ENDANGERING the public by driving fast thru red light and stop signs. His action jeopardized the passengers in his car and the other drivers.

no wonder the officer was angry.... is it worth risking everybody's life just for a few seconds to say good bye to mother-in-law?

To you it may have not been worth saying good bye to YOUR mother.

But to some it is.. I would have done the same, to be able to be there with my mother by her death bed.


I would have sued and made it just as public as this football player if the officer did the same to me. Regardless.

Especially after TWO nurses confirmed it. and the officer still delayed it by acting like an ass.

I do understand the initial start of this. and the officers initial fear. But even when the hospital staff confirmed the reason of this drivers actions. The officer still treated this person as if he was a criminal instead of a desperate person..

Jiro!! Your argument is done!! Get over it... the officer admitted he was wrong. :)
To you it may have not been worth saying good bye to YOUR mother.

But to some it is.. I would have done the same, to be able to be there with my mother by her death bed.


I would have sued and made it just as public as this football player if the officer did the same to me. Regardless.

Especially after TWO nurses confirmed it. and the officer still delayed it by acting like an ass.

I do understand the initial start of this. and the officers initial fear. But even when the hospital staff confirmed the reason of this drivers actions. The officer still treated this person as if he was a criminal instead of a desperate person..

Jiro!! Your argument is done!! Get over it... the officer admitted he was wrong. :)

I'm sorry but you would rather endanger people's lives just to say goodbye? You better get off the road before you kill somebody because you are not in the right frame of mind to drive. What if the mother with a child were crossing the street? Simple - PULL OVER and get the police escort! Funny how convenient of you to ignore the first half.
I'm sorry but you would rather endanger people's lives just to say goodbye? You better get off the road before you kill somebody because you are not in the right frame of mind to drive. What if the mother with a child were crossing the street? Simple - PULL OVER and get the police escort! Funny how convenient of you to ignore the first half.

Convenient of you to only view one side as well. :)

I see both sides. I have said that this man was wrong in doing what he did. I just felt the officer abused his authority after the fact. Re read some of my post before you view my single post as being one sided.
