Chief: Officer's behavior at hospital 'very embarrassing'

Do you ever speed, while you drive? Honestly... Do you?

we're not talking about some little speeding. this is a multiple violations at same time. If you have an emergency such as rushing to hospital to see your dying family member - chance is you will be speeding excessively & recklessly such as in swerving around the cars, running thru stop signs & red lights, and nearly running over pedestrians, and god knows what else. Even emergency vehicles do get in accidents while rushing to call.

simple - if you have an emergency and you see cop's behind you with siren on.. pull over and explain your situation. The officer will get you to hospital quickly and safely.
When I hear something like this I wonder if ther person really truly felt they were being profiled and targeted or if they felt that way because that has been pounded into them all their lives, the 'driving while black' syndrome.
Not being specific to your hubs situation, the description just brought it to mind.


I have no idea...he says it is because he is black. I am not sure I agree but then again, I am not black myself. My ex hubby who is Mexican had the same issue with cops in AZ. One cop pulled a gun on him after pulling him over and asked him if the Camero (back in 1990) was his and that he had to show proof of ownership. AZ has problems with car thefts and smuggling but to pull a gun on my ex hubby? So both of them have refused to go up to any cops for help. I cant speak for them as I dont have their bad experiences so I dont know what it is like.
we're not talking about some little speeding. this is a multiple violations at same time. If you have an emergency such as rushing to hospital to see your dying family member - chance is you will be speeding excessively & recklessly such as in swerving around the cars, running thru stop signs & red lights, and nearly running over pedestrians, and god knows what else. Even emergency vehicles do get in accidents while rushing to call.

simple - if you have an emergency and you see cop's behind you with siren on.. pull over and explain your situation. The officer will get you to hospital quickly and safely.

Speeding is considered reckless driving. It put other people at risk. It is also breaking the law.

So no differences here. It is still putting people lives at risk. Right??

Anyhoo. This subject is worn out. People going round and round.

I am done. I have said what I had to say. I am not going to keep coming back in here to repeat myself over and over.

Speeding is considered reckless driving. It put other people at risk. It is also breaking the law.

So no differences here. It is still putting people lives at risk. Right??

Anyhoo. This subject is worn out. People going round and round.

I am done. I have said what I had to say. I am not going to keep coming back in here to repeat myself over and over.


Legal Definitions? you're completely wrong. if that's the case based on what you just said - then why there are two separate charges like "Speeding in excess of ____ mph" and "Reckless Driving"? They are completely different. Get your facts right. It ultimately depends on cop's judgment and your attitude & circumstance to decide on what to charge you with. See the list of NJ's traffic violations and your Florida's traffic violation. You will notice that both of our states' traffic violations are pretty similar. Reckless Driving and Speeding violations are COMPLETELY separate .

Based on police cam video and as according to Texas's Traffic law, Moat violated at least 5 laws. he should be GLAD that Chief of Police decided to cut him some slack and waived him of all traffic violations because this was an arrestable offense. IMO - he should tuck his tail and settle this with police department privately and quietly.
I have no idea...he says it is because he is black. I am not sure I agree but then again, I am not black myself. My ex hubby who is Mexican had the same issue with cops in AZ. One cop pulled a gun on him after pulling him over and asked him if the Camero (back in 1990) was his and that he had to show proof of ownership. AZ has problems with car thefts and smuggling but to pull a gun on my ex hubby? So both of them have refused to go up to any cops for help. I cant speak for them as I dont have their bad experiences so I dont know what it is like.

it is somewhat sad that our police officers... the community peace officers... are militarizing themselves. it's amazing how the police officers were equipped with just whistle & baton have transformed to being equipped with batman-like utility belt & rapid semiautomatic handgun/shotgun & bulletproof vest. What does this tell you? it's not because the officers are being a power-tripping fascist pigs. It's because the community has gotten more dangerous and the officers have to response in same to make it safer for you.

If you still don't understand - then look at the small-town cops. they're equipped with bare minimum stuff. now compare that to big-town/city cops.
I have no idea...he says it is because he is black. I am not sure I agree but then again, I am not black myself. My ex hubby who is Mexican had the same issue with cops in AZ. One cop pulled a gun on him after pulling him over and asked him if the Camero (back in 1990) was his and that he had to show proof of ownership. AZ has problems with car thefts and smuggling but to pull a gun on my ex hubby? So both of them have refused to go up to any cops for help. I cant speak for them as I dont have their bad experiences so I dont know what it is like.
Your ex may have been told over and over that cops pick on those who are Mexican but by the description it seems he was in an area where car thefts and smuggling was a problem, maybe that was all it was.
I understand that if you are told over and over while growing up that cops hate black people and you will be stopped for being black that if one is stopped they would assume it was racial because they have been programmed to think so. I find that very sad because it creates the distrust you talked about and unwillingness to ask for help when needed.
we're not talking about some little speeding. this is a multiple violations at same time. If you have an emergency such as rushing to hospital to see your dying family member - chance is you will be speeding excessively & recklessly such as in swerving around the cars, running thru stop signs & red lights, and nearly running over pedestrians, and god knows what else.
And once again Mr. Moats didn't do any of those, he did not swerving around cars, or hit anyone, or ran over any pedestrians, and yes, I saw the video, he was passing with caution. I did not see no incoming traffic while Mr. Moats was driving, only time I've seen the incoming traffic was when the officer was driving after Mr Moats ran over the red light. Look at the video once again. I wouldn't say Mr Moats was a reckless driver, he did what he did, and nobody got hurt. :)
Do you ever speed, while you drive? Honestly... Do you?
I just wanted a clarification of your statement. I thought he got pulled over for running a red light, so I thought that's to what you referred.

I stay with the flow of highway traffic. On secondary roads I stay within 5 mph of the limit, and on residential streets I stay right at the limit. I've never gotten a ticket.

I've never run a red light or Stop sign, even when I'm in a hurry. It's not worth the risk. I need to arrive alive in order to help others.
DALLAS — The police officer who pulled out his gun and threatened an NFL player with jail instead of allowing him inside a hospital where his mother-in-law was dying resigned Wednesday.

Officer Robert Powell had been placed on leave for the March 18 incident when he stopped Houston Texans running back Ryan Moats' SUV outside Baylor Regional Medical Center in suburban Plano after the vehicle rolled through a red light. Moats' wife, Tamishia, and other relatives were also in the car.

"I made this decision in the hope that my resignation will allow the Dallas Police Department, my fellow officers and the citizens of Dallas to better reflect on this experience, learn from the mistakes made, and move forward," Powell said in a statement issued through his attorneys.

During the incident, caught on the officer's dashboard camera, Moats pleaded for several minutes to be allowed inside the hospital for the final moments of 45-year-old Jonetta Collinsworth's life. She died from cancer before Moats got there, while Powell wrote the player a ticket and lectured him.

"I can screw you over," Powell, 25, can be heard saying on the video. "I'd rather not do that. Your attitude will dictate everything that happens." As they argued, the officer got irritated. "Shut your mouth," Powell said. "You can either settle down and cooperate or I can just take you to jail for running a red light."

Powell later issued an apology. Moats' agent, Jordan Woy, said the couple has accepted the apology and will meet with Powell because he wanted to apologize in person. Woy said in an e-mail Wednesday that they'll meet so "the matter can be finalized and everyone can have closure to this situation."

Powell said he wants the meeting "to personally express my deep regret, sympathy, and to apologize for my poor judgment and unprofessional conduct." He also said he wants to apologize to his fellow officers.

Dallas police said in a statement Wednesday that Powell "resigned under his own accord." Because he resigned while under investigation, he won't be eligible for rehire with the department, police said. The internal investigation into Powell's actions will continue, police said.

In the video, Tamishia Moats and another woman disregarded Powell's order to get back inside their vehicle, and they rushed into the hospital. Powell yelled at Tamishia Moats to stay in the SUV.

"Excuse me, my mom is dying," Tamishia Moats said before going into the hospital. "Do you understand?"

She was by the side of her mother when Collinsworth died a short time later.

Moats explained that he had waited until there was no traffic before continuing through the red light. When Powell asked for proof of insurance, Moats grew more agitated and told the officer to go find it.

Police said the ticket issued to Moats was dismissed. Police Chief David Kunkle has apologized to the family over the incident, saying, "When we at the command staff reviewed the tape, we were embarrassed, disappointed."

Bob Gorsky, Powell's attorney, said his client felt it was "time to move on." He said Powell had no immediate employment plans but hopes to return to law enforcement.

"He wanted to keep his job very much, but he considered the toll this story was taking on his family and himself," Gorsky said.

Officer who stopped player resigns | AP Texas News | - Houston Chronicle
Bob Gorsky, Powell's attorney, said his client felt it was "time to move on." He said Powell had no immediate employment plans but hopes to return to law enforcement.

"He wanted to keep his job very much, but he considered the toll this story was taking on his family and himself," Gorsky said.
What a shame.
I can understand with all the media hype and second guessing that he probably needed to move on to a different department somewhere.

So, unless the MSM follows Powell we will never know if he received better training or not.
Just read on Fox News that Officer Powell has RESIGNED!

So....perhaps he'll be joining those who are unemployed, lost their jobs, etc. and those applying for Food Stamps!....."Maybe" he'll learn a little compassion while standing in those loooong lines!.....It'll be a turn about face....whenever he gets to the receptionist....she'll ask for SS #, ID, etc.! Then tell him to "fill out the application" and get into the "back of the line"!

His "higher than tho'" attitude won't work there! :wave: :giggle:
Just read on Fox News that Officer Powell has RESIGNED!

He didn't have to resigned, He's human. Everybody makes mistakes. You can't take back what had happened, it's done and over with, he could at least learn from that experience and be more compassion forward others in the future. :)
I just heard from news this morning about police officer (Powell) resigned after situation with Moat's family.
He didn't have to resigned, He's human. Everybody makes mistakes. You can't take back what had happened, it's done and over with, he could at least learn from that experience and be more compassion forward others in the future. :)

yep... oh well.... and also I hope people will learn from Moats' incident that people will smarten up and understand the cop's POV because this incident will happen again and again and again. They should cooperate instead of assuming that cops would automatically understand and believe them. Calm down and try your best to explain your emergency and the cop will do his best to help you.

this is a good lesson for both parties....