Chief: Officer's behavior at hospital 'very embarrassing'

Update: Officer Powell gives an apology:

Robert Powell said:
I wish to publicly and sincerely apologize to the Moats family, my colleagues in the Dallas Police Department, and to all those who have been rightfully angered by my actions on March 18, 2009. After stopping Mr. Moats' vehicle, I showed poor judgment and insensitivity to Mr. Moats and his family by my words and actions. With great remorse I accept my responsibility for adding to their grief in an already difficult time.

I have attempted to reach Mr. Moats to express my personal condolences directly to his family and my regret about my actions. While these efforts have been unsuccessful so far, I hope we can talk soon.

Again, I am very sorry for what I did and ask for the forgiveness of all those touched by these unfortunate events.

Even others sharing Powell's name found themselves the unfortunate targets of ridicule.
"I am not the cop who pulled over Ryan Moats in Dallas ... so please stop sending me msgs about how much you hate me," said one Robert Powell on his Facebook page. "I'M NOT HIM!"

You know, I find this very interesting:
Everywhere I've seen or read about this blown-to-proportions case, it seems a majority of brothers and sisters in the blue (aka police officers) are feeling sorry for what Officer "Powertrip" Powell has to go through what he has to right now.

I was just at lunch with a fellow officer friend of mine.. whom feels also that although Powell handled the situation stupidly, he's taking the flamebait more than he needs to.

Other news articles and comments I'm reading, there is always another Officer popping out somewhere in one of the comments section supporting (some) of Powell for doing his job.

Someone named Mark on a news site really has a strong opinion who should be the ones to really be blamed in this.. In response to the Dallas PD putting him [Powell] on administrative leave.

Mark @ 9:34 PM Sat said:
The officer was doing his job, so he owed no apology and shouldn't have made one. The fact that he made the traffic stop at a very inconvenient time for the people in the car is not his fault and was absolutely out of his control. He did nothing wrong. He violated no laws and adhered to DPD policy.

Chief Kunkle is an unfortunate and pathetic (albeit common) example of a weak police administrator who is afraid of his job. He is no man and is fearful of supporting those in his command who are. Shame on him. His kind has proliferated within the last 20 years.
I have to say, my dealings with the police in my area, if I told a policeman someone of my family was in the hospital dying, they would walk me in to be sure I was telling the truth. Later they would do the routines.
ouch naisho.... ouch..... that's just harsh from Mark. and yes you're right that Officer Powell's taking the flamebait more than needed.... But hey - at least his video will be demonstrated at police academy to be careful next time...
naisho, I am glad that you posted here.

I :ty: you for update, naisho. It´s good to know that Officer Powell accept his responsible and offer his apology for his poor judgement toward Mr. & Mrs. Moats.
naisho, I am glad that you posted here.

I :ty: you for update, naisho. It´s good to know that Officer Powell accept his responsible and offer his apology for his poor judgement toward Mr. & Mrs. Moats.

what looks bad in this part is Moats family. Officer Powell has tried to contact them several times to apologize. The police department and officer publicly apologized several times. Moats family's ignoring them..... :dunno:
what looks bad in this part is Moats family. Officer Powell has tried to contact them several times to apologize. The police department and officer publicly apologized several times. Moats family's ignoring them..... :dunno:

Ever thought maybe they're grieving and the timing is bad? :)
what looks bad in this part is Moats family. Officer Powell has tried to contact them several times to apologize. The police department and officer publicly apologized several times. Moats family's ignoring them..... :dunno:

Maybe the Moats attorney, advised them not to talk to the Officer.
Originally Posted by Mark @ 9:34 PM Sat, Mar 28, 2009
The officer was doing his job, so he owed no apology and shouldn't have made one. The fact that he made the traffic stop at a very inconvenient time for the people in the car is not his fault and was absolutely out of his control. He did nothing wrong. He violated no laws and adhered to DPD policy.

Chief Kunkle is an unfortunate and pathetic (albeit common) example of a weak police administrator who is afraid of his job. He is no man and is fearful of supporting those in his command who are. Shame on him. His kind has proliferated within the last 20 years

Wonder if the Chief made things worse by apologizing so soon after the incident? I would think let IA investigate and if the officer was found to violiate any rules, then a public apology can be made then?

I gotta admit that I was surprised by how quick the public apology was made after the incident.
what looks bad in this part is Moats family. Officer Powell has tried to contact them several times to apologize. The police department and officer publicly apologized several times. Moats family's ignoring them..... :dunno:

Cheri answered your question fast than me...
Ever thought maybe they're grieving and the timing is bad? :)

and they had time to complain to media about the incident? look at the articles - there are NUMBER of comments by Moats family members. :dunno:
I don't know... People have their reasons why they're angry at the police officers.

But, I only can say what I've saw at that one time when riding with a friend of mine on the highway, she wasn't speeding, she wasn't breaking no traffic laws then all sudden the police pulled right behind her and turned on his emergency lights siren, and was pulled over to the right side, the officer came out of his vehicle and told her that she wasn't supposed to be driving because her driving license was expired, and she was unaware that her license was expired until she saw the expiration date on her driving license. But, then he gave her a ticket and let her go. I was :confused: if she is not allow to drive the vehicle because of her expiration driving license, then she shouldn't be driving, the police should at least let me drive, or tow the vehicle right? It doesn't even make no sense to me. :crazy:

It's funny how he said that she shouldn't be driving, but then again he let her drive off after she got a ticket.

If this happend in Ohio--no wonder, cops in Ohio tended to be on the crooked side a bit.

and they had time to complain to media about the incident? look at the articles - there are NUMBER of comments by Moats family members. :dunno:

Also noticed that the cop is white and the Moats family are African-American......
If this happend in Ohio--no wonder, cops in Ohio tended to be on the crooked side a bit.
LMAO, Wrong again Byrdie :giggle:

Also noticed that the cop is white and the Moats family are African-American......
Which means nothing in this case.
0130 through window tinting you cannot tell if a person is black,white,red,yellow or multi-colored.

Ever thought maybe they're grieving and the timing is bad?
they had time to complain to media about the incident? look at the articles - there are NUMBER of comments by Moats family members.
Maybe the Moats attorney, advised them not to talk to the Officer.
All three no doubt true statements.

In the MSM, as in this forum, there will be little attention paid to the facts of the case and all attention going to the hype of the situation.

I agree with whoever stated if Moats was not a football player and just some average family we never would have heard about it or it would have been a blurb on page 10.
I just happened across this....

NFL player accepts officer's apology
DALLAS – An NFL player said Monday he accepts the apology offered by a Dallas police officer who stopped him with a drawn gun in a hospital parking lot while his mother-in-law was dying inside.

Houston Texans running back Ryan Moats said on ABC's "Good Morning America" that he hopes Officer Robert Powell was sincere in his apology.

NFL player accepts officer's apology
Houston Texans running back Ryan Moats said on ABC's "Good Morning America"
but he was on Good Morning America Cheri so maybe Jiro isn't too far off.
but he was on Good Morning America Cheri so maybe Jiro isn't too far off.

The point is; there shouldn't be a time length on when they should be able to accept an apology; Jiro should have been a little bit more patient, and gave the Moats family some time. ;)
The point is; there shouldn't be a time length on when they should be able to accept an apology; Jiro should have been a little bit more patient, and gave the Moats family some time. ;)

I find his comment rather childish. he even had to say he "hoped" Officer Powell's apology was sincere??? :roll: and he had to announce to whole world that the apology was accepted? he can't do that privately thru telephone when Officer Powell tried to contact him several times? yep... childish and attention whore :roll:

I'm sorry but based on what NFL player did - he receives no sympathy from me.
I find his comment rather childish. he even had to say he "hoped" Officer Powell's apology was sincere??? :roll: and he had to announce that the apology was accepted on live show? he can't do that privately thru telephone when Officer Powell tried to contact him several times? yep... childish and attention whore :roll:

Officer Powell also had made his apologizing publicly also. Why can't Mr. Moats do the same?

Look at what Officer Powell stated to the Media: "I wish to publicly and sincerely apologize to the Moats family, my colleagues in the Dallas Police Department and to all those who have been rightfully angered by my actions," Powell said in the statement." Officer apologizes after delaying Texans' Moats as mother-in-law died

You have to understand how Mr. Moats felt during the time he was pulled over, he had a gun to his face, would you like a gun to your face as soon as you get out of your car? walk a mile in his shoes before you judge him. :) I don't care if he's a police officer, if a police officer pointed a gun to my face, I'll be pissed too.
Officer Powell also had made his apologizing publicly also. Why can't Mr. Moats do the same?

Look at what Officer Powell stated to the Media: "I wish to publicly and sincerely apologize to the Moats family, my colleagues in the Dallas Police Department and to all those who have been rightfully angered by my actions," Powell said in the statement." Officer apologizes after delaying Texans' Moats as mother-in-law died
:nono: tsk tsk tsk..... you omitted one crucial sentence... "In the statement, Powell also said he has attempted to reach Moats but without success."

You have to understand how Mr. Moats felt during the time he was pulled over, he had a gun to his face, would you like a gun to your face as soon as you get out of your car? walk a mile in his shoe before you judge him. :)
and you have to understand how Officer Powell felt when the vehicle was driving fast, not stopping for him and people suddenly running out of car and being belligerent at him, disobeying him. My best friend has had the officer's gun pointed at him just because he stepped out of car when being pulled over for speeding. The officer ordered him to get back in the car. He doesn't blame him. I don't blame that officer either. :)
I don't care if he's a police officer, if a police officer pointed a gun to my face, I'll be pissed too.

then you are foolish..... unless the officer pulled out the gun on you without cause. Byrdie will help you sue the crap out of him :lol: RIGHT BYRDIE?