Chief: Officer's behavior at hospital 'very embarrassing'

I understand Jiro but nobody is raising hell. They're only sharing their thoughts on this topic, I mean is that allowed? Nobody is saying they hate cops. :lol:
I supposed that proves that the police feels that they are above the law, and can do whatever they please because they wear a badge, if you don't like what the police does, then you will not be protected by them. Interesting.. Thanks for proving me right.
You are incorrect in your belief Cheri.
I am a police officer and I do not feel I am above the law.

IMO, I feel that the public shouldnt assign blame until the investigation by IA is completed. I think both parties were at fault for what happened to a degree but that's just my opinion.

It is a situation that ended with nobody winning.
Great observation Shel.

By fingerpointing and raising hell whenever you don't like what you see from police, you will severely limit their ability to protect and serve for you.
Good point as well and goes back to my post several ago. Laypeople do not know or understand what the job is and cannot wrap their understanding around what it is, or means, or is required of a person who is a police officer.
I'm sure there is a police misconduct in this issue but further flaming and furor on him is not needed. I'm just giving you a friendly warning about the possible ramification out of it. By fingerpointing and raising hell whenever you don't like what you see from police, you will severely limit their ability to protect and serve for you.

For long.... police officers have always been the first responder to any emergency situations. Most of situations requires immediate medical assistance. Obviously the officer is not an EMT but some situations are urgent. For example, the car got into bad accident. The situation could be bad because there was gas leak all over and there could be fire. So the officer removed the driver from the car and later the car caught fire and blew up.

The result - the driver sued police department for millions of dollars because he was paralyzed as the result of officer removing him. Since then - the officers no longer render medical assistance and they have to wait for EMT/Firemen to provide medical assistance.

The case that you provided is a ridiculous example of a silly lawsuit. I would rather be paralyzed than to blow into pieces!!! Yea, the public needs to be cautious about jumping the gun on every action an officer does.
The case that you provided is a ridiculous example of a silly lawsuit. I would rather be paralyzed than to blow into pieces!!! Yea, the public needs to be cautious about jumping the gun on every action an officer does.

here's a bang.... it was a real story from several years ago. I'm not sure if i can find the story online. and yes you're right that it was ridiculous :(
You are incorrect in your belief Cheri.
I am a police officer and I do not feel I am above the law.

Great observation Shel.

Good point as well and goes back to my post several ago. Laypeople do not know or understand what the job is and cannot wrap their understanding around what it is, or means, or is required of a person who is a police officer.


A few months ago, the police came to my house in the middle of the night and arrested my hubby. Turned out it was a case of incorrect address and now my hubby is blaming the officers but I told him that they were doing their jobs by following a warrant for his arrest. If they didnt, they would have been fired. He said that they treated him like a criminal...I told him that it was his opinion but mine was different. I am a teacher and we get blamed for a lot of things that are beyond our control so that's probably why I have the view that I have. I kinda know what it is like in some ways.
A few months ago, the police came to my house in the middle of the night and arrested my hubby. Turned out it was a case of incorrect address and now my hubby is blaming the officers but I told him that they were doing their jobs by following a warrant for his arrest. If they didnt, they would have been fired. He said that they treated him like a criminal...I told him that it was his opinion but mine was different. I am a teacher and we get blamed for a lot of things that are beyond our control so that's probably why I have the view that I have. I kinda know what it is like in some ways.
Wow, that would make anyone mad. He may have a complaint there if he wishes to pursue it.
Sometimes misinformation is acted on but usually we (I can only speak for me and my dept) try to confirm warrant info completely before we grab someone.

Yes. Teachers quite often catch the same type of crap that the police officer catch. Agreed !
I understand Jiro but nobody is raising hell. They're only sharing their thoughts on this topic, I mean is that allowed? Nobody is saying they hate cops. :lol:

oh oh my bad - I don't mean just you and ADers. :) If you look at random google searches about this case, you will see many angry comments about it and I'm sure you can imagine what comments are like. The families are making comments that put police department in a really bad light - more than necessary.... and also it does have an effect on general population's unconscious minds that fuel their hate toward to cops.

but it's just something to think about.... because it does affect your opinion and attitude toward to your local police department and the police in general. I know many people have this unexplained, hidden, blind hate toward to cops whenever we hear about police brutality and "appalling" news (and it's statistically small). I don't know what happened but in the past, people used to think that cops were heroes, cool, and respectable - that many kids say they wanna be a cop when they grown up. Nowadays... we view them as power-tripping racist pigs, fat-ass rejected people who couldn't get real jobs, fascists, etc....

what happened?????? :(
Wow, that would make anyone mad. He may have a complaint there if he wishes to pursue it.
Sometimes misinformation is acted on but usually we (I can only speak for me and my dept) try to confirm warrant info completely before we grab someone.

Yes. Teachers quite often catch the same type of crap that the police officer catch. Agreed !

The letter summoning him to court for a driving violation was sent to the wrong address so he was not aware of the court date and as a result, he never showed up hence the warrant for his arrest. The only thing that puzzled me was why at 3 AM?

He called the court everyday since then and got a court date this Wednesday. I hope they waive the bail fees cuz I want my money back! :lol:

sorry for off-topic...
oh oh my bad - I don't mean just you and ADers. :) If you look at random google searches about this case, you will see many angry comments about it and I'm sure you can imagine what comments are like. The families are making comments that put police department in a really bad light - more than necessary.... and also it does have an effect on general population's unconscious minds that fuel their hate toward to cops.

but it's just something to think about.... because it does affect your opinion and attitude toward to your local police department and the police in general. I know many people have this unexplained, hidden, blind hate toward to cops whenever we hear about police brutality and "appalling" news (and it's statistically small). I don't know what happened but in the past, people used to think that cops were heroes, cool, and respectable - the type where many kids say that they wanna be a cop when they grown up. Nowadays... we view them as power-tripping racist pigs, fat-ass rejected people who couldn't get real jobs, fascists, etc....

what happened?????? :(

The media ...

It seems the same thing is happening to teachers by all these stories of teachers abusing kids or having sex with them. Now, we teachers, are afraid to be alone with any child or afraid to hug them. It is a fucking shame.
The media ...

It seems the same thing is happening to teachers by all these stories of teachers abusing kids or having sex with them. Now, we teachers, are afraid to be alone with any child or afraid to hug them. It is a fucking shame.

bingo... there you go. makes you wonder we keep saying "I surely miss that back in old time, we used to...." :(
oh oh my bad - I don't mean just you and ADers. :) If you look at random google searches about this case, you will see many angry comments about it and I'm sure you can imagine what comments are like. The families are making comments that put police department in a really bad light - more than necessary.... and also it does have an effect on general population's unconscious minds that fuel their hate toward to cops.

but it's just something to think about.... because it does affect your opinion and attitude toward to your local police department and the police in general. I know many people have this unexplained, hidden, blind hate toward to cops whenever we hear about police brutality and "appalling" news (and it's statistically small). I don't know what happened but in the past, people used to think that cops were heroes, cool, and respectable - that many kids say they wanna be a cop when they grown up. Nowadays... we view them as power-tripping racist pigs, fat-ass rejected people who couldn't get real jobs, fascists, etc....

what happened?????? :(

I don't know... People have their reasons why they're angry at the police officers.

But, I only can say what I've saw at that one time when riding with a friend of mine on the highway, she wasn't speeding, she wasn't breaking no traffic laws then all sudden the police pulled right behind her and turned on his emergency lights siren, and was pulled over to the right side, the officer came out of his vehicle and told her that she wasn't supposed to be driving because her driving license was expired, and she was unaware that her license was expired until she saw the expiration date on her driving license. But, then he gave her a ticket and let her go. I was :confused: if she is not allow to drive the vehicle because of her expiration driving license, then she shouldn't be driving, the police should at least let me drive, or tow the vehicle right? It doesn't even make no sense to me. :crazy:

It's funny how he said that she shouldn't be driving, but then again he let her drive off after she got a ticket.
ever heard of.... PUBLIC RELATION? This guy is a NFL player... that means unnecessary amount of press attention on this police department. Which one is it worth it? simply apologize and move on? or wage a full-on legal battle and risk getting bad image from the community?

I know you can't see the police video but from my perspective, the situation was OUT OF CONTROL. 3 people running out of vehicle immediately when stopped and being agitated... disobeying officer's order. majority of time when people do that - it's because the criminals were running away. I have seen plenty of police videos and the end result wasn't pretty.

Seems to me,'re being a hard azz on this!...2 nurses came out and told them about it!...The cop could have just taken the man's wallet with his ID, driver's license, ins., etc.! Even put a lock-guard on his wheels (tires)...whatever it's called, until it was all over! Maybe even escorted the man to his mother's or mother-in-law's room!...Compassionate thinking!....I, too, would have acted the way these people did if my mother was dying and I had to rush to see her before she expired!...I would be out of my mind!

The cop is supposed to uphold the law, yeah!...But he's not supposed to play God!...What a bummer!....Get that cop fired!...Maybe the same thing will happen to him! And he'll see, first-hand....!!!...Maybe a cop will tell this "uncompassionate cop"...tough nuts ur mother is dying! Where's ur "proof of insurance, etc.'??
Seems to me,'re being a hard azz on this!...2 nurses came out and told them about it!...The cop could have just taken the man's wallet with his ID, driver's license, ins., etc.! Even put a lock-guard on his wheels (tires)...whatever it's called, until it was all over! Maybe even escorted the man to his mother's or mother-in-law's room!...Compassionate thinking!....I, too, would have acted the way these people did if my mother was dying and I had to rush to see her before she expired!...I would be out of my mind!

The cop is supposed to uphold the law, yeah!...But he's not supposed to play God!...What a bummer!....Get that cop fired!...Maybe the same thing will happen to him! And he'll see, first-hand....!!!...Maybe a cop will tell this "uncompassionate cop"...tough nuts ur mother is dying! Where's ur "proof of insurance, etc.'??

:gpost: :gpost:
No one is arguing that part though..

The part where the single woman nurse came out and discussed with the officer that they have credentials to go up for the reasons they were there. That just flat out takes the cake and makes the Officer look like a piece of crap period.

Some people are stubborn like that. While he [Moats] may mentally challenged or not (exerting "Police power"), the fact still remains that he seems to have done what his job asked of him the first chapter prior to the nurse walking out.

If you want to challenge that part, this is what the whole argument is based on.. Whether he did what was asked of him until the nurse came out, within the first 0 minutes to about 10 minutes.

We're talking Texas of all states that this occurred in. Not CA, not NY, not UK, not Germany. I think most of society whether subconsciously or not are aware of the jokes and narcissistic sentimentality depicted from Texas; we realize and continue to plow through them in jokes from time to time. Remember Bush cartoons?

I don't know if they let people in on the force for those who have mental disabilities. Obviously not for the extremely incapable, but I'm questioning those who have stuff like Dissociative identity disorder where it challenges a person on their sympathetic decisions and things.

It's really hard to tell over the whole case as you can't see exactly everything in the videos such as facial+genuine expressions AND obviously the media is making a negative portrayal of the police department while sugarcoating their feed.

There isn't much physical evidence for forensic and internal affairs teams to analyze of the whole case. This seems more of a case that leans towards the thoughts of psychologists, sociologists/mental health professionals. Because the whole thing is evaluating behaviors.

I'll leave it at that because I don't think this will influence anyone to think otherwise.

But there are some inconsistencies I have to point out that are unanswered and skipped. For both sides. If you have watched the full clip, you should be aware of some things in it that are of, but not limited to:

  • If this happened to a nobody, this would be small town news, and Powell still on his job afterwards. Probably would have been lucky enough to make it nationwide since not much really care about a nobody. Thankfully Moats and his NFL status took care of this.

  • Moats continually driving while an officer is on his tail, especially by the time he's reached the Plano Hospital's street.
  • For above, in most news Moats says that he never "saw any lights until I was in the parking lot". I have no choice but to call BS on this statement, look at the clips again. You will see this is so obvious the cop was on them for some time.

  • If they had remained and pulled over where they were they actually noticed the sirens, and explained their situation while they were still in the vehicle to the officer (thus not being in the parking lot).

  • During the period they were parked, we realize that there is an emergency going on but EVERYONE in the car gets out without adhering to the barking orders of a clueless officer who has literally no idea what is going on except them shouting that someone is dying.
  • We have no right of calling the shot whether or not he knew someone was dying, for all we know people lie all the time, Powell could have been lied to in the past.

  • Media's depiction of him drawing the gun as insensitive as if he were going to shoot someone:
    He didn't. It was said that he holstered it back in as the conversation began.

  • Powell showing no signs of breaking down for acceptance even though the testimony of four people telling him that there is someone dying in the hospital.

  • Powell's inability to coordinate and pass human judgment after the nurse and hospital security came out to inform him. We're all aware of this one.. this is what looks bad for him.

  • After Moats was let go from Powell, he seems to be taking his time in anger and frustration while trying to reach the hospital. In the video you can also tell he looks back at the scene before going in the doors.
  • Why isn't Moats running and charging for the room? Didn't he say "My mother - She's DYING man!!" 10 min. ago? As far as I know, nothing's changed except its about 15 minutes later since being pulled over and he's finally let off.

  • Media saying the late mother-in-law passed away before Moats held her hand.
  • How do they know when she died? If there's no exact time and details being shown, she could've been dead while Moats was still driving. The hospital records and Powell's cam should prove this part true or not.
    And this is the part that is pissing everyone off. It's being said like:
    Officer Powell, look what you did. Someone died because of your stuck-up Po-Po mentality. They don't say it exactly per se but you can see this everywhere reading the lines.

  • Police department putting Powell on paid leave. I think they did this because they want to save their face in front of the public. They could actually care less what happens to Powell and Moats after the initial "sorry"'s.

Before anyone decides to rebut against my thoughts, please understand my intentions otherwise.
I see that Powell did a horrible job at letting someone go, proving he's incapable of forgiveness and understanding, making him passionate to be a stuck-up-to-the-law police officer. (Another's opinion is that this probably the kid who got too many wedgies in high school).
I question Moat's true genuineness as it appears although he seemed under control, there were decisions he made that caused him to get into this mess.

That is all I am doing, pointing out the inconsistencies from both sides and leave them for you to be the judge.
...I beleive the judge also will be on Mr. & Mrs. Moats's side, too because Officer Powell did is unforgiveable.
Judges are not supposed to take sides; they are supposed to be impartial.
I do believe this particular officer did abuse his authority.

I do understand that he was upset over the car not pulling over etc...

But clearly the situation could have been resolved totally differently, if he would have showed common sense. Instead of letting anger, and his temper to interfere with his rationing of the circumstances.
Seems to me,'re being a hard azz on this!...2 nurses came out and told them about it!...The cop could have just taken the man's wallet with his ID, driver's license, ins., etc.! Even put a lock-guard on his wheels (tires)...whatever it's called, until it was all over! Maybe even escorted the man to his mother's or mother-in-law's room!...Compassionate thinking!....I, too, would have acted the way these people did if my mother was dying and I had to rush to see her before she expired!...I would be out of my mind!

The cop is supposed to uphold the law, yeah!...But he's not supposed to play God!...What a bummer!....Get that cop fired!...Maybe the same thing will happen to him! And he'll see, first-hand....!!!...Maybe a cop will tell this "uncompassionate cop"...tough nuts ur mother is dying! Where's ur "proof of insurance, etc.'??

You raise an excellent point here. If I were the cop, I'd have done just that.
Seems to me,'re being a hard azz on this!...2 nurses came out and told them about it!...The cop could have just taken the man's wallet with his ID, driver's license, ins., etc.! Even put a lock-guard on his wheels (tires)...whatever it's called, until it was all over! Maybe even escorted the man to his mother's or mother-in-law's room!...Compassionate thinking!....I, too, would have acted the way these people did if my mother was dying and I had to rush to see her before she expired!...I would be out of my mind!

The cop is supposed to uphold the law, yeah!...But he's not supposed to play God!...What a bummer!....Get that cop fired!...Maybe the same thing will happen to him! And he'll see, first-hand....!!!...Maybe a cop will tell this "uncompassionate cop"...tough nuts ur mother is dying! Where's ur "proof of insurance, etc.'??

please go back and re-read this thread.
Nah!!....For what?...And "no thanks" for ur sunglasses!..I see just fine out of mine!

because you will see what I've said about it. There are 2 parts in this issue. The first-half is the part from beginning till when the nurses came out.... which is the second half

I've clearly stated my position on the 2nd half. :cool2: