Chief: Officer's behavior at hospital 'very embarrassing'

I really do not have any idea why you are upset that´s because I correct your post... :dunno2:

Again, please stick this topic.

I did said "we" don´t I? :dunno2:

you claim that "the police mistreatment here in Germany is very rarely to compare with America." Perhaps it's because you paid too much attention on America than Germany? :dunno:

Yes I said this after your posts... So?

We Europeans receive the news from the world everyday, not just America. I read German newspaper everyday about Germany, Europe and world and also online newspaper as well... :)

Does it bother you that we know about America news in Europe countries?
Yes I said this after your posts... So?

We Europeans receive the news from the world everyday, not just America. I read German newspaper everyday about Germany, Europe and world and also online newspaper as well... :)
it's ok. you might want to research a bit on subtle sarcasm... :shrug:

Does it bother you that we know about America news in Europe countries?
why would it bother me?
Well, she was dying, so it did not cost her life.

It cost the man the ability to say goodbye.

Hopefully there will be some sensitivity training of the police force.

I agree with you on this one Botti.

Regardless if things are going on in one's private life--you still need to adhere to the officer, if not, one can get in trouble with law enforcement and would have to hire a lawyer to bail one out.
Originally Posted by Hear Again
By the way, you seem to be forgetting the fact that officers are sworn to "protect and serve." (emphasis on the word "serve")

Jiro answered:
and you know that the officers are not constitutionally required to protect and serve for you.
True and a fact most laypeople cannot wrap their understanding around.

I notice that folks are questioning the snippets Jiro posted....
They do speak to the topic from the standpoint of....
No officers knows Who they are stopping, What the persons mental state is, What the persons motivation is, What the person is going to do, or any other facts at the initial contact.

Hindsight should not be the barometer to deciding if the officer was right wrong or indifferent. The officer clearly made policy mistakes and will be reprimanded appropriately for them.
Yes I said this after your posts... So?

We Europeans receive the news from the world everyday, not just America. I read German newspaper everyday about Germany, Europe and world and also online newspaper as well... :)

Does it bother you that we know about America news in Europe countries?

Yup but you aren't 100% aware of all newspapers and there's plenty of news are exclusive to air on local only, such as there's some police mistreatment in my county and news doesn't release to international.
all our posts are in response to your post #61. We can go back and forth all day long but the fact is that you mentioned about German police FIRST in attempt to compare to Oakland police. period. end of discussion.

No, the word of "mistreatment" was not mentioned in my post #61 but shooting until you brought up those word "mistreatment" for a first time in your post #68.

The difference between shooting at my post #61 and mistreatment in your #68 are not same. We started to debate about mistreatment between German and US Police Officer since your post #68 because it´s about mistreatment, not shooting.

Nice try. :)
Does it bother you that we know about America news in Europe countries?
Wow, that is a loaded question Liebling :)

I think it bothers me that people in other countries only receive a biased view of America and Americans.

I also think that Americans do not hear accurate news from abroad, that is why I ask you and others in other countries so many questions. I would not make a judgement on Germany by just listening to or reading our MSM and I hope you or anyone else would not count it as gospel the news you get from your papers or tv.
No, the word of "mistreatment" was not mentioned in my post #61 but shooting until you brought up those word "mistreatment" for a first time in your post #68.

The difference between shooting at my post #61 and mistreatment in your #68 are not same. We started to debate about mistreatment between German and US Police Officer since your post #68 because it´s about mistreatment, not shooting.

Nice try. :)

Didn't you read my post #115? Let me clarify - we can argue about picky words all day but the fact still remains ON BROAD LEVEL that you mentioned about Germany police FIRST to compare with Oakland police. Capisce?

In fact - you started going off-topic by talking about police shooting which has NOTHING to do with this thread. Why would you talk about german police and police shooting in this thread??? Please discontinue this discussion. To continue this farce implies a sign of childishness. :roll:
Wow, that is a loaded question Liebling :)

I think it bothers me that people in other countries only receive a biased view of America and Americans.

I also think that Americans do not hear accurate news from abroad, that is why I ask you and others in other countries so many questions. I would not make a judgement on Germany by just listening to or reading our MSM and I hope you or anyone else would not count it as gospel the news you get from your papers or tv.

I quoted Jiro post, explain that I receive the news from world, not just America what he assumed in his previous post and then questioned him.

I read German spiegel online newspaper, local newspaper, 3 online newspapers is Deutsche Welle (German), World BBC (British) and MSNBC (American) because I feel that those 3 online newspapers are reliable and respect... - not nonsense and bias newspapers...

Exactly, I am here in American Forum to ask Americans. Yes, it would be great that I receive the answers from ADers... Unfortunalately, it´s not always. Some ADers were being offend by my questions. :dunno2: I search the websites or ask my American co-workers myself... Some ADers don´t mind to answer my questions which is great...
Jiro answered:
and you know that the officers are not constitutionally required to protect and serve for you.

First of all, what does the Constitution have to do with anything? :confused:

You realize that if an officer fails to protect and serve, he or she will be fired and/or disciplinary action will be taken -- such as in the case of this officer. :cool2:
I can see that I waste my time to make circle posts with you, Jiro... Never mind, Jiro... :aw:
and this is wasting my time too :)

Let to talk about Police Officer Powell and Moats.
yes :ty:

why post it again? we already know this few days ago. it's old news now. :dunno:
Jiro answered:
and you know that the officers are not constitutionally required to protect and serve for you.

And you realize that if an officer fails to protect and serve, he or she will be fired and/or disciplinary action will be taken -- such as in the case of this officer. :cool2:

you are confusing my comment with this situation. But I'll comment on it - LEGALLY, he has protected and served the public by pursuing this dangerous law breaker - the one who ran thru red light at high speed and ran past thru a few stop signs. thanks god this driver didn't crash anybody!!!

Like I said - just because you dialed 911 does not mean the police officer is required to come to you within a few minutes. Just because you dialed 911 to report the on-going crime does not mean the officer is constitutionally required to protect and serve for you. It is not uncommon for police to arrive several hours later.

That is why.... we have Amendment 2 :cool2:
I didn't see anything new in those links Liebling.

The news media is certainly playing up any angle they can, it is great fodder for their programs.
There was not a threat as the sports channel media is playing up. But it does make for an attention catching tag line.

And you realize that if an officer fails to protect and serve, he or she will be fired and/or disciplinary action will be taken -- such as in the case of this officer.
This case shows no "failure to act" by the officer.
I agree disciplinary action will no doubt be taken, perhaps a written reprimand in his file up to perhaps a day or two suspension.
I don't know what that departments policies are so I don't know what he faces.
Originally Posted by Jiro
the one who ran thru red light at high speed and ran past thru a few stop signs. thanks god this driver didn't crash anybody!!!

Wrong. The officer admitted that Moats did not run a red right.
Because of get this topic back to make further debate to aviod our :topic: posts.

you can simply get us back to topic by not responding to off-topic posts. :dunno:

here's what officer powell looks like -


wow.. he looks so young....
This case shows no "failure to act" by the officer.

I wasn't referring to this case. I was talking in general.

Then again, you could consider the officer's refusal to allow Moats to see his mother in law a failure to act since 2 nurses were sent outside to inform him of that.
Originally Posted by Jiro
the one who ran thru red light at high speed and ran past thru a few stop signs. thanks god this driver didn't crash anybody!!!

Wrong. The officer admitted that Moats did not run a red right.

I missed that - confused - the tape shows the running of the light.

Originally Posted by ASLGAL
This case shows no "failure to act" by the officer.

I wasn't referring to this case. I was talking in general.
Whether specific or in general Jiro is right.