Are We Getting Lazy At Each & Every Generation?

I guess that PFH is going to get his voice heard by 1%
I guess that PFH is going to get his voice heard by 1%

I don't care if his videos are captioned or not. I understood them, but I am not going to bother intervening because-- that's the responsibility of the video provider-- not another viewer's.

And really, I don't have a problem with uncaptioned user-CREATED contents. Only thing that bug me is when I see these ASL videos targeted toward hearing parents-- and are not captioned or subbed.
I don't believe laziness is a male vs. female thing.

My dad always kept everything in its place, and he taught us kids to do the same. My brother and I are still that way.

I've been in the houses of some messy women.
I don't believe laziness is a male vs. female thing.

My dad always kept everything in its place, and he taught us kids to do the same. My brother and I are still that way.

I've been in the houses of some messy women.

Keeping everything in it's place is not necessarily related to laziness. Nor is not putting things back where you got them.

I also have seen some women keep a messy home, and some men keep a neat home. It is based on personality traits. And some personality traits have been shown to be more prevelent in one gender or another.
Wirelessly posted

Reba said:
Lack of caring or interest on the job can manifest itself in laziness, absenteeism, employee theft, sabotage, carelessness, and just plain bad attitude.

Yeah, it could be difficult for them if bosses don't want to hire any one who have types like that.

A little bit of off topic here. The title thread reminds me of spoiled children grew up into spoiled adults.
Wirelessly posted

Yeah, it could be difficult for them if bosses don't want to hire any one who have types like that.

A little bit of off topic here. The title thread reminds me of spoiled children grew up into spoiled adults.

Good point, Karrissa.
Keeping everything in it's place is not necessarily related to laziness. Nor is not putting things back where you got them.
"I think there is a definate gender difference, as well. Men don't seem to grasp that stuff gets put away by someone...they think it just magically returns to it's space."

I will rephrase my statement.

I don't think there is a gender difference. My dad definitely had a grasp that stuff gets put away by someone, and that someone was whomever used the stuff. He always put away his stuff. I also know women (not in my family) who do NOT put away their stuff.

I also have seen some women keep a messy home, and some men keep a neat home. It is based on personality traits. And some personality traits have been shown to be more prevelent in one gender or another.
Which personality traits would those be?
Wirelessly posted

Yeah, I still remember in summer 2007. One man just visited my work for job seeker, and then he came in with me for training him. So I trained him until my lunch break. I wrote my notebook to tell him he could take a break time. After that, I returned to continue working but my boss came in and informed me. Guess what??

He left cos he claimed his back was hurt and too much work. What a bull! My training was pretty simple for him. :roll:

I trained him for NOTHING!
"I think there is a definate gender difference, as well. Men don't seem to grasp that stuff gets put away by someone...they think it just magically returns to it's space."

I will rephrase my statement.

I don't think there is a gender difference. My dad definitely had a grasp that stuff gets put away by someone, and that someone was whomever used the stuff. He always put away his stuff. I also know women (not in my family) who do NOT put away their stuff.

Which personality traits would those be?

I think she was being silly when she made that statement.
"I think there is a definate gender difference, as well. Men don't seem to grasp that stuff gets put away by someone...they think it just magically returns to it's space."

I will rephrase my statement.

I don't think there is a gender difference. My dad definitely had a grasp that stuff gets put away by someone, and that someone was whomever used the stuff. He always put away his stuff. I also know women (not in my family) who do NOT put away their stuff.

Which personality traits would those be?

They are many, but we can begin with nurturing.

Surely you understand that there are always exceptions to what is found in the majority. Just because you know of one man that doesn't fit the findings doesn't mean that the difference does not exist at all. :cool2:
They are many, but we can begin with nurturing.

Surely you understand that there are always exceptions to what is found in the majority. Just because you know of one man that doesn't fit the findings doesn't mean that the difference does not exist at all. :cool2:

Nurturing is a given.

Give us something else.

Perfectionist complex (you know those types that will only do things if they can get everything perfect on the first try)

Those with the saviour complex tends to care for others and clean up after others, but don't look after themselves or pick up after themselves. Odd I know.
Just curious. PFH, why can't you PM?

I tell my kids that we do not have house elves. Wouldn't that be cool? Food would magically appear on the table. I'd settle for Mrs. Weasley's ability to bewitch utensils, though.