worried woman

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like you, i also spent the first 3 years of my life in the hospital with constant eye surgeries as well as reconstructive surgery for my forehead.

in fact, i only weighed 2 pounds at birth and almost died 3 times. doctors thought my prognosis was quite poor, but somehow, someway, i defied the odds and survived.

doctors also thought i would have permanent brain damage, cp, profound cognitive disabilities, heart defects, learning disabilities, lung disease and asthma.

i'm happy to report that i have none of those medical problems (although i did have a heart murmur as a child). the only disabilities i do have are being unable to see or hear.

i'd hate to think what would have happened if my natural mother would have aborted me.

by the way, i have a very good friend who went through similar experiences as you. she has spina bifida yet lives a productive life and couldn't be happier. she attends the local university and is expected to graduate with honors next year.

the potential to live a good life exists for all children. children are resilient and even when they face something as difficult as cancer, they still have the power to pull through and adapt emotionally. what a shame it would be to deny a child with a disability the chance to live a fulfilling life just because their parents thought they would be better off dead.

i'm afraid we're going to have to agree to disagree on this.

Works for me. :)
By the way, when I copy this post story from facebook to paste in here, and I wasn't expect the argument around here. I didn't even know that people would debate about abortion and stuff. I only posted in here because it made me realized more about abortion so I thought maybe show the mothers who haven't decide about abortion or not. I am not here to make people debate about this story. If you don't like it, then don't waste ur time to debate in here because the doctor may never say anything to this mother. Just ignore my post and enjoying your time in other threads if you don't like this story.

Attacking, hurt, smartmouth to others. All this things is offense most of people's feel, it's not good for their health by fighting a lot on the threads. I am sure most of you in here feel so stress and it's not good. Try get free-stress which ignore this post. Ugh! I just don't mean to make this debate on threads. So people who don't like this post then please move on, go to other threads. Thanks.

You could say "I disagree with what doctor said.". That's all instead of yelling at me or trying to make me and other people to support abortion and stuff. I don't want anybody to trying to change my opinion.

:gpost: That's why I didn't continue to debate, the debate about abortion are so nothing new...
instead, i'd prefer to see her raise her child on her own (provided she is not taking drugs) or put it up for adoption where it can be placed in a loving home.

I'm glad. It's much healthier for your child to keep the baby. Especially if she wants to keep it.

I find it very sad when some parents push their girls into abortion if they are pregnant.
I was in that room when I was 17 years old. I saw everythin' what doctor did. He used vacuum to pull 12 weeks old fetus out and the fetus was already dead in an almost full of blood in a container. The fetus' limbs were torn apart, floatin' in the blood. The nurse told me that it will go to the tiolet to flush away when I asked her what she do with it. The container was covered with a white cloth and it sat on the top of the vacuum before the nurse took it off. I can see very clear that the fetus already have 10 fingers/toes, arms, legs, and a whole body - a very tiny fetus that could fit in your bare hand. Its eyes were developed but, both eyes were shut.

FYI, I was there to experience this cruel. I was NOT in biological waste room, but I was in that room for a short of time of biological waste, because of the abortion was taken place and it was in a container with almost full of blood.

This dead fetus' mother was me. I was forced to experience this cruel when it happened. Of course, I wasn't asleep when the abortion was performed. My body was sedated like a " drunk " but, my head stayed alert like I know what was goin' on. I was fully aware of every detail that was goin' on in that room.

I'm really sorry to hear that you had to go through this. I'm sorry that you were forced into it without being given a choice.
my (adoptive) parents were very strict raising me (with a strict catholic upbringing) and although i didn't like it growing up, i'm thankful this was the case because it helped keep me out of trouble. i've never done drugs, alcohol or smoked (even though i was pressured by my friends in middle and high school to do so) and i have my parents to thank for that because they were the ones who taught me about morals, ethics and how to be a respectable human being.

Oh that's good..but I means adopted parents most % strict than real parents. But kids hate it till they grew up, they thankful to parents..like you did thankful to parents.

My parents isn't strict with me..I was too spoiled by my dad. And they let me go party anytime. I hangout with many old friends who was pothead etc. They wanted me try some. I refused. I don't know why I just don't want to. My parents never telling me that those is bad etc. My dad was pothead since I was grew up, and he said weeds is good for people's health blah blah. But I learned to not use any drugs or anything is from school and church. Without parents tell me. So depends on what kind of kids/parents is.
Overburden over social services system where it can fall into the cracks and at taxpayer's expense. Real smart.

what's the alternative? to kill a baby just to save the taxpayer's money?

in that case, perhaps my natural mother should have aborted me given how expensive it was to provide me medical care in the neonatal icu, medical care while growing up and an education in the public school system as well as a 4 year state university.

if money isn't spent in the social service arena it's spent elsewhere, so what's the difference? taxpayer's money is being spent either way.

Hey, I am not sure if I am right but I seen some of you people said some of mothers should've abortion cuz they are deaf, blind, or anything..So means doctor or anyone can see if they are deaf, blind, etc during inside pregnancy or what? cuz my pregnancy never tell if my kid deaf or not till giving birth then 3 weeks later, finally found out he's born to be deaf.
Hey, I am not sure if I am right but I seen some of you people said some of mothers should've abortion cuz they are deaf, blind, or anything..So means doctor or anyone can see if they are deaf, blind, etc during inside pregnancy or what? cuz my pregnancy never tell if my kid deaf or not till giving birth then 3 weeks later, finally found out he's born to be deaf.

some types of deafness and blindness can be identified before a child is born.
i also spent the first 3 years of my life in the hospital with constant eye surgeries as well as reconstructive surgery for my forehead.

in fact, i only weighed 2 pounds at birth and almost died 3 times. doctors thought my prognosis was quite poor, but somehow, someway, i defied the odds and survived.

doctors also thought i would have permanent brain damage, cp, profound cognitive disabilities, heart defects, learning disabilities, lung disease and asthma.

i'm happy to report that i have none of those medical problems (although i did have a heart murmur as a child). the only disabilities i do have are being unable to see or hear.

i'd hate to think what would have happened if my natural mother would have aborted me.

by the way, i have a very good friend who went through similar experiences as you. she has spina bifida yet lives a productive life and couldn't be happier. she attends the local university and is expected to graduate with honors next year.

the potential to live a good life exists for all children. children are resilient and even when they face something as difficult as cancer, they still have the power to pull through and adapt emotionally. what a shame it would be to deny a child with a disability the chance to live a fulfilling life just because their parents thought they would be better off dead.

Thanks for sharing this. I was also born Premmie and I'm also very glad my mum didn't kill me before birth. Like you, I'm glad to be alive.
I'm glad. It's much healthier for your child to keep the baby. Especially if she wants to keep it.

I find it very sad when some parents push their girls into abortion if they are pregnant.

i couldn't agree more.
Thanks for sharing this. I was also born Premmie and I'm also very glad my mum didn't kill me before birth. Like you, I'm glad to be alive.

you're welcome.

preemies deserve to live just as much as "normal" babies do.

by the way, if you don't mind my asking, how much did you weigh at birth and how many months premature were you? i was 4 months premature (and weighed 2 pounds at birth).
(Just thought maybe some of u want to know the story. I copy it from facebook, my friend posted there. I don't know where she gets it but I just find a interesting story here, sorry if I post it in wrong place..)

A worried woman went to her Gynecologist and said: 'Doctor, I have a serious problem and desperately
need your help! My baby is not even 1 yr. old and I'm pregnant again. I don't want kids so close together.'

So the doctor said: 'Ok, and what do you want me to do?'

She said: 'I want you to end my pregnancy, and I'm counting on your help with this.'

The doctor thought for a little, and after some silence he said to the lady: 'I think I have a better solution for your problem. It's less dangerous for
you too.'

She smiled, thinking that the doctor was going to accept her request.

Then he continued: 'You see, in order for you not to have to take care of 2 babies at the same time, let's kill the one in your arms. This way, you could rest some before the other one is born. If we're going to kill one of them, it doesn't matter which one it is. There would be no risk for your body if you chose the one in your arms.'

The lady was horrified and said: 'No doctor! How terrible for you to think of killing my child!ʼ

'I agree', the doctor replied. 'But you seemed to be ok with it, so I thought maybe that was the best solution.'

The doctor smiled, realizing that he had made his point. He convinced the mom that there Is no difference in killing a child that's already been born and one that's still in the womb. The crime is the same!

I would report the doctor to authority for his illegal and abuse patient's emotion because the doctor is not allow to negative his patient over abortion issue or urge them to keep a baby when his patient decide to end her pregnancy. Here in Germany, the Gyn. are obligate to send their patients to cousnellor if their patient doubt or don't want to keep the child for reasons... and give them time to think about until before 12 weeks limit. After 12 weeks, is too late unless mother's health risk or stillbirth.
You know what stories like that do? They only succeed in making women who REGRET their abortions feel like SHIT.

Women who don't regret them will probably feel annoyed, but not the kick in the gut women who regret their abortions feel while reading that.

So, NICELY done. Good job at not changing anyones mind and making women feel WORSE.

And yes, I did make generalizations.
Abortion is NOT a " choice " - IMO. :)

To me, yes abortion up to 12 weeks limit is a best choice... IMO.

If the women are being force to raise the child with responsiblity, it would likely to become abusive parents, sometimes end to kill them... The children doesn't deserve to being suffer like that. I prefer fetus removal because they don't have suffer like the small children does.

Which worst: fetus removal or kill the innocent babies (I mean outside of mother's womb)...?
I'm glad. It's much healthier for your child to keep the baby. Especially if she wants to keep it.

I find it very sad when some parents push their girls into abortion if they are pregnant.

Totally! I agree.

Pro-choice, means CHOICE.

Forcing to abort = Wrong

Forcing to continue pregnancy = wrong
BTW, I know I was almost aborted due to health reasons.

And I am absolutely pro-choice. I am SO glad that my mom kept me because she WANTED me, not because the government forced her to gestate me. How horrid.
Oh I got an even better story:

This 19 year old woman was down on her luck and became a coke addict. She became pregnant and wanted to do an abortion. She couldn't afford one and her religious parents refused to help because abortion was against their beliefs. The parents came over to their daughter's house one day and said to her "Look at this as a blessing. This can change your life. You can stop doing drugs, raise a wonderful child, then we will help you financially." The woman agreed and decides to try to raise the baby. She stops doing drugs and has a healthy baby boy. Life is wonderful.

(although, soon after the birth, the woman resorted back to drugs, and because of that, the parents refused to help her financially. So the mother relies on men to help her, and the men frequently beat her son. Her son did end up being a drug user like her mother. But hey, thats not the point of the story! The point is that she had a healthy beautiful baby boy, right??)

*nodding sadly* your story remind me of my one year younger sister. She lost her life to overdose drugs at 2 years ago.

It's true story:

My Dad & siblings urged my teenage sister to abort except me (yes, I regretted it and do wish to listen my Dad & siblings... ), my step-mother and Roman Catholic Grandmother. We urged her to keep a baby... We have big row... My Dad said that it's not his responsibly to finanice her... My Grandma, step-mother & I suggest that she should give the baby up for an adoption if she doesn't feel ready to be responsible mother... My Dad against it and said that a lot of mothers changed their mind to keep the baby instead of give up for an adoption... I (stupidity and fool) gave my Grandmother and step-mother right to consider as a murder if she decided to abort a baby... Those word "murder" make my sister feel bad... she decided to continue with pregnancy and prepare for adoption... After birth, she changed her mind and want to keep the baby... 6 months later after birth she fall in pregnant again by same father... and then two years later pregnant again by another man. She struggled with 3 little children... She received none of famliy's support... she felt being tied down and look jealous to me and my hubby... we have good jobs, travelled oversea, house, cars... she was very depressed.... until one day, she smoked weed out of curiously and make her feel good... until she abused the drugs and neglect their 3 small children... Her boyfriend took 3rd child with him to his parents house and take custody of him... Leave my sister alone with 2 little children... CPS took 2 children away from her... Their 2 little children turn into aggressive and trouble with police dozen of times... My nephew mugged the people for money... Awfully a lot of problem.... We worked hard to help my sister to be clean from hard drugs... to think about her children... she was a bad mother... until she died of overdose at 2 years ago. I got a fax from my Dad last week telling me that my 23 years old nephew is in jail for 15 months...

Do my sister's children deserve kind of life to face their drug addiction mother like that ? Is it fair?

I guess it would be different story IF we all suggest her to abort a child without make her feel bad.... She would act like me... get job, education, married, travel, house, later to have children when she feel ready... etc.

I miss my one year younger sister... she was one who can do with sign language... Her 44th birthday was at 3 weeks ago... What a waste life... she was young... :(

My sister's death got me think twice and agree to respect women's choice and support them no matter either they decide to want to keep the baby or not... It's their body and feeling either they feel ready to be responsible parent or not... We should not FORCE or INFLUENCE anyone's decision or CALL anyone murder or whatever but should RESPECT women's decision.
totally! I agree.

Pro-choice, means choice.

Forcing to abort = wrong

forcing to continue pregnancy = wrong


Cheri & Maria,
Yes, I remember your posts in several abortion debate threads... Again, I'm sorry what and how you had bad experience thru being force abortion by your parents. It's very wrong of them to force you abort the baby when you want to keep it.

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Would you call her a murderer if she got an abortion? That's the whole point...I am sure jazzy or others who have gotten abortion probably wouldnt appreciate being called a murderer.

Yes, I second your and Jazzy's posts... It's pointless to convince pro-lifers since we know that they consider fetus removal as a murder in many abortion debate threads, no matter how women feeling and how women's health is... but mainly important to them is abortion should be turn into illegal and fetus should be come first before woman's health situation.
Well, WHAT can I do about it ? I did NOT make it for them that made them murderers. Some people label that to pro-choicers and I am certain that the pro-choicers label pro-lifers in another word, too... like sayin' " judgmental and intolerent ". :cool:

No, you can't compare judgemental and intolerant with murder... Those word "judgment and intolerant" is not an insult or a bash because it's truth that pro-lifers have no right to inference women's decision/choice and tell them what to do because their decision are none of pro-lifer's business. Pro-Lifers call them murder is an insult and a bash because they did not break the law to commit murders but legal fetus removal.

That's the huge difference.
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