Wild Wing Cafe Kicks Out 25 African Americans After White Customer Felt 'Threatened'

Kinda going waaay off topic here but it relates to race and the the lady that didn't respond.

I was thinking about this just last week. I was at a Target and there were 2 lanes close to me with only one person in line. One lane had a black cashier and the other had a white cashier and I purposely went to the lane with the white cashier because she was white. It had nothing to do with me disliking black people because I don't feel that way. But our country has gone so crazy with blaming racism for everything that it is making racism worse. The reason I made my choice? I don't hear well and I have noticed that when a white cashier says something that I don't hear, they either notice my hearing aid or assume I am an asshole. Whereas when the same thing happens with a black cashier you can see in their eyes that they are thinking "racist." I have seen it 100's of times. Even when I have explained politely that I am deaf and point at my HA you can still see doubt in their eyes. And personally, I would prefer to be viewed as an asshole rather than a racist. It is really sad that things have come to this.

So anyway, I can see how if a deaf person didn't respond to one of the members in the group things might have become tense.
I was in St Louis last month, only stayed in the west side, and no issues so far. I took Amtrak, the station is in downtown area not far from the Arch and that is one of the bad areas but a good friend of mine picked me up and dropped me off, so I never go alone with full of strangers around.

That IS a rough area for sure.
For my experience, the race relation hasn't changed in my area and I went to college yesterday - it was first class day. Black students treat me very well with respect and white students are well along with black students. That was unchanged after Zimmerman's trial verdict, however I think it will be worse in some area, especially criminals.

Speaking about cashier, I just pick any cashiers that have shortest line, regardless on race color - white, black, latino. If black cashier has shorter line so I will take it, if white cashier has shorter line so I will take it - no difference.
For my experience, the race relation hasn't changed in my area and I went to college yesterday - it was first class day. Black students treat me very well with respect and white students are well along with black students. That was unchanged after Zimmerman's trial verdict, however I think it will be worse in some area, especially criminals.

Speaking about cashier, I just pick any cashiers that have shortest line, regardless on race color - white, black, latino. If black cashier has shorter line so I will take it, if white cashier has shorter line so I will take it - no difference.

Lines were the same length.....and you missed the point.
I wasn't talk directly to you so no point is missing.

There is no critic involved and you have nothing to do wrong - I spoke about my experience.
Anyway to the article itself... what if the white guy is racist and asked the manager to kick those 25 African Americans out? This doesn't make any sense to me... if he really felt threatened, he would simply leave the restaurant and go somewhere else. This is what baffles me, it is just to seek attention for the media? :dunno:
Anyway to the article itself... what if the white guy is racist and asked the manager to kick those 25 African Americans out? This doesn't make any sense to me... if he really felt threatened, he would simply leave the restaurant and go somewhere else. This is what baffles me, it is just to seek attention for the media? :dunno:

and online too (social networking).
Ok, knowing what I know about upper management, I can tell you that the group of 25 were not kicked out because they were black.

I am almost certain (but not 100%) that this particular Wild Wing is a lot like the one near me. It was probably very busy (the party of 25 waited for two hours). This restaurant probably had other black patrons already seated in the restaurant and dining at the time of the incident. I would like to see the recording that was mentioned .... :hmm:

Was the white deaf woman threatened by any of the other patrons in the restaurant that were already seated and dining?

Did someone in the group of 25 mock the deaf woman's use of Sign? Why did she feel threatened by this group, and not in a presumably full and busy restaurant filled with people of various races?
Oh wow, someone missed my point.

Like I said above, the racial profiling is big issue in America and it make easier to blame if it was racial issue.

The restaurant already issued apology to group of 25 and Reba explained it as well.

That's not big deal anymore.
What does deaf white woman has anything with situation in SC? The news doesn't say so.

Michael Brown says he was celebrating his cousin's last day in Charleston last month at Wild Wing Cafe in North Charleston. He says after his party of 25 waited two hours for a table, the shift manager told them there was a "situation."

"She said there's a situation where one of our customers feels threatened by your party, so she asked us not to seat you in our section, which totally alarmed all of us because we're sitting there peaceably for two hours," explains Brown. "Obviously, if we were causing any conflict, we would have been ejected out of the place hours before."

Brown says while he was talking to the shift manager, someone in his group began videotaping the conversation. Brown says that's when the manager became upset and refused to seat them.

"I asked her I want to be clear with you," says Brown. "I said so you're telling me I have to leave. She said I have a right to deny you service. I said so you're asking me to leave because you're upset because he was recording you, after we've waited for two hours, and after you've already pretty much discriminated on us, and she answered yes."

Brown says several calls were made to the corporate office in Mt. Pleasant, but he says they did not receive a call back, so he took to Facebook with this post Thursday.


The white customer probably spoke with manager in private matter so we won't know about white customer's situation. Some customers can be dishonest with managers - that was happened to me when I worked at Walmart.
Everything is about racism... Anything they can say to get you all peeved off and keep your attention off all the f'ed up things they're doing... they'll do it. ( I've said it before, and I'll say it again. ) My whole family comes from Romania and never has the news been riddled with stupid crap like this! lol! Just honesty...

Stein has a point, I'm sure there were other black people eating in the restaurant. I'm sure it wasn't a "white only" atmosphere and all the sudden a group of black people walks in and she was like "Oh LAWDY black people!" I'm sure there's a reason that they're leaving out to piss everyone off and start this anger and BS just like the Travon Martin thing, and just like any other black / white issue. I'm sure this is just what we're seeing and the rest of the story would clarify it.

Racism is still out there yes... but it's not NEARLY as intense as some other issues out there... Seriously...
What does deaf white woman has anything with situation in SC? The news doesn't say so.

Complaint of racial discrimination at restaurant taken to Facebo - Live5News.com | Charleston, SC | News, Weather, Sports

The white customer probably spoke with manager in private matter so we won't know about white customer's situation. Some customers can be dishonest with managers - that was happened to me when I worked at Walmart.

I've put up a link twice, it's not the news, an employee that was there made s statement and it was posted in the comments section of Wild Wings post about it. The employees version of what happened sounds a lot more feasible than them getting kicked out just because they're black
Ok, knowing what I know about upper management, I can tell you that the group of 25 were not kicked out because they were black.

I am almost certain (but not 100%) that this particular Wild Wing is a lot like the one near me. It was probably very busy (the party of 25 waited for two hours). This restaurant probably had other black patrons already seated in the restaurant and dining at the time of the incident. I would like to see the recording that was mentioned .... :hmm:

Was the white deaf woman threatened by any of the other patrons in the restaurant that were already seated and dining?

Did someone in the group of 25 mock the deaf woman's use of Sign? Why did she feel threatened by this group, and not in a presumably full and busy restaurant filled with people of various races?

From what the employee said the reason the they were waiting fir 2 hours is because they were such a big group and didn't want to get split up. Then would tables would open up in other section they'd put people there, and the group would start crying racism that the Whities were getting seated before then. Meanwhile they were just being loud and obnoxious. From what was said it didn't sound like the deaf girl complained, it was something the employees noticed. The person that complained did so because one of them kept saying n*gger.
That's sad and bad.

We're Christians, and we never leave less than a 20% tip. If tipping is mentioned at church the pastor always stresses that Christians should be generous tippers, and that it's dishonoring to Christ to be cheap tippers.

My experience was that they weren't cheap tippers...they were NON-tippers.
Maybe some church people are ok...my experiences with them has led me to avoid them like the plague. :|
I was in St Louis last month, only stayed in the west side, and no issues so far. I took Amtrak, the station is in downtown area not far from the Arch and that is one of the bad areas but a good friend of mine picked me up and dropped me off, so I never go alone with full of strangers around.
My parents still live on the south side, Did you get on/off the Amtrack by the Union Station? That is about 15 minutes from my parents/where I grew up. Basically a tourist area at Union Station.
Next time youre going to be in town let me know and Ill try to meet up to say Hi. Downtown isn't too bad, but when there is celebrations the crowd as well as alcohol plays a part in peoples attitudes as well.
Chesterfield is awesome, used to work out there and a lot of friends lived out that way... rich area for sure.
I've put up a link twice, it's not the news, an employee that was there made s statement and it was posted in the comments section of Wild Wings post about it. The employees version of what happened sounds a lot more feasible than them getting kicked out just because they're black

Ok, I didn't see your link and I just checked it.

If race wasn't issue so restaurant won't offer apology and free meal?

I think shift manager should kick one or few of 25 for making problematic than kick whole 25 out, including innocent customers.
Ok, I didn't see your link and I just checked it.

If race wasn't issue so restaurant won't offer apology and free meal?

I think shift manager should kick one or few of 25 for making problematic than kick whole 25 out, including innocent customers.

They didn't do that until the people went to facebook crying about racism. It didn't make the new til these people went to facebook crying about racism. There was noting criminal involved, the police weren't involved witness names and statements weren't taken. So all anyone has is this group of people claiming racism, that they sat there peaceably for 2 hours. Wild Wings doesn't care at that point what really happened, it's all about clean up and good publicity at this point.

But you really have to think about the part that all they're doing is "claiming" that they doing do anything, but it's not substantiated. The chances of them getting kicked out for just sitting there quietly and being black is actually fairly ludicrous
They didn't do that until the people went to facebook crying about racism. It didn't make the new til these people went to facebook crying about racism. There was noting criminal involved, the police weren't involved witness names and statements weren't taken. So all anyone has is this group of people claiming racism, that they sat there peaceably for 2 hours. Wild Wings doesn't care at that point what really happened, it's all about clean up and good publicity at this point.

But you really have to think about the part that all they're doing is "claiming" that they doing do anything, but it's not substantiated. The chances of them getting kicked out for just sitting there quietly and being black is actually fairly ludicrous

I'm asking why they didn't kick one of problematic customer out instead of whole 25?

I give a example - there are 25 people in one group - 1st person to 23rd person are well behaved, but 24th person and 25th weren't behaved so I think manager should kick 24th and 25th out but keep 1st to 23rd in restaurant.

It may not work because entire group will leave if one of problematic customer was ordered to leave and they do not want one customer to be stranded outside.

I think racial is one of easiest to use as excuse.
Here's an update statement from Mike London:

Theres an "Anonymous" employee of WWC that claims we were rude, loud, using profanity and were calling folks "Whitey". 3 things wrong with that. Why are you anonymous ? Secondly ... If 25 young black folks are rude, loud in and using profanity in any establishment in chs, ... Well, we all know how that would go... 911! They have cameras everywhere and believe me, that footage would have BEEN Released last week!!! Lastly, who in Gods name uses the word "Whitey"? Smh I'm offended but I will #STAND