Wild Wing Cafe Kicks Out 25 African Americans After White Customer Felt 'Threatened'

Here's an update statement from Mike London:

Theres an "Anonymous" employee of WWC that claims we were rude, loud, using profanity and were calling folks "Whitey". 3 things wrong with that. Why are you anonymous ? Secondly ... If 25 young black folks are rude, loud in and using profanity in any establishment in chs, ... Well, we all know how that would go... 911! They have cameras everywhere and believe me, that footage would have BEEN Released last week!!! Lastly, who in Gods name uses the word "Whitey"? Smh I'm offended but I will #STAND

Anonymous so they don't get fired?? It's a crock, the employee's version is much more detailed, who uses terms like whitey? um....black people that use the term n*gger probably? A restaurant wouldn't call the cops just for a group being obnoxious, they'd call them if they had asked them to leave but then the group refused to do so. It's down to he said she said, and their story is too fishy and is unbelievable. Since it's it's just about what they claimed to have happened you need to swallow it with a healthy dose of salt! I've had one of my kids hit one of my other kids and sit there and denied they did anything as well.

It really comes down to common sense, and whether you believe how truthful people are being. Can I see a large group of black people having to wait 2 hours because they don't want to be separated meanwhile white people are being seated in other sections where the large group isn't going and then the large group seeing that and deciding that it's happening because the whites are getting seated first because they're white? Oh yeah, I can see that. Can I see that waiting for 2 hours would make some of them impatient and more unruly? Oh yeah. Their story doesn't make any sense, that's the problem.
Here's an update statement from Mike London:

Theres an "Anonymous" employee of WWC that claims we were rude, loud, using profanity and were calling folks "Whitey". 3 things wrong with that. Why are you anonymous ? Secondly ... If 25 young black folks are rude, loud in and using profanity in any establishment in chs, ... Well, we all know how that would go... 911! They have cameras everywhere and believe me, that footage would have BEEN Released last week!!! Lastly, who in Gods name uses the word "Whitey"? Smh I'm offended but I will #STAND

This guy sounds awfully defensive. Of course the person was anonymous. I don't think any rational person gives their name in that situation.
Oh? one of them had their picture taken with a Mayor, oh well naturally they're completely in the right and couldn't possibly have done anything wrong because at some point one of them was at the same function as a Mayor. :roll:
My, you're creative. :giggle:

I just thought it was interesting; I didn't draw any conclusions from it. I guess I don't have the imagination that you have. :lol:
My, you're creative. :giggle:

I just thought it was interesting; I didn't draw any conclusions from it. I guess I don't have the imagination that you have. :lol:

please, that's rather transparent. What was the point of posting it in the first place then?
please, that's rather transparent. What was the point of posting it in the first place then?
I thought it was interesting. If you were local and knew about Mayor Summey (he's a character) I guess it would be of more interest.
I don't know the motivations of any of the parties involved other than I would assume WWC wants to minimize any damage to their business.

I suppose any group who waited two hours for service and then were turned away wouldn't be happy about that, whatever the reason. Beyond that, I don't know what's behind their complaint.

I don't see what's wrong with presenting both sides, or with giving my local observations.
I don't know the motivations of any of the parties involved other than I would assume WWC wants to minimize any damage to their business.

I suppose any group who waited two hours for service and then were turned away wouldn't be happy about that, whatever the reason. Beyond that, I don't know what's behind their complaint.

I don't see what's wrong with presenting both sides, or with giving my local observations.

I appreciate your input. I doubt we will ever hear the side from the restaurant. Usually it is more beneficial to apologize rather than to try to explain.
I don't know the motivations of any of the parties involved other than I would assume WWC wants to minimize any damage to their business.

I suppose any group who waited two hours for service and then were turned away wouldn't be happy about that, whatever the reason. Beyond that, I don't know what's behind their complaint.

I don't see what's wrong with presenting both sides, or with giving my local observations.

Ok, I have question about your experience.

Is race relation between white and black is getting better or worse than decades ago? 1960's vs. 2013? 1990's vs. 2013?
They probably doing damage control and minimize publicity about what really happened. It takes a few comments on the internet to really damage the reputation of a company. Whether if it's true or made up, they might or might not apologize publicity (apologized them privately).. they might try to forget all this and move on.

I appreciate your input. I doubt we will ever hear the side from the restaurant. Usually it is more beneficial to apologize rather than to try to explain.
Wild Wing Cafe Michael Brown: Black Group Refused Service At Cafe | News One

Sorry if it's reposted.

“I said, So you’re telling me, after you made me wait for two hours, and discriminate against me, and have us waiting and we called ahead — all of these things and we actually still want to patronize your establishment. Now you [are] telling me you want to kick me out?” he reportedly asked the manager.
If they made a reservation, why did they wait for two hours?

“We asked [the shift manager], ‘Why can’t we sit in that area over there?’ Brown said, pointing to a row of empty tables in the cafe. “She said pretty much that costumer over there feels threatened by you guys and she asked that you not be seated by her.”
WTF? The manager respected the lady's request while it could make more money from that big group. The manager was a fool.
Ok, I have question about your experience.

Is race relation between white and black is getting better or worse than decades ago? 1960's vs. 2013? 1990's vs. 2013?
It depends on where, and within which groups. It's not the same in each place.

In my area, relations between black and white church people, rural people, middle class "average" people, and individuals is better. During the '60's, the Charleston area was severely segregated--that's not true now. However, there are still some people with bad attitudes, both black and white. In some areas, there is a "ghetto" attitude and behavior (welfare dependent and criminal). Decent black people stay away from that, the same as decent white people do.

There are some people who will always be ignorant and racist--haters.

Rural and middle class black people are generally hard working and moral family people, just like rural and middle class white people are. Same for members of black or white (or mixed) churches.

We do have problems with black political "leaders" who don't always have their constituency's welfare at heart. They seem to be scandal ridden but still get reelected. That's a problem. However, we do have some very dedicated black politicians and community leaders, too.

Some of the problems are generational, not racial--laziness, criminality, and moral slackness.

Overall, I would say there has been continuous improvement of race relations since the 1970's. There are still some problems and bad eggs but overall, the atmosphere is better. Not perfect but in speaking with people who are long-time natives here, it has much improved.

Ironically, some of the racial discomfort here is imported from outsiders moving down to the area from supposedly more enlightened regions.
Thanks, will keep in mind.. might be a long while to come back there. That's why you have to be cautious to your surroundings in a bad area if you have to go such as Amtrak station.

My parents still live on the south side, Did you get on/off the Amtrack by the Union Station? That is about 15 minutes from my parents/where I grew up. Basically a tourist area at Union Station.
Next time youre going to be in town let me know and Ill try to meet up to say Hi. Downtown isn't too bad, but when there is celebrations the crowd as well as alcohol plays a part in peoples attitudes as well.
Chesterfield is awesome, used to work out there and a lot of friends lived out that way... rich area for sure.
Wild Wing Cafe Michael Brown: Black Group Refused Service At Cafe | News One

...If they made a reservation, why did they wait for two hours?
Calling ahead is a different category than real reservations. It's better than just showing up but it doesn't actually save you a table for a specific time.

When you do a "call ahead" it puts your name on the wait list before you actually drive up. That's a benefit but it's not a reserved time. Also, most restaurants do only same-day call aheads, so you still might have a wait, especially for a large group.

For a large group, it's best to make a reservation for a room or group area directly with management, in advance. That way, you not only get the space but management knows whether or not to call in extra staff for your party.
So you need dinner reservations at Wild Wings?

Someone pass the caviar please .....
Calling ahead is a different category than real reservations. It's better than just showing up but it doesn't actually save you a table for a specific time.

When you do a "call ahead" it puts your name on the wait list before you actually drive up. That's a benefit but it's not a reserved time. Also, most restaurants do only same-day call aheads, so you still might have a wait, especially for a large group.

For a large group, it's best to make a reservation for a room or group area directly with management, in advance. That way, you not only get the space but management knows whether or not to call in extra staff for your party.
OIC, but why two hours? What's more, there were tables available for them but the manager won't let them have those tables due to the customer (white woman) who didn't want them sitting next to her. That's racism.
So you need dinner reservations at Wild Wings?

Someone pass the caviar please .....
I don't know if they even take reservations there. I'm just saying that if you have a large group, and the place takes reservations, that's the best way to eliminate a long wait.

Charleston (and the area around it) lives, breathes, and propagates the restaurant and hospitality industry. There is no slump in restaurant businesses here. There are crowds, packed parking, and waiting lines all over the place, not just "fancy" restaurants. :lol:
OIC, but why two hours? What's more, there were tables available for them but the manager won't let them have those tables due to the customer (white woman) who didn't want them sitting next to her. That's racism.

Nooooooo, because they wanted tables to fit 25 people all together in the same area, the people that were getting seated were getting seated in a different area.