Why do people become atheists?

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hottiedeafboi said:
JW is separate from catholic, methodist, baptist, assembly og God, Church of God, church of Christ, Lutheran and etc. Bec JW is cult which does not believe in Diety.
uh - Hottie - Jehovah's witnesses believe in a diety - God. They call him Jehovah. They also believe in Jesus. I can't say I entirely disagree about them being cult-like, but you are mistaken when you say they don't believe in a diety.

hottiedeafboi said:
Even many women regret by aborting their baby, and testified how they her baby screamed inside of them.
The preponderence of abortions are performed in the first trimester, long before th capability of screaming is developed in the fetus. Statements about fetuses literally screaming are a misrepresentation of the procedure. MANY women also have regrets about having children, having too many children, choosing to remain childless, giving up children for adoption, not giving children up for adoption. If we made all regrettable acts illegal, no one would be allowed to eat questionable tacos either. I have regeretted a number of meals I've eaten.

hottiedeafboi said:
Gay or homosexual is not who you are, its what u r doing.
Is being heterosexual part of who you are, or is it something you "do"? What about when you were a child and didn't really "do" anything sexual? Were you heterosexual then? Gay? Nothing?
JW do believe Jesus, but does not believe He is the Son of God, they believe He is a great prophet and a great teacher, but not fully God and fully Man. Yes, there is come a term the word homosexual, but it does based on how you say it, like this, now, don't misunderstand, that all other sins including, but about homosexual, as said that homosexual has no place in the kingdome of God, its not mean a person itself, it mean a person who actor practice, like gossip have no place of the kingdom of God, not the gossippers. Jesus died for all and bore ALL our sins upon Himself as shed blood covered our sins for remission. Well, abortion back in the 70s and 80s, they do abort even 8 month pregnant and 9 months. Its legal, but the law begin to reconsider so reduce early terms. Bad thing is, women concern themsekves than the child. I don't ever sees God ever approve of aborting or murder. Will God forgive them, yes, He does. Even very high rating as docotr think as women life threathened need to abort babies, while women refuse to do, both women and baby survive, very high rating doctor were wrong. Include there are several awesome moving testimonies of those who are alive is the child that not know who and some know who is the father that raped their mom. I do think its even wrong to abort or murder a child if women were raped. It isn't a woman fault or a child. Very highly women who aborted or murder a child has been strugglingto have a next child, bec all kinds of damage the doctors has done and some take different length of times to have a child is bec the iodine still in the womb which hasn't quickly diminish. Jesus died and paid all of that to Himself, He was punished for us bec alll our sins was in Him and Father has forsaken Him, but that's not the end, He has conquered death, hell and sins, so that whosoever believes IN (not about, or just believe) Him shall be saved. ANYONE who comes to Him He will NOT turn His back on them. He said He didn't come to the world to condemn them, but save who is lost in sin. Going to heaven is not based what we do, its based on what HE did. Its a beautiful message. There is no other message like this one. Its very heart warming and very welcoming message to all which no other has.
For Jehovah Witness's belief: Jehovah is God's name. JW don't beleive in Trinity. Jesus is first person, Jehovah created before create the angels, earth.... Jesus helped Jehovah to create things in the earth. Jehovah sent his son Jesus to Earth as human for sin ransom. They beleive in have everlasting life on a paradise earth after death (people who faith Jehovah). God allow Satan & his demons rule the earth to cause people bad, suffering, crimes, etc... I asked JW why God allow that and also allow us suffering? They said that God test people's faith in him like what God did to Job, Abraham, etc. The reason they don't celebrate birthdays and holidays because of false religions. Accord God's law: You violated God's law if you take an abortion, Gays, blood transfusions, Bone marrow transplants, etc. All form of medical treatment are acceptance except blood transfusions, Bone marrow transplants, blood/organ, organ transplants... Divorce is permitted for special reasons. I know from my experience being involve with them. Punishment in their belief way, after divorce, they are allow to speak each other for 6 months... Yes they are welcome to go Kingdom Hall but no talk with anyone. It's Sin if you give up JW belief after baptist to be JW. Their punishment is NOT talk to JW rest of life. If you want to go back to be JW then you have to ask them for forgiveness. (Thank God, I didn't do that but stay neutral with them). I tried to compare JW with Christian belief... I know JW mostly than Christian because I grow up with them... Oh yes, Jesus died on stake, not cross.

Bible is God's word and truth - Christians and JW.
God name is Jehovah - JW
Jesus is first God's creations - JW
God name is Jesus Christ - Christians
Jesus Christ is God's son - JW and many religions except Christians
Jesus Christ is a God (Trinity) - Christians
Jesus died on stake, not cross - JW
Jesus died on cross - Christians
Jesus's life was paid as a ransom for obedient humans - JW and Christians
Jesus was raised from the dead as spirit person - JW
Bad people will be destroy - JW and Christians
People who approve God, will receive everlasting life - JW
Prayers are for Jehovah thru Jesus. - JW
Satan is the ruler of earth - JW and Christians
Blood transfusions, donor, blood foods (salami, blood pudding etc) is violate God's laws. - JW
Self-esteem is sin - Christians Check this link
atheists, agnostic, spirits and other beliefs are false.. JW & Christians.
Reba said:
Huh? I'm just stating facts. How does that "prove" I'm "hard and have no feeling"? Do you mean a "sensitive" person would say jealousy and murder are OK? Do you mean jealousy is a legal excuse for murder?

Huh? You can't compare "OK" with "Why". "OK" and "Why" are huge difference.

Did you know that some people are jealous of others, even without reason? Some people have the perception that they are treated unfairly, even when it is not true. Sometimes it doesn't matter how fairly people are treated if their perception is skewed. Jealousy can result even when the treatment is fair.

Sorry I never heard about this. This is a new to me... :dunno:

Sorry, I guess I misunderstood your statement:

(Liebling's post)
"Really? It´s meanfuling to have psychologitist around in the court to help court´s knowledge, also us parents as well because we can help children´s future to make sure that they do not go wrong path... "

You didn't misunderstand me but twist my word. Where have I say that Court's job to to educate us how to raise children? I never say "how to raise" but good education for us. I only said that it's good to have psychologist around to help court's knowledge and also us parents as well because it's good education for all of us to help our children's future to good path.

Can you give me a link to that please? I know that people interviewed and analyzed Ted Bundy after his trial and conviction. Usually judges only order psychological examinations to prove whether or not the defendant is competent to stand trial. Prosecuting and defending attorneys sometimes use psychologists to help prove their cases.

We were discussing criminal trials. Serving on a criminal jury can be an educational experience but that is not the reason for jury service. That's just a side benefit.

Come on, everyone knows that Criminal psychologists focus deeply to find out what/why/where makes someone commit crime. Like what I said before that psychologists are present at court to help judge and juries understand where/why/what crime's mind and behavior comes from. Yes Judge and Juries want to know why... Of course it's voluntarliy for people for want to know. Yes I want to know... It's my voluntariy to open my eye and listen... which it's good education for me to help to raise my children into good path. I'm glad that the court and juries need psychologist around for court cases because it's good edcuation for everyone.

What is voluntary? Do you mean jury service? No, it is not voluntary in the U.S. Jury service is mandatory for those called.

Huh? Please use your common sense instead of twist my word...

It's not court, juries and psychologists, I'm talking about but everyone in general way. I want to know why is my voluntarily because I'm interesting. If you don't want to know why then is your voluntarliy because nobody force you to open your ear and mind to listen why someone commit crimes.

What is "lawyer's honar"?

Lawyer's cost.

Oh, please! :roll:

Some people don't like to see blood or they are vegetarian. It could be Cain is one of them? :) It's suggestion. Nobody forces you if you don't like to see blood or you are vegetarian, don't we? :) It doesn't mean that they are bad people when they don't like blood or don't want to eat meats don't they?

If Cain wanted to do things his way, not God's way, then he had to accept the consequences.

God's way? God should understanding if Cain don't like to see blood or he's vegetarian. He did brought form of offerings but God choose to reject his offering. I would consider disobey if he didn't bring form of offerings but he did but God prefer Abel's offering.

Cain is not lazy and work hard and help his parents... Remember, Cain's parents are first couple.. Nobody support them... Cain is eldest son... It's him who help/support his parents alot... It doesn't mean that it make him bad person because he brought different form of offerings. Cain feel being failure and reject by God, that's how it makes Cain into different person.

Yes, I know. I read it again. It is someone's opinion about Cain and Abel. It says that Abel honored God, and Cain did NOT give God his best. Right.

Yes... but Cain DID honored God with form of offering but God choose to reject him. I do not expect something from my children to honor me and try their best but accept them what they are because they are different. because but I do not expect my children to honor me their best but accept what they are because I don't compare them.

It is someone's opinion about Cain and Abel.

It's also human author of the bible's opinion who wrote the bible as well. Example about old to new testanment. ;)

I will try to be more clear.

I worship God.

That is a fact, not an opinion.

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CyberRed said:
Well, JW don't believe in savin' a child from death when a child needs a blood transfusion. Muslims believe in enterin' the Kingdom of God ( Heaven ) by killin' people, Roman Catholic encourage homosexuals and other scandalous, and there are many problems among churches due to Apostasy ...

Yes, they have different beliefs to beleive what their bible says. Their religion author who translate from scriptures, that's what they beleive. They all beleive same God but they use form of God's image.

Example: You (Christians) don't beleive in Self-esteem but "Christ-Esteem".. You said yourself in my thread and other post

]CyberRed's post in my thread:
"Jesus is MY psychologist, counselor, psychiatrist, doctor, healer, and EVERYTHIN' because, of the faith I put myself in Him since He is perfect than anyone who is a merely professional on earth."



Many beliefs including Christians are against homosexuals, abortion, etc.

Oh, are you sayin' that you don't believe in Ten Commandments ? The Ten Commandments are laws.

God's 10 commandments come from Moses's time. It's for Jew, they made the 10 commandments, not us because we didn't born at Mose's time. The reason the commandment is made because it's God who brought Jews out of Egypt and want them to obey their law. It's an exactly example what we obey our countries law.

Ok here's the explanation : IF, there weren't for Jesus Christ's Disciples/ or Apostles, then there wouldn't be a bible around. There will be no authors writin' or printin' the bible. And, of course there will be NO Jesus teachin' people in His Ancient Time for His Disciples/Apostles to write to teach their generations.

How do you explain the bible is STILL around ? It wasn't for the authors to invent makin' the bible, if it wasn't for Jesus to teach in a long time ago.

Write? The apostles did not write but preached. Jesus did not get apostles to write but preached mouth to mouth to mouth to mouth................

Can you explain me how they can read and write?

Who wrote the gospels of the New Testament?

To me, the Bible says many things could be something do with science because the bible authors study scriputures.

Jesus Himself would never do that to His people. He is God. Have you heard anythin' about Jesus doin' evil things like sinners do -- for example: what Roman Catholic, JW, and Muslim are doin' to people ?? Explain that to me, if you don't agree.
Explain to me what Jesus have done ? [/COLOR]

wow! What about Christians? Do you want to claim that Christians are prefect and real than other beliefs? Well, I have question & answer for you. I learned from many threads that Christians beleive in death penatly and harsh/humilation punishments, spanking children, War, Christ-Esteem because the bibles says. Is it true that Jesus says this?

It is hard to beleive that Jesus is for death penalty, punishment etc...

Oh yes, many different religion beliefs said each other that their bibles are illogical and hypocrisy. Why? because they have different beliefs. It doesn't mean that your belief is correct than others... That's their BELIEFS.

Example of thousands:
Muslim man kill their muslim wives, sisters or daughter thru their belief as "honor killing"... accord Islamic law...

Like what I said that they have many different religion beliefs... I beleive one of many reasons why the people become atheists.
Liebling, the way I see your response and many stuff is not true of christianinty. Reba did not twist her words. Bec what said and ask, reba respond to fit ur questions. There are something I don't know since u r german, not sure u didn't get what reba is saying or understand what she was saying. Don't say you do, bec the way I see you got it confuse. Now, fact is Jesus did died on the cross, we christians also believe Jesus is God's Son, there wil be no such thing Trinity apart from Go's Son. God the Father , The Son, The Holy Spirit, its not separate positions. Jehovah is God, that's who we believe. God said " I AM THAT I AM". Do you know what that means? God of many names, but one God, bec that's His character. No, Reba didn't say christian is perfect, if we are, we have nothing with Jesus. Yes, christians does make many kinds of mistake, that's why we as Christ to be in our lives and ask for forgiveness. Christ is our Mediator and intercede and also Holy Spirit express our feelings and stuff which we don't know how to say or express, The Spirit sees in you to do for you. The way I see, liebling, you must of hated christians so much. Understand I have seen or suffered with christians who is judegmental, divisive and claiming others are wrong and they themselves are right, the truth is that's not of Christ. As I see how you think about Bible translation is all contradict, depends which. But mostly are the same interpretations. To me you haven't read it your self compare these translations. Yes, I ve heard bigotry said they do, which they didn't its bec out of hate on the christians. Yes, I'm very dissappointed some christians out there protest and verbally like casting a stone. Some pastors I love have received letters from other churches for them to involved. They refuse, bec its not of Christ. Christ called us to minister, not condemn. About Christ esteem. I want u to understand this, we are sinful people, when u receive christ as your personal Savior, the Blood of Christ covered ur sin and been atoned. The Holy Spirit indwells in your life. As Paul wrote, 'let the mind of Christ be in you". I must die (mean I must put my pride, self centered, all other sin to death). Yes, christians goal is be become more like Him. We can't be more like Him without Him living inside of us. Its that mean, we don't do again? No. Also been written, practice godliness. Its a day by day, moment by moment. Apart from Christ, is still dead in sins, but in Christ is made alive, when Christ called us Home, our corruptable body will immediately tranforms into incorruptable body. I tell you, that's a awesome message.
hottiedeafboi said:
Liebling, the way I see your response and many stuff is not true of christianinty.

I would suggest you to check many Religion threads around here. That´s how I learn from Christians.

Reba did not twist her words.

You don´t know her but we do. I´m not only person she twist the word but she did with everyone, she disagree to.

Bec what said and ask, reba respond to fit ur questions.

I suggest you to re-read my post how she twisted my word. I tidy her post where she tried to mix my posts.

There are something I don't know since u r german, not sure u didn't get what reba is saying or understand what she was saying. Don't say you do, bec the way I see you got it confuse.

No I´m not confused. I get what she says. That´s just because my view is different as her because I can´t see the sense. I speak her in my psychology way as she speak to me in her belief way.

Now, fact is Jesus did died on the cross, we christians also believe Jesus is God's Son, there wil be no such thing Trinity apart from Go's Son.

I´m surprised to learn from you that you beleive Jesus is God´s Son. Which religion, you believe in? Most Christians believes Jesus is God. They also beleive in an equal Trinity of God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit as well. ;)

God the Father , The Son, The Holy Spirit, its not separate positions. Jehovah is God, that's who we believe. God said " I AM THAT I AM". Do you know what that means? God of many names, but one God, bec that's His character.

Well, that´s why I do not favor to any beliefs. I´m neutral to any beliefs and support Psychology. I do not against your beliefs and other beliefs but share their beliefs here with you. Remember, everyone are entitled to their own beliefs.

No, Reba didn't say christian is perfect,

Where have I say that Reba say that Christian is prefect?

if we are, we have nothing with Jesus. Yes, christians does make many kinds of mistake, that's why we as Christ to be in our lives and ask for forgiveness.

I´m glad that you say this but most Christians deny their mistakes and think their bible are truth.

Christ is our Mediator and intercede and also Holy Spirit express our feelings and stuff which we don't know how to say or express, The Spirit sees in you to do for you.

Okay this is your belief.

The way I see, liebling, you must of hated christians so much.

No, I don´t hate christians but disagree their views. This is a difference.

Understand I have seen or suffered with christians who is judegmental, divisive and claiming others are wrong and they themselves are right, the truth is that's not of Christ.

I can see that you didn´t make your posts much. I´m afraid yes, christians made judgement posts in many religion threads. I would suggest you to read everything in all of religion threads when you have time.

As I see how you think about Bible translation is all contradict, depends which. But mostly are the same interpretations.

To me you haven't read it your self compare these translations.

I´m afraid yes, Many religion beliefs translate differently on same Scriptures. I have compare few different bibles. Some of their word are different...

I just found the example:
The author of Jehovah´s Witnesses use scriptures to translate like this... They don´t beleive in blood transfions etc.. Christians beleive in blood transfusion. Correct? Can you share list of your bible to compare with Jehovah withness´s bible?


Yes, I ve heard bigotry said they do, which they didn't its bec out of hate on the christians. Yes, I'm very dissappointed some christians out there protest and verbally like casting a stone. Some pastors I love have received letters from other churches for them to involved. They refuse, bec its not of Christ. Christ called us to minister, not condemn. About Christ esteem. I want u to understand this, we are sinful people, when u receive christ as your personal Savior, the Blood of Christ covered ur sin and been atoned. The Holy Spirit indwells in your life. As Paul wrote, 'let the mind of Christ be in you". I must die (mean I must put my pride, self centered, all other sin to death). Yes, christians goal is be become more like Him. We can't be more like Him without Him living inside of us. Its that mean, we don't do again? No. Also been written, practice godliness. Its a day by day, moment by moment. Apart from Christ, is still dead in sins, but in Christ is made alive, when Christ called us Home, our corruptable body will immediately tranforms into incorruptable body. I tell you, that's a awesome message.

you are entitle your belief. I respect you when I see different as you.

I accept God and Jesus, not Bible. Some of Christians claim that I don´t beleive God/Jesus (they beleive Jesus is God) because I don´t beleive in Bible. Where did I say against God? No, it´s Christian´s word, not mine. I only said that the bible wrote by human author, not God.

I can see that many people in the world are being brainwashed by different Religions. What should I do change their belief? No, but respect their belief if they think their belief fit them well which I doesn´t. I join NO religions but collect their beliefs.

Again, remember everyone are entitled their own beliefs.

Liebling, I know its hard to percieve between God's Son and Jesus is God. I will try my best how that work, I see what God has shown me thru His Word, see, Jesus is The Father's Son, understand, the same as God-The Father, God- The Son, God- The Holy Spirit, so-called Trinity, its not separate mind and position. Some thought we worship three gods, which don't. When Jesus was baptized, the voice came from the Father who said, " this is my beloved Son, whom I'm pleased" then looks like a dove came upon Jesus, which is the Holy Spirit. As John 1:1 says, " In the beginning was the one who is called the Word (Jesus). The Word was WITH God and was TRULY God. From the very Beginning the Word WAS WITH God. 2) And with this Word, god created all things. NOTHING was made WITHOUT the Word. Everything that was created received its life from Him and His life gave light to everyone........10) The Word was in the world but noone knew Him, though God had made the world WITH HIS WORD. He came into HIS own world, but HIS nation (jews) did not welcome Him. 12) Yet some people accepted (received) Him and put their faith IN Him. So He gave them the right to be the children of God. 13) They were not God's children by nature or because of any human desires. God Himself was the one who made them His children. 14) The Word became human being and lived here with us. We saw His true glory, the glory of the only Son of the Father. From Him all the kindness and all the truth of God have come down to us." Again, repeat vs 1 as syas, Jesus was WITH God, and He IS God Himself. As in Book of Romans and also Book of ! Corinthians, also Book of Galatians, as saying those who are of the world (non christians), thinks teaching of the cross is foolish and do not understand of God because no Holy Spirit lives inside of them, bec their minds is still in the dark. Also says, like if God 's mind is limited compare the intelligence of men, God is more intelligent than men. Bec we as human has finite mind, but God is infinite. About u are surprise by my saying christians does make mistakes, there is no surprise about it bec not all christians are the same. But tho the teaching of different ways may be different, but all believe the same who Jesus is. But the mistakes I meant is the way of life like we still have temptations, struggles, hardship, but each has different weaknesses and we fall into some categories, but we must rely on God to enable us. Ok, understand, you asking me which religion, you meant denomination, that two big different btwn religions and denominations. I'm a Baptist. Religion means budha, islam, hindus and etc. But in the christian world, different churches called denominations, not religions. We aren't born christians. That's not how that works, I'm a american, not mean I'm a christian, my dad is a preacher, that's not mean I'm a christian. Christian means, those who receive (or say ask) Jesus to come into my life to be my Savior and Lord, instance you become the child of God forever.the Holy Spirit indwells in you till He called you home. You know that flesh and blood has noplace in the holiness of God. Then how can we? Jesus, His blood covers our sins and like I said, if a man in flesh and blood see God, he will be destroyed, why? Bec His holiness, and we are sinfulness. That is why Jesus came to die to take our place so we can all get to Heaven with Him. That's the Fatherls plan and that's why Jesus gave up everthing so we can be with Him forever and ever. That's the Gospel which is also mean Good News.
Liebling:-))) said:
I accept God and Jesus, not Bible. Some of Christians claim that I don´t beleive God/Jesus (they beleive Jesus is God) because I don´t beleive in Bible. Where did I say against God? No, it´s Christian´s word, not mine. I only said that the bible wrote by human author, not God.
Liebling, to me you have made the bold step to develop your own relationship with God and discover for yourself what works for you and what doesn't work. Personally, I applaud this, and I think it's the only real way to go. I see a lot of people who can quote the Bible chapter and verse but still have no personal connection with God at all. I feel sad for them. For you - I say - RIGHT ON!
Well, like I said, I'm gald u point it out. But, not by drawing the line. Its like, all have different way of crreds, but importantly is Christ Jesus. I cannot not say you are not a christian, if you have Christ in you. Makes me feel like when someone said the point of belief and why I belief its like applaud others but not mine. But even tho, my worship and fellowship with my God, I thoroughly love. I know there is so much bashing from some of the christians, what I say not of Christ. Sometimes, I do believe others have different view can express, but i must keep my mouth shut, bec christians is mean and cruel. I'm sadden for what many believes.
I Believe The Word Is Son Of God, Confess Jesus Is The Word Of God Remain In Me!

YOU CHRISTIANS, you better stop to put your fingerpoint at Liebling with your harshy critizism on her..

I tell you that GOD IS APPEARED IN MY FLESH and BLOOD, He is remain in me. I knew he will never release out of me.. I don't care what you say to me that xbgmer is riduclious sayings or crazy.. But truth I tell you I am GOD, O' LIVING GOD! since God appear in me when I born. I am still preach to slaves believe me that God is appear in their skin and blood within SLAVE NATION as recogize themselves are GOD above alll include christians.. till my word spread to slaves hear their words of truth because I always believe GOD DWELL IN FLESH AND BLOOD LIKE BETWEEN JESUS AND ME ... JESUS AND ME ARE SAME HUMAN EMOTIONS AND ETC.. I BELIEVE THAT THE WORD OF JESUS CAME IN THE FLESH AND BLOOD FORM ME PERIOD.

Yeah there are many christians in North America told the world, nothing do with slaves and keep their denial that they abused slaves with various weapons and stuffs. Now You christians who can't figure why the Nation slaves are still in North america trouble you around since 1400. I knew why God bring slaves of nation on shore of North America at end of the world. Till the Nation slaves will rise from all christians include white racists, others. God will appear and remian in their bodiles slaves of people control them and have no mercy them around. they will rise into war like race war against other, language war against another language, striaght against gays for many reasons through slaves created already for long time ago and now! I and God really recogize the SLAVES of people will destory sinners of the christians, another religions and another many languages into the DAY OF GREAT SLAUGHTER when all towers and all city shall fall [Isaiah 30:25]...

Please remember that I am DEITY AND SLAVES ARE DEITIES! Since I and slaves are chosen by GOD from first and last, beginning and end forever....
Liebling:-))) said:
Did you know that some people are jealous of others, even without reason? Some people have the perception that they are treated unfairly, even when it is not true. Sometimes it doesn't matter how fairly people are treated if their perception is skewed. Jealousy can result even when the treatment is fair.
Sorry I never heard about this. This is a new to me...
You can ask your psychologist about that.

...Yes Judge and Juries want to know why....
The juries that I was on just wanted to know if the persons committed the crimes. Absolutely no one cared "why" they did it.

What is "lawyer's honar"?
Lawyer's cost.
Thank you.

God's way? God should understanding if Cain don't like to see blood or he's vegetarian.
God knows the heart and mind of everyone.

Cain is not lazy and work hard and help his parents... Remember, Cain's parents are first couple.. Nobody support them...
How do you know that Cain supported his parents? How do you know that they needed support?

... It doesn't mean that it make him bad person because he brought different form of offerings. ...
Cain was a bad person because he murdered his brother.

Yes... but Cain DID honored God ...
The Bible doesn't say that.
Reba, as I see others don't believe the bible, how u quote the bible, they keep saying bible is wrong, human theories is right and using their own beliefs of the happening. But I will leavve them be. But the best part is, keep strong in your faith. Jesus is our Rock, all others are like sinking sand. Most importantly, is love them dearly as Christ is..
hottiedeafboi said:
Reba, as I see others don't believe the bible, how u quote the bible, they keep saying bible is wrong, human theories is right and using their own beliefs of the happening. But I will leavve them be. But the best part is, keep strong in your faith. Jesus is our Rock, all others are like sinking sand. Most importantly, is love them dearly as Christ is..
Yes, you are so right, Hdb...its sad, isnt it?....The non-believers, atheists, etc
are in for rude awakening when they die......its their life so there is nothing we can or say to make them understand..people like u and me will just go on with our lives, for we know the TRUTH!
I feel bad when some people are sooo confused and all...they are the lost souls, we need to pray for them.
MorriganTait said:
Liebling, to me you have made the bold step to develop your own relationship with God and discover for yourself what works for you and what doesn't work. Personally, I applaud this, and I think it's the only real way to go. I see a lot of people who can quote the Bible chapter and verse but still have no personal connection with God at all. I feel sad for them. For you - I say - RIGHT ON!

Unfortunlately yes, I has to agree with you to this.
It's psyschology way to develop humans relationship to see either humans's mind and feeling works or not. It's an exactly how I feel after study the bible story/"history" and collect different Religion beliefs.
Reba said:
You can ask your psychologist about that.

It makes no sense to be jealous or envy of anyone without reasons. Why should they? There're alway have reasons, they are jealous or envy of.

The juries that I was on just wanted to know if the persons committed the crimes. Absolutely no one cared "why" they did it.

Do you mean that the court/juries judge crimes to death or life sentence without ask them why?

God knows the heart and mind of everyone.

:roll: oh please.

How do you know that Cain supported his parents? How do you know that they needed support?

I thought you know that Cain is a farmer and Abel is a sheep keeper. Do you mean that sheep keeper is work hard than farmer? Abel take care of sheep and Cain grow vegetables, fruits, flowers, etc. and take care of them. Perhaps your bible is different as few of my bibles. :dunno:

Abel's and Cain's offering comes out of their OWN work, don't they? Cain's offering to God was from the fruits, vegetables, etc he had grown and Abel gave God one of his sheep. God appreciate Abel's offering and do not accept Cain's offering. It doesn't make sense either sheep or vegetables but it could be some reasons why God rejected Cain's offering or didn't understand how to appreciate Cain's worship?

Let me say example: You make sacrifices for your children because you want to, not because you have to. You doesn't expect anything in return. Correct?

For Cain, God favours Abel's offering, that's how he feel being failure and reject.

But they brought their offerings to thank God for everything what they have and also want to show God how much they appreciate what he had done for them. Gifts to God are sometimes called offerings and sometimes sacrifices.

Cain was a bad person because he murdered his brother.

It's not clear either Cain done anything wrong before he was angry at God for prefer Abel's offering. He turn into different person after feel being failure and reject by God.

The Bible doesn't say that.

It could be that the author of our bible says different. :dunno: I'm surprise that the author of your bible didn't say anything what kind of work, Cain and Abel have.

hottiedeafboi said:
Reba, as I see others don't believe the bible, how u quote the bible, they keep saying bible is wrong, human theories is right and using their own beliefs of the happening. But I will leavve them be. But the best part is, keep strong in your faith. Jesus is our Rock, all others are like sinking sand. Most importantly, is love them dearly as Christ is..

Like what I said before that you are entitled your own belief. I understand and don´t want to argue that you are wrong because none of us know completely.
Liebling:-))) said:
It makes no sense to be jealous or envy of anyone without reasons. Why should they? There're alway have reasons, they are jealous or envy of.

I didn't say that it makes sense. It doesn't make sense to me either. But psychologists will tell you that is true. There are people who are jealous for NO logical reason. You don't need to believe me. Ask a psychologist. Especially spouses or lovers. There are many who are severely jealous of their mates, even though the mate is totally innocent and has done nothing wrong. Or sometimes co-workers are jealous of each other, for no reason. It is very common.

Do you mean that the court/juries judge crimes to death or life sentence without ask them why?
They judge guilt or innocence based on the facts of the crime. The penalty limits are prescribed by law. In death sentence cases, the attorneys can present mitigating reasons for a life sentence rather than death sentence. The procedure is different in each state but that's basically it.

God knows the heart and mind of everyone.
oh please.
That's why He is GOD; God is all-knowing. I understand your viewpoint though. If you don't believe in God, obviously you don't believe He has any power.

How do you know that Cain supported his parents? How do you know that they needed support?
I thought you know that Cain is a farmer and Abel is a sheep keeper.
That wasn't my question. My question was, what makes you think Adam and Eve needed support? They could take care of themselves. There is nothing in the Bible that said they depended on their sons to provide for them.

It's not clear either Cain done anything wrong before he was angry at God for prefer Abel's offering. He turn into different person after feel being failure and reject by God.
I think it is very clear that jealousy and murder are wrong.

It could be that the author of our bible says different. I'm surprise that the author of your bible didn't say anything what kind of work, Cain and Abel have.
The Author of my Bible is God.

What makes you think God didn't say anything about what kind of work Cain and Abel did?

My Bible clearly states:

Genesis 4:2
And Abel was a keeper of sheep, but Cain was a tiller of the ground.
Reba said:
I didn't say that it makes sense. It doesn't make sense to me either. But psychologists will tell you that is true. There are people who are jealous for NO logical reason. You don't need to believe me. Ask a psychologist. Especially spouses or lovers. There are many who are severely jealous of their mates, even though the mate is totally innocent and has done nothing wrong. Or sometimes co-workers are jealous of each other, for no reason. It is very common.

Oh I got it. The normal people are not jealous of anyone without reasons but what you talk about is the people who suffers paranoid personality disorder (I know because my sister has it). They obsessed their emotion due their childhood experiences like what I said before there're always have the reasons where/how to cause the people types of jealousy.

Can you please provide me the link if you disagree with me about paraniod personality disorder because I'm interesting.

I study psychology since 1992 and know a lot but I never heard that co-workers or normal people are jealous each other for no reason.

That's why He is GOD; God is all-knowing. I understand your viewpoint though. If you don't believe in God, obviously you don't believe He has any power.

God knows the heart and mind of everyone.

If you says so, why can't God warn Abel about Cain? Abel would be alive if God warn him about Cain's murder plan if he know our heart and mind. It makes no sense to me.

That wasn't my question. My question was, what makes you think Adam and Eve needed support? They could take care of themselves. There is nothing in the Bible that said they depended on their sons to provide for them.

Wow, you are hard woman and have no thought about support/help each other voluntarily... Would you say this to your daughter... "You take care yourself because the bible says". I do support/help my children because I want to. My children are happy to support/help me in return because they want to. It's an exactly what Cain and Abel did. They didn't reject their parent's teaching for help/support. That's how Cain become a farmer and Abel become a sheep keeper.

I never say that Eve and Adam need their children's support but I picture my image of Eve and Adam alone without support from everyone like what we have our support at present is Grandparents, relatives, friends etc. We have our children to play with other children... Cain & Abel are alone and have no contact with others to play with. They were raised to learn how to work and help their parents. I said it's nice of their children support them with their work on farm, etc. Its about helping/support each other. Cain & Abel didn't say NO to their parent's offer for their help to work at farm, sheep keeper, etc. It means is their children are not lazy and offer their help to their parents which it's good.

Eve and Adam and first couple.
Cain & Abel are first children.

I think it is very clear that jealousy and murder are wrong.

That's not question I ask you. Yes we know that Cain killed his brother out of jealousy AFTER his offering being reject by God. I ASK you if you know anything either Cain is a bad person BEFORE he gave offerings from his OWN work to God.

The Author of my Bible is God.

What makes you think God didn't say anything about what kind of work Cain and Abel did?

My Bible clearly states:

Genesis 4:2
And Abel was a keeper of sheep, but Cain was a tiller of the ground.

Okay, I would like to give you the example.


Are you sure that God is an author of your bible, not other religion bibles? Is the link, I provide is wrong?

Cain's offering was being rejected because he is a farmer and have no blood offerings. Is that God not happy with Cain's work as farmer because vegetable, flowers, etc he grown has no blood... ? ?

I see why not as long as Cain and Abel are happy with their work as farmer and sheep keeper.

Like what I said before: You make sacrifices for your children because you want to, not because you have to. You doesn't expect anything in return. Correct?

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